Results for 'social phenomena'

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  1.  20
    Social phenomena as a challenge to the scaling-up problem.Enrico Petracca - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-19.
    The “scaling-up” problem concerns radical embodied cognition’s (REC) supposed inability to extend its explanatory reach beyond simple cognitive phenomena. This paper questions the problem’s main assumption, that is, the possibility of sorting phenomena according to their inherent cognitive complexity or representation-hunger. To do so, I focus on a class of phenomena whose degree of representation-hunger has been much debated: social phenomena (and their cognitive correlates). Some, like Clark and Toribio (1994), consider social phenomena (...)
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    Bootstrapping knowledge about social phenomena using simulation models.Bruce Edmonds - unknown
    Formidable difficulties face anyone trying to model social phenomena using a formal system, such as a computer program. The differences between formal systems and complex, multi-facetted and meaning-laden social systems are so fundamental that many will criticise any attempt to bridge this gap. Despite this, there are those who are so bullish about the project of social simulation that they appear to believe that simple computer models, that are also useful and reliable indicators of how aspects (...)
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    Explaining social phenomena.Daniel N. Robinson - 1986 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 6 (1):18-22.
    Philosophers of science have devoted volumes to the question of explanation; I've devoted some pages to it myself. In this highly contracted essay I shall offer no more than a comment on the problem of explanation, some vagrant but critical assessments of the dominant approaches to it, and a caution lest we take comfort in some of the recent "success"—or alleged success—in Psychology. I begin with this question: What does it mean to explain an occurrence? And then: What is it (...)
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    Explaining Social Phenomena.Wactaw Mejbaum - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:313-324.
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    Explanations of social phenomena: Competing and complementary accounts.Todd Jones - 2008 - Metaphilosophy 39 (4-5):621-650.
    Abstract: Situations that social scientists and others explain by using concepts like "custom" and "norm" often tend to be situations in which many other kinds of explanations (for example, biological, psychological, economic, historical) seem plausible as well. Do these other explanations compete with the custom or norm explanations, or do they complement them? We need to consider this question carefully and not just assume that various accounts are all permissible at different levels of analysis. In this article I describe (...)
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    Extended MR with Nesting of Predicate Expressions as a Basic Logic for Social Phenomena.Aleksander Parol, Krzysztof Pietrowicz & Joanna Szalacha-Jarmużek - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (2):205-227.
    In this article, we present the positional logic that is suitable for the formalization of reasoning about social phenomena. It is the effect of extending the Minimal Realisation (MR) logic with new expressions. These expressions allow, inter alia, to consider different points of view of social entities (humanistic coefficient). In the article, we perform a metalogical analysis of this logic. Finally, we present some simple examples of its application.
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    Pragmatism and the study of large-scale social phenomena.Neil Gross - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (1):87-111.
    Pragmatism has recently gained ground as a theoretical perspective in sociology. The approach is not without its critics, however. One common charge is that pragmatism is oriented toward the micro and not well suited for the explanation of meso- or macro-level events, processes, or outcomes. In this paper—a review essay—I consider whether the charge has merit. I examine four studies that draw heavily on pragmatism and give some indication of its explanatory potential. Taken together, these studies suggest that pragmatism has (...)
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    Symbolism and Social Phenomena: Toward the Integration of Past and Current Theoretical Approaches.Elżbieta Hałas - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (3):351-366.
    This article takes up, but in a different key, an argument of postmodernists that the over-rationalized conception of society tends to ignore important phenomena such as those belonging to the symbolic domain. It is suggested that the emerging programme of symbolic sociology may contribute toward a new synthetic and interdisciplinary thinking in social sciences. The concept of symbolism as a social phenomenon rather than as an autonomous linguistic or semiotic system is presented; and the argument is made (...)
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  9. Sarte: Dialectical Reason and Social Phenomena.George J. Stack - 1974 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 10 (26):37.
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    Shaping Social Phenomena.Marcel Boumans - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (3):95-108.
    Saving the phenomena is shaping the phenomena: recognising that a specific phenomenon exists implies the existence of a mechanism that gives rise to the phenomenon and that the phenomenon has a shape. These two aspects are inextricably connected: determining the best shape is determining the mechanism that produces it. What is best then depends on evaluating the nature of the simplicity of the mechanism.
