Results for 'mind‐body effects'

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  1.  34
    Effects of Chinese Mind-Body Exercises on Executive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Fei-Fei Ren, Feng-Tzu Chen, Wen-Sheng Zhou, Yu-Min Cho, Tsung-Jung Ho, Tsung-Min Hung & Yu-Kai Chang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chinese mind-body exercises are positively associated with executive function, but their effects on EF, from synthesized evidence using systematic and meta-analytic reviews, have not been conducted. Therefore, the present systematic review with meta-analysis attempted to determine whether CMBEs affect EF and its sub-domains, as well as how exercise, sample, and study characteristics moderate the causal relationship between CMBEs and EF in middle-aged and older adults. Seven electronic databases were searched for relevant studies published from the inception of each database (...)
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  2. Mind-body identity, privacy, and categories.Richard Rorty - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):24-54.
    CURRENT CONTROVERSIES about the Mind-Body Identity Theory form a case-study for the investigation of the methods practiced by linguistic philosophers. Recent criticisms of these methods question that philosophers can discern lines of demarcation between "categories" of entities, and thereby diagnose "conceptual confusions" in "reductionist" philosophical theories. Such doubts arise once we see that it is very difficult, and perhaps impossible, to draw a firm line between the "conceptual" and the "empirical," and thus to differentiate between a statement embodying a conceptual (...)
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  3.  31
    Discussion on the Characteristics of Archaeological Knowledge. A Romanian Exploratory Case-Study.George Bodi - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (3):373-381.
    As study of knowledge, epistemology attempts at identifying its necessary and sufficient conditions and defining its sources, structure and limits. From this pointof view, until present, there are no applied approaches to the Romanian archaeology. Consequently, my present paper presents an attempt to explore the structural characteristics of the knowledge creation process through the analysis of the results of a series of interviews conducted on Romanian archaeologists. The interviews followed a qualitative approach built upon a semi-structured frame. Apparent data saturation (...)
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  4. Solution to the Mind-Body Relation Problem: Information.Florin Gaiseanu - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (1):42-55.
    In this paper it is analyzed from the informational perspective the relation between mind and body, an ancient philosophic issue defined as a problem, which still did not receive up to date an adequate solution. By introducing/using the concept of information, it is shown that this concept includes two facets, one of them referring to the common communications and another one referring to a hidden/structuring matter-related information, effectively acting in the human body and in the living systems, which determines the (...)
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  5.  22
    Effects of Intention; Energy Healing and Mind-Body States on Biophoton Emission.Beverly Rubik & Jabs - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):227-247.
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    The mind-body dualism in Descartes and its implications in the contemporary scientific debate.André Campos da Rocha & T. C. Barreira - 2022 - Revista Coletânea 21 (42).
    One of Descartes’ greatest contributions to modern thought lies in his dualistic conception of mind and body. While the physical body in Descartes assumes a passive role in the ontological structure of reality, subject to mechanistic laws, the mind in Descartes, on the other hand, assumes an active role, as an organizing axis and producer of values and ideas, exercising a rational dominion over reality. physical reality. This dualistic Cartesian conception would generate important effects on the problem of mind-body (...)
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  7.  32
    Beyond Mind– Body Dualism: Pluralistic Concepts of the Soul in Mongolian Shamanistic Traditions.Ede Frecska, Ágnes Birtalan & Michael Winkelman - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5):177-190.
    Soul belief is a universal of human culture and belief in multiple souls is common, especially in pre-modern traditions. This essay illustrates how a three-folded structure appears in the soul concepts of Mongolian shamanistic traditions. The reported accounts of the three souls among various Mongolian ethnic groups are somewhat divergent — especially in their consciousness-related attributes — which may reflect the cultural bias of data collectors, inconsistencies between data providers, and the evolution of these concepts due to historical events, socio-economic (...)
