Results for 'physician‐assisted dying'

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  1. Problems Involved in the Moral Justification of Medical Assistance in Dying.Physician-Assisted Suicide - 2000 - In Raphael Cohen-Almagor, Medical ethics at the dawn of the 21st century. New York: New York Academy of Sciences. pp. 157.
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  2. Legal physician-assisted dying in Oregon and the Netherlands: evidence concerning the impact on patients in "vulnerable" groups.M. P. Battin, A. van der Heide, L. Ganzini, G. van der Wal & B. D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (10):591-597.
    Background: Debates over legalisation of physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia often warn of a “slippery slope”, predicting abuse of people in vulnerable groups. To assess this concern, the authors examined data from Oregon and the Netherlands, the two principal jurisdictions in which physician-assisted dying is legal and data have been collected over a substantial period.Methods: The data from Oregon comprised all annual and cumulative Department of Human Services reports 1998–2006 and three independent studies; the data from the Netherlands comprised all (...)
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  3. Physician-assisted dying and two senses of an incurable condition.Jukka Varelius - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (9):601-604.
    It is commonly accepted that voluntary active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide can be allowed, if at all, only in the cases of patients whose conditions are incurable. Yet, there are different understandings of when a patient’s condition is incurable. In this article, I consider two understandings of the notion of an incurable condition that can be found in the recent debate on physician-assisted dying. According to one of them, a condition is incurable when it is known that there is (...)
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    Physician assisted dying and death with dignity: Missed opportunities and prior neglected conditions.Erich H. Loewy - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (2):189-194.
    This paper argues that the world-wide debate about physician assisted dying is missing a golden opportunity to focus on the orchestration of the end of life. Such a process consists of far more than adequate pain control and is a skill which, like all other skills, needs to be learned and taught. The debate offers an opportunity to press for the teaching of this skill. Beyond this, the desire to assure that all can have access to palliative care makes (...)
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    Physician-assisted dying: thoughts drawn from Albert Camus’ writing.Claudia Bozzaro - 2018 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 39 (2):111-122.
    Physician-assisted dying is currently an intensely discussed topic in several countries. Despite differences in legislation and application, countries with end-of-life laws have similar eligibility criteria for assistance in dying: individuals must be in a hopeless situation and experience unbearable suffering. Hopelessness, as a basic aspect of the human condition, is a central topic in Albert Camus’ philosophical work The Myth of Sisyphus, which addresses the question of suicide. Suffering in the face of a hopeless situation, and the way (...)
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  6. Physician-assisted dying outlaws: self-appointed death in the Netherlands.Suzanne Ost - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (1):20-26.
    No law in any jurisdiction that permits physician assisted dying offers individuals a medically assisted death without the need to comply with certain criteria. The Netherlands is no exception. There is evidence to suggest that physicians are averse to providing an assisted death even when the Dutch ‘due care criteria’ have been met and the unbearable pain and suffering requirement is especially difficult to satisfy. Some individuals with an enduring desire to die who do not meet the ‘due care’ (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Dying: Theory and Reality.Diane E. Meier - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (1):35-37.
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    Physician-assisted dying—what would Aristotle do?James Duffy - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (3):30 – 31.
  9. Active and Passive Physician‐Assisted Dying and the Terminal Disease Requirement.Jukka Varelius - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):663-671.
    The view that voluntary active euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide should be made available for terminal patients only is typically warranted by reference to the risks that the procedures are seen to involve. Though they would appear to involve similar risks, the commonly endorsed end-of-life practices referred to as passive euthanasia are available also for non-terminal patients. In this article, I assess whether there is good reason to believe that the risks in question would be bigger in the case of voluntary (...)
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  10. On the Moral Acceptability of Physician‐Assisted Dying for Non‐Autonomous Psychiatric Patients.Jukka Varelius - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (4):227-233.
