Results for 'singular cardinals'

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  1.  72
    (1 other version)Successors of singular cardinals and coloring theorems I.Todd Eisworth & Saharon Shelah - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (5):597-618.
    Abstract.We investigate the existence of strong colorings on successors of singular cardinals. This work continues Section 2 of [1], but now our emphasis is on finding colorings of pairs of ordinals, rather than colorings of finite sets of ordinals.
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    Some Problems in Singular Cardinals Combinatorics.Matthew Foreman - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (3):309-322.
    This paper attempts to present and organize several problems in the theory of Singular Cardinals. The most famous problems in the area (bounds for the ℶ-function at singular cardinals) are well known to all mathematicians with even a rudimentary interest in set theory. However, it is less well known that the combinatorics of singular cardinals is a thriving area with results and problems that do not depend on a solution of the Singular (...) Hypothesis. We present here an annotated collection of representative problems with some references. Where the problems are novel, attribution is attempted and it is noted where money is attached to particular problems. Three closely related themes are represented in these problems: stationary sets and stationary set reflection, variations of square and approachability, and the singular cardinals hypothesis. Underlying many of them are ideas from Shelah's PCF theory. Important subthemes were mutual stationarity, Aronszajn trees, and superatomic Boolean Algebras. The author notes considerable overlap between this paper and the unpublished report submitted to the Banff Center for the Workshop on Singular Cardinals Combinatorics, May 1–5, 2004. (shrink)
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    Consecutive Singular Cardinals and the Continuum Function.Arthur W. Apter & Brent Cody - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):125-136.
    We show that from a supercompact cardinal $\kappa$, there is a forcing extension $V[G]$ that has a symmetric inner model $N$ in which $\mathrm {ZF}+\lnot\mathrm {AC}$ holds, $\kappa$ and $\kappa^{+}$ are both singular, and the continuum function at $\kappa$ can be precisely controlled, in the sense that the final model contains a sequence of distinct subsets of $\kappa$ of length equal to any predetermined ordinal. We also show that the above situation can be collapsed to obtain a model of (...)
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    □ On the singular cardinals.James Cummings & Sy-David Friedman - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1307-1314.
    We give upper and lower bounds for the consistency strength of the failure of a combinatorial principle introduced by Jensen. "Square on singular cardinals".
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    Forcing axioms, supercompact cardinals, singular cardinal combinatorics.Matteo Viale - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):99-113.
    The purpose of this communication is to present some recent advances on the consequences that forcing axioms and large cardinals have on the combinatorics of singular cardinals. I will introduce a few examples of problems in singular cardinal combinatorics which can be fruitfully attacked using ideas and techniques coming from the theory of forcing axioms and then translate the results so obtained in suitable large cardinals properties.The first example I will treat is the proof that (...)
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  6. Singular cardinals and the pcf theory.Thomas Jech - 1995 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):408-424.
    §1. Introduction. Among the most remarkable discoveries in set theory in the last quarter century is the rich structure of the arithmetic of singular cardinals, and its deep relationship to large cardinals. The problem of finding a complete set of rules describing the behavior of the continuum function 2ℵα for singular ℵα's, known as the Singular Cardinals Problem, has been attacked by many different techniques, involving forcing, large cardinals, inner models, and various combinatorial (...)
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  7.  45
    Chain models, trees of singular cardinality and dynamic ef-games.Mirna Džamonja & Jouko Väänänen - 2011 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 11 (1):61-85.
    Let κ be a singular cardinal. Karp's notion of a chain model of size κ is defined to be an ordinary model of size κ along with a decomposition of it into an increasing union of length cf. With a notion of satisfaction and -isomorphism such models give an infinitary logic largely mimicking first order logic. In this paper we associate to this logic a notion of a dynamic EF-game which gauges when two chain models are chain-isomorphic. To this (...)
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  8.  47
    Aronszajn trees and failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis.Itay Neeman - 2009 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 9 (1):139-157.
    The tree property at κ+ states that there are no Aronszajn trees on κ+, or, equivalently, that every κ+ tree has a cofinal branch. For singular strong limit cardinals κ, there is tension between the tree property at κ+ and failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis at κ; the former is typically the result of the presence of strongly compact cardinals in the background, and the latter is impossible above strongly compacts. In this paper, we reconcile (...)
