Results for 'para-consistent logics'

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  1.  36
    Logical consistence and operating base in Thomas Hobbes. [Spanish].Rusbel Martínez Rodríguez - 2006 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 5:50-69.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es precisar los elementos que operan en el substrato de la filosofía de Thomas Hobbes y que permiten dar coherencia lógica a su sistema. Para ello se apela a la idea de concepto operatorio desarrollada por Eugen Fink, a la vez que se llama la atención sobre la importancia de considerar la filosofía hobbesiana en su totalidad. Esto implica que cualquier análisis de la teoría política de Hobbes debe considerar las relaciones existentes con (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logics and Translations.Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano & Hércules de A. Feitosa - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1/2):77 - 95.
    In 1999, da Silva, D'Ottaviano and Sette proposed a general definition for the term translation between logics and presented an initial segment of its theory. Logics are characterized, in the most general sense, as sets with consequence relations and translations between logics as consequence-relation preserving maps. In a previous paper the authors introduced the concept of conservative translation between logics and studied some general properties of the co-complete category constituted by logics and conservative translations between (...)
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  3. Translations between logical systems: a manifesto.Walter A. Carnielli & Itala Ml D'Ottaviano - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 157:67-81.
    The main objective o f this descriptive paper is to present the general notion of translation between logical systems as studied by the GTAL research group, as well as its main results, questions, problems and indagations. Logical systems here are defined in the most general sense, as sets endowed with consequence relations; translations between logical systems are characterized as maps which preserve consequence relations (that is, as continuous functions between those sets). In this sense, logics together with translations form (...)
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  4. “Fuzzy time”, a Solution of Unexpected Hanging Paradox (a Fuzzy interpretation of Quantum Mechanics).Farzad Didehvar - manuscript
    Although Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Mathematics is a widespread subject and there is a vast literature about it, yet the use of Fuzzy issues like Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy numbers was relatively rare in time concept. This could be seen in the Fuzzy time series. In addition, some attempts are done in fuzzing Turing Machines but seemingly there is no need to fuzzy time. Throughout this article, we try to change this picture and show why it is helpful to consider (...)
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  5. Minimal inconsistency-tolerant logics: a quantitative approach.Christian Strasser & Sanderson Molick - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Logic 22 (03):308-365.
    In order to reason in a non-trivializing way with contradictions, para- consistent logics reject some classically valid inferences. As a way of re- covering some of these inferences, Graham Priest ([Priest, 1991]) proposed to nonmonotonically strengthen the Logic of Paradox by allowing the se- lection of “less inconsistent” models via a comparison of their respective inconsistent parts. This move recaptures a good portion of classical logic in that it does not block, e.g., disjunctive syllogism, unless it is (...)
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  6. The Paraconsistent Logic of Quantum Superpositions.Newton C. A. da Costa & Christian de Ronde - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (7):845-858.
    Physical superpositions exist both in classical and in quantum physics. However, what is exactly meant by ‘superposition’ in each case is extremely different. In this paper we discuss some of the multiple interpretations which exist in the literature regarding superpositions in quantum mechanics. We argue that all these interpretations have something in common: they all attempt to avoid ‘contradiction’. We argue in this paper, in favor of the importance of developing a new interpretation of superpositions which takes into account contradiction, (...)
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    Natural deduction systems for Nelson's paraconsistent logic and its neighbors.Norihiro Kamide - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (4):405-435.
    Firstly, a natural deduction system in standard style is introduced for Nelson's para-consistent logic N4, and a normalization theorem is shown for this system. Secondly, a natural deduction system in sequent calculus style is introduced for N4, and a normalization theorem is shown for this system. Thirdly, a comparison between various natural deduction systems for N4 is given. Fourthly, a strong normalization theorem is shown for a natural deduction system for a sublogic of N4. Fifthly, a strong normalization (...)
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  8. Hegel and the Sciences. [REVIEW]Sergio Cremaschi - 1989 - The Owl of Minerva 20 (2):224-228.
    I discuss this collection of essays on Hegel and the sciences while stressing the interest of Hegel's philosophy of nature in the light of later non-mainstream developments in the life-sciences and medicine. I compare then the chapters dedicated to Hegel's logic with recent literature on para-consistent logic and re-interpretations of Hegel's own logic.
