Results for 'palliative'

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  1. Part VI palliative sedation.Palliative Sedation - 2002 - In Chris Gastmans, Between technology and humanity: the impact of technology on health care ethics. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 217.
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  2. Attraction, Aversion, and Asymmetrical Desires.Daniel Pallies - 2022 - Ethics 132 (3):598-620.
    I argue that, insofar as we endorse the general idea that desires play an important role in well-being, we ought to believe that their significance for well-being is derived from a pair of more fundamental attitudes: attraction and aversion. Attraction has wholly positive significance for well-being, and aversion has wholly negative significance for well-being. Desire satisfaction and frustration have significance for well-being insofar as the relevant desires involve some combination of attraction and aversion. I defend these claims by illustrating how (...)
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    (1 other version)Non-Market Motives at Work in the Market: “New Evangelicals” in Civil Society in the United States and Overseas.Marcia Pally - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (157):165-184.
    ExcerptIn light of the 2008 global financial crisis and its underlying causes, a reassessment of our global market system seems to be afoot, at least in some quarters. If neoliberalism (too much market) yields the Great Recession, if socialist planned markets (not enough market) produce the failed economies of the former Soviet bloc, and if social-market combinations (too much centralization of the market) progress toward the high-cost, centralized programs and slow growth of Western Europe, what are better options? One line (...)
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  4. Ordering others and othering orders: the consumption and disposal of otherness.Cristina Pallí - 2001 - In Nicholas Lee & Rolland Munro, The consumption of mass. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers/Sociological Review. pp. 189--204.
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    Sein Karma leben tr by Irene Hoening.Marco Pallis - 1968 - Kairos (misc) 10:88-102.
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  6. An Honest Look at Hybrid Theories of Pleasure.Daniel Pallies - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):887-907.
    What makes it the case that a given experience is pleasurable? According to the felt-quality theory, each pleasurable experience is pleasurable because of the way that it feels—its “qualitative character” or “felt-quality”. According to the attitudinal theory, each pleasurable experience is pleasurable because the experiencer takes certain attitudes towards it. These two theories of pleasure are typically framed as rivals, but it could be that they are both partly right. It could be that pleasure is partly a matter of felt-quality, (...)
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  7. The Pleasure Problem and the Spriggean Solution.Daniel Pallies - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (4):665-684.
    Some experiences—like the experience of eating cheesecake—are good experiences to have. But when we try to explain why they are good, we encounter a clash of intuitions. First, we have an objectivist intuition: plausibly, the experiences are good because they feel the way that they do. Second, we have a subjectivist intuition: if a person were indifferent to that kind of experience, then it might fail to be good for that person. Third, we have a possibility intuition: for any kind (...)
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    Afghanistan: It Wasn’t a War—That’s Why We Lost It.Marcia Pally - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (197):143-146.
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  9. Pessimism and procreation.Daniel Pallies - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (3):751-771.
    The pessimistic hypothesis is the hypothesis that life is bad for us, in the sense that we are worse off for having come into existence. Suppose this hypothesis turns out to be correct — existence turns out to be more of a burden than a gift. A natural next thought is that we should stop having children. But I contend that this is a mistake; procreation would often be permissible even if the pessimistic hypothesis turned out to be correct. Roughly, (...)
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    (1 other version)A Buddhist Spectrum.Marco Pallis - 1984 - Philosophy East and West 34 (4):451-458.
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  11. Why Humean Causation Is Extrinsic.Daniel Pallies - 2019 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):139-148.
    According to a view that goes by “Humeanism,” causal facts supervene on patterns of worldly entities. The simplest form of Humeanism is the constant conjunction theory: a particular type-F thing causes a particular type-G thing iff (i) that type-Fis conjoined with that type-G thing and (ii) all F’s are conjoined with G’s. The constant conjunction theory implies that all causation is extrinsic, in the following sense: for all positive causal facts pertaining to each possible region,it’s extrinsic to that region that (...)
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    Inscriptions on middle Byzantine marble templon screens.Georgios Pallis - 2013 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 106 (2):761-810.
