Results for 'paraphrases'

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  1. Paraphrase, categories, and ontology.Jonah Goldwater - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 64 (1):39-56.
    Analytic Philosophy, EarlyView. The method of paraphrasing away apparent ontological commitments is a familiar tool for trimming one's ontology. Even so, I argue that aiming to avoid commitment via paraphrase is unjustified. The reason is the standard motivations for paraphrase rest on implicit yet faulty principles regarding ontological categories and categorization- or so I argue. These results also provide indirect support for a permissivist approach to ontology.
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    Paraphrasability and the Causal Status of Types.Alexey Aliyev - 2022 - Theoria 88 (4):812-828.
    Some are attracted to the view that repeatable artworks, such as films, novels, plays, symphonies, photographs, and the like, are a particular kind of abstracta—namely, types. This view, however, is not unproblematic. One of the most serious problems it faces is the so-called "creation problem." The core idea behind this problem is that, on the one hand, it seems reasonable to accept the claims that (1) repeatable artworks are types, (2) types cannot be created, and (3) repeatable artworks are created, (...)
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  3. Paraphrase Strategies in Metaphysics.Tatjana von Solodkoff - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (8):570-582.
    Philosophers often aim to demonstrate that the things we ordinarily think and say can be reconciled with our considered beliefs about the world. To this end, many philosophers try to paraphrase ordinary language claims by finding equivalent sentences that are less misleading. For instance, though we know that there is no British family that is the average one, we want to say that the average British family has 1.8 children, and we might do that by paraphrasing this claim as: there (...)
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    La paraphrase: modélisation de la paraphrase langagière.Jasmina Milićević - 2007 - New York: Lang.
    Cette étude de la paraphrase langagière offre une vue d'ensemble sur ce procédé dans la théorie sens-texte, traite de deux problèmes théoriques liés à sa modélisation, la notion de paraphrase comme telle et les règles sémantiques d'équivalence. Elle propose une série de nouvelles règles sémantiques et lexico-syntaxique de paraphrasage.
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    (1 other version)Paraphrase, semantics, and ontology.John A. Keller - 2008 - In Dean W. Zimmerman (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    Reconciling paraphrases, this chapter states, are intended to show that two apparently inconsistent claims are in fact consistent. A growing number of philosophers have come to doubt the legitimacy of reconciling paraphrases due to the lack of ‘respectable’ evidence that can be provided on their behalf. Specifically, these critics think that in order to be plausible, reconciling paraphrases must be accompanied by evidence that would be of interest to linguists, semanticists, or philosophers of language. Since reconciling (...) are almost never offered with such evidence, these critics maintain that such paraphrases can be dismissed as mere wishful thinking. This chapter argues that this concern is mistaken: for many paraphrases, a lack of such evidence is not even a concern, much less a condemnation. (shrink)
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    Paraphrasing tools, language translation tools and plagiarism: an exploratory study.Clare E. Kinden & Felicity M. Prentice - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    In a recent unit of study in an undergraduate Health Sciences pathway course, we identified a set of essays which exhibited similarity of content but demonstrated the use of bizarre and unidiomatic language. One of the distinct features of the essays was the inclusion of unusual synonyms in place of expected standard medical terminology.We suspected the use of online paraphrasing tools, but were also interested in investigating the possibility of the use of online language translation tools. In order to test (...)
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    Paraphrase of Aristotle, ›de Anima‹: Critical Edition with Introduction and Translation.Theodoros Metochites - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter. Edited by Börje Bydén.
    Theodore Metochites’ Aristotelian paraphrases (c. 1312), covering all 40 books of the Stagirite’s extant works on natural philosophy, constitute one of the major achievements of late Byzantine learning. This volume offers the first critical edition of Metochites’ paraphrases of the three books of the De anima, accompanied by an introduction and an English translation with an apparatus of parallel passages in Aristotle’s ancient commentators. The first part of the introduction presents and evaluates the sources for the text, consisting (...)
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  8. The Paraphrase Argument Against Collective Actions.Johannes Himmelreich - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (1):81-95.
