Results for 'monocot'

  1.  46
    Transcription factors regulating the progression of monocot and dicot seed development.Pinky Agarwal, Sanjay Kapoor & Akhilesh K. Tyagi - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (3):189-202.
    Seed development in this paper has been classified into the three landmark stages of cell division, organ initiation and maturation, based on morphological changes, and the available literature. The entire process proceeds at the behest of an interplay of various specific and general transcription factors (TFs). Monocots and dicots utilize overlapping, as well as distinct, TF networks during the process of seed development. The known TFs in rice and Arabidopsis have been chronologically categorized into the three stages. The main regulators (...)
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  2.  40
    Mirrored genome size distributions in monocot and dicot plants.Alexander E. Vinogradov - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (1):43-51.
    The variation in genome size and basic chromosome number was analyzed in the wide range of angiosperm plants. A divergence of monocots vs. dicots (eudicots) genome size distributions was revealed. A similar divergence was found for annual vs. perennial dicots. The divergence of monocots vs. dicots genome size distributions holds at different taxonomic levels and is more pronounced for species with larger genomes. Using nested analysis of variance, it was shown that putative constraints on genome size variation are not only (...)
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