Results for 'principle of non-contradiction.'

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  1.  28
    The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato's Republic: An Argument for Form.Laurence Bloom - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    What sorts of things qualify as first principles of reasoning and what kind of justification for them can be offered? We think of principles like that of non-contradiction as first principles of reasoning. Laurence Bloom argues that Plato’s Republic, the first text that affords us a complete statement of the Principle of Non-contradiction, offers us a powerful, complex and detailed argument for taking form—specifically that of the good—as the first principle of both knowing and being.
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  2. The principle of non contradiction. The debate on dialetheism.Silvia Gaio - 2006 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 35 (1-2).
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    Internal Negation and the Principles of Non-Contradiction and of Excluded Middle in Aristotle.Christopher Izgin - 2020 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (1):1-15.
    It has long been recognized that negation in Aristotle’s term logic differs syntactically from negation in classical logic: modern external negation attaches to propositions fully formed, whereas Aristotelian internal negation forms propositions from sentential constituents. Still, modern external negation is used to render Aristotelian internal negation, as may be seen in formalizations of Aristotle’s semantic principles of non-contradiction and of excluded middle. These principles govern the distribution of truth values among pairs of contradictory propositions, and Aristotelian contradictories always consist of (...)
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  4. The principle of non-contradiction according to Aristotle.Arturo Deregibus - 2002 - Filosofia Oggi 25 (98):221-265.
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    What is the Principle of (Non-)Contradiction, Precisely? The Struggle at the Dawn of Formal Logic.Adam Trybus - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-22.
    The principle of contradiction, or non-contradiction, is traditionally included as one of the three fundamental principles of logic, together with the principle of identity and the principle of excluded middle. There is a consensus now regarding the shape of the principle of contradiction in modern formal logic. However, a deeper look at the history of its formulation reveals a much more complicated picture. We trace some of such developments from the beginning of the twentieth century when (...)
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    The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato’s Republic: an Argument for Form. By Lawrence Bloom.Will Barnes - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):216-220.
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    Verificationism and the principle of non-contradiction.A. C. H. Wright - 1984 - History and Philosophy of Logic 5 (2):195-217.
    Papineau has suggested that the Principle of Non-Contradiction is a logical law that ?verificationists? are not entitled to claim as a prioritrue. The Principle, like that of Excluded Middle, is not sufficiently grounded in the ?miserly? epistemology of verificationism to be proven in ?verificationist logic?. We examine who might be challenged by this claim: who are the ?verificationists?? We defend our candidates against Papineau's criticisms and other attacks, but this leaves the verificationist open to a different criticism.
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    Dialectical logic or logical dialectics? The Polish discussion on the principle of non-contradiction (1946–1957).Monika Woźniak - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (1):111-127.
    The discussion on the principle of non-contradiction (1946–1957) between Marxist and non-Marxist philosophers was one of the major philosophical discussions in Polish philosophy of this period. In my text, I carefully reconstruct this discussion and outline its relation to Soviet debates on the subject. I show that the change in Schaff’s position happened in the early 1950s under the combined influence of the Lvov–Warsaw School and the changes in the official Soviet position regarding formal logic. I discuss the aftermath (...)
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  9. Aristotle on the Principle of Non-Contradiction.S. Marc Cohen - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):359-370.
    Critical discussion of Alan Code's paper "Aristotle's Investigation of a Basic Logical Principle: Which Science Investigates the Principle of Non-Contradiction?".
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    The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato’s Republic: An Argument for Form. By Laurence Bloom. [REVIEW]Joseph W. Koterski - 2017 - International Philosophical Quarterly 57 (4):480-482.
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    Beyond the Principle of Non-Contradiction: Damascius on the Ineffable.Luca Pitteloud - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (2):307-338.
    For Damascius, any attempt to grasp the first principle of all things, the Ineffable, implies the rejection of the principle of non-contradiction (PNC). The reasoning soul, using aporia, is forced to admit contradictory statements as true when it comes to cognising what lies beyond any intelligible being. Damascius shows that it is necessary to postulate a completely transcendent and unknowable Absolute which is the uncoordinated cause of all things beyond the One. This paper examines how Damascius relates the (...)
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    Aristotle and the principle of non-contradiction.Gianluigi Pasquale - 2006 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Aristotle's Principle of Non-contradiction in Metaphysics Γ. 3.Ivan Stublić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):777-789.
    U Metafizici Γ. 3 počelo neproturječnosti otkriva se kao počelo mišljenja, ali i počelo svih bića. Prema tome, PN ima svoja dva aspekta – ontički i logički. Ti su aspekti izraženi različitim formulacijama počela neproturječnosti koje nalazimo u Γ. 3. Ne može se govoriti o primatu nekog od aspekata, jer su oni upućeni jedan na drugoga: mišljenje je mišljenje bića, a biće je ono što se u mišljenju misli. PN se ističe time da je najpostojanije počelo jer je ono nužno (...)
