Results for 'o‐minimality'

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  1.  21
    Weakly o-Minimal Expansions of Boolean Algebras.Carlo Toffalori & S. Leonesi - 2001 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47 (2):223-238.
    We propose a definition of weak o-minimality for structures expanding a Boolean algebra. We study this notion, in particular we show that there exist weakly o-minimal non o-minimal examples in this setting.
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    Locally o-Minimal Structures with Tame Topological Properties.Masato Fujita - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):219-241.
    We consider locally o-minimal structures possessing tame topological properties shared by models of DCTC and uniformly locally o-minimal expansions of the second kind of densely linearly ordered abelian groups. We derive basic properties of dimension of a set definable in the structures including the addition property, which is the dimension equality for definable maps whose fibers are equi-dimensional. A decomposition theorem into quasi-special submanifolds is also demonstrated.
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  3. Quasi-o-minimal structures.Oleg Belegradek, Ya'acov Peterzil & Frank Wagner - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1115-1132.
    A structure (M, $ ,...) is called quasi-o-minimal if in any structure elementarily equivalent to it the definable subsets are exactly the Boolean combinations of 0-definable subsets and intervals. We give a series of natural examples of quasi-o-minimal structures which are not o-minimal; one of them is the ordered group of integers. We develop a technique to investigate quasi-o-minimality and use it to study quasi-o-minimal ordered groups (possibly with extra structure). Main results: any quasi-o-minimal ordered group is abelian; any quasi-o-minimal (...)
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  4.  29
    O-minimal de Rham Cohomology.Rodrigo Figueiredo - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):529-529.
    O-minimal geometry generalizes both semialgebraic and subanalytic geometries, and has been very successful in solving special cases of some problems in arithmetic geometry, such as André–Oort conjecture. Among the many tools developed in an o-minimal setting are cohomology theories for abstract-definable continuous manifolds such as singular cohomology, sheaf cohomology and Čech cohomology, which have been used for instance to prove Pillay’s conjecture concerning definably compact groups. In the present thesis we elaborate an o-minimal de Rham cohomology theory for abstract-definable $C^{\infty (...)
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    Groups definable in linear o-minimal structures: the non-compact case.Pantelis E. Eleftheriou - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):208-220.
    Let $\scr{M}=\langle M,+,<,0,S\rangle $ be a linear o-minimal expansion of an ordered group, and $G=\langle G,\oplus ,e_{G}\rangle $ an n-dimensional group definable in $\scr{M}$ . We show that if G is definably connected with respect to the t-topology, then it is definably isomorphic to a definable quotient group U/L, for some convex ${\ssf V}\text{-definable}$ subgroup U of $\langle M^{n},+\rangle $ and a lattice L of rank equal to the dimension of the 'compact part' of G.
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  6.  21
    Weakly o-minimal nonvaluational structures.Roman Wencel - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (3):139-162.
    A weakly o-minimal structure image expanding an ordered group is called nonvaluational iff for every cut left angle bracketC,Dright-pointing angle bracket of definable in image, we have that inf{y−x:xset membership, variantC,yset membership, variantD}=0. The study of nonvaluational weakly o-minimal expansions of real closed fields carried out in [D. Macpherson, D. Marker, C. Steinhorn,Weakly o-minimal structures and real closed fields, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 5435–5483. MR1781273 (2001i:03079] suggests that this class is very close to the class of o-minimal expansions of (...)
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  7.  38
    Locally o-minimal structures and structures with locally o-minimal open core.Antongiulio Fornasiero - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):211-229.
    We study first-order expansions of ordered fields that are definably complete, and moreover either are locally o-minimal, or have a locally o-minimal open core. We give a characterisation of structures with locally o-minimal open core, and we show that dense elementary pairs of locally o-minimal structures have locally o-minimal open core.
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    Sheaf cohomology in o-minimal structures.Mário J. Edmundo, Gareth O. Jones & Nicholas J. Peatfield - 2006 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 6 (2):163-179.
    Here we prove the existence of sheaf cohomology theory in arbitrary o-minimal structures.
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  9. Weakly o-minimal structures and some of their properties.B. Kulpeshov - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (4):1511-1528.
    The main result of this paper is Theorem 3.1 which is a criterion for weak o-minimality of a linearly ordered structure in terms of realizations of 1-types. Here we also prove some other properties of weakly o-minimal structures. In particular, we characterize all weakly o-minimal linear orderings in the signature $\{ . Moreover, we present a criterion for density of isolated types of a weakly o-minimal theory. Lastly, at the end of the paper we present some remarks on the Exchange (...)