    This paper is about the status of collective actions. According to one view, collective actions metaphysically reduce to individual actions because sentences about collective actions are merely a shorthand for sentences about individual actions. I reconstruct an argument for this view and show via counterexamples that it is not sound. The argument relies on a paraphrase procedure to unpack alleged shorthand sentences about collective actions into sentences about individual actions. I argue that the best paraphrase procedure that has been put (...)
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  9. Paraphrase and the Symmetry Objection.John A. Keller - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (2):365-378.
    There is a puzzle about the use of paraphrase in philosophy, presented most famously in Alston's [1958] ‘Ontological Commitments’, but found throughout the literature. The puzzle arises from the fact that a symmetry required for a paraphrase to be successful seems to necessitate a symmetry sufficient for a paraphrase to fail, since any two expressions that stand in the means the same as relation must also stand in the has the same commitments as relation. I show that, while this problem (...)
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    Themistius’ Paraphrase of Aristotle’s Metaphysics 12: A Critical Hebrew-Arabic Edition of the Surviving Textual Evidence, with an Introduction, Preliminary Studies, and a Commentary.Yoav Meyrav - 2019 - BRILL.
    In Themistius’ Paraphrase of Aristotle’s _Metaphysics_ 12, Yoav Meyrav offers a new critical edition and study of the Hebrew text and the Arabic fragments of Themistius’ 4th century paraphrase, whose original Greek is lost.
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  11. Paraphrase and the Doctrine of the Trinity.Joseph Jedwab & John A. Keller - 2019 - Faith and Philosophy.
    The Doctrine of the Trinity says that there is one God, that there are three divine Persons, and that each divine Person is God. The Logical Problem of the Trinity is that these claims seem logically inconsistent. We argue that any coherent and orthodox solution to the Logical Problem must use the technique of paraphrase: a logically or metaphysically more perspicuous reformulation. If so, discussions of paraphrase deserve more prominence in the literature on the Doctrine of the Trinity. We also (...)
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    The Possibility of Paraphrase.Palle Leth - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (4):485-496.
    It is often claimed that, in at least some areas of language use, the relation between form and content is such that any attempt at reformulation or paraphrase amounts to a distortion of the significance of the original wording. In this article, I set out to vindicate an undemanding yet nontrivial conception of paraphrase. According to the rhetorical relations account of textual cohesion proposed, the meaning specifications required by a collection of sentences in order to constitute a text pave the (...)
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    Métaphore et paraphrase.Palle Leth - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):579-598.
    Le texte récuse l’opinion selon laquelle la métaphore ne se paraphrase pas. La paraphrase est censée ne rendre que la référence, non le sens d’une expression. Afin de montrer que la paraphrase peut bien intervenir au sens d’une métaphore, le personnage fictif est invoqué comme paradigme pour la constitution du sens. L’entité de sens qu’est un personnage fictif n’est pas réductible à une expression unique, mais dépend de l’interaction au sein d’un réseau d’expressions différentes. Si le sens de la métaphore (...)
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    Paraphrase de la métaphysique d'Aristote, livre Lambda. Themistius & Rémi Brague - 1999 - Paris: Vrin. Edited by Rémi Brague.
    La Metaphysique d'Aristote culmine dans le livre Lambda (XII). Il resume les livres precedents, puis se lance dans une fantastique description de Dieu, Premier moteur immobile de l'univers et Penser se pensant soi-meme. Le premier a nous en avoir laisse un commentaire est Themistius, au IVe siecle. Entre lui et l'epoque d'Averroes, d'Albert le Grand, de Thomas d'Aquin, rien ne nous est reste sur Lambda. Themistius paraphrase le texte et y mele de tres importantes digressions. L'original grec est perdu. De (...)
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    Les paraphrases du psaume 22 au XXe siècle: Répons, cantiques, chansons et poème.Jean-Luc Lorber - 2007 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 81 (3):369-389.
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    A paraphrase and notes on the epistles of st Paul.Paul Schuurman - 2010 - In S. J. Savonius-Wroth Paul Schuurman & Jonathen Walmsley (eds.), The Continuum Companion to Locke. Continuum. pp. 277.
