Results for 'metaphysica specialis'

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  1.  40
    Heidegger’s Reassessment of Metaphysica Specialis and the Status of Metontological Inquiry in the Late Marburg Period.Pavel Reichl - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (2):265-285.
    _ Source: _Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 265 - 285 This article examines the development of Heidegger’s thought directly following _Being and Time_, a period that is significant both in its own right and in its capacity to shed light on the problems driving Heidegger’s later works. I assess Crowell’s thesis that Heidegger’s aim was to develop a metontology along the lines of a pre-critical _metaphysica specialis_ based on a reassessment of Kant’s transcendental dialectic. I show that such a reading (...)
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    (1 other version)Abgrenzung und grundlegung der metaphysica specialis bei Immanuel Kant.Georg Jánoska - 1965 - Kant Studien 56 (3-4):277-288.
  3. e Backer's Institutiones metaphysicae specialis[REVIEW]Joseph Louis Perrier - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy 6 (14):383.
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    Die Gliederung der Metaphysik in eine Metaphysica generalis und eine Metaphysica specialis.Ernst Vollrath - 1962 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 16 (2):258 - 284.
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    „Partes Metaphysicae sunt duae: Deus & Mentes.“ Anmerkungen zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der Psychologie als Metaphysica specialis zwischen Rudolph Goclenius und Christian Wolff.Gideon Stiening - 2004 - In Oliver-Pierre Rudolph & Jean-François Goubet (eds.), Die Psychologie Christian Wolffs: Systematische und historische Untersuchungen. De Gruyter. pp. 207-226.
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    L’herméneutique métaphysique entre metaphysica generalis et metaphysica specialis.Guillaume St-Laurent - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (2):371-378.
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  7. Rob. Baronii, Theologi Ac Philosophi Celeberrimi, Metaphysica Generalis. Accedunt Nunc Primum Quæsupererant Ex Parte Speciali. Omnia Ad Vsum Theologia Accommodata. Opus Postumum. Ex Muséo Antonii Clementii Zirizæ.Robert Baron, Roger Daniel, Thomas Robinson, Richard Davis & Anthony Clement - 1669 - Ex Officina R. Danielis, & Væeunt Apud Th. Robinson & Ri. Davis Bibliopolas Oxonienses.
  8.  55
    Auf dem Wege zu einer Metaphysik der Freiheit: Kants Idee der Vollendung der Kopernikanischen Wende im Experiment der Vernunft mit sich selbst.Claudia Bickmann - 1995 - Kant Studien 86 (3):321-330.
    "On the Way to a Metaphysics of Freedom: Kant's Idea to accomplish the Kopernicanic Shift by the Experiment of the Reason with itself." 1) Kant's Kopernicanic shift is read as an attempt to solve a main problem of the rationalistic tradition on metaphysics (Leibniz-Wolff; Spinoza): Adopting a method developed in analogy to the successful revolutions within the mathematical and the natural sciences, he tries to find a criterion for an uncontradictional concept of a future metaphysics. We analyze his method, goals (...)
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    El concepto de especie intencional en Suárez: su proyección en la Filosofía de la Escuela Alemana y en algunas corrientes de la Filosofía contemporánea.Alba Jiménez Rodríguez - 2017 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 51:129-142.
    El presente artículo tiene como objeto evaluar las claves de interpretación que el concepto de especie intencional en Suárez pueda proporcionar tanto para comprender algunas transformaciones esenciales acaecidas en la Schulphilosophie alemana como en los orígenes de ciertas lecturas de orientación fenomenológica. Se propone así la tesis de que la transformación de la metafísica en una ontología específicamente moderna, no sólo aparece vinculada a los hechos fundamentales de la emergencia de una nueva dimensión de la posibilidad y a la reducción (...)
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    Sein, Logos Und Veränderung: Eine Systematische Untersuchung Zu Aristoteles’ Metaphysik.Xin Liu - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet eine einheitliche und systematische Interpretation zu Aristoteles’ Metaphysik. Die Autorin fasst diese als Substanz- bzw. Prinzipienlehre auf und überwindet somit die islamisch-scholastische Entzweiung von metaphysica generalis und metaphysica specialis. Dabei wird der Chiasmus als wichtige Einteilungsmethode wiederentdeckt und Aristoteles’ Proportionalitätsanalogie von Thomas’Attributionsanalogie klar unterschieden.