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    Evolutionary arguments and the mind-body problem.Joseph Corabi - unknown
    Imagine slicing your hand with a steak knife. Inevitably, this leads to a characteristic unpleasant sensation, and just as reliably, to a withdrawal of the wounded limb. But can this rather mundane fact--and other similar facts--shed any light on the mind-body problem or the issue of the role of experience in causing behavior? In my dissertation, I explore this issue head on, and in the process clarify and criticize the arguments of philosophers who have given an affirmative answer to this (...)
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  9.  25
    Mind–Body Exercises for PTSD Symptoms, Depression, and Anxiety in Patients With PTSD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Lin Zhu, Long Li, Xiao-zhi Li & Lin Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectivesThis study aims to systematically analyze the effects of mind–body exercises on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, depression, and anxiety in patients with PTSD. Furthermore, it intends to provide scientific evidence-based exercise prescriptions.MethodsChinese and English databases were used as data sources to search for studies on the effects of mind–body exercises on symptoms associated with patients with PTSD from January 1980 to November 2020. After a rigorous screening, 16 eligible randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis.ResultsMind–body exercises exerted (...)
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  10.  42
    Fostering mind-body synchronization and trance using fractal video.Kathleen Eagan-Deprez & Reginald Humphreys - 2005 - Technoetic Arts 3 (2):93-104.
    Innovations in fractal creation procedures allow for a new style of fractal art and video, with enhanced aesthetics and other emergent properties. Biosynchronously timed fractal video can facilitate focusing of attention, and when paired with music, creates an audiovisual stimulus that can facilitate certain trance phenomena. Maximization of these effects can foster a state of mind-body synchronization, a trance-like state similar to hypnosis, referred to as the fractal-viewing trance (FVT). The fractal-viewing trance has potential use as an analogue of (...)
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  11.  19
    Arguably, therefore, nonreductive materialism can respond effectively to the most serious arguments made against it over the last forty years, and as a result, it remains a viable position about the nature of the mental. See also Functionalism; Mind-Body Problem; Multiple.Derk Pereboom - 1999 - Philosophical Studies 95:67-98.
  12. (1 other version)Conceiving the impossible and the mind-body problem.Thomas Nagel - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (285):337-52.
    Intuitions based on the first-person perspective can easily mislead us about what is and is not conceivable.1 This point is usually made in support of familiar reductionist positions on the mind-body problem, but I believe it can be detached from that approach. It seems to me that the powerful appearance of contingency in the relation between the functioning of the physical organism and the conscious mind -- an appearance that depends directly or indirectly on the first- person perspective -- must (...)
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  13.  13
    The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics: cartesian linguístics, the mind-body problem und pragmatic evolution.Joseph W. Dauben - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:125-138.
  14.  40
    Yoga, Meditation and Mind-Body Health: Increased BDNF, Cortisol Awakening Response, and Altered Inflammatory Marker Expression after a 3-Month Yoga and Meditation Retreat.B. Rael Cahn, Matthew S. Goodman, Christine T. Peterson, Raj Maturi & Paul J. Mills - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:229690.
    Thirty-eight individuals (mean age: 34.8 years old) participating in a 3-month yoga and meditation retreat were assessed before and after the intervention for psychometric measures, brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), circadian salivary cortisol levels, and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Participation in the retreat was found to be associated with decreases in self-reported anxiety and depression as well as increases in mindfulness. As hypothesized, increases in the plasma levels of BDNF and increases in the magnitude of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) (...)
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  15.  80
    Mind–Body, Causation and Correlation.Cornelius L. Golightly - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (3):225-227.
    Contemporary organismic and bio-social accounts of human behavior consider physical and psychological concepts as alternative or complementary linguistic descriptions of the same subject matter. The notion of complementarity is an important part of the organismic physicalistic synthesis which replaces the old duels between mechanism and vitalism, between physiology and psychology. The concept of complementarity comes from Bohr's solution for the difficulty of reconciling classical mechanics with quantum mechanics. He suggested that they are parallel and complementary rather than contradictory ways of (...)