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    Non-conscious prediction and a role for consciousness in correcting prediction errors.Regina Pally - 2005 - Cortex. Special Issue 41 (5):643-662.
  14.  94
    Danish ethics council rejects brain death as the criterion of death -- commentary 2: return to Elsinore.Christopher Pallis - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (1):10-13.
    No discussion of when an individual is dead is meaningful in the absence of a definition of death. If human death is defined as the irreversible loss of the capacity for consciousness combined with the irreversible loss of the capacity to breathe spontaneously (and hence to maintain a spontaneous heart beat) the death of the brainstem will be seen to be the necessary and sufficient condition for the death of the individual. Such a definition of death is not something radically (...)
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  15. (1 other version)How Do We Differ When We Differ In Taste?Daniel Pallies - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    My partner loves the experiences she gets from eating olives. I, on the other hand, hate the experiences I get from eating olives. We differ in tastes. But how exactly do we differ? In particular: do our taste experiences differ phenomenologically—that is, do my olive-experiences feel different than my partner’s olive-experiences? Some philosophers have assumed that the answer is “no,” and have advanced important arguments which turn on this assumption. I argue that, contrary to what these philosophers assume, ordinary taste (...)
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    Relational Views of Humanness: The Reciprocity of Ontos and Telos.Marcia Pally - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (2):224-234.
    This article explores humanity’s ontology of relationality and telos of the common good as not only inseparable but mutually constitutive, drawing on the work of Thomas Aquinas and looking into the debates between Charles De Koninck and Jacques Maritain.
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  17. The Dilemma for Attitude Theories of Pleasure.Daniel Pallies & Alexander Dietz - 2023 - In Uriah Kriegel, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind Vol. 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In virtue of what do we enjoy episodes of pleasure? According to the phenomenological theory of pleasure, we enjoy pleasures in virtue of having certain kinds of phenomenal experiences. According to the attitude theory of pleasure, we enjoy pleasures in virtue of having a certain kind of pro-attitude. In this chapter, we show that the attitude theory faces a dilemma. The attitude that is relevant to pleasure—the desire, liking, or favoring—is either necessarily co-instantiated with certain phenomenology, or not. If the (...)
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  18.  30
    Beyond the biomedical model.Palliative Care - 2005 - HEC Forum 17 (3):227-236.
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    White Evangelicals and American Right-wing Populism: The Evolutions of an Ethics.Marcia Pally - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (1):31-53.
    This article explores current right-wing populism as an ethical position from the perspective of many, though not all, White American evangelicals. The relevant ethics concern not only abortion or gay marriage (which, research finds, are not top vote-motivators) but views of society (who’s in, who’s not) and government (size and role). Building on ideational approaches to studying populism and incorporating historical and religio-cultural material, this article asks: What in White evangelical religious and political history and in present circumstances makes right-wing (...)
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  20.  29
    Correspondence.Alex Pallis - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (5-6):135-.
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    Philosophical Questions and Biological Findings, Part I: Human Cooperativity, Competition, and Aggression.Marcia Pally - 2020 - Zygon 55 (4):1058-1089.
    This first part of a two‐part article illustrates how research in evolutionary biology and psychology illuminates questions arising in philosophy—specifically questions about the origins of severe, systemic aggression that arise in the mimetic theory of René Girard. Part I looks at: (i) how old the systemic practice of severe aggression is, (ii) how much results from humanity's mimetic/social and competitive nature and how much from ecological, resource, and cultural conditions, and (iii) if ecological and cultural conditions are important, might we (...)
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    Textual artefacts at the centre of sensemaking: The use of discursive-material resources in constructing joint understanding in organisational workshops.Pekka Pälli & Riikka Nissi - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (2):123-145.
    The article examines the role of discourse in organisational sensemaking. By building links between the theorising undertaken within organisational studies and the empirical analysis of multimodal social interaction, it argues for a relational view of sensemaking and investigates how sense is made in and through social interaction in real organisational situations where language use intertwines with embodied actions and the manipulation of artefacts. In particular, the article studies the use of discourse technologies of textual artefacts in sensemaking processes. The data (...)
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    Philosophical Questions and Biological Findings, Part II: Play, Art, Ritual, and Ritual Sacrifice.Marcia Pally - 2020 - Zygon 55 (4):1090-1106.