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    The reflection of negative social phenomena in contemporary opera practice.Michaela Mojžišová - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (1):66-74.
    There are two approaches that dominate contemporary opera performances. The first may be characterised as producing a subtle, aesthetic and stylistic means of expression. The second runs up visual, interpretation and content means to their maximum expressivity and the audience is exposed to violence, sex and experience disgust. This paper analyses specific productions by renowned European theatre and opera directors, in order to shed light on the way in which opera directors cope with the threat of terrorism, sexual violence, and (...)
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  12. On The Study of Social Phenomena By Albert Danielsson.Albert Danielsson - 1979 - In Jan Bärmark (ed.), Perspectives in metascience. Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället. pp. 2--89.
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    How Can Theories Represent Social Phenomena?Jan A. Fuhse - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (2):99-123.
    Discussions in sociological theory often focus on ontological questions on the nature of social reality. Against the underlying epistemological realism, I argue for a constructivist notion of theory: Theories are webs of concepts that we use to guide empirical observations and to make sense of them. We cannot know the real features of the social world, only what our theoretical perspectives make us see. Theories therefore represent social phenomena by highlighting certain features and relating them in (...)
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  14.  21
    Reasoning about Social Phenomena.Tomasz Jarmużek, Fengkui Ju, Piotr Kulicki & Beishui Liao - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (2):125-129.
  15.  23
    Emotions as individual and social phenomena: Seeking new answers to old questions.Dorota Szczygieł, Aleksandra Jasielska & Tomasz Maruszewski - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):320-325.
    The paper presents state of art in the area of emotion studies. It is stressed that emotions are multicomponent processes including neural, expression, subjective and social elements. We have tried to show that synchronization and coordination of these elements from elementary through intermediate to the most complex level may be understood in terms of emergent processes. Manifestations of emergence may be observed both in social aspects of emotions, as well as subjective and expression ones. Although the idea of (...)
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    Addressing Stunting Through Local Strategies: A Study of Social Phenomena in Various Regions of Indonesia.Komang Ayu Henny Achjar, Wayan Surasta, Agus Sri Lestari, Ni Komang Wiardani, Nyoman Ribek & Wigati - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:508-524.
    Purpose - This study examines local strategies for stunting prevention across various Indonesian regions, emphasizing the role of social phenomena in shaping these efforts. Design/methodology/approach - Thematic analysis, supported by NVivo software, was used to analyze the data, focusing on the interplay of social, cultural, and economic factors. Findings - The study revealed significant regional disparities in stunting rates and the effectiveness of prevention strategies. Community-driven initiatives, such as Gotong Royong, were particularly effective in fostering collective action (...)
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    Usefulness of simulating social phenomena: evidence. [REVIEW]Pablo Lucas - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (4):355-362.
    This paper discusses partial results of an ongoing project focused on analysing the current usefulness and implications of developing research on agent-based social simulation models beyond academic, hobbyist or educational purposes. Design, development and testing phases of such modelling are discussed along with common issues evidence-driven modellers often face whilst collecting, analysing and modelling quantitative and qualitative data into social simulations. It also includes a discussion on the evidence gathered in published literature and structured interviews with researchers that (...)
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  18.  10
    Mingzu Universities as an Educational and Social Phenomena in PR China.Lyubov Kalashnyk, Yana Levchenko, Lidiia Tkachenko & Oksana Mkrtichan - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):60-76.
    Mingzu University is a common name for educational institutions for ethnic minorities established in China in 1950. By establishing such kind of higher education institutions, PR China as a state pursued several goals. In one hand, they started the opportunity for minor ethnic groups` representatives enter a higher education institution and thereby enlist their support for the state government. In the other hand, China saves the originality and the identity of small nationalities` cultures at the state level by studying and (...)
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    Legitimate Reactivity in Measuring Social Phenomena: Race and the Census.Rosa W. Runhardt - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (2):122-141.
    As a result of being measured, individuals sometimes alter their behavior and attitudes to such extent that subsequent measurement results are affected. This ‘reactivity’ to measurement problematizes prediction and explanation, but some reactivity is nevertheless legitimate. Using the example of the measurement of race in the US Census, this article demonstrates that some forms of reactivity do not affect the accuracy of research. The article argues that legitimacy of reactivity depends on the metaphysical status of the phenomenon being measured. It (...)