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    De la paraphrase à l’herméneutique. L’histoire d’Adam dans le Magasin des enfants de Marie Leprince de Beaumont.Nicolas Brucker - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    The Magasin des enfants (1756) by Leprince de Beaumont includes a Bible for children, based on an oralised rewriting of the famoust stories of the Old Testament. The story of Adam, we closely examine, is both representative of the skill of retelling and of the discursive pragmatic function. This paraphrase, which is also a parable, includes the reader in its device and reveals the functioning of reading. The story, coupled with a tale that turns out to be an allegory of (...)
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  18. Why paraphrase nihilism fails.Shane Maxwell Wilkins - 2016 - Synthese 193 (8):2619--2632.
    Nihilists cannot square their position with common sense simply by paraphrasing away apparent ontological commitments in ordinary language. I argue for this claim by analogy. Paraphrase atheism says there is no God, but tries to square the truth of atheism with ordinary religious sentences by paraphrasing away apparent ontological commitments. Obviously, paraphrase does not reconcile atheism with ordinary language about God. I discuss two different reasons that paraphrase can fail and suggest that both reasons afflict paraphrase nihilism. Hence, paraphrase nihilism (...)
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    Themistius’ Paraphrase of Posterior Analytics 71a17-b8.Martin Achard - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (1):19-34.
    L’auteur met en évidence la façon dont Thémistius, dans sa paraphrase, réorganise les parties du texte des lignes 71a17-b8 des Seconds Analytiques. Par une analyse détaillée du propos d’Aristote dans ces lignes, il montre que la réorganisation proposée par Thémistius est fidèle à l’esprit du texte aristotélicien, et s’appuie vraisemblablement sur des indices externes dont disposait le paraphraste.
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  20. Plagiarism and Paraphrasing Criteria of College and University Professors.Miguel Roig - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (3):307-323.
    In Study 1, college professors determined whether each of 6 rewritten versions of a paragraph taken from a journal article were instances of plagiarism. Results indicated moderate disagreement as to which rewritten versions had been plagiarized. When another sample of professors was asked to paraphrase the same paragraph, up to 30% appropriated some text from the original. In Study 3, psychology professors paraphrased the same paragraph or a comparable one that was easier to read. Twenty-six percent of the psychologists appropriated (...)
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  21. Paraphrasing away properties with pluriverse counterfactuals.Jack Himelright - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10883-10902.
    In this paper, I argue that for the purposes of ordinary reasoning, sentences about properties of concrete objects can be replaced with sentences concerning how things in our universe would be related to inscriptions were there a pluriverse. Speaking loosely, pluriverses are composites of universes that collectively realize every way a universe could possibly be. As such, pluriverses exhaust all possible meanings that inscriptions could take. Moreover, because universes necessarily do not influence one another, our universe would not be any (...)
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  22. A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of St Paul.John Locke & A. Wainwright - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (1):104-105.
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  23. The Inadequacy of Paraphrase is the Dogma of Metaphor.Mark Phelan - 2010 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91 (4):481-506.
    Philosophers have alleged that paraphrases of metaphors are inadequate. They have presented this inadequacy as a datum predicted by, and thus a reason to accept, particular accounts of ‘metaphorical meanings.’ But to what, specifically, does this inadequacy claim amount? I argue that, if this assumption is to have any bearing on the metaphor debate, it must be construed as the comparative claim that paraphrases of metaphors are inadequate compared to paraphrases of literal utterances. But the evidence philosophers (...)
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  24. The paraphrase method in Leszek Nowak's interhuman model of man.Aleksandra Gomułczak - 2022 - In Krzysztof Brzechczyn (ed.), Non-Marxian Historical Materialism: Reconstructions and Comparisons. Leiden/Boston: BRILL.
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    Paraphrase Editions of Latin Mathematical Texts: De figuris ysoperimetris.Wilbur R. Knorr - 1990 - Mediaeval Studies 52 (1):132-189.
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  26. Kierkegaard, Paraphrase, and the Unity of Form and Content.Antony Aumann - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (4):376-387.
    On one standard view, paraphrasing Kierkegaard requires no special literary talent. It demands no particular flair for the poetic. However, Kierkegaard himself rejects this view. He says we cannot paraphrase in a straightforward fashion some of the ideas he expresses in a literary format. To use the words of Johannes Climacus, these ideas defy direct communication. In this paper, I piece together and defend the justification Kierkegaard offers for this position. I trace its origins to concerns raised by Lessing and (...)