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  9. Fuzzy Time, from Paradox to Paradox.Farzad Didehvar - manuscript
    Although Fuzzy logic and Fuzzy Mathematics is a widespread subject and there is a vast literature about it, yet the use of Fuzzy issues like Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy numbers was relatively rare in time concept. This could be seen in the Fuzzy time series. In addition, some attempts are done in fuzzing Turing Machines but seemingly there is no need to fuzzy time. Throughout this article, we try to change this picture and show why it is helpful to consider (...)
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    The Necessity of Contingency On Effective Reality in Hegel's Science of Logic.Fernando Forero - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:244-265.
    RESUMEN Para Hegel, el rendimiento supremo del pensamiento consiste en hallar un terreno en el cual se pongan en evidencia las dimensiones primarias de la realidad. Por esta vía consigue desarrollar uno de sus planteamientos más interesantes en la Ciencia de la lógica, a saber, el concepto de realidad efectiva. Este artículo elabora esa visión de la realidad comentando cuidadosamente lo que Hegel desarrolla allí. Al final muestra que la realidad absoluta es a la vez diferenciación en multiplicidades existentes (...)
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  11.  51
    ¿En qué consiste el problema de marco? Confluencias entre distintas interpretaciones.María Inés Silenzi - 2015 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 22:49-80.
    El problema de marco cuestiona cómo los procesos cognitivos determinan qué información, de entre toda la disponible, es relevante dada una tarea determinada. Aunque postulamos una definición posible, especificar de qué trata este problema es una tarea complicada. Una manera de obtener claridad sobre esta cuestión es explorar distintas interpretaciones del problema de marco, interpretación lógica y filosófica, para dilucidar luego la dificultad en común. Como resultado de nuestro análisis concluimos que, sea la interpretación del problema de marco que (...)
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  12.  20
    The speculative sense of syllogistics in the Hegel’s Science of Logic.Sergio Montecinos Fabio - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46:99-134.
    Resumen Se sostiene que la operación general de la silogística en la Lógica cumple con un programa trazado tempranamente por Hegel, consistente en concebir la unidad de la forma racional del silogismo y el contenido absoluto de la idea como resultado de una dialéctica inmanente a la propia forma del silogismo, mediante la cual éste abandona su carácter meramente formal y alcanza su propio concepto: ser forma objetiva o racional. Para esto se acude a la sección Subjetividad de la (...)
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  13.  14
    Focal Dependence, Logical Priority and the Unity of Aristotle’s Metaphysics.Gastón Robert - 2021 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 62 (148):7-27.
    RESUMO Um problema de longa data na erudição aristotélica diz respeito à questão de como reconciliar a dupla descrição de Aristóteles da metafísica como ontologia (a ciência universal do ser enquanto ser) e teologia (a ciência da substância imutável e separada). Uma tentativa importante de responder a esta questão (iniciada primeiro por G. Patzig) consiste em dizer que a substância imutável e separada é focalmente anterior (ou o significado focal da) substância e, portanto, de ser em geral (uma vez que (...)
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  14.  16
    El lenguaje de la paz. Aportes para repensar los derechos humanos a partir de su potencial ético y relacional.Federico Viola & Ana Maria Bonet de Viola - 2020 - Isegoría 63:621-634.
    The aim of this study consists of postulating an ethical approach to Human Rights conceiving them as rights of the other, claiming that this approach represent a starting point for the development of a legal pluralism that contributes to the achievement of an effective and authentic peace. For this study is based on the premise that the law must be able to deal with the serious and still pending social and environmental problems that underlie the violations of human rights, especially (...)
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  15.  39
    Approximate coherence-based reasoning.Frédéric Koriche - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (2):239-258.
    It has long been recognized that the concept of inconsistency is a central part of commonsense reasoning. In this issue, a number of authors have explored the idea of reasoning with maximal consistent subsets of an inconsistent stratified knowledge base. This paradigm, often called “coherent-based reasoning", has resulted in some interesting proposals for para-consistent reasoning, non-monotonic reasoning, and argumentation systems. Unfortunately, coherent-based reasoning is computationally very expensive. This paper harnesses the approach of approximate entailment by Schaerf and (...)