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  20. Social Cooperation Within Virtual Worlds. Old Social Phenomena Emerging in New Environments.Diana Richards & Andrei Decu - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:23-48.
    The world we live in is expanding its borders by letting the virtual become part of our lives. Digitisation equally pervades the public and the private sectors and transforms interactions between individuals, and between individuals and the state. For instance, the UK government is now in the process of digitising a whole range of processes and interactions with its citizens, through the Governmental Digital Service (GDS). In this article we aim to prove that virtual worlds provide a playground for (...) engineers, legal researchers and philosophers, for two reasons. First, virtual worlds offer confirmations of social theories of cooperation, they illustrate that cooperation among individuals emerges spontaneously where there are no established forms of governance and decision. Secondly, virtual worlds offer sandboxes where the peculiarities of online interaction can be observed. (shrink)
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    The Unsteady State: General Jurisprudence for Dynamic Social Phenomena.Keith Culver & Michael Giudice - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Analytical jurisprudence often proceeds with two key assumptions: that all law is either contained in or traceable back to an authorizing law-state, and that states are stable and in full control of the borders of their legal systems. What would a general theory of law be like and do if these long-standing presumptions were loosened? The Unsteady State aims to assess the possibilities by enacting a relational approach to explanation of law, exploring law's relations to the environment, security, and technology. (...)
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  22. Do We Necessarily Need the Concept of Rule in Defining Social Phenomena?Tatiana Sedova - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (7).
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  23. Economic Materialism and the Conformity to Natural Law of Social Phenomena.N. J. Karejef - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:428.
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  24. The scientific limits of understanding the (potential) relationship between complex social phenomena: the case of democracy and inequality.Alexander Krauss - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (1):97-109.
    This paper outlines the methodological and empirical limitations of analysing the potential relationship between complex social phenomena such as democracy and inequality. It shows that the means to assess how they may be related is much more limited than recognised in the existing literature that is laden with contradictory hypotheses and findings. Better understanding our scientific limitations in studying this potential relationship is important for research and policy because many leading economists and other social scientists such as (...)
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    Social Ontology of Whoness: Rethinking Core Phenomena of Political Philosophy.Michael Eldred - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    How are core social phenomena to be understood as modes of being? This book offers an alternative approach to social ontology. Recent interest in social ontology on the part of mainstream philosophy and the social sciences presupposes from the outset that the human being can be cast as a conscious subject whose intentionality can be collective. By contrast, the present study insistently poses the crucial question of who the human being is and how they sociate (...)
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  26. Two Approaches to Shared Intention: An Essay in the Philosophy of Social Phenomena.Margaret Gilbert - 2008 - Analyse & Kritik 30 (2):483-514.
    Drawing on earlier work of the author that is both clarified and amplified here, this article explores the question: what is it for two or more people to intend to do something in the future? In short, what is it for people to share an intention? It argues for three criteria of adequacy for an account of shared intention (the disjunction, concurrence, and obligation criteria) and offers an account that satisfies them. According to this account, in technical terms explained in (...)
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    Truth and Its Companions in Interpretation and Evaluation of Social Phenomena.Enis Zebić - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):515-519.
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    Complex interactions confound any unitary approach to social phenomena, not just biological ones.Darren Burke - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e210.
    Although Burt clearly explains how modern genomic techniques work, and describes their limitations, her conclusion that they are therefore not valuable additions to understanding social outcomes is unwarranted. Understanding the causes of complex social outcomes depends on understanding how social, individual, and genetic factors complexly interact with each other. None can be understood without reference to the others.
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    The use of" adaptation" language and the conviction about its usefulness in building the biological and social theories bring about an opinion that the adaptive approach is opposed to the causal one. The latter is considered to be peculiar to the world of physical phenomena, while the first one to the world of animated nature and social phenomena. Leaving. [REVIEW]Andrzej Klawiter - 1989 - In Leszek Nowak (ed.), Dimensions of the historical process. Amsterdam: Rodopi. pp. 13--129.
  30. The Conformity to Natural Law of Social Phenomena.S. N. Balhakof - 1897 - Philosophical Review 6:428.
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    Chasing Phenomena. Studies on classification and conceptual change in the social and behavioral sciences.Samuli Pöyhönen - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    The articles comprising this dissertation concern classification and concept formation in the social and behavioral sciences. In particular, the emphasis in the study is on the philosophical analysis of interdisciplinary settings created by the recent intellectual developments on the interfaces between the social sciences, psychology, and neuroscience. The need for a systematic examination of the problems of conceptual coordination and integration across disciplinary boundaries is illustrated by focusing on phenomena whose satisfactory explanation requires drawing together the theoretical (...)
