Results for 'semeiotica'

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  1. Il reale nel linguaggio: Indicalita' e realismo nella semeiotica di Peirce.Armando Fumagalli - 1995
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    A Peircean perspective on human voice: the semiotic nonagon of the uses of voice.Juan Pablo Llobet Vallejos & Pablo Antonio Stocco - 2019 - Cognitio 19 (2):258-269.
    La voz humana es un fenómeno ampliamente estudiado desde una gran variedad de disciplinas, desde las especialidades de la medicina hasta las artes. Aunque esta situación resulta enriquecedora, la multiplicidad de perspectivas ha conspirado contra la formulación de una concepción única de la voz y de un sistema lógico que pueda ayudar a entender los fenómenos asociados con ella en términos más generales, enfatizando continuidades y relaciones en lugar de requerir cada vez una definición del objeto de estudio de acuerdo (...)
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  3. ›Une sorte de remontée vers le corps‹. Skizze einer Ästhetik der körperlichen Responsivität im Ausgang von Roland Barthes’ Überlegungen zur Pseudo-Schrift.Schwerzmann Katia - 2014 - Kodikas/Code. Ars Semeiotica 37 (3/4):249-260.
    The sensory dimension of writing, which is never fully neutralised in the process of semiosis, remains aporetic in Derrida’s philosophy. I show how Barthes’ observations on pseudo-writing lead to his understanding of writing as a gesture, opening up post-structuralism to the body as absolutely non-repeatable, as the opposite of semiosis. The examination of Barthes’ account of the relationship between writing and the body leads to an aesthetic of physical responsiveness, which challenges the distinction between work, creator and viewer. In this (...)
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  4. Is the semiosphere post-modernist?George Rossolatos - 2015 - Kodikas- Ars Semeiotica 2 (38):95-113.
    This paper provides arguments for and against M.Lotman’s (2002) contention that Y.Lotman’s seminal concept of semiosphere is of post-modernist (post-structuralist; Posner 2011) orientation. A comparative reading of the definitional components of the semiosphere, their hierarchical relationship and their interactions is undertaken against the two principal axes of space and subjectivity in the light of Kantian transcendental idealism, as inaugural and authoritative figure of modernity, the Foucauldian discursive turn and the Deleuzian (post) radical empiricism (sic), as representative authors of the highly (...)
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