    Several authors have recently suggested that the suffering caused by mental illness could provide moral grounds for physician-assisted dying. Yet they typically require that psychiatric-assisted dying could come to question in the cases of autonomous, or rational, psychiatric patients only. Given that also non-autonomous psychiatric patients can sometimes suffer unbearably, this limitation appears questionable. In this article, I maintain that restricting psychiatric-assisted dying to autonomous, or rational, psychiatric patients would not be compatible with endorsing certain end-of-life practices (...)
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    Does legal physician-assisted dying impede development of palliative care? The Belgian and Benelux experience.Kenneth Chambaere & Jan L. Bernheim - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):657-660.
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    Getting Beyond Pros and Cons: Results of a Stakeholder Needs Assessment on Physician Assisted Dying in the Hospital Setting.Andrea Frolic, Leslie Murray, Marilyn Swinton & Paul Miller - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):391-408.
    This study assessed the attitudes and needs of physicians and health professional staff at a tertiary care hospital in Canada regarding the introduction of physician assisted dying (PAD) during 2015–16. This research aimed to develop an understanding of the wishes, concerns and hopes of stakeholders related to handling requests for PAD; to determine what supports/structures/resources health care professionals (HCP) require in order to ensure high quality and compassionate care for patients requesting PAD, and a supportive environment for all healthcare (...)
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    The role of religion in the debate about physician-assisted dying.William E. Stempsey - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (4):383-387.
    This paper explores the role of religious belief in public debate about physician-assisted dying and argues that the role is essential because any discussion about the way we die raises the deepest questions about the meaning of human life and death. For religious people, such questions are essentially religious ones, even when the religious elements are framed in secular political or philosophical language. The paper begins by reviewing some of the empirical data about religious belief and practice in the (...)
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    Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases.Marianne C. Snijdewind, Donald G. van Tol, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Dick L. Willems - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):292-296.
    Background Since the enactment of the euthanasia law in the Netherlands, there has been a lively public debate on assisted dying that may influence the way patients talk about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide with their physicians and the way physicians experience the practice of EAS. Aim To show what developments physicians see in practice and how they perceive the influence of the public debate on the practice of EAS. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 28 (...)
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  15. Physician-Assisted Suicide, the Right to Die, and Misconceptions About Life.Mario Tito Ferreira Moreno & Pedro Fior Mota De Andrade - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):14-27.
    In this paper, we analyze the legal situation regarding physician-assisted suicide in the world. Our hypothesis is that the prohibitive stance on physician-assisted suicide in most societies in the world today seems to be related to our moral attitudes toward suicide. This brings us to a discussion about life itself. We claim that the total lack of legal protection for physician-assisted suicide from international organizations and most countries in the world lies in a philosophical assumption that supports much of our (...)
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    Old problems in need of new (narrative) approaches? A young physician–bioethicist’s search for ethical guidance in the practice of physician-assisted dying in the Netherlands.Bernadette Roest - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):274-279.
    The current empirical research and normative arguments on physician-assisted dying in the Netherlands seem insufficient to provide ethical guidance to general practitioners in the practice of PAD, due to a gap between the evidence and arguments on the one hand and the uncertainties and complexities as found in everyday practice on the other. This paper addresses the problems of current ethical arguments and empirical research and how both seem to be profoundly influenced by the Dutch legislative framework on PAD (...)
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    Physician Assistance in Dying: An Option for Christians?Lloyd Steffen - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (3):228-249.
    Opposition to physician-assisted suicide is widespread in Christian ethics. However, on a topic as controversial as physician-assisted suicide, no one can reasonably speak for “the Christian” perspective. Natural-law and, specifically, just-war thinking are claimed in the Christian tradition, yet the natural-law contribution to a Christian ethical analysis of physician-assisted suicide requires explanation and defense. Natural-law ethical theory affirms the central role of reason in moral thinking and provides a theoretical resource in contemporary ethics to assist in analyzing specific moral issues, (...)
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    Compassion in the justification of physician-assisted dying: Gandhi’s non-violence vs. Aristotle’s virtues and vices.Ercan Avci - forthcoming - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:1-6.