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  16.  82
    «Know thyself» : mind, body and ethics. Japanese archery (Kyudo) and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.Diana Soeiro - 2011 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 47:199-210.
    This article aims to describe the mind/ body problem from an Eastern philosophy point of view addressing firstly Kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery; and secondly the Western philosopher Gilles Deleuze. Ethics is, in Western philosophy, what deals with the way we take decisions and act upon them. Decisions and actions consider rationality and intuition but seldom the body’s own rationality and intuition —which Kyudo exercises. We can find in Deleuze’s philosophy important concepts to better understand this: difference, repetition, (...)
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  17.  34
    Solving Mind-Body Issues Requires Combining Philosophical Reflection and Empirical Research.Marja-Liisa Kakkuri-Knuuttila - 2023 - Journal of Neurophilosophy 2 (1).
    This paper argues that to progress with philosophical issues concerning brain-mind relations one needs to combine philosophical reflection and empirical research with theoretical model building. Philosophy and abstract theorizing alone do not carry us far, as will be illustrated by analyzing the views about panpsychism by the quantum physicist David Bohm, who builds his reasoning on quantum mechanical analogies. His reflection around the notion of active information, adopted in his causal interpretation of quantum mechanics to replace the Newtonian notion of (...)
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  18. Is the mind-body interface microscopic?Otto E. Rössler & Reimara Rössler - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (2).
    This paper puts forward the hypothesis that consciousness might be linked to matter in a way which is more sophisticated than the traditional macroscopic Cartesian hypothesis suggests.Advances in the biophysics of the nervous system, not only on the level of its macroscopic functioning but also on the level of individual ion channels, have made the question of how finely consciousness is tied to matter and its dynamics more important. Quantum mechanics limits the attainable resolution and puts into doubt the idea (...)
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  19.  60
    The problem of mind-body interaction and the causal principle of Descartes’s Third Meditation.Dmytro Sepetyi - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):28-43.
    The article analyses recent English publications in Cartesian studies that deal with two problems: (1) the problem of the intrinsic coherence of Descartes’s doctrine of the real distinction and interaction between mind and body and (2) the problem of the consistency of this doctrine with the causal principle formulated in the Third Meditation. The principle at issue is alternatively interpreted by different Cartesian scholars either as the Hierarchy Principle, that the cause should be at least as perfect as its (...), or the Containment Principle, that the cause should contain all there is in its effects. The author argues that Descartes’s claim (in his argument against the scholastic doctrine of substantial forms) that it is inconceivable how things of different natures can interact does not conflict with the acknowledgement of interaction between things of different natures in the case of soul and body. The case is made that Cartesian mind-body interaction can agree with both the Hierarchy Principle and the Containment Principle, because the Principle is about total and efficient cause, whereas in the interaction, mental and brain states are only partial (and plausibly, in the case of brains states, occasional) causes. In particular, in the case of the causality in the brain-to-mind direction, the mind is conditioned by brain states to form the corresponding specific ideas on the basis of its innate general ideas of movements, forms, colours, etc. Eventually, for Descartes, the most natural way to deal with worries about the possibility of mind-brain interaction is to rely on God’s omnipotence, which certainly enables Him to arrange for such interaction. (shrink)
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  20. (1 other version)Superproportionality and mind-body relations.Stephen Yablo - 2001 - Theoria 16 (40):65-75.
    Mental causes are threatened from two directions: from below, since they would appear to be screened off by lower-order, e.g., neural states; and from within, since they would also appear to be screened off by intrinsic, e.g., syntactical states. A principle needed to parry the first threat -causes should be proportional to their effects- appears to leave us open to the second; for why should unneeded extrinsic detail be any less offensive to proportionality than excess microstructure? I say that (...)
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  21. The body keeps the score: approaches to the psychobiology of posttraumatic stress disorder. In van der Kolk BA, McFarlane AC, Weisaeth L (eds), Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind.B. van der Kolk - forthcoming - Body, and Society. New York: The Guilford Press.
