Results for 'the Egyptian Plan (Consilium Aegyptiacum)'

  1.  22
    Leibniz sur « l’avancement vers une plus grande culture ». Leibniz über den „Fortschritt zu höherer Kultur“.Daniel J. Cook - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (2):163.
    G. W. Leibniz has been praised as an exemplar of tolerance on both theological and political grounds. His irenic efforts within Christendom as well as his positive attitude towards pagans like the Chinese is well documented. He thought that “the great majority of mankind” were already “civilized”. This paper highlights Leibniz’s political treatment of the “uncivilized” peoples, whom he termed “barbarians” and “savages”. Given Leibniz’s worldly outlook and prodigious reading, including writings detailing the horrors inflicted on the natives of the (...)
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