    Compassion is an essential phenomenon in the therapeutic relationship, and some use it to justify physician-assisted dying practices. The value of compassion in the relationship between healthcare professionals and patients is undeniable. However, different approaches to its definition and scope can lead to distinct conclusions about the role of compassion in end-of-life interventions. In this context, the paper aims to compare Mahatma Gandhi’s and Aristotle’s views on compassion to explore whether it can be utilized to justify physician-assisted dying. (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide Reconsidered: Dying as a Christian in a Post-Christian Age.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (2):143-167.
    The traditional Christian focus concerning dying is on repentance, not dignity. The goal of a traditional Christian death is not a pleasing, final chapter to life, but union with God: holiness. The pursuit of holiness requires putting on Christ and accepting His cross. In contrast, post-traditional Christian and secular concerns with self-determination, control, dignity, and self-esteem make physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia plausible moral choices. Such is not the case within the context of the traditional Christian experience of (...)
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  20. Should assisted dying be legalised?Thomas D. G. Frost, Devan Sinha & Barnabas J. Gilbert - 2014 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 9:3.
    When an individual facing intractable pain is given an estimate of a few months to live, does hastening death become a viable and legitimate alternative for willing patients? Has the time come for physicians to do away with the traditional notion of healthcare as maintaining or improving physical and mental health, and instead accept their own limitations by facilitating death when requested? The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge held the 2013 Varsity Medical Debate on the motion “This House Would Legalise (...)
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    Dutch criteria of due care for physician-assisted dying in medical practice: a physician perspective.H. M. Buiting, J. K. M. Gevers, J. A. C. Rietjens, B. D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, P. J. van der Maas, A. van der Heide & J. J. M. van Delden - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):e12-e12.
    Introduction: The Dutch Euthanasia Act states that euthanasia is not punishable if the attending physician acts in accordance with the statutory due care criteria. These criteria hold that: there should be a voluntary and well-considered request, the patient’s suffering should be unbearable and hopeless, the patient should be informed about their situation, there are no reasonable alternatives, an independent physician should be consulted, and the method should be medically and technically appropriate. This study investigates whether physicians experience problems with these (...)
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    Assisted dying: the influence of public opinion in an increasingly diverse society. [REVIEW]David Badcott - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (4):389-397.
    Attitudes to questions of whether physician-assisted dying should be legalised in the UK, reflect one of the greatest challenges to moral stance in health care for both individuals and professional bodies, not least as indicated by public opinion. However, public opinion is a seductively deceptive notion, seemingly readily identifiable but in practice multifarious. At best, consensus regarding public opinion and assisted dying is illusory, sometimes transient and what is relevant in this matter is a comprehension of both majority (...)
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    Assisted dying in Swedish healthcare: a qualitative analysis of physicians’ reasoning about physician-assisted suicide.Anna Lindblad, Niklas Juth, Ingemar Engström, Mikael Sandlund & Niels Lynøe - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):99-114.
    To explore Swedish physicians’ arguments and values for and against physician-assisted suicide (PAS) extracted from the free-text comments in a postal survey. A random selection of approximately 240 physicians from each of the following specialties: general practice, geriatrics, internal medicine, oncology, surgery and psychiatry. All 123 palliative care physicians in Sweden. A qualitative content analysis of free-text comments in a postal questionnaire commissioned by the Swedish Medical Society in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. The total response rate was (...)
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  24. Physician-Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Euthanasia: How Not to Die as a Christian.Mark J. Cherry - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (1):1-16.
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    Medically Assisted Dying and Suicide: How Are They Different, and How Are They Similar?Phoebe Friesen - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (1):32-43.
    The practice of medically assisted dying has long been contentious, and the question of what to call it has become increasingly contentious as well. Particularly among U.S. proponents of legalizing the practice, there has been a growing push away from calling it “physician‐assisted suicide,” with assertions that medically assisted dying is fundamentally different from suicide. Digging deeper into this claim about difference leads to an examination of the difference between two kinds of suffering—suffering from physical conditions and (...)