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  14. The Principle of Non-Contradiction and Protagoras: The Strategy of Aristotle's Metaphysics IV 4.Paula Gottlieb - 1994 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 8:183-209.
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    Did the medieval philosophers admit the identity principle as prior to the principle of non-contradiction?Ana Rieger Schmidt - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):976-997.
    The present article deals with the not very common opinion among medieval philosophers according to which the identity principle is the true first principle, undermining the primacy of the principle of non-contradiction. Following a refutation of this position in the logical work of the Franciscan Geraldus Odonis, we intend to investigate its target as well as other cases of the same dispute in 14th century authors: Antoine Andre, John of Buridan, John of Baconthorpe and Nicolas of Autrecourt. (...)
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    The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Early Greek Philosophy.Paul Thom - 1999 - Apeiron 32 (3):153 - 170.
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    The Principle of Non-Contradiction in Plato’s Republic: An Argument for Form.Dylan Futter - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 47 (3):461-466.
    Volume 47, Issue 3, November 2018, Page 461-466.
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    Is Having Contradictory Beliefs Possible? Discussion and Critique of Arguments for the Psychological Principle of Non-Contradiction.Maciej Tarnowski - 2020 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 31:91-126.
    The aim of this paper is to present and analyze arguments provided for the Psychological Principle of Non-Contradiction which states that one cannot have, or cannot be described as having, contradictory beliefs. By differentiating two possible interpretations of PNC, descriptive and normative, and examining arguments provided for each of them separately I point out the flaws in reasoning in these arguments and difficulties with aligning PNC with the empirical data provided by research done in cognitive and clinical psychology. I (...)
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  19.  18
    Reading Nietzsche Through the Ancients: An Analysis of Becoming, Perspectivism, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Matthew Meyer - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Nietzsche s work was heavily influenced by ancient Greek philosophy. Meyer shows how Nietzsche attempted to revive the Heraclitean-Protagorean position that is critically analyzed by both Plato and Aristotle in the Theaetetus and Metaphysics IV, and establishes Nietzsche as a naturalist who believes that there are objective facts.The book not only highlights the foundations of his thought, but also restores order to Nietzsche s work.".
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    Plato, the Eristics, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Ian J. Campbell - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (4):571-614.
    This paper considers the use that Plato makes of the Principle of Non-Contradiction in his engagements with eristic refutations. By examining Plato’s use of the principle in his most detailed engagements with eristic—in the Sophist, the discussion of “agonistic” argumentation in the Theaetetus, and especially the Euthydemus—I aim to show that the pressure exerted on Plato by eristic refutations played a crucial role in his development of the PNC, and that the principle provided him with a much (...)
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  21. The Law of Non-Contradiction as a Metaphysical Principle.Tuomas E. Tahko - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Logic 7:32-47.
    The goals of this paper are two-fold: I wish to clarify the Aristotelian conception of the law of non-contradiction as a metaphysical rather than a semantic or logical principle, and to defend the truth of the principle in this sense. First I will explain what it in fact means that the law of non-contradiction is a metaphysical principle. The core idea is that the law of non-contradiction is a general principle derived from how things are in (...)
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  22. Why Does Aristotle Defend the Principle of Non‐Contradiction Against its Contrary?Daniel Coren - 2018 - Philosophical Forum 49 (1):39-59.
    In his Metaphysics Γ.4, Aristotle defends the principle of non-contradiction (PNC). The PNC says that all contradictions are false. So if some contradictions are true, then PNC is false. Even if PNC’s contrary is false, PNC’s contradictory might still be true. But it’s been noted in the literature for over a century that Aristotle seems to be exclusively interested in attacking PNC’s contrary (‘All contradictions are true’) rather than PNC’s contradictory (‘Some contradictions are true’). So his defense of PNC (...)
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  23. The Possibility and Fruitfulness of a Debate on the Principle of Non-contradiction.María Martínez-Ordaz & Luis Estrada-González - 2018 - In Walter Carnielli & Jacek Malinowski (eds.), Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 33-51.
    Five major stances on the problems of the possibility and fruitfulness of a debate on the principle of non-contradiction (PNC) are described: Detractors, fierce supporters, demonstrators, methodologists and calm supporters. We show what calm supporters have to say on the other parties wondering about the possibility and fruitfulness of a debate on PNC. The main claim is that one can find all the elements of calm supporters already in Aristotle’s works. In addition, we argue that the Aristotelian refutative strategy, (...)
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    Does Aristotle Beg the Question in His Defense of the Principle of Non-Contradiction?Michael Degnan - 1989 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 63:146.
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    The Scope of Aristotle’s Defense of the Principle of Non-contradiction.Michael Degnan - 1999 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 73:81-97.