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  10.  63
    On o-minimal expansions of archimedean ordered groups.Michael C. Laskowski & Charles Steinhorn - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (3):817-831.
    We study o-minimal expansions of Archimedean totally ordered groups. We first prove that any such expansion must be elementarily embeddable via a unique (provided some nonzero element is 0-definable) elementary embedding into a unique o-minimal expansion of the additive ordered group of real numbers R. We then show that a definable function in an o-minimal expansion of R enjoys good differentiability properties and use this to prove that an Archimedean real closed field is definable in any nonsemilinear expansion of R. (...)
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  11.  64
    Notes on local o‐minimality.Carlo Toffalori & Kathryn Vozoris - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (6):617-632.
    We introduce and study some local versions of o-minimality, requiring that every definable set decomposes as the union of finitely many isolated points and intervals in a suitable neighbourhood of every point. Motivating examples are the expansions of the ordered reals by sine, cosine and other periodic functions.
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  12.  27
    O -minimal Λ m -regular stratification.Andreas Fischer - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 147 (1):101-112.
    Let be an o-minimal structure expanding a real closed field R. We show that any definable set in Rn can be stratified into cells, whose defining functions are smooth Lipschitz continuous functions with constant 2n3/2, which have additional regularity conditions on the derivatives of higher order.
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  13.  70
    Expansions of o-Minimal Structures by Iteration Sequences.Chris Miller & James Tyne - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (1):93-99.
    Let P be the ω-orbit of a point under a unary function definable in an o-minimal expansion ℜ of a densely ordered group. If P is monotonically cofinal in the group, and the compositional iterates of the function are cofinal at +\infty in the unary functions definable in ℜ, then the expansion (ℜ, P) has a number of good properties, in particular, every unary set definable in any elementarily equivalent structure is a disjoint union of open intervals and finitely many (...)
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  14.  41
    O-minimal residue fields of o-minimal fields.Jana Maříková - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):457-464.
    Let R be an o-minimal field with a proper convex subring V. We axiomatize the class of all structures such that , the corresponding residue field with structure induced from R via the residue map, is o-minimal. More precisely, in Maříková [8] it was shown that certain first-order conditions on are sufficient for the o-minimality of . Here we prove that these conditions are also necessary.
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    Weighted o-minimal hybrid systems.Patricia Bouyer, Thomas Brihaye & Fabrice Chevalier - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):268-288.
    We consider weighted o-minimal hybrid systems, which extend classical o-minimal hybrid systems with cost functions. These cost functions are “observer variables” which increase while the system evolves but do not constrain the behaviour of the system. In this paper, we prove two main results: optimal o-minimal hybrid games are decidable; the model-checking of WCTL, an extension of CTL which can constrain the cost variables, is decidable over that model. This has to be compared with the same problems in the framework (...)
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  16.  54
    On dedekind complete o-minimal structures.Anand Pillay & Charles Steinhorn - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (1):156-164.
    For a countable complete o-minimal theory T, we introduce the notion of a sequentially complete model of T. We show that a model M of T is sequentially complete if and only if $\mathscr{M} \prec \mathscr{N}$ for some Dedekind complete model N. We also prove that if T has a Dedekind complete model of power greater than 2 ℵ 0 , then T has Dedekind complete models of arbitrarily large powers. Lastly, we show that a dyadic theory--namely, a theory relative (...)
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  17.  16
    Pseudo-finite sets, pseudo-o-minimality.Nadav Meir - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):577-599.
    We give an example of two ordered structures $\mathcal {M},\mathcal {N}$ in the same language $\mathcal {L}$ with the same universe, the same order and admitting the same one-variable definable subsets such that $\mathcal {M}$ is a model of the common theory of o-minimal $\mathcal {L}$ -structures and $\mathcal {N}$ admits a definable, closed, bounded, and discrete subset and a definable injective self-mapping of that subset which is not surjective. This answers negatively two question by Schoutens; the first being whether (...)
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  18.  18
    Interpretable Sets in Dense o-Minimal Structures.Will Johnson - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (4):1477-1500.
    We give an example of a dense o-minimal structure in which there is a definable quotient that cannot be eliminated, even after naming parameters. Equivalently, there is an interpretable set which cannot be put in parametrically definable bijection with any definable set. This gives a negative answer to a question of Eleftheriou, Peterzil, and Ramakrishnan. Additionally, we show that interpretable sets in dense o-minimal structures admit definable topologies which are “tame” in several ways: (a) they are Hausdorff, (b) every point (...)
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  19.  55
    O-Minimal Spectra, Infinitesimal Subgroups and Cohomology.Alessandro Berarducci - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1177 - 1193.