  22. Parapsychology and the mind-body problem.John Beloff - 1987 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 30 (September):215-25.
    The paper argues that there are effectively only two tenable theories of the mind?brain relationship: ?epiphenomenalism? and ?radical dualism? (interactionism). So long as account is taken only of the conventional sciences, the odds are heavily stacked in favour of epiphenomenalism. However, once the findings of parapsychology are admitted to consideration, a very different situation obtains. It is here argued that parapsychology only makes sense within a dualist metaphysic.
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  23.  28
    The Mind-Body Problem. [REVIEW]John J. Furlong - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (3):694-695.
    In the preface of his book Bunge states that his aim is to transform into a coherent, integral theory, compatible with the most recent findings in neurophysiology and psychology, the much discussed but elusive thesis that the mind is a set of brain activities. The first three chapters set up the theoretical machinery through which, in the rest of the book, the author will guide the familiar themes of sensation and perception, behavior and motivation, memory and learning, thinking and knowing, (...)
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  24.  46
    Pedagogical tools to explore Cartesian mind-body dualism in the classroom: philosophical arguments and neuroscience illusions.Scott Hamilton & Trevor J. Hamilton - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148123.
    A fundamental discussion in lower-level undergraduate neuroscience and psychology courses is Descartes’s “radical” or “mind-body” dualism. According to Descartes, our thinking mind, the res cogitans, is separate from the body as physical matter or substance, the res extensa. Since the transmission of sensory stimuli from the body to the mind is a physical capacity shared with animals, it can be confused, misled, or uncertain (e.g., bodily senses imply that ice and water are different substances). True certainty thus arises from within (...)
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  25.  13
    Your body knows the answer: using your felt sense to solve problems, effect change, and liberate creativity.David I. Rome - 2014 - Boston: Shambhala.
    A manual for Mindful Focusing—a new integration of Western psychology and Buddhist mindfulness techniques for accessing your inherent wisdom and solving life’s problems Ever come up against one of those moments when life requires a response—and you feel clueless? We all have. But there’s good news: you have all the wisdom you need to respond to any situation, even the “impossible” ones. It’s a matter of tuning in to your felt sense: that subtle physical sensation that lives somewhere between your (...)
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  26.  44
    An Experiential Education Approach to Teaching the Mind-Body Problem.Alexandru Manafu - 2021 - Teaching Philosophy 44 (1):11-27.
    This article shows how the mind-body problem can be taught effectively via an experiential learning activity involving a couple of classroom props: a brick and a jar of ground coffee. By experiencing the physical properties of the brick and contrasting them with the olfactory experience of coffee, students are introduced in a vivid way to the well-known difficulty of explaining the mental in physical terms. A brief overview of experiential learning theory and its connection to philosophy is also provided.
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  27.  74
    Forming the mind: Essays on the internal senses and the mind/body problem from avicenna to the medical enlightenment (review).Kevin White - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):pp. 137-138.
    This collection grew out of a conference held in Uppsala in 2002, at which an international group of scholars met to discuss several texts from between 1100 and 1700 dealing with questions of philosophical psychology. The conference was motivated by the thesis that the history of philosophy in these six centuries should not be divided into a medieval and a modern period, but rather seen as a continuous tradition .Henrik Lagerlund’s introduction traces the origin of issues in contemporary philosophy of (...)
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  28. New theory of placebos reframes mind-body problem.Dien Ho - 2024 - Institute of Arts and Ideas.
    The placebo effect has puzzled scientists for centuries. Philosopher Dien Ho argues that we now know how it works, and that this should transform our understanding of the relationship between mind and body. We must stop thinking of improvements in health due to placebo as somehow less real than those due to other medicines: there can no longer be a clean distinction between ill-health that’s “all in the head” and ill-health that involves a malfunctioning body. Ho argues that our improved (...)
