Results for 'reflexivity theories'

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  1. Reflexive theories of consciousness and unconscious perception.Graham Peebles - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (1):25-43.
    A core commitment of the reflexive theory of consciousness is that conscious states are themselves necessarily the contents of mental states. The strongest argument for this claim—the necessity of inner-content for consciousness—is the argument from unconscious perception. According to this argument, we find evidence for the necessity claim from cases of alleged unconscious perception, the most well-known and widely discussed of these being blindsight. However, the reflexive theory cannot partake in this argument and therefore, must rely on at least one (...)
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  2. The reflexive theory of perception.John Dilworth - 2005 - Behavior and Philosophy 33 (1):17-40.
    ABSTRACT: The Reflexive Theory of Perception (RTP) claims that perception of an object or property X by an organism Z consists in Z being caused by X to acquire some disposition D toward X itself. This broadly behavioral perceptual theory explains perceptual intentionality and correct versus incorrect, plus successful versus unsuccessful, perception in a plausible evolutionary framework. The theory also undermines cognitive and perceptual modularity assumptions, including informational or purely epistemic views of perception in that, according to the RTP, any (...)
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    Reflex theory in a linguistic context: Sergej M. Dobrogaev on the social nature of speech production.Katya Chown - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (4):307-319.
    The development of reflex theory in its Pavlovian interpretation had significant resonance in a wide range of academic research areas. Its impact on the so-called humanities was, perhaps, no less than the effect it had in medical science. The idea of the conditioned reflex suggesting a physiological explanation of behaviour patterns received a particularly warm welcome in philosophy and psychology as it provided a scientifically-based tool for a conceptual u-turn towards objectivism. This article looks into the ways these ideas contributed (...)
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    Reflex theory, cautionary tale: misleading simplicity in early neuroscience.M. Chirimuuta - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12731-12751.
    This paper takes an integrated history and philosophy of science approach to the topic of "simplicity out of complexity". The reflex theory was a framework within early twentieth century psychology and neuroscience which aimed to decompose complex behaviours and neural responses into simple reflexes. It was controversial in its time, and did not live up to its own theoretical and empirical ambitions. Examination of this episode poses important questions about the limitations of simplifying strategies, and the relationship between simplification and (...)
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    Self-organisation or reflex theory?George Székely - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):549-550.
    Neuromodelling is one of the techniques of modern neurosciences. The “at a distance” type of triadic synapse is probably the prevailing form of impulse transmission in many parts of the brain. If the genetically controlled cell-to-cell neuronal interconnections are abandoned, self-organisation may be the mechanism of structure formation in the brain. This assumption weakens the position of the reflex arc as the basic functional unit of nervous activities.
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  6. The Regress Objection to Reflexive Theories of Consciousness.Daniel Stoljar - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (3):293-308.
    According to a reflexive theory of consciousness, a person is in a conscious state only if they are conscious of, or aware of, being in the state. This paper reconsiders the well-known regress objection against theories of this sort, according to which they entail that if you are in one conscious state, you are in an infinity of such states. I distinguish two versions of the reflexive theory, a cognitive version and a phenomenal version, and argue that, while the (...)
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    An examination of conditioned reflex theory.C. N. Rexroad - 1933 - Psychological Review 40 (5):457-466.
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    Conditioned reflex theories of learning.R. Stagner - 1931 - Psychological Review 38 (1):42-59.
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    Interpretability in reflexive theories - a survey.Per Lindström - 1997 - Theoria 63 (3):182-209.
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    3. Pierre Bayle’s Reflexive Theory of Toleration.Rainer Forst - 2022 - In Melissa S. Williams & Jeremy Waldron, Toleration and its Limits: Nomos Xlviii. New York University Press. pp. 78-113.
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    The broken mirror. J. G. Fichte’s “The science of knowledge of 1804 2 ” as an attempt of non-reflexive theory of self-consciousness and its influence on Heidelberg School. [REVIEW]Ivan Ivashchenko - 2012 - Sententiae 26 (1):28-68.
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    A theory of serial learning and forgetting based upon conditioned reflex principles.W. M. Lepley - 1932 - Psychological Review 39 (3):279-288.