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    Attitudes towards assisted dying are influenced by question wording and order: a survey experiment.Morten Magelssen, Magne Supphellen, Per Nortvedt & Lars Johan Materstvedt - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):24.
    BackgroundSurveys on attitudes towards assisted dying play an important role in informing public debate, policy and legislation. Unfortunately, surveys are often designed with insufficient attention to framing effects; that is, effects on the respondents’ stated attitudes caused by question wording and context. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate and measure such framing effects. MethodsSurvey experiment in which an eight-question survey on attitudes towards assisted dying was distributed to Norwegian citizens through a web-based panel. Two variations of (...)
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    ‘To die, to sleep’ – assisted dying legislation in Victoria: A case study.Julia Gilbert & Jane Boag - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):1976-1982.
    Background: Assisted dying remains an emotive topic globally with a number of countries initiating legislation to allow individuals access to assisted dying measures. Victoria will become the first Australian state in over 13 years to pass Assisted Dying Legislation, set to come into effect in 2019. Objectives: This article sought to evaluate the impact of Victorian Assisted Dying Legislation via narrative view and case study presentation. Research design: Narrative review and case study. Participants and research context: (...)
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    Dying under a Description? Physician-Assisted Suicide, Persons, and Solidarity.Darlene Fozard Weaver - 2021 - Christian Bioethics 27 (3):298-311.
    Debates over physician-assisted suicide comprise a small portion of broader culture wars. Their role in the culture wars obscures an under-acknowledged consensus between those who support PAS and those who oppose it. Drawing insights from personalism, this essay situates PAS within larger moral obligations of solidarity with the dying and their caregivers. The contributions of Roman Catholic personalism relocate debates over PAS and allow us to harness shared moral impulses.
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    BMA end-of-life care and physician-assisted dying project.Sophie Brannan, Ruth Campbell, Martin Davies, Veronica English, Rebecca Mussell & Julian C. Sheather - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):409-410.
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    Dr Kevorkian and the Struggle for Physician‐Assisted Dying.Greg Pence - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (1):62-71.
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    The Assisted Dying Bill and the role of the physician.Alexandra Mullock - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):621-624.
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    Rethinking Assisted Dying.Udo Schüklenk - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (2):327-349.
    As more jurisdictions permit a medically assisted death (MAiD)—and none of the jurisdictions that introduced MAiD has seen any serious attempts at reversing it—the focus of debate has turned to the question of what is a morally defensible access threshold for MAiD. This permits us to rethink the moral reasons for the legalization or decriminalization of assisted dying. Unlike what is assumed in many legislative frameworks, unbearable suffering caused by terminal illness is not what oftentimes motivates decisionally capable people (...)
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    Disparity in attitudes regarding assisted dying among physicians and the general public in Japan.Yoshiyuki Takimoto & Tadanori Nabeshima - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-9.
    Recently, an increasing number of countries have been allowing voluntary active euthanasia (VAE) and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) as part of palliative care. Japan stands out as the most aged country in the developed world, and while the need for palliative care for older adults with dementia has been noted, there has been reluctance to openly address VAE and PAS. We conducted an online questionnaire survey using a vignette case to investigate the attitudes of Japanese physicians and the general public towards (...)
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    From empathy to assisted dying: an argument.Philip A. Berry - 2013 - Clinical Ethics 8 (1):5-8.
    Assisted dying (AD) has not been legalized despite a number of presentations to parliament. It is necessary for doctors who support AD to justify themselves in the context of repeated legislative failure. This article describes the author's personal approach to the problem, one that prioritizes respect for autonomy above legal or societal objections. It is argued that for debilitated patients, the preservation of autonomy depends on a doctor's empathy and willingness to advocate. This sequence can be interrupted by externally (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide as a Constitutional Right.John E. Linville - 1996 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 24 (3):198-206.