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  9.  41
    On the Singular Cardinals problem.Jack Silver, Fred Galvin, Keith J. Devlin & R. B. Jensen - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):864-866.
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    Notes on Singular Cardinal Combinatorics.James Cummings - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (3):251-282.
    We present a survey of combinatorial set theory relevant to the study of singular cardinals and their successors. The topics covered include diamonds, squares, club guessing, forcing axioms, and PCF theory.
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  11.  63
    Powers of Singular Cardinals and a Strong Form of The Negation of The Generalized Continuum Hypothesis.Stephen H. Hechler - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (3-6):83-84.
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    Perfect tree forcings for singular cardinals.Natasha Dobrinen, Dan Hathaway & Karel Prikry - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (9):102827.
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    Successive weakly compact or singular cardinals.Ralf-Dieter Schindler - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):139-146.
    It is shown in ZF that if $\delta are such that δ and δ + are either both weakly compact or singular cardinals and Ω is large enough for putting the core model apparatus into action then there is an inner model with a Woodin cardinal.
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    Finite State Automata and Monadic Definability of Singular Cardinals.Itay Neeman - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):412 - 438.
    We define a class of finite state automata acting on transfinite sequences, and use these automata to prove that no singular cardinal can be defined by a monadic second order formula over the ordinals.
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    Usuba’s Principle Can Fail at Singular Cardinals.Mohammad Golshani & Saharon Shelah - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):195-203.
    We answer a question of Usuba by showing that the combinatorial principle $\mathrm {UB}_\lambda $ can fail at a singular cardinal. Furthermore, $\lambda $ can be taken to be $\aleph _\omega.$.
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    Ad and patterns of singular cardinals below θ.Arthur Apter - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):225-235.
    Using Steel's recent result that assuming AD, in L[R] below Θ, κ is regular $\operatorname{iff} \kappa$ is measurable, we mimic below Θ certain earlier results of Gitik. In particular, we construct via forcing a model in which all uncountable cardinals below Θ are singular and a model in which the only regular uncountable cardinal below Θ is ℵ 1.
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    Semimorasses and nonreflection at singular cardinals.Piotr Koszmider - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 72 (1):1-23.
    Some subfamilies of κ, for κ regular, κ λ, called -semimorasses are investigated. For λ = κ+, they constitute weak versions of Velleman's simplified -morasses, and for λ > κ+, they provide a combinatorial framework which in some cases has similar applications to the application of -morasses with this difference that the obtained objects are of size λ κ+, and not only of size κ+ as in the case of morasses. New consistency results involve existence of nonreflecting objects of (...) sizes of uncountable cofinality such as a nonreflecting stationary set in κ, a nonreflecting nonmetrizable space of size λ, a nonreflecting nonspecial tree of size λ. We also characterize possible minimal sizes of nonspecial trees without uncountable branches. (shrink)
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  18.  57
    Indiscernible sequences for extenders, and the singular cardinal hypothesis.Moti Gitik & William J. Mitchell - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 82 (3):273-316.
    We prove several results giving lower bounds for the large cardinal strength of a failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis. The main result is the following theorem: Theorem. Suppose κ is a singular strong limit cardinal and 2κ λ where λ is not the successor of a cardinal of cofinality at most κ. If cf > ω then it follows that o λ, and if cf = ωthen either o λ or {α: K o α+n} is confinal in (...)
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  19.  39
    The Proper Forcing Axiom and the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis.Matteo Viale - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (2):473 - 479.
    We show that the Proper Forcing Axiom implies the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis. The proof uses the reflection principle MRP introduced by Moore in [11].
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  20.  58
    The negation of the singular cardinal hypothesis from o(K)=K++.Moti Gitik - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 43 (3):209-234.
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    Aronszajn trees and the successors of a singular cardinal.Spencer Unger - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (5-6):483-496.
    From large cardinals we obtain the consistency of the existence of a singular cardinal κ of cofinality ω at which the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis fails, there is a bad scale at κ and κ ++ has the tree property. In particular this model has no special κ +-trees.
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  22.  10
    The Strong and Super Tree Properties at Successors of Singular Cardinals.William Adkisson - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (3):1251-1283.