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    Reflexive Awareness and Reflexivity: An Identity Model of Reflexive Awareness with Korta and Perry’s Reflexive-Referential Theory of Content (RRT).Jenny Hung - 2024 - Synthese 204 (30):1-19.
    In recent years, much debate has centered on the same-order representational theory of consciousness. According to this theory, (1) conscious mental episodes are episodes of which we are aware; and (2) the awareness of an external object and the immediate, reflexive awareness of the mental episode together constitute a single episode. In this paper, I propose that the reflexive-referential theory of content developed by Korta and Perry can be used to establish the claim that reflexive awareness is numerically identical to (...)
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  14. Reflexivity and educational theory.S. E. Nordenbo - 1985 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 22:65-79.
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  15. The Theory of Reflexive Modernization.Ulrich Beck, Wolfgang Bonss & Christoph Lau - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):1-33.
    How can one distinguish the concept of second modernity from the concept of postmodernity? Postmodernists are interested in deconstruction without reconstruction, second modernity is about deconstruction and reconstruction. Social sciences need to construct new concepts to understand the world dynamics at the beginning of the 21st century.Modernity has not vanished, we are not post it. Radical social change has always been part of modernity. What is new is that modernity has begun to modernize its own foundations. This is what it (...)
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    Theory and the Novel: Narrative Reflexivity in the British Tradition (review).Susan L. Ferguson - 1999 - Philosophy and Literature 23 (2):447-450.
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    Modernity Theory: Modern Experience, Modernist Consciousness, Reflexive Thinking.John Jervis - 2018 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Modernity theory approaches modern experience as it incorporates a sense of itself as 'modern' (modernity), along with the possibilities and limitations of representing this in the arts and culture generally (modernism). The book interrogates modernity in the name of a fluid, unsettled, unsettling modernism. As the offspring of the Enlightenment and the Age of Sensibility, modernity is framed here through a cultural aesthetics that highlights not just an instrumental, exploitative approach to the world but the distinctive configuration of embodiment, feeling, (...)
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    Reflexivity and general Evolutionary theory.Robert W. Crosby - 1993 - World Futures 38 (1):63-73.
    (1993). Reflexivity and general Evolutionary theory. World Futures: Vol. 38, Theoretical Achievements and Practical Applications of General Evolutionary Theory, pp. 63-73.
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    Instrumentalization theory and reflexive design in animal husbandry.A. P. Bos - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (1):29 – 50.
    In animal husbandry in The Netherlands, as in a wide variety of other societal areas, we see an increased awareness of the fact that progress cannot be attained anymore by simply repeating the way we modernized this sector in the decades before, due to the multiplicity of the problems to be dealt with. The theory of reflexive modernization articulates this macro-social phenomenon, and at the same time serves as a prescriptive master-narrative. In this paper, I analyse the relationship between Feenberg's (...)
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  20. Reflexivity, Agency and Normativity: A Reconstruction of Sartre’s Theory of (Self-)Consciousness.Di Huang - forthcoming - Études Phénoménologiques – Phenomenological Studies.
    This paper reconstructs Sartre’s account of the “circuit of ipseity” as an integral theory of the experiential, agentive and normative aspects of self-consciousness. At the core of this theory is a conception of human (self-)consciousness as lacking, and the correlation between lacking and ideal. In Section 1, I show how this theory manages to satisfy the apparently incompatible requirements generated by the idea of a pre-reflective cogito. Section 2 discusses practical self-consciousness, in particular the agent’s consciousness of herself as self-determined (...)
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  21. Non-reflexive Nonsense: Proof-Theory for Paracomplete Weak Kleene Logic.Bruno Da Ré, Damian Szmuc & María Inés Corbalán - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-17.
    Our aim is to provide a sequent calculus whose external consequence relation coincides with the three-valued paracomplete logic `of nonsense' introduced by Dmitry Bochvar and, independently, presented as the weak Kleene logic K3W by Stephen C. Kleene. The main features of this calculus are (i) that it is non-reflexive, i.e., Identity is not included as an explicit rule (although a restricted form of it with premises is derivable); (ii) that it includes rules where no variable-inclusion conditions are attached; and (iii) (...)