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  11.  44
    La donation, dispense du monde.Jean-Luc Marion - 2013 - Philosophie 118 (3):78-90.
    On ne sera pas surpris que le monde, que l’idée même de monde reste aporétique. Non seulement parce que, comme l’un des objets de la metaphysica specialis, il puisse entrer dans la même crise que la métaphysique tout entière, mais aussi parce qu’en particulier, de tous ces objets, le monde paraît le plus irréductible à une idée, encore plus à une idée. D’emblée, le monde hésite entre deux...
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  12. Gott, Freiheit und Unsterblichkeit. Drei Postulate der Unvernunft?Olaf Müller - 2010 - In Martin Grajner & Adolf Rami (eds.), Wahrheit, Bedeutung, Existenz. Ontos. pp. 279-315.
    Wenn überhaupt in einem Gebiet Wahrheit und Existenz unabhängig von unseren Erkenntnisfähigkeiten sind, dann in der Metaphysik – etwa bei der Frage, ob es Gott gibt oder eine Seele, die unseren Tod überdauert. Die metaphysica specialis schreit geradezu nach metaphysischem Realismus und dem zugehörigen Wahrheitsbegriff. Von diesem Ausgangspunkt gerät man allerdings schnell in Verlegenheit, wenn man fragt: Nach welchen Kriterien sollen wir uns richten, wenn wir uns über Gott oder Unsterblichkeit ein Urteil bilden wollen? Mit den Mitteln der (...)
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  13.  43
    Where Do All These Ideas Come From? Kant on the Formation of Concepts Under the Guidance of Pure Reason.Stefan Klingner - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):510-531.
    It is not just rationalist metaphysics, but also Kant’s transcendental philosophy that is teeming with a priori concepts. According to Kant, some of these a priori concepts are “ideas,” and similar to the categories, some of these ideas in turn belong to the nature of human reason, while others can be derived from them. It is therefore part of Kant’s claim in the “Transcendental Dialectic” to be able to explain not only the leading ideas of rational psychology, cosmology, and theology (...)
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  14. Spielend in die Metaphysik.Olaf L. Müller - 2014 - In Stefan Berg & Hartmut von Sass (eds.), Spielzüge. Zur Dialektik des Spiels und seinem metaphorischen Mehrwert. Alber. pp. 298-336.
    Sprachliche Ausdrücke, mit deren Hilfe wir Spiele beschreiben und vorantreiben, sind in ihrer Verwendungsweise so vielfältig wie kaum irgendwelche anderen Ausdrücke. Und sie haben eine Eigenschaft, die man mit dem Thema Spiel eher nicht in Verbindung bringen würde: Sie eignen sich dazu, auf substantive Weise Metaphysik zu treiben oder wieder ingangzubringen. Diese Art der Starthilfe hat die jahrtausendealte Metaphysik (metaphysica specialis) neuerdings nötig. Seit knapp hundert Jahren steht sie im Verdacht, auf nichts besseres hinauszulaufen als leeres, unverständliches Wortgeklingel. (...)
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  15.  26
    Sentidos de metafísica na filosofia crítica de Kant.Diego Kosbiau Trevisan - 2014 - Studia Kantiana 17:104-125.
    O artigo tem por objetivo contribuir para a já antiga discussão sobre a relação de Kant com a metafísica expondo os diversos sentidos que esta disciplina assume na filosofia crítica. Orientada por um interesse sistemático e tendo por base o capítulo sobre a Arquitetônica da Razão Pura da Crítica da razão pura, a presente investigação procura esclarecer a reformulação por que passam na filosofia crítica kantiana as disciplinas tradicionais da metafísica racionalista, mais precisamente a metaphysica generalis e a (...) specialis, reconfiguradas em uma analítica do entendimento e em uma fisiologia da razão, respectivamente, e ancoradas no projeto propriamente kantiano de uma Metafísica dos Costumes e uma Metafísica da Natureza. (shrink)
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  16.  43
    Johannes Volkelt a problem metafizyki.Tomasz Kubalica - 2012 - Estetyka I Krytyka 26 (4):27-50.