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  16.  54
    Obras completas, by Gödel Kurt. Edited by Mosterín Jesús. Alianza universidad. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1981, 430 pp.Mosterín Jesús. Prólogo. Pp. 9–13.Mosterín Jesús. Introducción. Pp. 15–19, 35–36, 41, 45–54, 91, 95–96, 101–102, 105–106, 109, 113–114, 117–119, 127–129, 147–150, 183–184, 187–188, 191, 195–196, 205–213, 295–296, 329–330, 337–339, 401–403, 413–414.Gödel Kurt. La suftciencia de los axiomas del caĺculo lógico de primer orden. Pp. 20–34. Spanish translation by Mosterín Jesús of 4182.Gödel Kurt. Un caso especial del problema de la decision en la Idgica tedrica. Pp. 37–39. Spanish translation by Mosterín Jesús of 4187.Gödel Kurt. Algunos resultados metamatemáticos sobre completudy consistencia. Pp. 42–43. Spanish translation by Mosterín Jesús of 4181.Gödel Kurt. Sobre sentencias formalmente indecidibles de Principia mathematica y sistemas afines. Pp. 55–89. Spanish translation by Mosterín Jesús of 4185 with an added note from XXXVII 405.Gödel Kurt. Sobre completud y consiste. [REVIEW]Rolando Chuaqui - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1199-1201.
    uando Augusto consolidaba el Imperio romano, en su centro cultural, Alejandría, nace Filón. Filósofo, exégeta y maestro en su comunidad judía, Filón es testigo de la convivencia del judaísmo de lengua griega con una sociedad helenizada que en Egipto parecía acercarse al ideal de la pax romana. Pero también es el principal informante sobre el primer pogrom contra su comunidad en el año 38. Sus escritos constituyen la más importante expresión del judaísmo de lengua griega que encontró su ocaso en (...)
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  17. Table Des matieres editorial preface 3.Jair Minoro Abe, Curry Algebras Pt, Paraconsistent Logic, Newton Ca da Costa, Otavio Bueno, Jacek Pasniczek, Beyond Consistent, Complete Possible Worlds, Vm Popov & Inverse Negation - 1998 - Logique Et Analyse 41:1.
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    Semantics for Logical and Nomic Modalities.Nicholas La Para - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (1):39-48.
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  19. „Hegel costuma, na introdução de cada parte e mesmo de algumas seções, apresentar um princípio lógico subsidiário, bem como explicitar a estrutura conceitual do desenvolvimento global. Cf. Michael Quante.“'The Personality of the Will 'as the Principle of Abstract Right: An Analysis of §§ 34-40 of Hegel's Philosophy of Right in Terms of the Logical Structure of the Concept”. [REVIEW]Para M. Quante - 2004 - In Robert B. Pippin, Otfried Höffe & Nicholas Walker (eds.), Hegel on Ethics and Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 81--100.
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    A note concerning the place of contradictions in the ontologies of constitution.Wim Christiaens - 2003 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 11:67-78.
    In this first section we start with defining the notions of inconsistency and para-consistency, we give an example of an inconsistency and clarify what according to us is the basic problem with respect to the occurrence of inconsistencies. We are then in a position to state the aim of this paper.
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  21.  40
    Consistent Theories in Inconsistent Logics.Franci Mangraviti & Andrew Tedder - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (04):1133-1148.
    The relationship between logics with sets of theorems including contradictions (“inconsistent logics”) and theories closed under such logics is investigated. It is noted that if we take “theories” to be defined in terms of deductive closure understood in a way somewhat different from the standard, Tarskian, one, inconsistent logics can have consistent theories. That is, we can find some sets of formulas the closure of which under some inconsistent logic need not contain any contradictions. We (...)
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  22.  98
    Consistency, mechanicalness, and the logic of the mind.Qiuen Yu - 1992 - Synthese 90 (1):145-79.
    G. Priest's anti-consistency argument (Priest 1979, 1984, 1987) and J. R. Lucas's anti-mechanist argument (Lucas 1961, 1968, 1970, 1984) both appeal to Gödel incompleteness. By way of refuting them, this paper defends the thesis of quartet compatibility, viz., that the logic of the mind can simultaneously be Gödel incomplete, consistent, mechanical, and recursion complete (capable of all means of recursion). A representational approach is pursued, which owes its origin to works by, among others, J. Myhill (1964), P. Benacerraf (1967), (...)