    The legal treatment of physician-assisted suicide is in flux. Reform has been impelled by several forces, including the recent success of novel constitutional arguments in the Ninth and Second Circuit Courts of Appeals. I will review and discuss Compassion in Dying v. State of Washington and Quill v. Vacco, addressing the constitutional arguments, and then briefly considering the attractions and difficulties of these new constitutional theories.Before 1990, state criminal laws dealing with assisted suicide had reached a remarkably stable consensus: (...)
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    The Disability Case Against Assisted Dying.Danny Scoccia - 2020 - In Adam Cureton & David Wasserman, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press. pp. 279-294.
    Disability rights (DR) advocates have consistently opposed the legalization of physician-assisted dying (PAD) on the grounds that it wrongly discriminates against the disabled. This chapter distinguishes three variants of this objection. The first and perhaps primary one, based on “soft paternalism,” claims that PAD should not be legalized for the sake of those who might choose it. The second alleges that the laws harm all disabled people by encouraging support for PAD as the cheaper alternative to providing the disabled (...)
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    Die ärztlich assistierte Selbsttötung und das gesellschaftlich Gute - Physician-assisted suicide and the common good.Roland Kipke - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (2):141-154.
    Definition of the problem: The question whether a prohibition of physician-assisted suicide is justifiable plays a prominent role in recent debate about this practice. Many authors argue that assisted suicide is an issue of individual choice, that a prohibition would base on particular conceptions of the good and that such a justification is not acceptable in a liberal society. Arguments: Within the frame of a communitarian approach the article demonstrates that the handling of dying and what physicians are allowed (...)
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    International Perspectives on Physician Assistance in Dying.David Orentlicher - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (6):6-7.
    When the Supreme Court of Canada recognized a constitutional right to “medical assistance in dying” last year—and the nation's Parliament enacted legislation to implement the right earlier this year—Canadian lawmakers could look to two different models for guidance. The Netherlands and Belgium recognize a broad right to assistance in dying, while Oregon and elsewhere in the United States have a narrow right. In some ways, assistance in dying in Canada follows the Dutch-Belgian approach, while, in other ways, (...)
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    Public reasoning about voluntary assisted dying: An analysis of submissions to the Queensland Parliament, Australia.David G. Kirchhoffer & Chi-Wai Lui - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (1):105-116.
    The use of voluntary assisted dying as an end‐of‐life option has stimulated concerns and debates over the past decades. Although public attitudes towards voluntary assisted dying (including euthanasia and physician‐assisted suicide) are well researched, there has been relatively little study of the different reasons, normative reasoning and rhetorical strategies that people invoke in supporting or contesting voluntary assisted dying in everyday life. Using a mix of computational textual mining techniques, keyword study and qualitative thematic coding to (...)
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    End-of-life discontinuation of destination therapy with cardiac and ventilatory support medical devices: physician-assisted death or allowing the patient to die?Mohamed Y. Rady & Joseph L. Verheijde - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):15.
    Background Bioethics and law distinguish between the practices of "physician-assisted death" and "allowing the patient to die." Discussion Advances in biotechnology have allowed medical devices to be used as destination therapy that are designed for the permanent support of cardiac function and/or respiration after irreversible loss of these spontaneous vital functions. For permanent support of cardiac function, single ventricle or biventricular mechanical assist devices and total artificial hearts are implanted in the body. Mechanical ventilators extrinsic to the body are used (...)
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    Institutional Objection to Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria, Australia: An Analysis of Publicly Available Policies.Eliana Close, Lindy Willmott, Louise Keogh & Ben P. White - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):467-484.
    Background Victoria was the first Australian state to legalize voluntary assisted dying (elsewhere known as physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia). Some institutions indicated they would not participate in voluntary assisted dying. The Victorian government issued policy approaches for institutions to consider Objective To describe and analyse publicly available policy documents articulating an institutional objection to voluntary assisted dying in Victoria. Methods Policies were identified using a range of strategies, and those disclosing and discussing the nature of an institutional (...)
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    “Medical Friendships” in Assisted Dying.Chalmers Clark & Gerrit Kimsa - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (1):61-67.