    The aim of the paper is a historical analysis and evaluate of the metaphysic of Neo-Kantian philosopher Johannes Volkelt and of Postneo-Kantian Martin Heidegger. Heidegger's approach to Kant's critique of pure reason (transcendental philosophy) as the foundation of metaphysics is not new and it had a major precursor in the metaphysical Neo-Kantianism. In the Neo-Kantianism was taken inside the question of the possibility of metaphysics, not only as metaphysica specialis, but also as the ontology (metaphysica generalis).
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  17.  48
    A Deflationary Approach to Hegel’s Metaphysics.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2016 - In Allegra De Laurentiis (ed.), Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 27-42.
    The paper outlines a deflationary interpretation of Hegel’s metaphysics, as presented in the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. It focuses mainly on the Science of Logic as a theory of categories, which explores the movement of the Concept. The major idea is to read Hegel’s identification of logic and metaphysics as a thesis on deflating metaphysics into logic and semantics. Hegel’s metaphysics, which may better be called logico-metaphysics, does not describe the objective world directly. Rather, as a second-order theory, it (...)
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  18.  15
    Aristoteles’ allgemeine und spezielle Metaphysik. [REVIEW]O. J. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):414-416.
    In accord with its title this book focuses on the controverted object of Aristotelian metaphysics, under the formula of metaphysica generalis vis-à-vis a metaphysica specialis. It approaches the topic in the Wolffian setting standardized by Natorp, in which theological philosophy is a "regional" study without the universality required for a science of being qua being. Merlan insisted that there never had been a metaphysica generalis in Aristotle. Brinkmann concludes very differently that here Aristotle remained unclear and (...)
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  19.  59
    Hegels Kritik an Kants theoretischer Philosophie. [REVIEW]Philip Clayton - 1992 - The Owl of Minerva 24 (1):83-87.
    It is good to spot young German philosophers working unapologetically in the tradition of Hegel, when it is done as well as this; such spottings are rarer on this side of the Atlantic. In this monograph, based on his dissertation written under Béla Weissmahr at the Jesuit Hochschule für Philosophie in München, Burkhardt examines Hegel’s critique of Kant’s theoretical philosophy, focussing on the three themes of traditional metaphysica specialis: the world, the self, and God; or, in Kant’s critique, (...)
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  20.  38
    Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. [REVIEW]C. N. R. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):395-395.
    Heidegger's book is both Kant's good fortune and ours; as a philosopher, Heidegger's treatment is guided by the thesis that ontology is founded on transcendental philosophy, and that it is prior to metaphysica specialis, i.e., cosmology, psychology, and theology. As a scholar, Heidegger finely dissects the Transcendental Analytic, arguing that man's finitude consists in the required cooperation of sensibility and understanding, both of which stem, as Kant intimated, from imagination; and time is of the essence of imagination. Heidegger's (...)
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  21.  9
    Philosophia vetus et nova.Jean-Baptiste Du Hamel - 1682 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean Ecole.
    t. 1. Logica, metaphysica, philosophia moralis -- t. 2. Physica generalis et specialis tripartita.
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  22.  52
    The Modal Argument for the Soul / Body Dualism.Ľuboš Rojka - 2016 - Studia Neoaristotelica 13 (1):45-70.
    The modal argument for the existence of a Cartesian human soul proposed by Richard Swinburne more than thirty years ago, if slightly adjusted and interpreted correctly, becomes a plausible argument for anyone who accepts modal arguments. The difficulty consists in a relatively weak justification of the second premise, of the real possibility of a disembodied existence, as a result of which the argument does not provide a real proof. The argument is best understood in the following terms: Special divine action (...)
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  23.  16
    Metaphysicae systema methodicum: libris quinque per theoremata et problemata selcta concinnatum.Clemens Timpler - 2018 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag. Edited by Alexander Aichele.