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  23.  64
    Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation.Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio - 2016 - Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Edited by Marcelo Esteban Coniglio.
    This book is the first in the field of paraconsistency to offer a comprehensive overview of the subject, including connections to other logics and applications in information processing, linguistics, reasoning and argumentation, and philosophy of science. It is recommended reading for anyone interested in the question of reasoning and argumentation in the presence of contradictions, in semantics, in the paradoxes of set theory and in the puzzling properties of negation in logic programming. Paraconsistent logic comprises a major logical theory (...)
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  24.  52
    Progresso Científico e Verdade em Popper.Elizabeth de Assis Dias - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):163-173.
    O presente trabalho pretende mostrar que, para solucionar a questão da possibilidade do progresso científico, Popper precisou introduzir a ideia de verdade no âmbito de sua teoria da ciência. Essa concepção de progresso, em termos da noção de verdade, só será delineada na obra Conjectura e refutações, pois a ideia de que o alvo da ciência é a verdade ainda não aparece teorizada em suas primeiras obras. Quando Popper escreveu sua A lógica da pesquisa científica, a ciência era definida (...)
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  25.  37
    Probabilidad inicial y éxito probabilístico.Valeriano Iranzo - 2009 - Análisis Filosófico 29 (1):39-71.
    Una cuestión controvertida en la teoría bayesiana de la confirmación es el estatus de las probabilidades iniciales. Aunque la tendencia dominante entre los bayesianos es considerar que la única constricción legítima sobre los valores de dichas probabilidades es la consistencia formal con los teoremas de la teoría matemática de la probabilidad, otros autores -partidarios de lo que se ha dado en llamar "bayesianismo objetivo"- defienden la conveniencia de restricciones adicionales. Mi propuesta, en el marco del bayesianismo objetivo, recoge una sugerencia (...)
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  26.  31
    Lógica deóntica y verdad.Hugo R. Zuleta - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (1):115-133.
    El objeto principal de este trabajo consiste en discutir una propuesta de C. Alchourrón y A. Martino para hacer frente al problema de la fundamentación de la lógica deóntica, planteado por el dilema de Jørgensen. La propuesta criticada se basa en la idea de que no existe obstáculo alguno en compatibilizar la idea de que las normas carecen de valor de verdad con la idea de que poseen una lógica, una vez que se renuncia al "prejuicio filosófico" de que (...)
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  27.  65
    O reconhecimento da alteridade como possibilidade de construção de um novo paradigma na cultura ocidental em Joel Birman e Emmanuel Lévinas.José Geraldo Estevam - 2008 - Horizonte 6 (12):169-179.
    Resumo A cultura ocidental, erigida sob a égide da ontologia grega, historicamente relegou o outro em sua alteridade ao esquecimento, numa supremacia do ser que justificou as cruzadas, a colonização, a escravidão, os regimes totalitários como o fascismo e o nazismo, entre outros. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as perspectivas do professor Joel Birman e do filósofo Emmanuel Lévinas sobre a importância da construção de um novo paradigma na cultura ocidental. Paradigma que reconheça a alteridade, numa abertura inédita do (...)
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    Interpretando la Paradoja de Moore: la irracionalidad de una oración mooreana.Cristina Borgoni - 2009 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 23 (2):145-161.
    Este trabajo ofrece una lectura de la Paradoja de Moore que pone énfasis en su relevancia para nuestra comprensión de la racionalidad y de la interpretación lingüística. Mantiene que las oraciones que dan origen a la paradoja no necesitan entenderse en términos de ausencia de una contradicción, sino más bien en términos de ausencia de racionalidad, entendida esta como un término más amplio que el de coherencia y consistencia lógica. Se defenderá tal posición por medio de tres tesis, dos (...)
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  29.  60
    Two Decision Procedures for da Costa’s $$C_n$$ C n Logics Based on Restricted Nmatrix Semantics.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Guilherme V. Toledo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (3):601-642.