    This Part II of a two‐part article illustrates how research in evolutionary biology, anthropology, archeology, and psychology illuminates questions arising in philosophy—specifically questions about René Girard's theory of aggression. Part I looked at: (i) how old the systemic practice of severe aggression is; (ii) how much of it results from humanity's mimetic/social and competitive nature and how much from ecological, resource, and cultural conditions; and (iii) if ecological, resource, and cultural conditions are important, might we adapt this information toward greater (...)
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  24.  8
    “Peculiar Relations of Affectability”: Peirce and Royce as Resources for the Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr.Marcia Pally - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (182):161-182.
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    Bergson et le judaïsme.Aimé Pallière - 1933 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    "Aimée Pallière, Bergson et le Judaïsme" est un ouvrage écrit par Aimée Pallière, une écrivaine et mystique française du XXe siècle. Aimée Pallière était également la belle-sœur du philosophe Henri Bergson. Dans cet ouvrage, Aimée Pallière explore la relation entre Bergson, un important philosophe français, et sa propre compréhension du judaïsme. Elle examine comment les idées philosophiques de Bergson interagissent avec ses racines juives et comment cela influence sa pensée.
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    Modern Greek as a Help for Old Greek.Alex Pallis & W. H. D. Rouse - 1905 - The Classical Review 19 (01):36-.
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    Note on Sophocles.Alex Pallis - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (01):49-.
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    A Critical Presentation of the Iconology of St. John of Damascus in the Context of the Byzantine Iconoclastic Controversies.Dimitrios Pallis - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (2):173-191.
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    From New York, New York: Am I My Brother’s (virus) Keeper?Marcia Pally - 2020 - The Bulletin of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion 64:26-27.
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    Note on Herondas.Alex Pallis - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (04):231-.
    In his edition of this author Buecheler translates the words of Mim. III. 72 πρός σΣ Τñς κοΤΤίδος ψυχñς by ‘per capitale tuum ingenium,’ but affords no explanation as to how he arrived at this sense. May I suggest another interpretation to which Modern Greek seems to me to lead? The equivalent of κοΤΤίς is now πουλί or πουλάκπουλί μου or πουλάκι or simply πουλάκ‘my little birdie,’ i.e. ‘my darling,’ is the most frequent endearing term of the Greeks. See Vlachos's (...)
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    Strategy as text and discursive practice: a genre-based approach to strategizing in city administration.Virpi Sorsa, Eero Vaara & Pekka Pälli - 2009 - Discourse and Communication 3 (3):303-318.
    Despite the acknowledged importance of strategic planning in business and other organizations, there are few studies focusing on strategy texts and the related processes of their production and consumption. In this article, we attempt to partially fill this research gap by examining the institutionalized aspects of strategy discourse: what strategy is as genre. Combining textual analysis and analysis of conversation, the article focuses on the official strategy of the City of Lahti in Finland. Our analysis shows how specific communicative purposes (...)
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  32. Please note that not all books mentioned on this list will be reviewed.Researching Palliative Care - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (371).
  33. SCHUON, Spiritual Perspectives and Human Facts. [REVIEW]Marco Pallis - 1954 - Hibbert Journal 53:200.
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  34. The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite.Georgios Steiris, Pallis Dimitrios & Mark Edwards (eds.) - 2022 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This Handbook contains forty essays by an international team of experts on the antecedents, the content, and the reception of the Dionysian corpus, a body of writings falsely ascribed to Dionysius the Areopagite, a convert of St Paul, but actually written about 500 AD. The first section contains discussions of the genesis of the corpus, its Christian antecedents, and its Neoplatonic influences. In the second section, studies on the Syriac reception, the relation of the Syriac to the original Greek, and (...)
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    Palliative care for people with alzheimer's disease.Margaret M. Mahon & Jeanne M. Sorrell - 2008 - Nursing Philosophy 9 (2):110-120.