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  29.  29
    The Effectiveness of a Body-Affective Mindfulness Intervention for Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Depressive Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.Sara Carletto, Valentina Tesio, Martina Borghi, Diana Francone, Francesco Scavelli, Gabriella Bertino, Simona Malucchi, Antonio Bertolotto, Francesco Oliva, Riccardo Torta & Luca Ostacoli - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  30. Minding the body: the placebo effect unmasked.Daniel E. Moerman - 1992 - In Maxine Sheets-Johnstone, Giving the Body Its Due. SUNY Press. pp. 69--84.
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  31.  21
    Short-term effect of internet-delivered mindfulness-based stress reduction on mental health, self-efficacy, and body image among women with breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic.Yun-Chen Chang, Chang-Fang Chiu, Chih-Kai Wang, Chen-Teng Wu, Liang-Chih Liu & Yao-Chung Wu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Background and aimDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, an Internet-Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program was delivered and may be better than an in-person approach. Our study evaluated the effects of iMBSR intervention on mental health, self-efficacy, and body image in women with breast cancer in Taiwan.Materials and methodsSixty-seven women with breast cancer were allocated to a 6-week iMBSR program or a waitlist control group, without heterogeneity between group characteristics. Patients from both groups were measured at baseline and postintervention using three scales: Depression, (...)
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  32. A Phenomenology of the 'Placebo Effect': Taking Meaning from the Mind to the Body.O. Frenkel - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (1):58-79.
    Most mainstream attempts to understand the “placebo effect” invoke expectancy theory, arguing that expecting certain outcomes from a treatment or intervention can manifest those outcomes. Expectancy theory is incompatible with the phenomena of placebo responses, more appropriately named “meaning responses.” The expectancy account utilizes reflexive consciousness to connect a world of conceptual representations to mechanical physiology. An alternative account based upon Merleau-Ponty's motor intentionality argues that the body understands and is capable of responding to meanings without the need for any (...)
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  33.  17
    Disabled Body‐Minds in Hostile Environments: Disrupting an Ableist Cartesian Sociotechnical Imagination with Enactive Embodied Cognition and Critical Disability Studies.Janna van Grunsven - forthcoming - Topoi:1-11.
    A growing body of literature in the field of embodied situated cognition is drawing attention to the hostile ways in which our environments can be constructed, with detrimental effects on people’s ability to flourish as environmentally situated beings. This paper contributes to this body of research, focusing on a specific area of concern. Specifically, I argue that a very particular problematic quasi-Cartesian picture of the human body, the human mind, what it means for these to function well, and the (...)
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  34.  21
    (1 other version)How your mind can heal your body.David R. Hamilton - 2008 - London: Hay House.
    An authoritative and accessible book by a qualified scientist, showing incredible proof of the mind-body connection. There is no longer any doubt that the way we think affects our bodies: countless scientific studies have shown this to be true. For former pharmaceutical scientist Dr David Hamilton, the testing of new drugs highlighted how profoundly the mind and body are connected. Time and time again, the control group of patients in drug trials improved at similar rates to those who actually received (...)
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  35.  36
    The Differential Effects of Mindfulness and Distraction on Affect and Body Satisfaction Following Food Consumption.Alice Tsai, Elizabeth K. Hughes, Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Kimberly Buck & Isabel Krug - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  36.  74
    Brain, Body, and Mind: Neuroethics with a Human Face.Walter Glannon - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a discussion of the most timely and contentious issues in the two branches of neuroethics: the neuroscience of ethics; and the ethics of neuroscience. Drawing upon recent work in psychiatry, neurology, and neurosurgery, it develops a phenomenologically inspired theory of neuroscience to explain the brain-mind relation. The idea that the mind is shaped not just by the brain but also by the body and how the human subject interacts with the environment has significant implications for free will, (...)
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  37.  31
    Four Problems of Mind and Body: Celebrating the 80 th Birthday of Max Velmans.John F. Kihlstrom - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (1):87-109.
