Results for 'slovenščina'

  1. Fostering Social Responsibility through Gender-Inclusive Language in Slovenian.Boris Kern & Branislava Vičar - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    In this paper, we explore the role of Slovenian in constituting non-normative genders. The poststructuralist turn in sociolinguistics brought with it new theoretical frameworks that questioned existing assumptions about seemingly natural social categories. Drawing on the perspective of queer linguistics that presents a fundamental challenge to the assumption that binary systems for categorizing gender and sexuality are natural, universal, and indisputable, we explore the extent to which grammatical gender both constrains and facilitates the realization of transgender and non-binary identities among (...)
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    Spodbujanje družbene odgovornosti s spolno vključujočim jezikom v slovenščini.Boris Kern & Branislava Vičar - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    V prispevku preučujemo vlogo slovenščine pri konstituiranju spolno nenormativnih subjektov. Poststrukturalistični obrat v sociolingvistiki je prinesel nove teoretične okvire, ki so preizprašali obstoječe predpostavke o navidezno naravnih družbenih kategorijah. Na izhodiščih kvir jezikoslovja, ki predstavlja temeljni izziv predpostavki, da so binarni sistemi spolne in seksualne kategorizacije naravni, univerzalni in nedvomni, raziskujemo, v kolikšni meri slovnični spol omejuje in hkrati omogoča uresničevanje transspolnih in spolno nebinarnih identitet med govorkami_ci slovenščine. Spolno nebinarne osebe za izražanje svojih nenormativnih spolov uporabljajo jezikovne prakse, kot (...)
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    Parish Chronicles: When Was German Overtaken by Slovenian?Matija Ogrin - 2024 - Clotho 6 (1):61-79.
    This article addresses the question of when German was replaced by Slovenian in parish chronicles. It also tries to show in which chronicle genres this happened earlier and in which later. For this purpose, a wider range of chronicle texts, including announcement books, has been considered. In the announcement books, the parish priest or his deputy communicated to his congregation messages that were intended for all and therefore had to be understood by all. Since the vast majority of the faithful (...)
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