Results for 'truth value'

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  1.  29
    Truth-Value Semantics and Functional Extensions for Classical Logic of Partial Terms Based on Equality.F. Parlamento - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (3):383-395.
    We develop a bottom-up approach to truth-value semantics for classical logic of partial terms based on equality and apply it to prove the conservativity of the addition of partial description and selection functions, independently of any strictness assumption.
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    Two methods to find truth-value gaps and their application to the projection problem of homogeneity.Manuel Križ & Emmanuel Chemla - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (3):205-248.
    Presupposition, vagueness, and oddness can lead to some sentences failing to have a clear truth value. The homogeneity property of plural predication with definite descriptions may also create truth-value gaps: The books are written in Dutch is true if all relevant books are in Dutch, false if none of them are, and neither true nor false if, say, half of the books are written in Dutch. We study the projection property of homogeneity by deploying methods of (...)
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  3. Taxonomy, truth-value gaps and incommensurability: a reconstruction of Kuhn's taxonomic interpretation of incommensurability.Xinli Wang - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (3):465-485.
    Kuhn's alleged taxonomic interpretation of incommensurability is grounded on an ill defined notion of untranslatability and is hence radically incomplete. To supplement it, I reconstruct Kuhn's taxonomic interpretation on the basis of a logical-semantic theory of taxonomy, a semantic theory of truth-value, and a truth-value conditional theory of cross-language communication. According to the reconstruction, two scientific languages are incommensurable when core sentences of one language, which have truth values when considered within its own context, lack (...)
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    Truth-values as labels: a general recipe for labelled deduction.Cristina Sernadas, Luca Viganò, João Rasga & Amílcar Sernadas - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (3):277-315.
    We introduce a general recipe for presenting non-classical logics in a modular and uniform way as labelled deduction systems. Our recipe is based on a labelling mechanism where labels are general entities that are present, in one way or another, in all logics, namely truth-values. More specifically, the main idea underlying our approach is the use of algebras of truth-values, whose operators reflect the semantics we have in mind, as the labelling algebras of our labelled deduction systems. The (...)
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    The Logic of Generalized Truth Values and the Logic of Bilattices.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):91-112.
    This paper sheds light on the relationship between the logic of generalized truth values and the logic of bilattices. It suggests a definite solution to the problem of axiomatizing the truth and falsity consequence relations, \ and \ , considered in a language without implication and determined via the truth and falsity orderings on the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 . The solution is based on the fact that a certain algebra isomorphic to SIXTEEN 3 generates the variety of (...)
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  6. The truth value of literary statements.Marcia Eaton - 1972 - British Journal of Aesthetics 12 (2):163-174.
    After summarizing approaches taken previously to the problem of the determination of truth-Value of statements constituting literary works (ryle, Russell, Quine, Strawson, Davidson, Et. Al.) the author argues for a treatment of the problem based upon the linguistic status of such statements as translocutions and their relation to the context in which they occur.
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  7.  28
    (1 other version)A truth value semantics for modal logic.J. Michael Dunn - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 42 (2):87--100.
  8. Descriptions, truth value intuitions, and questions.Anders J. Schoubye - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (6):583-617.
    Since the famous debate between Russell (Mind 14: 479–493, 1905, Mind 66: 385–389, 1957) and Strawson (Mind 59: 320–344, 1950; Introduction to logical theory, 1952; Theoria, 30: 96–118, 1964) linguistic intuitions about truth values have been considered notoriously unreliable as a guide to the semantics of definite descriptions. As a result, most existing semantic analyses of definites leave a large number of intuitions unexplained. In this paper, I explore the nature of the relationship between truth value intuitions (...)
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  9.  27
    Truth-value semantics.Hugues Leblanc - 1976 - New York: distributor, Elsevier/North-Holland.
  10.  35
    The Truth-Value of the Aristotelian ‘Areti’.Ioanna Patsioti-Tsacpounidis - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 2:165-172.