    The strong tree property and ITP (also called the super tree property) are generalizations of the tree property that characterize strong compactness and supercompactness up to inaccessibility. That is, an inaccessible cardinal $\kappa $ is strongly compact if and only if the strong tree property holds at $\kappa $, and supercompact if and only if ITP holds at $\kappa $. We present several results motivated by the problem of obtaining the strong tree property and ITP at many successive cardinals (...)
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  23.  23
    On power of singular cardinals.Saharon Shelah - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (2):263-299.
  24.  18
    New combinatorial principle on singular cardinals and normal ideals.Toshimichi Usuba - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (4-5):395-408.
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    Blowing up power of a singular cardinal—wider gaps.Moti Gitik - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 116 (1-3):1-38.
    The paper is concerned with methods for blowing power of singular cardinals using short extenders. Thus, for example, starting with κ of cofinality ω with {α<κ oα+n} cofinal in κ for every n<ω we construct a cardinal preserving extension having the same bounded subsets of κ and satisfying 2κ=κ+δ+1 for any δ<1.
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  26. Saturated ideals and the singular cardinal hypothesis.Yo Matsubara - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (3):970-974.
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    Precipitous Ideals on Singular Cardinals.C. A. Johnson - 1986 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 32 (25-30):461-465.
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    The tree property at successors of singular cardinals.Menachem Magidor & Saharon Shelah - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (5-6):385-404.
    Assuming some large cardinals, a model of ZFC is obtained in which $\aleph_{\omega+1}$ carries no Aronszajn trees. It is also shown that if $\lambda$ is a singular limit of strongly compact cardinals, then $\lambda^+$ carries no Aronszajn trees.
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  29. Approachability at the Second Successor of a Singular Cardinal.Moti Gitik & John Krueger - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1211 - 1224.
    We prove that if μ is a regular cardinal and ℙ is a μ-centered forcing poset, then ℙ forces that $(I[\mu ^{ + + } ])^V $ generates I[µ⁺⁺] modulo clubs. Using this result, we construct models in which the approachability property fails at the successor of a singular cardinal. We also construct models in which the properties of being internally club and internally approachable are distinct for sets of size the successor of a singular cardinal.
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    Thomas Jech. Singular cardinal problem: Shelah's theorem on 2ℵω. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, vol. 24 , pp. 127–139. [REVIEW]Menachem Kojman - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):308-308.
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    Successors of singular cardinals and measurability revisited.Arthur W. Apter - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):492-501.
  32.  35
    Reflecting stationary sets and successors of singular cardinals.Saharon Shelah - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (1):25-53.
    REF is the statement that every stationary subset of a cardinal reflects, unless it fails to do so for a trivial reason. The main theorem, presented in Sect. 0, is that under suitable assumptions it is consistent that REF and there is a κ which is κ+n -supercompact. The main concepts defined in Sect. 1 are PT, which is a certain statement about the existence of transversals, and the “bad” stationary set. It is shown that supercompactness (and even the failure (...)
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  33.  17
    The tree property at the two immediate successors of a singular cardinal.James Cummings, Yair Hayut, Menachem Magidor, Itay Neeman, Dima Sinapova & Spencer Unger - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):600-608.
    We present an alternative proof that from large cardinals, we can force the tree property at $\kappa ^+$ and $\kappa ^{++}$ simultaneously for a singular strong limit cardinal $\kappa $. The advantage of our method is that the proof of the tree property at the double successor is simpler than in the existing literature. This new approach also works to establish the result for $\kappa =\aleph _{\omega ^2}$.
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    Blowing up the power of a singular cardinal of uncountable cofinality.Moti Gitik - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1722-1743.
    A new method for blowing up the power of a singular cardinal is presented. It allows to blow up the power of a singular in the core model cardinal of uncountable cofinality. The method makes use of overlapping extenders.
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    The Singular World of Singular Cardinals[REVIEW]Mirna Džamonja - 2015 - In Asa Hirvonen, Juha Kontinen, Roman Kossak & Andres Villaveces (eds.), Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 139-146.
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  36.  16
    Almost free groups and Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé games for successors of singular cardinals.Saharon Shelah & Pauli Väisänen - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 118 (1-2):147-173.