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  22. Thoughtful Theory and the Possibility of Reflexive Subjectivity.Anna Mudde - 2010 - Dissertation, York University
    In this dissertation, I develop a post-reflexive philosophical account of self-knowing subjectivity. I argue that ambiguity, not clarity, is the hallmark of intersubjective being and knowing, and that ambiguous being is particularly evident precisely where subjectivity occupies a central place: in theory. To illustrate this claim, I turn to the ubiquitous and indispensable technology of the glassy mirror, a material object and discursive trope which I use to enliven the Beauvoirean concept of situation: a lived ambiguity of being both subject (...)
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    Non-Reflexive Nonsense: Proof Theory of Paracomplete Weak Kleene Logic.Bruno Da Ré, Damian Szmuc & María Inés Corbalán - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1243-1259.
    Our aim is to provide a sequent calculus whose external consequence relation coincides with the three-valued paracomplete logic ‘of nonsense’ introduced by Dmitry Bochvar and, independently, presented as the weak Kleene logic K3w\textbf{K}_{\textbf{3}}^{\textbf{w}} by Stephen C. Kleene. The main features of this calculus are (i) that it is non-reflexive, i.e., Identity is not included as an explicit rule (although a restricted form of it with premises is derivable); (ii) that it includes rules where no variable-inclusion conditions are attached; and (iii) (...)
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  24. Une théorie réflexive du souvenir épisodique.Jérôme Dokic - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (3):527-554.
    Cet article porte sur une distinction familière entre deux formes de souvenirs: les souvenirs factuels ('Je me souviens que p', où 'p' est une proposition) et les souvenirs épisodiques ('Je me souviens de x', où x est une entité particulière). Les souvenirs épisodiques ont, contrairement aux souvenirs factuels, un rapport immédiat et interne à une expérience particulière que le sujet a eue dans le passé. Les souvenirs épisodique et factuel sont des souvenirs explicites au sens de la psychologie cognitive. J'esquisse (...)
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    Token reflexivity and logic.Geoff Georgi - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):241-259.
    Token-reflexive theories of indexicals – words like ‘I,’ ‘here,’ and ‘today’ – are widely thought to face a problem in account for intuitively valid arguments involving indexicals. Yet all discussions of the problem with which I am familiar focus on particular examples or on particular rules of inference. In this paper, I first state the problem in its full generality, and then argue that two recent attempts to reject the problem fail. Finally, I consider the proposal by García-Carpintero that (...)
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    Reflexivity, expectations feedback and almost self-fulfilling equilibria: economic theory, empirical evidence and laboratory experiments.Cars Hommes - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):406-419.
    We discuss recent work on bounded rationality and learning in relation to Soros' principle of reflexivity and stress the empirical importance of non-rational, almost self-fulfilling equilibria in positive feedback systems. As an empirical example, we discuss a behavioral asset pricing model with heterogeneous expectations. Bubble and crash dynamics is triggered by shocks to fundamentals and amplified by agents switching endogenously between a mean-reverting fundamental rule and a trend-following rule, based upon their relative performance. We also discuss learning-to-forecast laboratory experiments, (...)
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  27. Vers une théorie réflexive du monde de la vie.Dimitri Ginev - 2006 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 27:111-142.
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    The Elimination of the Concepts of 'Freedom' and 'Justice' in the Theory of ”Reflexive Modernisation”.Olga Simova - 2006 - Synthesis Philosophica 21 (2):339-348.
    The theory of “reflexive modernisation” requires not only the development of a novel view of society, but also the description of an entire new, already existing social state. In the light of this as well as in this society, the status and meaning of freedom and justice are different from those in modern political theories and modern societies. In what way and due to which theoretical and political reasons are the concept of ‘freedom’ and ‘justice’ eliminated in the theory (...)
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    Theories of Consciousness as Reflexivity.Frederic Peters - 2013 - Philosophical Forum 44 (4):341-372.
  30. Reflexive monism.Max Velmans - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (2):5-50.
    Reflexive monism is, in essence, an ancient view of how consciousness relates to the material world that has, in recent decades, been resurrected in modern form. In this paper I discuss how some of its basic features differ from both dualism and variants of physicalist and functionalist reductionism, focusing on those aspects of the theory that challenge deeply rooted presuppositions in current Western thought. I pay particular attention to the ontological status and seeming “out-thereness” of the phenomenal world and to (...)