    Das Werk "Metaphysicae systema methodicum" des Steinfurter Gymnasialprofessors Clemens Timpler (1563/64-1618) war, als es 1604 erstmals erschien, das erste Lehrbuch der Metaphysik aus protestantischer Feder und schon damit vor allem in Form und Stil, aber auch dem Inhalt nach wegweisend für die gesamte deutsche Schulphilosophie. Fest verwurzelt in der Tradition des Aristoteles und seiner thomistischen Auslegung und in stetem Bezug auf Suarez' seinerzeit gerade erschienene "Disputationes metaphysicae", entwickelt Timpler eine Lehre von erstaunlicher Eigenständigkeit, die akademisch umfassend rezipiert und intensiv diskutiert (...)
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  24.  13
    Missa specialis. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der Privatmessen.Arnold Angenendt - 1983 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 17 (1):153-221.
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  25. Physica specialis et curiosa.Francisco Javier Trias & J. S. - 2006 - In Manuel Domínguez Miranda, Erika Tanacs, Germán Marquínez Argote, Rey Fajardo & José del (eds.), Biblioteca Virtual Del Pensamiento Filosofico En Colombia. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Pensar.
  26.  24
    Aristotle Metaphysica.Werner Jaeger (ed.) - 1957 - Clarendon Press.
    The Oxford Classical Texts, or Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, are renowned for their reliability and presentation. The series consists of a text without commentary but with a brief apparatus criticus at the foot of each page. There are now over 100 volumes, representing the greater part of classical Greek and Latin literature.
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  27.  53
    Metaphysica Valeriani Magni.Tomáš Nejeschleba - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):361-383.
    The paper deals with the metaphysics of Valerian Magni, a seventeenth-century Capuchin thinker and Church politician. It follows Stanislav Sousedik’s and Paul Richard Blum’s interpretations of Magni’s thought and aims to systematize Magni’s metaphysical notions and present their gradual development. The paper first focuses on Magni’s critique of Aristotelianism, which the Capuchin regards as an atheistic philosophy due to incorrect conceptions of God and the world. Then, Magni’s attempt to create a metaphysical system in his late work Opus philosophicum in (...)
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  28.  4
    Metaphysica.Cornelio Fabro - 2022 - Segni (RM): ED.IVI. Edited by Elvio Celestino Fontana.
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    Metaphysica: cosmologia, ontologia e teodicea: una prospettiva tomista.Dario Sessa - 2023 - Roma: Angelicum University Press, Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d'Aquino.
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  30.  45
    Mechanizing principia logico-metaphysica in functional type theory.Daniel Kirchner, Christoph Benzmüller & Edward N. Zalta - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-13.
    Principia Logico-Metaphysica contains a foundational logical theory for metaphysics, mathematics, and the sciences. It includes a canonical development of Abstract Object Theory [AOT], a metaphysical theory that distinguishes between ordinary and abstract objects. This article reports on recent work in which AOT has been successfully represented and partly automated in the proof assistant system Isabelle/HOL. Initial experiments within this framework reveal a crucial but overlooked fact: a deeply-rooted and known paradox is reintroduced in AOT when the logic of complex (...)
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  31.  33
    (1 other version)Institutiones Metaphysicae Generalis.F. P. Descoqs - 1927 - New Scholasticism 1 (4):388-388.
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    Minima metaphysica: il divino e l'ordine del mondo.Massimo Marassi & Roberto Radice (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: VP, Vita e pensiero.
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  33.  16
    The Metaphysica of Avicenna (Ibn Sínā): A Critical Translation-Commentary and Analysis of the Fundamental Arguments in Avicenna's Metaphysica in the Dānish Nāma-I ʻalāʼi.Parviz Morewedge - 1973 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Edited by Avicenna.
  34.  16
    Opera metaphysica et mystica.Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash Suhrawardī - 1945 - İstanbul,: Maarif Matbaası. Edited by Corbin, Henry & [From Old Catalog].