    By recent work on some conjectures of Pillay, each definably compact group G in a saturated o-minimal expansion of an ordered field has a normal "infinitesimal subgroup" G00 such that the quotient G/G00, equipped with the "logic topology", is a compact (real) Lie group. Our first result is that the functor G → G/G00 sends exact sequences of definably compact groups into exact sequences of Lie groups. We then study the connections between the Lie group G/G00 and the o-minimal spectrum (...)
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  20.  47
    O-minimal cohomology: Finiteness and invariance results.Alessandro Berarducci & Antongiulio Fornasiero - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (2):167-182.
    The topology of definable sets in an o-minimal expansion of a group is not fully understood due to the lack of a triangulation theorem. Despite the general validity of the cell decomposition theorem, we do not know whether any definably compact set is a definable CW-complex. Moreover the closure of an o-minimal cell can have arbitrarily high Betti numbers. Nevertheless we prove that the cohomology groups of a definably compact set over an o-minimal expansion of a group are finitely generated (...)
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  21.  62
    Fusing O-Minimal Structures.A. J. Wilkie - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):271 - 281.
    In this note I construct a proper o-minimal expansion of the ordered additive group of rationals.
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  22.  24
    O-minimal analytic separation of sets in dimension 2.Andreas Fischer - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):130-138.
    We study the Hardy field associated with an o-minimal expansion of the real numbers. If the set of analytic germs is dense in the Hardy field, then we can definably analytically separate sets in , and we can definably analytically approximate definable continuous unary functions. A similar statement holds for definable smooth functions.
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  23.  17
    An o-minimal structure without mild parameterization.Margaret Em Thomas - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (6):409-418.
    We prove, by explicit construction, that not all sets definable in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures have mild parameterization. Our methods do not depend on the bounds particular to the definition of mildness and therefore our construction is also valid for a generalized form of parameterization, which we call G-mild. Moreover, we present a cell decomposition result for certain o-minimal structures which may be of independent interest. This allows us to show how our construction can produce polynomially bounded, model complete expansions (...)
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  24.  32
    Fundamental group in o-minimal structures with definable Skolem functions.Bruno Dinis, Mário J. Edmundo & Marcello Mamino - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (8):102975.
    In this paper we work in an arbitrary o-minimal structure with definable Skolem functions and prove that definably connected, locally definable manifolds are uniformly definably path connected, have an admissible cover by definably simply connected, open definable subsets and, definable paths and definable homotopies on such locally definable manifolds can be lifted to locally definable covering maps. These properties allow us to obtain the main properties of the general o-minimal fundamental group, including: invariance and comparison results; existence of universal locally (...)
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  25.  46
    The domination monoid in o-minimal theories.Rosario Mennuni - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    We study the monoid of global invariant types modulo domination-equivalence in the context of o-minimal theories. We reduce its computation to the problem of proving that it is generated by classes...
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  26. Non-standard lattices and o-minimal groups.Pantelis E. Eleftheriou - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):56-76.
    We describe a recent program from the study of definable groups in certain o-minimal structures. A central notion of this program is that of a lattice. We propose a definition of a lattice in an arbitrary first-order structure. We then use it to describe, uniformly, various structure theorems for o-minimal groups, each time recovering a lattice that captures some significant invariant of the group at hand. The analysis first goes through a local level, where a pertinent notion of pregeometry and (...)
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  27.  54
    Hausdorff measure on o-minimal structures.A. Fornasiero & E. Vasquez Rifo - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):631-648.
    We introduce the Hausdorff measure for definable sets in an o-minimal structure, and prove the Cauchy—Crofton and co-area formulae for the o-minimal Hausdorff measure. We also prove that every definable set can be partitioned into “basic rectifiable sets”, and that the Whitney arc property holds for basic rectifiable sets.
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    A Note on Weakly O-Minimal Structures and Definable Completeness.Alfred Dolich - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (2):281-292.
    We consider the extent to which certain properties of definably complete structures may persist in structures which are not definably complete, particularly in the weakly o-minimal structures.
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  29.  15
    Almost o-minimal structures and X -structures.Masato Fujita - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (9):103144.
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  30.  49
    Maximal small extensions of o-minimal structures.Janak Ramakrishnan - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (5):470-474.
    A proper elementary extension of a model is called small if it realizes no new types over any finite set in the base model. We answer a question of Marker, and show that it is possible to have an o-minimal structure with a maximal small extension. Our construction yields such a structure for any cardinality. We show that in some cases, notably when the base structure is countable, the maximal small extension has maximal possible cardinality.