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    The Individual and the Social in Human Phenomena.André Delobelle & Jeanne Ferguson - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (117):58-92.
    Today, the linguistic approach offers us an irreplaceable method for the direct study of the constitutive processes of social phenomena (A. Delobelle, 1981). In fact, each social phenomenon is basically inhabited or interpreted by language. It is language processes that give its ramifications to the social and form disstinct sub-groups in it. This is why, when these processes are observed in their formal dynamics, outside their vehiculated “contents,” it is as though we find ourselves faced with (...)
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    Social, not individual, identification is the key to understanding group phenomena.Rupert Brown - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e143.
    Baumeister and colleagues argue for the indispensability of groups in human life. Yet, in positing individual differentiation as the key to effective group functioning, they adopt a Western-centric view of the relationship of the individual to the group and overlook an alternativesocialidentity account in which depersonalisation, not individuation, is central to understanding many group phenomena.
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    Sampling complex social and behavioral phenomena.Henrik Olsson & Mirta Galesic - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e55.
    We comment on the limits of relying on prior literature when constructing the design space for an integrative experiment; the adaptive nature of social and behavioral phenomena and the implications for the use of theory and modeling when constructing the design space; and on the challenges of measuring random errors and lab-related biases in measurement without replication.
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  35. On Social Facts.Margaret Gilbert - 1989 - Routledge.
    This book offers original accounts of a number of central social phenomena, many of which have received little if any prior philosophical attention. These phenomena include social groups, group languages, acting together, collective belief, mutual recognition, and social convention. In the course of developing her analyses Gilbert discusses the work of Emile Durkheim, Georg Simmel, Max Weber, David Lewis, among others.
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    Agent-based social simulation and its necessity for understanding socially embedded phenomena.Bruce Edmonds - unknown
    Some issues and varieties of computational and other approaches to understanding socially embedded phenomena are discussed. It is argued that of all the approaches currently available, only agent-based simulation holds out the prospect for adequately representing and understanding phenomena such as social norms.
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  37. Understanding phenomena: From social to collective?Federica Isabella Malfatti - 2022 - Philosophical Issues (1):253-267.
    In making sense of the world, we typically cooperate, join forces, and draw on one another’s competence and expertise. A group or community in which there is a well-functioning division of cognitive-epistemic labor can achieve levels of understanding that a single agent who relies exclusively on her own capacities would probably never achieve. However, is understanding also collective? I.e., is understanding something that can be possessed by a group or community rather than by individuals? In this paper, I develop an (...)
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  38. Mechanisms in the analysis of social macro-phenomena.Renate Mayntz - 2004 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34 (2):237-259.
    mechanism" is frequently encountered in the social science literature, but there is considerable confusion about the exact meaning of the term. The article begins by addressing the main conceptual issues. Use of this term is the hallmark of an approach that is critical of the explanatory deficits of correlational analysis and of the covering-law model, advocating instead the causal reconstruction of the processes that account for given macro-phenomena. The term "social mechanisms" should be used to refer to (...)
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    What a Theory of Social Norms and Institutions Should Look Like: Experimental Economics, Rational Choice Sociology, and the Explanation of Normative Phenomena.Karl-Dieter Opp - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (2):313-342.
    In the previous issue of Analyse & Kritik (2020, vol. 42, issue 1) Alexander Vostroknutov (3-39) aims at a ‘synthesis’ of economics with ‘psychology, sociology, and evolutionary human biology.’ This paper argues that his approach needs to be complemented at least by work from sociologists and social psychologists. Starting with problems of defining and measuring norms it is then claimed that a theory of norms should address the origin, change and effects of norms and model micromacro processes. This should (...)
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    Transposing Gestalt Phenomena from Visual Fields to Practical and Interactional Work: Garfinkel’s and Sacks’ Social Praxeology.Michael Eisenmann Lynch - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:95-122.