  35.  11
    Metaphysica.Werner Jaeger (ed.) - 1957 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Oxford Classical Texts, or Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, are renowned for their reliability and presentation. The series consists of a text without commentary but with a brief apparatus criticus at the foot of each page. There are now over 100 volumes, representing the greater part of classical Greek and Latin literature.
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  36. Summa metaphysicae ad mentem sancti Thomae: Essays in Honor of John F. Wippel.Therese Cory & Gregory T. Doolan (eds.) - 2024 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    This volume is a tribute to Fr. John F. Wippel. Following the philosophical order that Aquinas might have adopted "had he chosen to write a Summa metaphysicae"—an order that Wippel himself lays out in his Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas—these essays unfold new research on some of the most intriguing topics in Aquinas’s metaphysics, from the most recent generation of scholars formed by Wippel’s pioneering work. -/- The contributors address the discovery of being qua being via separation (Gregory T. Doolan), (...)
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  37. Opera Metaphysica Et Mystica. Edidit Et Prolegomenis Instruxit Henricus Corbin.Yahya Ibn Habash Al-Suhrawardi & Henry Corbin - 1945 - Maarif Matbaasi.
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  38. 'Metaphysica secundum ethymon nominis dicitur scientia transcendens'. On the Etymology of 'Metaphysica'in the Scotist Tradition.Claus A. Andersen - 2009 - Medioevo 34:61-104.
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  39.  15
    Institutiones metaphysicae: quas in usum auditorum philosophiae elucubratus est.Nikolaus Burkhäuser - 1771 - New York: G. Olms.
    Pars 1. De ente, sive ontologia -- Pars 2. De anima, sive psychologia -- Pars 3. De Deo, sive theologia naturalis.
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  40.  26
    «Metaphysica V 7»: Diverse Soluzioni Esegetiche A Confronto.Anna Marmodoro - 2001 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 12:1-59.
    L'A. offre l'analisi del libro D della Metafisica mettendo a confronto l'impostazione esegetica dei commentatori moderni con quelli medievali, in particolare è presa in esame la Lectura super librum Metaphysicorum di Paolo Veneto tradita dai mss. Pavia, BU, Aldini 324 e Casale Monferrato, Seminario Vescovile, I.a.3-6. Dopo aver analizzato le due principali linee interpretative della nozione di Essere negli esegeti moderni e la molteplicità dei suoi significati nel corpus aristotelico, l'A. passa ad esaminare in maniera specifica la soluzione interpretativa proposta (...)
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  41. Metaphysica.Johannes Arnold Jozef Peters - 1967 - Utrecht,: Het Spectrum.
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  42.  9
    Exemplaris metaphysica.Johann Scharf - 1625 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Robert Theis.
  43.  8
    Principia metaphysica: la valeur ontologique et la complétude de l'Être.Paul-Emmanuel Stradda - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    On ne peut parler de "métaphysique" que dans la mesure où elle correspond à cette idée que l'homme ne se suffit pas à lui-même, qu'il dépend de principes qui le dépassent. Cet ouvrage est une tentative visant à fonder l'idée de totalité sur les trois grandes réalités fondamentales que sont l'Etre, Dieu et l'Homme. La métaphysique n'a de sens qu'au sein du Tout : sans totalité, parler de métaphysique n'a plus de sens.
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  44.  11
    Summula metaphysicae.Allan B. Wolter - 1958 - Milwaukee,: Bruce Pub. Co..
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  45. Metaphysica.W. D. Aristotle & Ross - 1908 - Clarendon Press.
  46. Psychologia Metaphysica.Paul Siwek - 1956
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  47. Metaphysica.Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten - 1963 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms.
  48. Metaphysica Generalis.Auctore Gerardo Esser - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:98.
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  49. (1 other version)Metaphysica generalis in usum scholarum.Gerard Esser - 1933 - Techny, Ill.,: typis Domus missionum ad St. Mariam.
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    The Metaphysica of Avicenna (ibn Sina). A Critical translation-commentary and analysis of the fundamental arguments in Avicenna’s Metaphysics.Seamus Gillespie - 1974 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 23:321-323.
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