    Despite being fairly powerful, finite non-deterministic matrices are unable to characterize some logics of formal inconsistency, such as those found between mbCcl and Cila. In order to overcome this limitation, we propose here restricted non-deterministic matrices (in short, RNmatrices), which are non-deterministic algebras together with a subset of the set of valuations. This allows us to characterize not only mbCcl and Cila (which is equivalent, up to language, to da Costa's logic C_1) but the whole hierarchy of da Costa's (...)
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  30. Razão e irracionalidade na representação do conhecimento.Walter A. Carnielli & Mamede Lima Marques - 1991 - Trans/Form/Ação 14:165-177.
    How is it possible that beginning from the negation of rational thoughts one comes to produce knowledge? This problem, besides its intrinsic interest, acquires a great relevance when the representation of a knowledge is settled, for example, on data and automatic reasoning. Many treatment ways have been tried, as in the case of the non-monotonic logics; logics that intend to formalize an idea of reasoning by default, etc. These attempts are incomplete and are subject to failure. A possible (...)
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  31. Wittgenstein contra la Metamatemática.Axel Barceló - manuscript
    En este texto retomo una pregunta importante que había quedado abierta al final del segundo capítulo de mi (2019): ¿cuáles son los límites del análisis? Sabemos que por obvias limitaciones materiales, todo análisis siempre será incompleto y por lo tanto, limitado. A estos límites les hemos llamado “metodológicos”, para distinguirlos de los metafísicos. Si el análisis tiene límites en este segundo sentido, aun si termináramos de analizar por completo un concepto, no podremos estar seguros de conocer todas sus propiedades (...)
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    Racionalidade e Credibilidade da Religiosidade Monoteísta.Reiner Wimmer - 2006 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 62 (2/4):739 - 761.
    O ponto de partida do presente artigo consiste na afirmação de que as religiões originárias do Próximo Oriente - Judaísmo, Cristianismo, e Islamismo - contêm em si mesmas inconsistências práticas e teóricas. Mais ainda, o autor afirma que estas religiões estão em contradição umas com as outras no que diz respeito a aspectos teológicos essenciais, para além de que entre elas existe um passado de guerra e de conflito. Ora estas são precisamente as razões pelas quais o autor considera (...)
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    Experimental Logics, Mechanism and Knowable Consistency.Martin Kaså - 2012 - Theoria 78 (3):213-224.
    In a paper published in 1975, Robert Jeroslow introduced the concept of an experimental logic as a generalization of ordinary formal systems such that theoremhood is a (or in practice ) rather than . These systems can be viewed as (rather crude) representations of axiomatic theories evolving stepwise over time. Similar ideas can be found in papers by Putnam (1965) and McCarthy and Shapiro (1987). The topic of the present article is a discussion of a suggestion by Allen Hazen, that (...)
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    Desquineando la semejanza.Juan Bengoetxea - 2005 - Manuscrito 28 (1):113-141.
    La crítica contundente de Quine a las nociones intensionales, así como a todo lo superfluo para una ontología de raíz lógica de primer orden, le condujo a rechazar la validez de la noción de semejanza en el ámbito de las ciencias maduras . El artículo consiste preci-samente en responder a esta crítica desde una perspectiva no formalista en la que la ciencia no se reduce a simple teoría, sino que se comprende como un complejo interactivo de diversas prácticas . (...)
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    Sobre Linguagem e Ética.Camila Jourdan - 2023 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 25 (2):37-49.
    O objetivo geral deste artigo é contribuir para as reflexões sobre as relações entre ética e linguagem a partir da obra de Wittgenstein, buscando compreender em que medida há uma irredutível dimensão ética envolvida nos limites da significação. Para tanto, retomamos as considerações sobre ética presentes no Tractatus, nos Notebooks 1914-1916 e na Conferência sobre Ética. A maior parte dos desenvolvimentos deste texto versa sobre a abordagem do ponto de contato entre ética, lógica e ontologia, levando em contaa (...)
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    La percepción de figuras ambiguas en la filosofía del primer Wittgenstein.María Sol Yuan - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 58:e20613400.