    In 'Metaphysics' book 4 Aristotle offers several arguments in defense of the principle of noncontradiction (PNC). In this paper I want to focus on the stretch of argument from 1006a11 to 1006b34 which Aristotle calls a proof by refutation (elenktikos apodeixai), (1006a11). Contrary to Elizabeth Anscombe and others, I will argue that in this section of the defense Aristotle can defend a version of the principle that extends to nonessential predication, predication of properties, aggregates, and transcategorials.
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  26. Dialectical contradiction and the aristotelian principle of non-contradiction.J. Zelen - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (4):481-486.
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    God and the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Antoine Côté - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (3):285-298.
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  28. The Foundation of the Principle of Non-Contradiction. Some Remarks on the Medieval Transformation of Metaphysics.Wouter Goris - 2011 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 22:527-257.
    There are various ways to describe the transformation that metaphysics underwent in the Middle Ages. One way is to describe this transformation as the purging of all theological reminiscences from ontology, which took place — whether induced by the presence of a theology of revelation in the Latin West, or not — in the 13th and 14th century. Another way is to describe it as the rise of a transcendental philosophy in the first part of the 13th century, a doctrine (...)
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    Who Needs a Proof of the Principle of Non-Contradiction?Timothy Clarke - 2024 - Mind 133 (531):696-713.
    The topic of this paper is Aristotle’s ‘proof by refutation’ of the Principle of Non-Contradiction (Metaphysics Γ 4, 1006a11–1007a20). I consider a worry which has often been raised in connection with this proof. The worry is that, faced with an opponent who is prepared to tolerate contradictions, the argument is dialectically powerless: it is incapable of getting them to abandon their position. In reply, I argue that the proof needs to be seen in its proper context, that is, as (...)
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    Gerardus Odonis O.F.M. on the Principle of Non-Contradiction and the Proper Nature of Demonstration.L. M. de Rijk - 1994 - Franciscan Studies 54 (1):51-67.
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    Objections to Aristotle’s Defence of the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Enrico Berti - 2014 - In Elena Ficara (ed.), Contradictions: Logic, History, Actuality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 97-108.
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    Transgressions: Erich Przywara, G. W. F. Hegel, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Ragnar M. Bergem - 2016 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 21 (1):11-27.
    This article concerns the nature of reason in the work of the Twentieth Century Catholic theologian Erich Przywara and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. The discussion centers on three interlocking issues: the question whether proper thinking submits to or transgresses the principle of non-contradiction; the relationship between reason and history; the theological concern with distinguishing the “history of reason” and the divine life. It is argued that both Hegel and Przywara give an account of reason where there are moments of (...)
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    Reading Nietzsche Through the Ancients: An Analysis of Becoming, Perspectivism, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction by Matthew Meyer.Joel E. Mann - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (3):497-501.
    For some years, Matthew Meyer has labored at a comprehensive interpretation of Nietzsche’s oeuvre that understands his philosophical and literary output as a revival of a particularly Greek mode of thought. This volume represents the culmination of much, but not all, of this previous work, and it serves also as a promise of future work in the same vein. The title, Reading Nietzsche Through the Ancients, is therefore a trifle misleading: Meyer is not reading all of Nietzsche through all the (...)
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  34. A Note on Aristotle’s Principle of Non-Contradiction.Montgomery Furth - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):371-381.
    In what follows I will say little if anything about the animadversions vis-à-vis Irwin and Lukasiewicz and Owen, because there is so much of such greater interest in what Code has told us about Aristotle, the great preponderance of which, in my opinion, is true. I will review some of this truth, specify one place where I have trouble reconciling his account with the evidence, and then try to give a better account that I think is entirely compatible with the (...)
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  35. A Curious Turn in Metaphysics Gamma: Protagoras and Strong Denial of the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Michael V. Wedin - 2003 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 85 (2):107-130.
    Book Gamma of Aristotle’s Metaphysics contains a vigorous defense of the principle of non-contradiction (PNC). A chief part of Aristotle’s strategy is to attack those, such as Heraclitus and Protagoras, who are said to deny the principle. Commentators have found a number of logical and historical problems with Aristotle’s arguments, but none are more troubling than those he deploys against Protagoras. Midway through Gamma 4, and throughout Gamma 5, he represents Protagoras not as simply denying PNC but rather (...)
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    Changing the World-Changing the Meaning. On the Meanings of the" Principle of Non-Contradiction".Katalin G. Havas - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62:49-54.
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    Aristotle’s Defence of the Principle of Non-Contradiction.Fernando Inciarte - 1994 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 76 (2):129-150.
  38. The Demonstration by Refutation of the Principle of Non-Contradiction in Aristotle's Metaphysics, Book iv,«.T. De Praetere - 1993 - Logique Et Analyse 36:343-358.