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  31.  47
    Extending Partial Orders on o‐Minimal Structures to Definable Total Orders.Dugald Macpherson & Charles Steinhorn - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):456-464.
    It is shown that if is an o-minimal structure such that is a dense total order and ≾ is a parameter-definable partial order on M, then ≾ has an extension to a definable total order.
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  32.  66
    Normal triangulations in o-minimal structures.Elías Baro - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):275-288.
    Let $\scr{R}$ be an o-minimal structure over a real closed field R. Given a simplicial complex K and some definable subsets S₁,...,S l of its realization $|K|$ in R we prove that there exist a subdivision K' of K and a definable triangulation $\phi ^{\prime}\colon |K^{\prime}|\rightarrow |K|$ of $|K|$ partitioning S₁,...,S l with $\phi ^{\prime}$ definably homotopic to $id_{|K|}$ . As an application of this result we obtain the semialgebraic Hauptvermutung.
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  33.  70
    Structure theorems for o-minimal expansions of groups.Mario J. Edmundo - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):159-181.
    Let R be an o-minimal expansion of an ordered group R has no poles, R cannot define a real closed field with domain R and order R is eventually linear and every R -definable set is a finite union of cones. As a corollary we get that Th has quantifier elimination and universal axiomatization in the language with symbols for the ordered group operations, bounded R -definable sets and a symbol for each definable endomorphism of the group.
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  34.  22
    Uniformly locally o-minimal structures and locally o-minimal structures admitting local definable cell decomposition.Masato Fujita - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (2):102756.
    We define and investigate a uniformly locally o-minimal structure of the second kind in this paper. All uniformly locally o-minimal structures of the second kind have local monotonicity, which is a local version of monotonicity theorem of o-minimal structures. We also demonstrate a local definable cell decomposition theorem for definably complete uniformly locally o-minimal structures of the second kind. We define dimension of a definable set and investigate its basic properties when the given structure is a locally o-minimal structure which (...)
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  35.  67
    On ℵ0-categorical weakly o-minimal structures.B. Herwig, H. D. Macpherson, G. Martin, A. Nurtazin & J. K. Truss - 1999 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 101 (1):65-93.
    0-categorical o-minimal structures were completely described by Pillay and Steinhorn 565–592), and are essentially built up from copies of the rationals as an ordered set by ‘cutting and copying’. Here we investigate the possible structures which an 0-categorical weakly o-minimal set may carry, and find that there are some rather more interesting examples. We show that even here the possibilities are limited. We subdivide our study into the following principal cases: the structure is 1-indiscernible, in which case all possibilities are (...)
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  36.  20
    Discrete o-minimal structures.Anand Pillay & Charles Steinhorn - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (3):275-289.
  37.  95
    Cohomology of groups in o-minimal structures: acyclicity of the infinitesimal subgroup.Alessandro Berarducci - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):891-900.
    By recent work on some conjectures of Pillay, each definably compact group in a saturated o-minimal structure is an extension of a compact Lie group by a torsion free normal divisible subgroup, called its infinitesimal subgroup. We show that the infinitesimal subgroup is cohomologically acyclic. This implies that the functorial correspondence between definably compact groups and Lie groups preserves the cohomology.
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  38.  48
    Expansions of o-minimal structures by fast sequences.Harvey Friedman & Chris Miller - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):410-418.
    Let ℜ be an o-minimal expansion of (ℝ, <+) and (φk)k∈ℕ be a sequence of positive real numbers such that limk→+∞f(φk)/φk+1=0 for every f:ℝ→ ℝ definable in ℜ. (Such sequences always exist under some reasonable extra assumptions on ℜ, in particular, if ℜ is exponentially bounded or if the language is countable.) Then (ℜ, (S)) is d-minimal, where S ranges over all subsets of cartesian powers of the range of φ.
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  39.  38
    Nondefinability results with entire functions of finite order in polynomially bounded o-minimal structures.Hassan Sfouli - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (3):491-498.
    Let \({\mathcal {R}}\) be a polynomially bounded o-minimal expansion of the real field. Let _f_(_z_) be a transcendental entire function of finite order \(\rho \) and type \(\sigma \in [0,\infty ]\). The main purpose of this paper is to show that if ( \(\rho ) or ( \(\rho =1\) and \(\sigma =0\) ), the restriction of _f_(_z_) to the real axis is not definable in \({\mathcal {R}}\). Furthermore, we give a generalization of this result for any \(\rho \in [0,\infty )\).
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  40. On expansions of o-minimal structures.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    An o-minimal structure is any relational structure in any relational type in the first order predicate calculus with equality, where one symbol is reserved to be a dense linear ordering without endpoints, satisfying the following condition: that every first order definable subset of the domain is a finite union of intervals whose endpoints are in the domain or are ±•. First order definability always allows any parameters, unless explicitly indicated otherwise.