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  31. Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive Scientific Representations.Aboutorab Yaghmaie - manuscript
    Theories of scientific representation, following Chakrawartty's categorization, are divided into two groups. Whereas cognitive-functional views emphasize agents' intentions, informational theories stress the objective relation between represented and representing. In the first part, a modified structuralist theory is introduced that takes into account agents' intentions. The second part is devoted to dismissing a criticism against the structural account of representation on which similarity as the backbone of representation raises serious problems, since it has definite logical features, i.e. reflexivity, (...)
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    On the reflexivity of crises: Lessons from critical theory and systems theory.Daniel Chernilo, Aldo Mascareño & Rodrigo Cordero - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (4):511-530.
    The main aim of this article is to offer a sociological concept of crisis that, defined as the expected yet non-lineal outcome of the internal dynamics of modern societies, builds on the synergies between critical theory and systems theory. It contends that, notwithstanding important differences, both traditions concur in addressing crises as a form of self-reproduction of social systems as much as a form of engagement with the complexities and effects of such processes of reproduction. In order to make our (...)
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    Boundary-Thinking in Theories of the Present: The Virtuality of Reflexive Modernization.Rob Shields - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2):223-237.
    Theories of the present have converged on changes in spatialization or the spatial order of societies. This article discusses the focus on borders and boundaries in programmatic statements on reflexive modernity or remodernization (RM) by Latour and Beck. It is insufficient to say that boundary-marking and border-making become simply more fraught or obvious. There is an historicity and dynamic quality which are central to these analyses which are best understood in terms of the intangible aspects, or virtuality, of borders (...)
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    Soros' Theory of Reflexivity: a critical comment.Tony Lawson - 2013 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 14 (1):29-48.
    Résumé La recherche économique contemporaine a perdu (de) sa puissance explicative. Bien que cela transparaisse déjà depuis un bon moment, ce n’est que depuis la récente crise économique que cet état de fait est reconnu de manière plus générale. Cependant, plusieurs initiatives ont étés lancées dans l’espoir d’améliorer la situation. Une initiative phare fut celle qu’a lancée George Soros, à partir du constat suivant: si la réflexivité est une composante majeure de la réalité sociale, les contributions dominantes actuelles en économie (...)
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    Feedback theory and the reflex arc concept.Charles W. Slack - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (4):263-267.
  36. Reflexivity and modesty in the application of complexity theory.Roger Strand & Silvia Canellas-Bolta - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti, Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Reflexive Transformation of Intimacy in Late Modernity Theories: Some Critiques and Conceptual Alternatives.Catalina-Ionela Rezeanu - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (1):35-54.
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    Who Knows? Reflexivity in Feminist Standpoint Theory and Bourdieu.Paige L. Sweet - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (6):922-950.
    Though the invocation to be “reflexive” is widespread in feminist sociology, many questions remain about what it means to “turn back” and resituate our work—about how to engage with research subjects’ visions of the world and with our own theoretical models. Rather than a superficial rehearsal of researcher and interlocutor standpoints, I argue that “reflexivity” should help researchers theorize the social world in relational ways. To make this claim, I draw together the insights of feminist standpoint theory and Bourdieu’s (...)
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    Romantic Theory: Forms of Reflexivity in the Revolutionary Era (review).Mark Canuel - 2008 - Symploke 16 (1-2):335-338.
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    Processing Reflexives and Pronouns in Picture Noun Phrase.Jeffrey T. Runner, Rachel S. Sussman & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (2):193-241.
    Binding theory (e.g., Chomsky, 1981) has played a central role in both syntactic theory and models of language processing. Its constraints are designed to predict that the referential domains of pronouns and reflexives are nonoverlapping, that is, are complementary; these constraints are also thought to play a role in online reference resolution. The predictions of binding theory and its role in sentence processing were tested in four experiments that monitored participants' eye movements as they followed spoken instructions to have a (...)
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    Non-reflexivity and Revenge.Julien Murzi & Lorenzo Rossi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (1):201-218.
    We present a revenge argument for non-reflexive theories of semantic notions – theories which restrict the rule of assumption, or initial sequents of the form φ ⊩ φ. Our strategy follows the general template articulated in Murzi and Rossi [21]: we proceed via the definition of a notion of paradoxicality for non-reflexive theories which in turn breeds paradoxes that standard non-reflexive theories are unable to block.
