Results for 'sorğu sualları'

  1.  15
    Kur’an işiğinda i̇nsan varoluşunun egzi̇stansi̇yal uzantilari üzeri̇ne teoloji̇k kisa bi̇r sorgu.Metin Yasa - 2021 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 34:16-28.
    Bu makalede egszistansiyalizme yönelik öne çıkan kimi düşünceler eşliğinde insan varoluşu ve uzantıları üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu yapılırken de konuyu açıklayıcı özde Kur’an-ı Kerime özel atıflar yapılmaktadır.
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  2.  13
    About the methods of creating questionnaires and conducting surveys in sociology.Zahid Əliyev - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (4):139-149.
    When there is a demand among the population, the methods of conducting social surveys, such as drawing up questionnaires and conducting surveys, have been used for many decades. At the same time, there are certain limitations in the application of these methods in sociological science. In recent decades, the emergence of social networks, activities of young people and middle-aged people in society, mainly from these platforms, have not been completely destroyed by questionnaires and surveys. On the contrary, the same format (...)
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