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    Transfer methods for o-minimal topology.Alessandro Berarducci & Margarita Otero - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):785-794.
    Let M be an o-minimal expansion of an ordered field. Let φ be a formula in the language of ordered domains. In this note we establish some topological properties which are transferred from $\varphi^M$ to $\varphi^R$ and vice versa. Then, we apply these transfer results to give a new proof of a result of M. Edmundo-based on the work of A. Strzebonski-showing the existence of torsion points in any definably compact group defined in an o-minimal expansion of an ordered field.
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  42.  32
    Intersection theory for o-minimal manifolds.Alessandro Berarducci & Margarita Otero - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 107 (1-3):87-119.
    We develop an intersection theory for definable Cp-manifolds in an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field and we prove the invariance of the intersection numbers under definable Cp-homotopies . In particular we define the intersection number of two definable submanifolds of complementary dimensions, the Brouwer degree and the winding numbers. We illustrate the theory by deriving in the o-minimal context the Brouwer fixed point theorem, the Jordan-Brouwer separation theorem and the invariance of the Lefschetz numbers under definable Cp-homotopies. A. (...)
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  43.  19
    Generic derivations on o-minimal structures.Antongiulio Fornasiero & Elliot Kaplan - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2150007.
    Let T be a complete, model complete o-minimal theory extending the theory RCF of real closed ordered fields in some appropriate language L. We study derivations δ on models ℳ⊧T. We introduce the no...
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  44. Minimal Truthmakers.Donnchadh O'Conaill & Tuomas E. Tahko - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97 (2):228-244.
    A minimal truthmaker for a given proposition is the smallest portion of reality which makes this proposition true. Minimal truthmakers are frequently mentioned in the literature, but there has been no systematic account of what they are or of their importance. In this article we shall clarify the notion of a minimal truthmaker and argue that there is reason to think that at least some propositions have minimal truthmakers. We shall then argue that the notion can play a useful role (...)
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    Approximation of o-minimal maps satisfying a Lipschitz condition.Andreas Fischer - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (3):787-802.
    Consider an o-minimal expansion of the real field. We show that definable Lipschitz continuous maps can be definably fine approximated by definable continuously differentiable Lipschitz maps whose Lipschitz constant is close to that of the original map.
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    T-Height in Weakly O-Minimal Structures.James Tyne - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):747 - 762.
    Given a weakly o-minimal theory T, the T-height of an element of a model of T is defined as a means of classifying the order of magnitude of the element. If T satisfies some easily met technical conditions, then this classification is coarse enough for a Wilkie-type inequality: given a set of elements of a model of T, each of which has a different T-height, the cardinality of this set is at most 1 plus the minimum cardinality of a set (...)
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    Filling certain cuts in discrete weakly o-minimal structures.Stefano Leonesi & Carlo Toffalori - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (2):145.
    Discrete weakly o-minimal structures, although not so stimulating as their dense counterparts, do exhibit a certain wealth of examples and pathologies. For instance they lack prime models and monotonicity for definable functions, and are not preserved by elementary equivalence. First we exhibit these features. Then we consider a countable theory of weakly o-minimal structures with infinite definable discrete subsets and we study the Boolean algebra of definable sets of its countable models.
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    Pregeometry over locally o‐minimal structures and dimension.Masato Fujita - forthcoming - Mathematical Logic Quarterly.
    We define a discrete closure operator for definably complete locally o‐minimal structures. The pair of the underlying set of and the discrete closure operator forms a pregeometry. We define the rank of a definable set over a set of parameters using this fact and call it ‐dimension. A definable set X is of dimension equal to the ‐dimension of X. The structure is simultaneously a first‐order topological structure. The dimension rank of a set definable in the first‐order topological structure also (...)
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  49. What is o-minimality?Harvey M. Friedman - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 156 (1):59-67.
    We characterize the o-minimal expansions of the ring of real numbers, in mathematically transparent terms. This should help bridge the gap between investigators in o-minimality and mathematicians unfamiliar with model theory, who are concerned with such notions as non oscillatory behavior, tame topology, and analyzable functions. We adapt the characterization to the case of o-minimal expansions of an arbitrary ordered ring.
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    Uniformly locally o‐minimal open core.Masato Fujita - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (4):514-524.
    This paper discusses sufficient conditions for a definably complete expansion of a densely linearly ordered abelian group to have uniformly locally o‐minimal open cores of the first/second kind and strongly locally o‐minimal open core, respectively.
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