    Inspired by the 'reflexive monism' of Max Velmans, this paper considers four problems of mind and body. (1) The traditional mind–body problem, including the 'easy' problem of identifying the neural correlates of consciousness, and the 'hard' problem of determining just how neural processes generate conscious states. (2) The distinction between automatic (unconscious) and controlled (conscious) processes, raising the question about the relative roles they play in experience, thought, and action, as well as the question of free will. (3) Psychosomatic (...), including the stress–disease connection, placebo effects, and hypnotic suggestion, in which beliefs appear to have consequences for bodily processes outside the nervous system. (4) Whether mind can exist in the absence of a bodily host, as exemplified by spiritualism and parapsychology. As challenging as the easy and hard problems are, psychology can advance as a science of mental life without ever solving them. (shrink)
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    The effect of mindfulness meditation on time perception.Robin Ss Kramer, Ulrich W. Weger & Dinkar Sharma - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):846-852.
    Research has increasingly focussed on the benefits of meditation in everyday life and performance. Mindfulness in particular improves attention, working memory capacity, and reading comprehension. Given its emphasis on moment-to-moment awareness, we hypothesised that mindfulness meditation would alter time perception. Using a within-subjects design, participants carried out a temporal bisection task, where several probe durations are compared to “short” and “long” standards. Following this, participants either listened to an audiobook or a meditation that focussed on the movement of breath in (...)
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  39. The effect of silent thinking on the cerebral cortex.John C. Eccles - 1987 - In B. Gulyas, The Brain-Mind Problem: Philosophical and Neurophyiological Approaches. Leuven University Press.
    The materialist critics argue that insuperable difficulties are encountered by the hypothesis that immaterial mental events such as thinking can act in any way on material structures such as neurons of the cerebral cortex, as is diagrammed in Fig. 8. Such a presumed action is alleged to be incompatible with the conservation laws of physics, in particular of the First Law of Thermodynamics. This objection would certainly be sustained by 19th century physicists and by neuroscientists and philosophers who are still (...)
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  40.  42
    The Body in Religion: The Spatial Mapping of Valence in Tibetan Practitioners of Bön.Heng Li & Yu Cao - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (4):e12728.
    According to the Body‐Specificity Hypothesis (BSH), people implicitly associate positive ideas with the side of space on which they are able to act more fluently with their dominant hand. Though this hypothesis has been rigorously tested across a variety of populations and tasks, the studies thus far have only been conducted in linguistic and cultural communities which favor the right over the left. Here, we tested the effect of handedness on implicit space‐valence mappings in Tibetan practitioners of Bön who show (...)
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  41.  68
    Bodies of knowledge: Beyond cartesian views of persons, selves and mind.Ian Burkitt - 1998 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 28 (1):63–82.
    In this piece, I argue against the Cartesian trend of seeing persons, selves and mind as something distinct from the body. It is claimed that Descartes realized the importance of the link between body and mind, but never pursued this connection, and this then becomes the aim of the paper. Another effect of Cartesian modes of thinking is to divorce human knowledge from its material contexts, driving a wedge between mind and matter. Some forms of social constructionism appear to fall (...)
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    Awareness of one's body as subject and object.Ingmar Persson - 1999 - Philosophical Explorations 2 (1):70-76.
    This paper rejects Hume's famous claim that we never perceive our selves, by arguing that, under conditions specified, our perception of our bodies is perception of our selves. It takes as its point of departure Quassim Cassam's defence of a position to a similar effect but puts a different interpretation on the distinction between perceiving the body as an object, having spatial attributes, and perceiving it as a self or subject of experiences.
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    Several modalities of the body-mind relationship in traditional chinese philosophy.Xuezhi Zhang - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (3):379-401.
    Ancient Chinese philosophers were inclined to preserve the doctrine of a unified body and mind rather than to engage in a discussion on the separation of the two. In addition, most traditional Chinese philosophers stressing in particular the function of mind. Based on the tradition of believing in the concept of qi, they traced the cause of their spiritual activities to the natural effect of the qi. The modalities display a phenomenological characteristic that looks at mental activities lightly, and examines (...)