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    Uniformly reflexive structures: towards an abstract theory of computability.Eric Gerhardt Wagner - 1963 - [New York: [S.N.].
  43. A reflexive dispositional analysis of mechanistic perception.John Dilworth - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (4):479-493.
    The field of machine perception is based on standard informational and computational approaches to perception. But naturalistic informational theories are widely regarded as being inadequate, while purely syntactic computational approaches give no account of perceptual content. Thus there is a significant need for a novel, purely naturalistic perceptual theory not based on informational or computational concepts, which could provide a new paradigm for mechanistic perception. Now specifically evolutionary naturalistic approaches to perception have been—perhaps surprisingly—almost completely neglected for this purpose. (...)
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    Bracketing: A Phenomenological Theory Applied Through Transpersonal Reflexivity.Viktor Dörfler & Marc Stierand - 2021 - Journal of Organizational Change Management 34 (4):778-793.
    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of bracketing, one of the most central philosophical and theoretical constructs of phenomenology, as a theory of mind. Furthermore, we wanted to showcase how this theoretical construct can be implemented as a methodological tool. -/- Design/methodology/approach – In this study we have adopted an approach similar to a qualitative metasynthesis, comparing the emergent patterns of two empirical projects, seeking synergies and contradictions and looking for additional insights from new (...)
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    Cultural Politics, Critical Reflexivity, and Post-Truth Politics: A Response to Clayton Chin’s The Practice of Political Theory: Rorty and Continental Thought.Susan Dieleman - 2021 - Contemporary Pragmatism 18 (4):349-357.
    In this response to Chin’s The Practice of Political Theory: Rorty and Continental Thought, I complete two tasks. First, I clarify that Chin’s project is a metatheoretical one, aiming to reconstruct Rorty’s account of political theory as practice. Second, I claim that this reconstruction makes it possible to respond, on Rorty’s behalf, to charges that his position is complacent and acquiescent, especially as it relates to the contemporary issue of post-truth politics.
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    Towards a Theory of Reflexive Intentional Systems.Lukas Böök - 1999 - Synthese 118 (1):105 - 117.
    (1) Intentional system: a system whose behaviour we may reliably predict via the intentional strategy, i.e., by interpreting its behaviour as a (more or less) rational consequence of its beliefs and desires. (2) Reflexive intentional system: a system that is able to interpret itself via the intentional strategy, and whose behaviour is, thus, influenced by an understanding of itself. All intentional systems behave in a meaningful way, but only reflexive intentional systems are aware of the meaning, Hence, only the latter (...)
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    PISA and teachers’ reflexivities. A mixed methods case study.Terje André Bringeland & Tone Skinningsrud - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):53-80.
    Neoliberal educational reforms include extensive use of standardized tests. We examine the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) initiated and developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Examining previous research on teachers’ reactions to neoliberal reforms altering their work context, we have identified three theoretical frameworks in use: labour process theory, derived from structural Marxism; post-structuralism, relying primarily on Foucault’s conceptualizations; and ‘new professionalism’, which has emerged from the theory of professions. A major weakness in these frameworks (...)
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    Reflexivity and habitus: opportunities and constraints on transformative learning.Stuart Nairn, Derek Chambers, Susan Thompson, Julie McGarry & Kristian Chambers - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (3):189-201.
    This paper will explore the relationship between Mezirow's concept of reflexivity and Bourdieu's theory of habitus in order to develop a more robust framework within which critical reflection can take place. Nurse educators have sought to close the theory practice gap through the use of critical reflection. However, we are not convinced that this has produced the depth and quality of reflection required. Furthermore, the contexts in which critical reflection takes place is often sidelined or erased so that the (...)
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  49. Norms for Theories of Reflexive Truth.Leon Horsten & Volker Halbach - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto, Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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  50. The reflexive thesis: wrighting sociology of scientific knowledge.Malcolm Ashmore - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This unusually innovative book treats reflexivity, not as a philosophical conundrum, but as a practical issue that arises in the course of scholarly research and argument. In order to demonstrate the concrete and consequential nature of reflexivity, Malcolm Ashmore concentrates on an area in which reflexive "problems" are acute: the sociology of scientific knowledge. At the forefront of recent radical changes in our understanding of science, this increasingly influential mode of analysis specializes in rigorous deconstructions of the research (...)
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