    El presente artículo analiza las primeras consideraciones de Ludwig Wittgenstein respecto de la percepción de figuras ambiguas, lo que posteriormente fue englobado por la más amplia noción de “percepción de aspectos”. El objetivo consiste en poner de manifiesto algunas las consideraciones del Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus respecto al carácter intrínsecamente representacional de la percepción en el caso del Cubo de Necker, para establecer de qué manera y en qué medida sus primeras observaciones críticas de la percepción de propiedades que admiten grados (...)
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    Consistency and interpolation in linear continuous logic.Mahya Malekghasemi & Seyed-Mohammad Bagheri - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (7):931-939.
    We prove Robinson consistency theorem as well as Craig, Lyndon and Herbrand interpolation theorems in linear continuous logic.
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    Lógos, lógica y lenguaje: el camino de Heidegger hacia la conmoción (Erschütterung) de la lógica.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2021 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 35:270-292.
    Resumen En este escrito se expone la critica heideggeriana a la lógica, que en su primera etapa comienza como una revisión histórica del concepto lógos, pero se irá radicalizando conforme el lenguaje se presenta como un impedimento para el desarrollo del proyecto ontológico, hasta desembocar en lo que él mismo denominó la necesidad de una conmoción estructural de la lógica. Con la finalidad de dar seguimiento al desarrollo paulatino de esta problemática, este texto ha sido dividido de la siguiente (...)
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    El reto de Hilbert en la teoría de las magnitudes poligonales: Un capitulo en la axiomatización sintética de la geometría euclidiana.Eduardo N. Giovannini - 2017 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 43 (2):207-235.
    El artículo ofrece una interpretación de las contribuciones de David Hilbert a la teoría de las magnitudes poligonales, desarrollada en su influyente monografía Fundamentos de la geometría, publicada en 1899. Se argumenta que la construcción de esta parte central de la geometría euclidiana represento para Hilbert un desafío muy significativo, en razón de su objetivo general de proporcionar una axiomatización estrictamente sintética de esta teoría geométrica; es decir, en virtud de sus conocidos requerimientos metodológicos y epistemológicos de construir la (...)
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    Dos concepciones ontológicas de sociedad/ Two ontological conceptions of society.Leticia Minhot - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (1).
    Resumen: En este trabajo se pretende presentar la estructura ontológica de dos concepciones de sociedad y sus relaciones lógicas y ontológicas, según sea el caso, con individuos o con individuos individuados. Partimos de un análisis de la estructura ontológica de la sociedad tal como la concibe Freud para poder visualizar la coherencia entre esa estructura y la que subyace en su psicopatología. Luego, hacemos lo propio con Winnicott y mostramos cómo, a veces, sus enunciados no pueden ser tomados literalmente, (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Relevance Logics, Paradoxes Of Consistency And The K Rule Ii.José Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2006 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 15:175-191.
    The logic B+ is Routley and Meyer’s basic positive logic. Wedefine the logics BK+ and BK′+ by adding to B+ the K rule and to BK+the characteristic S4 axiom, respectively. These logics are endowed witha relatively strong non-constructive negation. We prove that all the logicsdefined lack the K axiom and the standard paradoxes of consistency.
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  42. Acerca de la interpretación de Landgrebe sobre el cartesianismo de Husserl.Patricio Agustin Perkins - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 11:203-222.
    Critico la teoría hermenéutica de Landgrebe sobre el cartesianismo de Husserl mostrando la estructura argumentativa en la que se inserta, lo que pretende y lo que está forzada a pretender. Su núcleo duro radica en los conceptos de crítica inmanente y lógica interna y tiene como meta final promover una idea de trascendental no-entitativa voluntarista y correlacional opuesta a la de un yo absoluto. Para probar esto, analizo tres niveles del cartesianismo de Landgrebe: primero, la síntesis contradictoria entre apodicticidad (...)
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    O Cilindro e o Cone.Paulo Vieira Neto - 2005 - Dois Pontos 2 (1).
    Examinamos a argumentação de Cícero contra o estoicismo no De Fato tentando reconstruir a melhor argumentação de Crisipo para a posição de uma filosofia que concilie a postulação do destino com a da liberdade humana. Fazemos isso, contudo tendo em vista a maneira como esse programa estóico é lembrado por Leibniz na Teodicéia. A estratégia para tanto consiste em examinar primeiro a maneira como Crisipo e Cícero poderiam traduzir o problema da relação do destino em termos causais, sugerindo (...)