    The task of aligning the philosophical and clinical perspectives on ethics is a challenging one. Clinical practice informs philosophy, not merely by supplying cases, but through shaping and testing philosophical concepts in the reality of the clinical world. In this paper we explore several aspects of the relationship between the philosophical and the clinical within a framework of palliative care for people living with Alzheimer's disease. We suggest that health professionals have a moral obligation to question previous assumptions concerning (...)
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  36. Palliative care ethics: a good companion.Fiona Randall - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. S. Downie.
    Palliative care is a recent branch of health care. The doctors, nurses, and other professionals involved in it took their inspiration from the medieval idea of the hospice, but have now extended their expertise to every area of health care: surgeries, nursing homes, acute wards, and the community. This has happened during a period when patients wish to take more control over their own lives and deaths, resources have become scarce, and technology has created controversial life-prolonging treatments. Palliative (...)
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    Palliative sedation, foregoing life-sustaining treatment, and aid-in-dying: what is the difference?Patrick Daly - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (3):197-213.
    After a review of terminology, I identify—in addition to Margaret Battin’s list of five primary arguments for and against aid-in-dying—the argument from functional equivalence as another primary argument. I introduce a novel way to approach this argument based on Bernard Lonergan’s generalized empirical method. Then I proceed on the basis of GEM to distinguish palliative sedation, palliative sedation to unconsciousness when prognosis is less than two weeks, and foregoing life-sustaining treatment from aid-in-dying. I conclude that aid-in-dying must be (...)
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    Palliative care and new technologies. The use of smart sensor technologies and its impact on the Total Care principle.Tabea Ott, Maria Heckel, Natalie Öhl, Tobias Steigleder, Nils C. Albrecht, Christoph Ostgathe & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - BMC Palliative Care 22 (50).
    Background Palliative care is an integral part of health care, which in term has become increasingly technologized in recent decades. Lately, innovative smart sensors combined with artificial intelligence promise better diagnosis and treatment. But to date, it is unclear: how are palliative care concepts and their underlying assumptions about humans challenged by smart sensor technologies (SST) and how can care benefit from SST? -/- Aims The paper aims to identify changes and challenges in palliative care due to (...)
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    Understanding Palliative Cancer Chemotherapy: About Shared Decisions and Shared Trajectories.Susanne J. de Kort, Jeannette Pols, Dick J. Richel, Nelleke Koedoot & Dick L. Willems - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):164-174.
    Most models of patient-physician communication take decision-making as a central concept. However, we found that often the treatment course of metastatic cancer patients is not easy to describe in straightforward terms used in decision-making models but is instead frequently more erratic. Our aim was to analyse these processes as trajectories. We used a longitudinal case study of 13 patients with metastatic colorectal and pancreatic cancer for whom palliative chemotherapy was a treatment option, and analysed 65 semi-structured interviews. We analysed (...)
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    Palliative care for the terminally ill in America: the consideration of QALYs, costs, and ethical issues.Y. Tony Yang & Margaret M. Mahon - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):411-416.
    The drive for cost-effective use of medical interventions has advantages, but can also be challenging in the context of end-of-life palliative treatments. A quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) provides a common currency to assess the extent of the benefits gained from a variety of interventions in terms of health-related quality of life and survival for the patient. However, since it is in the nature of end-of-life palliative care that the benefits it brings to its patients are of short duration, it (...)
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    Proportionate palliative sedation and the giving of a deadly drug: the conundrum.Thomas A. Cavanaugh - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (3):221-231.
    Among the oldest extant medical ethics, the Hippocratic Oath prohibits the giving of a deadly drug, regarding this act as an egregious violation of a medical ethic that is exclusively therapeutic. Proportionate palliative sedation involves the administration of a deadly drug. Hence it seems to violate the venerable Hippocratic promise associated with the dawn of Western medicine not to give a deadly drug. Relying on distinctions commonly employed in the analysis and evaluation of human actions, this article distinguishes physician-assisted (...)
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    Palliative care nursing involvement in end-of-life decision-making: Qualitative secondary analysis.Pablo Hernández-Marrero, Emília Fradique & Sandra Martins Pereira - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1680-1695.