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    Paraphrase et appropriation: Les avatars poétiques de l'ecclésiaste au temps Des guerres de religion (dalbiac, CarlE, belleau, baïf).Jean Vignes - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (3):503-526.
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  28. The Paraphrase of St John attributed to Nonnus.L. F. Sherry - 1996 - Byzantion 66:409-430.
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    Paraphrase and parsimony.Cindy D. Stern - 1989 - Metaphilosophy 20 (1):34–42.
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    Paraphrasing Poetry (for Profit and Pleasure).Peter Kivy - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (4):367-377.
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  31. a paraphrase of Pseudo-Dionysius, scientific treatises, and philosophical works as well. The best known of these is a bulky paraphrase of the whole Corpus Aristotelicum1, but there is also a little treatise entitled* H.Christos Terezis - 1996 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 66:156.
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    La Paraphrase de Sem (NH VII, 1), le Codex manichéen de Cologne et la polémique antibaptismale.Michel Roberge - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (3):419-449.
    Michel Roberge Cet article examine la polémique antibaptismale par laquelle se termine la Paraphrase de Sem, en fonction de ce que nous savons du mouvement baptiste elkasaïte et de ce que nous apprend le Codex manichéen de Cologne. À la lumière de ces sources, on peut formuler l’hypothèse que le jeune Mani a été témoin de la polémique qui a dû s’instaurer entre les membres de la communauté elkasaïte à laquelle il appartenait et ceux qui propageaient la doctrine de la (...)
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    Avicenne et sa «paraphrase-commentaire» du livre Lambda.J. Janssens - 2003 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 70 (2):401-416.
    Une grande partie du livre Kitāb al-inṣāf d’Avicenne ne nous est pas parvenue. Toutefois, le «paraphrase-commentaire » ayant trait à la Métaphysique d’Aristote, livre Lambda, chapitres 6-10 a été conservé dans deux manuscrits. En 1948 Badawi avait fourni une édition du texte arabe, qui, malgré ses mérites, est ouverte à des corrections importantes, comme le démontrent quelques exemples. En outre, une attention particulière est payée au problème de l’identification de la traduction utilisée par Avicenne. Un examen, bien que non exhaustif, (...)
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  34. John Locke: A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul: Volume Ii.Arthur W. Wainright (ed.) - 1987 - Clarendon Press.
    A scholarly edition of Volume 2 of The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke: A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul by Arthur Wainwright. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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    Paraphrase and Paraphrasing Metaphors.Christopher M. Bache - 1981 - Dialectica 35 (3):307-326.
    Summary: This essay rejects the widespread thesis that conceptually creative metaphors are unpara‐phrasable on grounds that it misconceives the nature and function of paraphrase. Encouraged by a deceptively parallel rejection of the positivist reducibility thesis by philosophers of science, defenders of the unparaphrasability thesis mistakenly equated paraphrase with literal translation and in so doing failed to appreciate paraphrase's critical role in the systematic exploitation of metaphor's creative potential. This essay attempts to recast the terms of the paraphrasability debate by separating (...)
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  36. Full paraphrase generation for fragments in dialogue.Shalom Lappin - unknown
    Much previous work on generation has focused on the general problem of producing lexical strings from abstract semantic representations. We consider generation in the context of a particular task, creating full sentential paraphrases of fragments in dialogue. When the syntactic, semantic and phonological information provided by a dialogue fragment resolution system is made accessible to a generation component, much of the indeterminacy of lexical selection is eliminated.
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  37. Ontological Commitment and Paraphrase.Frank Jackson - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (213):303-315.
    It is persons who are ontologically committed. But a person is not ontologically committed by virtue of his character, his height, his social standing or whatever, but by virtue of the sentences he assents to. Hence we should look to sentences for a criterion of ontological commitment. This is precisely what is done by advocates of what I will call the Referential theory. In this paper I argue that the Referential theory faces serious objections related to the role paraphrase must (...)
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    Exodus Paraphrased.Charles E. Jackson - 1980 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2 (7):11.