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    Proofs and Countermodels in Non-Classical Logics.Sara Negri - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (1):25-60.
    Proofs and countermodels are the two sides of completeness proofs, but, in general, failure to find one does not automatically give the other. The limitation is encountered also for decidable non-classical logics in traditional completeness proofs based on Henkin’s method of maximal consistent sets of formulas. A method is presented that makes it possible to establish completeness in a direct way: For any given sequent either a proof in the given logical system or a countermodel in the corresponding (...)
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    Dynamic consistency in the logic of decision.Gerard J. Rothfus - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3923-3934.
    Arif Ahmed has recently argued that causal decision theory is dynamically inconsistent and that we should therefore prefer evidential decision theory. However, the principal formulation of the evidential theory, Richard Jeffrey’s Logic of Decision, has a mixed record of its own when it comes to evaluating plans consistently across time. This note probes that neglected record, establishing the dynamic consistency of evidential decision theory within a restricted class of problems but then illustrating how evidentialists can fall into sequential incoherence outside (...)
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    Institutional Antecedents of Partnering for Social Change: How Institutional Logics Shape Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Clodia Vurro, M. Tina Dacin & Francesco Perrini - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):39-53.
    Heeding the call for a deeper understanding of how cross-sector social partnerships can be managed across different contexts, this article integrates ideas from institutional theory with current debate on cross-boundary collaboration. Adopting the point of view of business actors interested in forming a CSSP to address complex social problems, we suggest that “appropriateness” needs shape business approaches toward partnering for social change, exerting an impact on the benefits that can be gained from it. A theoretical framework is proposed that identifies (...)
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  47. Relating Semantics for Hyper-Connexive and Totally Connexive Logics.Jacek Malinowski & Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy (Special Issue: Relating Logic a):1-14.
    In this paper we present a characterization of hyper-connexivity by means of a relating semantics for Boolean connexive logics. We also show that the minimal Boolean connexive logic is Abelardian, strongly consistent, Kapsner strong and antiparadox. We give an example showing that the minimal Boolean connexive logic is not simplificative. This shows that the minimal Boolean connexive logic is not totally connexive.
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    Verificacionismo y autorrefutación.Pablo Melogno - 2014 - Signos Filosóficos 16 (32):8-37.
    Frecuentemente se atribuye al empirismo apelar a principios no empíricos para defender el conocimiento empírico, por ello se le ha acusado de incurrir en cierta clase de autorrefutación. Con el advenimiento del empirismo lógico, esta objeción tomó la forma de cuestionamiento al criterio empirista de significado, señalando que, al no tratarse de una proposición lógica ni empírica, no cumple con sus propias condiciones de significatividad. En este artículo pretendo mostrar que dentro del empirismo lógico se desarrollaron respuestas a estas (...)
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  49. A Fundamental Ambiguity In The Cartesian Theory Of Ideas: Descartes And Leibniz On Intellectual Apprehension/ Uma Ambiguidade Fundamental Na Teoria Cartesiana Das Idéias: Descartes E Leibniz Sobre A Apreensão Intelectual.Graciela De Pierris - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):383-422.
    Traditionally the modern theory of ideas has been discussed primarily in reference to its alleged introduction of a veil of mental items between the mind and the world, which leads, through the empiricists, to radical skepticism about the existence of an external world. Here I propose to emphasize an entirely different aspect of the Cartesian theory of ideas which, in my view, is more fundamental in opening the empiricist path that leads to Hume’s radical skepticism. I argue that what I (...)
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    Axiomatization of Some Basic and Modal Boolean Connexive Logics.Mateusz Klonowski - 2021 - Logica Universalis 15 (4):517-536.
    Boolean connexive logic is an extension of Boolean logic that is closed under Modus Ponens and contains Aristotle’s and Boethius’ theses. According to these theses a sentence cannot imply its negation and the negation of a sentence cannot imply the sentence; and if the antecedent implies the consequent, then the antecedent cannot imply the negation of the consequent and if the antecedent implies the negation of the consequent, then the antecedent cannot imply the consequent. Such a logic was first introduced (...)
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