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  44. More than a body: Mind perception and the nature of objectification.Kurt Gray, Joshua Knobe, Mark Sheskin, Paul Bloom & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2011 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (6):1207-1220.
    According to models of objectification, viewing someone as a body induces de-mentalization, stripping away their psychological traits. Here evidence is presented for an alternative account, where a body focus does not diminish the attribution of all mental capacities but, instead, leads perceivers to infer a different kind of mind. Drawing on the distinction in mind perception between agency and experience, it is found that focusing on someone's body reduces perceptions of agency but increases perceptions of experience. These effects were (...)
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  45.  19
    Effects of the Brain Wave Modulation Technique Administered Online on Stress, Anxiety, Global Distress, and Affect During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Mauro Cozzolino, Giovanna Celia, Laura Girelli & Pierpaolo Limone - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aims to evaluate the effects of an innovative mind-body practice named the brain wave modulation technique on stress, anxiety, global distress, and affect. The technique was administered online through a web-based video conferencing platform. The intervention started on week four of the first quarantine in Italy, for a duration of 4 weeks and ended before lockdown measures were loosened. 310 people participated in the study, mean age 28.73 years old, 77.8% women. Of these, about half were randomly (...)
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  46. The placebo effect: What's interesting for scholars of religion?Anne Harrington - 2011 - Zygon 46 (2):265-280.
    Abstract. The placebo effect these days is no longer merely the insubstantial, subjective response that some patients have to a sham treatment, like a sugar pill. It has been reconceived as a powerful mind-body phenomenon. Because of this, it has also emerged as a complex reference point in a number of high-stakes conversations about the metaphysical significance of experiences of religious healing, the possible health benefits of being religious, and the feasibility of using double-blind placebo-controlled trials to investigate the efficacy (...)
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  47.  28
    Mindful but forgetful: The negative effect of trait mindfulness on memories of immoral behavior.Scott J. Reynolds, Matt Eliseo, Trevor S. Watkins & Misha Mariam - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (3):389-416.
    Drawing from existing theory and empirical evidence on mindfulness, we posit that trait mindfulness is associated with less accurate memories of immoral conduct. We report three studies that provide evidence of this argument. One significant implication of this finding is that it provides a more balanced and complete view of mindfulness. Specifically, while mindfulness is widely promoted for its positive effects for employee well‐being, mindfulness may inadvertently promote a biased moral self‐perception based on inaccurate memories of one's past immoral (...)
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  48.  53
    Body, Mind and Spirit? Towards an Analysis of the Practice of Yoga.Benjamin Richard Smith - 2007 - Body and Society 13 (2):25-46.
    This article presents an initial analysis of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, a variety of ‘modern postural yoga’. The article theorizes the embodied experience of a¯sana (‘yoga postures’), drawing on ethnographic research with Western practitioners in India and Australia and on the author’s own practice. Building on phenomenological and cultural theories of embodiment, it is suggested that the experience of yoga practitioners has particular somatic foundations, and that this somatic basis helps explain the cross-cultural effectiveness of yoga.
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    Effects of three-dimension movie visual fatigue on cognitive performance and brain activity.Ryota Akagi, Hiroki Sato, Tatsuya Hirayama, Kosuke Hirata, Masahiro Kokubu & Soichi Ando - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:974406.
    To further develop three-dimensional (3D) applications, it is important to elucidate the negative effects of 3D applications on the human body and mind. Thus, this study investigated differences in the effects of visual fatigue on cognition and brain activity using visual and auditory tasks induced by watching a 1-h movie in two dimensions (2D) and 3D. Eighteen young men participated in this study. Two conditions were randomly performed for each participant on different days, namely, watching the 1-h movie (...)
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  50. On effect of mind on matter.David Bakan - 1980 - In Body & Mind: Past, Present And Future. New York: Academic Press.
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