  39. On the possibility of establishing judicial logic on the structure of the principle of non-contradiction-an introductory essay.F. Cavalla - 1983 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 12 (1):5-30.
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  40. Divine omnipotence, ockham quasi-transcendental interpretation of the principle of non-contradiction.Ad Muralt - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (63):345-361.
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  41. The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays.Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Law of Non-Contradiction - that no contradiction can be true - has been a seemingly unassailable dogma since the work of Aristotle, in Book G of the Metaphysics. It is an assumption challenged from a variety of angles in this collection of original papers. Twenty-three of the world's leading experts investigate the 'law', considering arguments for and against it and discussing methodological issues that arise whenever we question the legitimacy of logical principles. The result is a balanced inquiry into (...)
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  42. Semantization of being and the principle of non-contradiction-notes on aristotle'metafisica', book gamma.C. Vigna - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 85 (2-4):199-229.
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    The law of non-contradiction: New philosophical essays, edited by Graham Priest, J.C. Beall, and Bradley Armour-Garb, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, xii + 443 pp. [REVIEW]Francis Jeffry Pelletier - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):131-135.
    The Law of Non-Contradiction - that no contradiction can be true - has been a seemingly unassailable dogma since the work of Aristotle. It is an assumption challenged from a variety of angles in this collection of original papers. Twenty-three of the world's leading experts investigate the 'law', considering arguments for and against it and discuss methodological issues that arise. The result is a balanced inquiry into a venerable principle of logic, one that raises questions at the very centre (...)
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  44. Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Principle of Non-Contradiction: The Argument "from Signification".Inna Kupreeva - 2023 - In M. Mouzala (ed) Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception, W. de Gruyter, 2023. Berlin: W. de Gruyter. pp. 287-330.
  45. (1 other version)Pyrrhonism and the Law of Non-Contradiction.Diego E. Machuca - 2011 - In Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy. Springer.
    The question of whether the Pyrrhonist adheres to certain logical principles, criteria of justification, and inference rules is of central importance for the study of Pyrrhonism. Its significance lies in that, whereas the Pyrrhonist describes his philosophical stance and argues against the Dogmatists by means of what may be considered a rational discourse, adherence to any such principles, criteria, and rules does not seem compatible with the radical character of his skepticism. Hence, if the Pyrrhonist does endorse them, one must (...)
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  46. The Elenctic Proof of Aristotle’s Principle of Non-contradiction.Dariusz Piętka - 2012 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 57.
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    Psychological and Metaphysical Dimensions of Non-Contradiction in Aristotle.Thomas V. Upton - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (3):591 - 606.
    RECENT attempts to explain and justify Aristotle's principle of non-contradiction have focused to a great extent on the dialectical dimension of Aristotle's account. For example, T. Irwin maintains that Aristotle justifies the PNC by arguing that there is a sub-set of dialectical opinions which no one can rationally give up. J. Lear supports the importance of the dialectical dimension by summarizing Aristotle's defense of the PNC as follows: The opponent of the PNC tries to argue dialectically that one should (...)
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  48. In What Sense is Kantian Principle of Contradiction Non-classical?Srećko Kovač - 2008 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 17 (3):251-274.
    On the ground of Kant’s reformulation of the principle of con- tradiction, a non-classical logic KC and its extension KC+ are constructed. In KC and KC+, \neg(\phi \wedge \neg\phi),  \phi \rightarrow (\neg\phi \rightarrow \phi), and  \phi \vee \neg\phi are not valid due to specific changes in the meaning of connectives and quantifiers, although there is the explosion of derivable consequences from {\phi, ¬\phi} (the deduc- tion theorem lacking). KC and KC+ are interpreted as fragments of an S5-based (...)
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    Non-Contradiction and Substantial Predication.M. J. Cresswell - 2003 - Theoria 69 (3):166-183.
    In Book Γ of the Metaphysics Aristotle states and attempts to prove what he calls the basic principle of the science of being as being: the law of non‐contradiction. In this paper I defend an interpretation of his proof, inspired by Elizabeth Anscombe's 1961 essay in ‘Three Philosophers’, though some of its features were remarked on by Lukasiewicz in 1910, according to which Aristotle is proving this principle only for substance predicates, and that it is to be understood (...)
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  50. Where in the (world wide) web of belief is the law of non-contradiction?Jack Arnold & Stewart Shapiro - 2007 - Noûs 41 (2):276–297.
    It is sometimes said that there are two, competing versions of W. V. O. Quine’s unrelenting empiricism, perhaps divided according to temporal periods of his career. According to one, logic is exempt from, or lies outside the scope of, the attack on the analytic-synthetic distinction. This logic-friendly Quine holds that logical truths and, presumably, logical inferences are analytic in the traditional sense. Logical truths are knowable a priori, and, importantly, they are incorrigible, and so immune from revision. The other, radical (...)
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