    As the issue of assisted dying continues toward more expanded legal standing, we shift our primary focus from questions of patients' rights to the largely overlooked challenges that face physicians who elect to assist patients in ending their lives. Dr. Howard Grossman, a Manhattan internist and plaintiff in the unsuccessful New York lawsuit to the Supreme Court, came forward to say, “Anybody who has done it knows that it is a tremendous decision that you carry with you forever.”1 We (...)
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    Review of Timothy E. Quill and Margaret P. Battin (eds.), Physician-Assisted Dying: The Case for Palliative Care & Patient Care 1 and Kathleen Foley and Herbert Hendin (eds.), The Case Against Assisted Suicide: For the Right to End-of-Life Care.2. [REVIEW]C. Wayne Mayhall - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (11):48-50.
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    Conscientious participants and the ethical dimensions of physician support for legalised voluntary assisted dying.Jodhi Rutherford - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e11-e11.
    The Australian state of Victoria legalised voluntary assisted dying in June 2019. Like most jurisdictions with legalised VAD, the Victorian law constructs physicians as the only legal providers of VAD. Physicians with conscientious objection to VAD are not compelled to participate in the practice, requiring colleagues who are willing to participate to transact the process for eligible applicants. Physicians who provide VAD because of their active, moral and purposeful support for the law are known as conscientious participants. Conscientious participation (...)
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    The debate about physician assistance in dying: 40 years of unrivalled progress in medical ethics?Søren Holm - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (1):40-43.
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    Physician‐Assisted Death and Severe, Treatment‐Resistant Depression.Bonnie Steinbock - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (5):30-42.
    Should people suffering from untreatable psychiatric conditions be eligible for physician-assisted death? This is possible in Belgium and the Netherlands, where PAD for psychiatric conditions is permitted, though rare, so long as the criteria of due care are met. Those opposed to all instances of PAD point to Belgium and the Netherlands as a dark warning that once PAD is legalized, restricting it will prove impossible because safeguards, such as the requirement that a patient be terminally ill, will inevitably be (...)
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  47. Envisioning Markets in Assisted Dying.Michael Cholbi - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi, New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 263-278.
    Ethical debates about assisted dying typically assume that only medical professionals should be able to provide patients with assisted dying. This assumption partially rests on the unstated principle that assisted dying providers may not be motivated by pecuniary considerations. Here I outline and defend a mixed provider model of assisted dying provision that contests this principle. Under this model, medically competent non-physician professionals could receive fees for providing assisted dying under the same terms and conditions (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide: Where to Draw the Line?Ernlé W. D. Young - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (3):407-410.
    In brief compass, I will touch on three of the central ethical and public policy issues that divide those who are opposed to physician-assisted dying from those who are supportive of this practice. These are: the moral distinction between actively hastening death and passively allowing to die; how to interpret the Hippocratic tradition in medicine with respect to physician-assisted death; and whether physician-assisted suicide can be effectively regulated. I shall summarize the arguments pro and con with respect to each (...)
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    Envisioning Markets in Assisted Dying.Michael Cholbi - 2015 - In Jukka Varelius & Michael Cholbi, New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 263-278.
    Ethical debates about assisted dying typically assume that only medical professionals should be able to provide patients with assisted dying. This assumption partially rests on the unstated principle that assisted dying providers may not be motivated by pecuniary considerations. Here I outline and defend a mixed provider model of assisted dying provision that contests this principle. Under this model, medically competent non-physician professionals could receive fees for providing assisted dying under the same terms and conditions (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Death: Doctrinal Development vs. Christian Tradition.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (2):115-121.
    Physician-assisted suicide offers a moral and theological Rorschach test. Foundational commitments regarding morality and theology are disclosed by how the issue is perceived and by what moral problems it is seen to present. One of the cardinal differences disclosed is that between Western and Orthodox Christian approaches to theology in general, and the theology of dying and suicide in particular. Confrontation with the issue of suicide is likely to bring further doctrinal development in many of the Western Christian religions, (...)
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