    In lectures and writings in the decades following the publication of Studies in Ethnomethodology [1967], Harold Garfinkel, the founder of ethnomethodology, developed what he called a “misreading” of the phenomenological writings of Aron Gurwitsch, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and others. Garfinkel’s “misreading” included a selective and creative treatment of themes that Gurwitsch drew from Gestalt psychology, such as figure-ground, Gestalt contexture, and the phenomenal field. Rather than identifying these themes with visual perception demonstrated with picture-puzzles (for example, of animals hidden in foliage) (...)
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  41. Classification of Social Science Phenomena.Ernest S. Griffith - 1940 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 6:230.
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    The dominance of the individual in intergroup relations research: Understanding social change requires psychological theories of collective and structural phenomena.Elizabeth Levy Paluck - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (6):443-444.
    Dixon et al. suggest that the psychological literature on intergroup relations should shift from theorizing to A focus on social change exposes the importance of psychological theories involving collective phenomena like social norms and institutions. Individuals' attitudes and emotions may follow, rather than cause, changes in social norms and institutional arrangements.
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    The social life of nothing: silence, invisibility and emptiness in tales of lost experience.Susie Scott - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Nothing really matters. All the things that we do not do, have or become in our lives can be important in shaping self-identity. From jobs turned down to great loves lost, secrets kept and truths untold, people missed and souls unborn, we understand ourselves through other, unlived lives that are imaginatively possible. This book explores the realm of negative social phenomena - no-things, no-bodies, non-events and no-where places - that lies behind the mirror of experience. Taking a symbolic (...)
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    Social Cognition.Alan J. Lambert & Alison L. Chasteen - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 306–313.
    Social cognition refers to a discipline in which researchers seek to understand social phenomena in terms of models which emphasize the role of cognitive processes (e.g., attention, encoding, cognitive organization, storage, memory) in mediating social thought and action. Although social cognition is a relatively new field, it is important to note that social psychologists have long been concerned with many of the same issues that are central to cognitive science, such as how people store (...)
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    The social origins of modern science.Edgar Zilsel - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Edited by Diederick Raven, Wolfgang Krohn & R. S. Cohen.
    The most outstanding feature of this book is that here, for the first time, is made available in a single volume all the important historical essays Edgar Zilsel (1891-1944) published during WWII on the emergence of modern science. This edition also contains one previously unpublished essay and an extended version of an essay published earlier. In these essays, Zilsel developed the now famous thesis, named after him, that science came into being when, in the late Middle Ages, the social (...)
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  46. Social Action: A Teleological Account.Seumas Miller - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Social action is central to social thought. This centrality reflects the overwhelming causal significance of action for social life, the centrality of action to any account of social phenomena, and the fact that conventions and normativity are features of human activity. This book provides philosophical analyses of fundamental categories of human social action, including cooperative action, conventional action, social norm governed action, and the actions of the occupants of organizational roles. A distinctive feature (...)
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    VI. Frustration phenomena in the social and political sphere.G. W. Hartmann - 1941 - Psychological Review 48 (4):362-363.
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    Social Entities.Asya Passinsky - 2020 - In Michael J. Raven (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding. New York: Routledge. pp. 510-520.
    In recent years there has been an increased interest in applying the tools and methods of analytic metaphysics to the study of social phenomena. This essay examines how one such tool—the notion of metaphysical ground—may be used to elucidate some central notions, debates, and positions in the philosophy of race and gender, social ontology, and the philosophy of social science. Three main applications are examined: how the notion of social construction may be analyzed in ground-theoretic (...)
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    Phenomena complexity, disciplinary consensus, and experimental versus correlational research in psychological science.Dean Keith Simonton - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e58.
    The target article ignores the crucial role of correlational methods in the behavioral and social sciences. Yet such methods are often mandated by the greater complexity of the phenomena investigated. This necessity is especially conspicuous in psychological research where its position in the hierarchy of the sciences implies the need for both experimental and correlational investigations, each featuring distinct assets.
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    Social Representations: The Beautiful Invention.Denise Jodelet - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):411-430.
    Psychoanalysis: Its Image and Its Public is a perfect illustration of Tarde's claim that ‘beautiful’ should be reserved for ideas that lead to a discovery of more ideas and to an invention that we can judge as fruitful for the future. The article examines the influence of the book in geographical, historical and scientific contexts and traces the development and diffusion of the theory of social representations throughout four periods. The article highlights the difference between the first edition in (...)
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