    Background: Nurses are the largest professional group in healthcare and those who make more decisions. In 2014, the Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe launched the “Guide on the decision-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life situations” (hereinafter, Guide), aiming at improving decision-making processes and empowering professionals in making end-of-life decisions. The Guide does not mention nurses explicitly. Objectives: To analyze the ethical principles most valued by nurses working in palliative care when making end-of-life decisions and investigate (...)
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    Palliative care‐based arguments against assisted dying.Ben Colburn - 2025 - Bioethics 39 (2):187-194.
    Opponents of legalised assisted dying often assert that palliative care is worse in countries where assisted dying has been legalised, and imply that legalised assisted dying makes palliative care worse. This study considers five versions of this claim: that it is difficulty to access expert palliative care in countries where assisted dying has been legalised, that those countries rank low in their quality of end‐of‐life care; that legalising assisted dying doesn't expand patient choice in respect of (...) care; that growth in palliative care services has stalled in countries where assisted dying has been legalised; and that legalised assisted dying impedes the growth of palliative care or causes it to decline. In each case, it concludes that neither argumentation nor evidence supports these claims. (shrink)
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    Palliative care and cancer trials.S. M. Brown - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (6):371-371.
    Two of the most important concepts in medicine are “curing” and “caring”. Patients should enter clinical trials with the understanding that they benefit from the treatment or that there may be some benefit to others. In many cancer trials, for example, the best that can be hoped for is a prolongation of life. Whether or not life is prolonged, we argue that there exists an obligation which can be termed a “bond of responsibility” to provide appropriate palliative care within (...)
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  45. Palliative care within mental health.David B. Cooper & Jo Cooper (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Palliative care nursing: caring for suffering patients.Kathleen Ouimet Perrin - 2022 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Edited by Caryn A. Sheehan, Mertie L. Potter & Mary K. Kazanowski.
    Palliative Care Nursing: Caring for Suffering Patients explores the concept of suffering as it relates to nursing practice. This text helps practicing nurses and students define and recognize various aspects of suffering across the lifespan and within various patient populations while providing guidance in alleviating suffering. In addition, it examines spiritual and ethical perspectives on suffering and discusses how witnessing suffering impacts nurses' ability to assume the professional role. Further, the authors discuss ways nurses as witnesses to suffering can (...)
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  47. The philosophy of palliative care: critique and reconstruction.Fiona Randall - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. S. Downie.
    It is a philosophy of patient care, and is therefore open to critique and evaluation.Using the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine Third Edition as their ...
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    Palliative nurses' empathic tendencies, quality of life, individualized care perceptions.Emel Emine Kayikci, Cemile Savci & Ayse Cil Akinci - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: Palliative care is an important part of health services. The individualized care perceptions are is critical for supporting individuality during care and providing quality nursing care. Individualized care not only has, as well as having foundation of the philosophy of nursing but also, is also related to the nurses’ empathic tendencies and professional quality of life of nurses. Aim: This study was conducted to examine the relationships between the empathic tendencies, professional quality of life, and individualized care perceptions (...)
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    A palliative care approach in psychiatry: clinical implications.Mattias Strand, Manne Sjöstrand & Anna Lindblad - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundTraditionally, palliative care has focused on patients suffering from life-threatening somatic diseases such as cancer or progressive neurological disorders. In contrast, despite the often chronic, severely disabling, and potentially life-threatening nature of psychiatric disorders, there are neither palliative care units nor clinical guidelines on palliative measures for patients in psychiatry.Main textThis paper contributes to the growing literature on a palliative approach in psychiatry and is based on the assumption that a change of perspective from a curative (...)
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    Palliative opioid use, palliative sedation and euthanasia: reaffirming the distinction.Guy Schofield, Idris Baker, Rachel Bullock, Hannah Clare, Paul Clark, Derek Willis, Craig Gannon & Rob George - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):48-50.
    We read with interest the extended essay published from Riisfeldt and are encouraged by an empirical ethics article which attempts to ground theory and its claims in the real world. However, such attempts also have real-world consequences. We are concerned to read the paper’s conclusion that clinical evidence weakens the distinction between euthanasia and normal palliative care prescribing. This is important. Globally, the most significant barrier to adequate symptom control in people with life-limiting illness is poor access to opioid (...)
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