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  39. Optimus prime: paraphrasing prime number talk.Jonathan Tallant - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2065-2083.
    Baker (Mind 114:223–238, 2005; Brit J Philos Sci 60:611–633, 2009) has recently defended what he calls the “enhanced” version of the indispensability argument for mathematical Platonism. In this paper I demonstrate that the nominalist can respond to Baker’s argument. First, I outline Baker’s argument in more detail before providing a nominalistically acceptable paraphrase of prime-number talk. Second, I argue that, for the nominalist, mathematical language is used to express physical facts about the world. In endorsing this line I follow moves (...)
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  40. A Paraphrase of the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle.Henry W. Chandler & Aristotle - 1859 - H. Hammans ..
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  41. Pronouns as paraphrases.Terence Parsons - 1978
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    Peter Comestor, Biblical paraphrase, and the medieval popular bible.James H. Morey - 1993 - Speculum 68 (1):6-35.
    The Bible in the Middle Ages, much like the Bible today, consisted for the laity not of a set of texts within a canon but of those stories which, partly because of their liturgical significance and partly because of their picturesque and memorable qualities, formed a provisional “Bible” in the popular imagination. Even relatively devout and educated moderns may be surprised by what is, and what is not, biblical. The medieval popular Bible took shape within an encyclopedic tradition largely responsible (...)
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    Inférence, antonymie et paraphrase: éléments pour une théorie sémantique.Robert Martin - 1976 - [Paris]: Klincksieck.
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    Note on Themistius' Paraphrase of Physics, ii. 9.Paul Shorey - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (07):328-.
  45. Problems of paraphrase: Bottom’s dream.David Hills - 2007 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3.
    Philosophers and critics alike often contend that metaphors cannot or should not be paraphrased, ever. Yet a simple and decisive empirical argument — The Horse’s Mouth Argument—suffices to show that many metaphors can be paraphrased without violating the spirit in which they were put forward in the first place. This argument leaves us with urgent unanswered questions about the role of paraphrase in a more inclusive division of exegetical labor, about the tension between its notorious openendedness and its claim to (...)
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  46. The Heresy of Paraphrase: When the Medium Really Is the Message.Ernest Lepore - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):177-197.
    Now I may not be an educated man . . . But it seems to me to go against common sense to ask what the poet is ‘trying to say’. The poem isn’t a code for something easily understood. The poem is what he is trying to say.
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  47. Contingentism and paraphrase.Jonas Werner - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (2):565-582.
    One important challenge for contingentists is that they seem to be unable to account for the meaning of some apparently meaningful modal discourse that is perfectly intelligible for necessitists. This worry is particularly pressing for higher-order contingentists, contingentists who hold that it is not only contingent which objects there are, but also contingent which semantic values there are for higher-order variables to quantify over. Objections against higher-order contingentism along these lines have been presented in Williamson (Mind 119(475):657–748, 2010; Modal logic (...)
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    Using Internet based paraphrasing tools: Original work, patchwriting or facilitated plagiarism?Grace McCarthy & Ann M. Rogerson - 2017 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 13 (1).
    A casual comment by a student alerted the authors to the existence and prevalence of Internet-based paraphrasing tools. A subsequent quick Google search highlighted the broad range and availability of online paraphrasing tools which offer free ‘services’ to paraphrase large sections of text ranging from sentences, paragraphs, whole articles, book chapters or previously written assignments. The ease of access to online paraphrasing tools provides the potential for students to submit work they have not directly written themselves, or in the case (...)
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  49. Targum and Testament. Aramaic Paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible: A Light on the New Testament.Martin Mcnamara - 1972
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    Greek Paraphrases M. Papathomopoulos: Ετεκνον παραφρσεις ες τ ΝικνδρουΘηριακ κα λεξιφρμακα. νωνμου παρφρασις ες τ ππιανοἉλιευτικ. νωνμου παρφραις ες τ Διονυσου ξευτικ. Μαξυου Πλανοδη μετφρασις τν βιδου πιστολν. 4 vols. Pp. xv + 136; xv + 55; xx + 61; xii + 126. Joannina: The University, 1976. Paper. [REVIEW]Robert Browning - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (01):24-26.
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