    We strengthen nonstructure theorems for almost free Abelian groups by studying long Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé games between a fixed group of cardinality λ and a free Abelian group. A group is called ε -game-free if the isomorphism player has a winning strategy in the game of length ε ∈ λ . We prove for a large set of successor cardinals λ = μ + the existence of nonfree -game-free groups of cardinality λ . We concentrate on successors of singular (...). (shrink)
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  37.  43
    The tree property and the failure of the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis at ℵω2.Dima Sinapova - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):934-946.
    We show that given ù many supercompact cardinals, there is a generic extension in which the tree property holds at ℵ ω²+1 and the SCH fails at ℵ ω².
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  38. Universal graphs at the successor of a singular cardinal.Mirna Džamonja & Saharon Shelah - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2):366-388.
    The paper is concerned with the existence of a universal graph at the successor of a strong limit singular μ of cofinality ℵ0. Starting from the assumption of the existence of a supercompact cardinal, a model is built in which for some such μ there are $\mu^{++}$ graphs on μ+ that taken jointly are universal for the graphs on μ+, while $2^{\mu^+} \gg \mu^{++}$ . The paper also addresses the general problem of obtaining a framework for consistency results at (...)
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  39.  40
    The proper forcing axiom, Prikry forcing, and the singular cardinals hypothesis.Justin Tatch Moore - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 140 (1):128-132.
    The purpose of this paper is to present some results which suggest that the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis follows from the Proper Forcing Axiom. What will be proved is that a form of simultaneous reflection follows from the Set Mapping Reflection Principle, a consequence of PFA. While the results fall short of showing that MRP implies SCH, it will be shown that MRP implies that if SCH fails first at κ then every stationary subset of reflects. It will also (...)
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  40.  22
    Introduction to the Special Issue on Singular Cardinals Combinatorics.Matthew Foreman - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (3):249.
  41.  58
    Jack Silver. On the singular cardinals problem. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver 1974, vol. 1, Canadian Mathematical Congress, Montreal1975, pp. 265–268. - Fred Galvin and András Hajnal. Inequalities for cardinal powers. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 101 , pp. 491–498. - Keith J. Devlin and R. B. Jensen. Marginalia to a theorem of Silver. ISILC logic conference, Proceedings of the International Summer Institute and Logic Colloquium, Kiel 1974, edited by G. H. Müller, A. Obsrschelp, and K. Potthoff, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 499, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1975, pp. 115–142. - Menachem Maoidor. On the singular cardinals problem I. Israel journal of mathematics, vol. 28 , pp. 1–31. - Menachem Magidor. On the singular cardinals problem II. Annals of mathematics, ser. 2 vol. 106 , pp. 517–547. [REVIEW]Akihiro Kanamori - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (4):864-866.
  42.  31
    Two cardinal models for singular µ.Shimon Garti & Saharon Shelah - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):636-641.
    We deal here with colorings of the pair , when μ is a strong limit and singular cardinal. We show that there exists a coloring c with no refinement. It follows that the properties of colorings of when μ is singular differ in an essential way from the case of regular μ.
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    The tree property at the double successor of a singular cardinal with a larger gap.Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzik & Šárka Stejskalová - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (6):548-564.
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  44.  31
    Blowing up the power of a singular cardinal.Moti Gitik - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80 (1):17-33.
  45.  21
    The tree property at first and double successors of singular cardinals with an arbitrary gap.Alejandro Poveda - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (5):102778.
  46.  18
    Universal graphs at the successor of a singular cardinal.Mirna D.?Amonja & Saharon Shelah - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2): 366- 388.
  47.  39
    The tree property at double successors of singular cardinals of uncountable cofinality.Mohammad Golshani & Rahman Mohammadpour - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (2):164-175.
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    The strenght of the failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis.Moti Gitik - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 51 (3):215-240.
    We show that o = k++ is necessary for ¬SCH. Together with previous results it provides the exact strenght of ¬SCH.
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  49.  31
    Chang's conjecture and powers of singular cardinals.Menachem Magidor - 1977 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):272-276.
  50.  37
    On the free subset property at singular cardinals.Peter Koepke - 1989 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 28 (1):43-55.
    We give a proof ofTheorem 1. Let κ be the smallest cardinal such that the free subset property Fr ω (κ,ω 1)holds. Assume κ is singular. Then there is an inner model with ω1 measurable cardinals.
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