    This paper examines the concept of ‘areti’ as encountered in the Aristotelian ethical system in order to establish its relationship to the modern concept of virtue as well as to that of moral truth, that is, to identify its truth-value. I intend to show that the Aristotelian ‘areti’ as a developed state of character and as an advanced stage of ethical understanding entails moral truth. ‘Areti’ as a good-in-itself possesses an intrinsic value which reflects moral (...)
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  11. Truth values, neither-true-nor-false, and supervaluations.Nuel Belnap - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):305 - 334.
    The first section (§1) of this essay defends reliance on truth values against those who, on nominalistic grounds, would uniformly substitute a truth predicate. I rehearse some practical, Carnapian advantages of working with truth values in logic. In the second section (§2), after introducing the key idea of auxiliary parameters (§2.1), I look at several cases in which logics involve, as part of their semantics, an extra auxiliary parameter to which truth is relativized, a parameter that (...)
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  12. Against Truth-Value Gaps.Michael Glanzberg - 2003 - In J. C. Beall (ed.), Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 151--94.
    ∗Thanks to J. C. Beall, Alex Byrne, Jason Decker, Tyler Doggett, Paul Elbourne, Adam Elga, Warren Goldfarb, Delia Graff, Richard Heck, Charles Parsons, Mark Richard, Susanna Siegel, Jason Stanley, Judith Thomson, Carol Voeller, Brian Weatherson, Ralph Wedgwood, Steve Yablo, Cheryl Zoll, and an anonymous referee for valuable comments and discussions. Versions of this material were presented in my seminar at MIT in the Fall of 2000, and at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Parts of this paper also derive from (...)
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  13.  56
    Truth values.Greg Restall - unknown
    I present an account of truth values for classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and the modal logic s5, in which truth values are not a fundamental category from which the logic is defined, but rather, an idealisation of more fundamental logical features in the proof theory for each system. The result is not a new set of semantic structures, but a new understanding of how the existing semantic structures may be understood in terms of a more fundamental notion of (...)
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  14.  68
    Bi-facial Truth: a Case for Generalized Truth Values.Dmitry Zaitsev & Yaroslav Shramko - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (6):1299-1318.
    We explore a possibility of generalization of classical truth values by distinguishing between their ontological and epistemic aspects and combining these aspects within a joint semantical framework. The outcome is four generalized classical truth values implemented by Cartesian product of two sets of classical truth values, where each generalized value comprises both ontological and epistemic components. This allows one to define two unary twin connectives that can be called “semi-classical negations”. Each of these negations deals only (...)
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  15.  12
    Truth-value Semantics for the Theory of Types.H. Leblanc & R. K. Meyer - 1970 - In Karel Lambert (ed.), Philosophical problems in Logic. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 77--101.
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  16.  75
    Truthvalue relations and logical relations.Lloyd Humberstone - 2023 - Theoria 89 (1):124-147.
    After some generalities about connections between functions and relations in Sections 1 and 2 recalls the possibility of taking the semantic values of ‐ary Boolean connectives as ‐ary relations among truth‐values rather than as ‐ary truth functions. Section 3, the bulk of the paper, looks at correlates of these truthvalue relations as applied to formulas, and explores in a preliminary way how their properties are related to the properties of “logical relations” among formulas such as equivalence, (...)
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  17.  36
    Truth value assignment in predicate calculus of first order.Setsuo Saito - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (3):216-223.
  18.  97
    Truth Value Gaps: A Reply to Mr. Odegard.Fred Sommers - 1965 - Analysis 25 (3):66 - 68.
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  19. Deflationism and Truth-Value Gaps.Patrick Greenough - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Central to any form of Deflationism concerning truth (hereafter ‘DT’) is the claim that truth has no substantial theoretical role to play. For this reason, DT faces the following immediate challenge: if truth can play no substantial theoretical role then how can we model various prevalent kinds of indeterminacy—such as the indeterminacy exhibited by vague predicates, future contingents, liar sentences, truth-teller sentences, incomplete stipulations, cases of presupposition failure, and such-like? It is too hasty to assume that (...)
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  20.  28
    Truth-valued fluents and qualitative laws.Robert E. Seall - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (1):36-40.
    In this paper, some qualitative scientific laws are treated in a way that is analogous to the method by which Karl Menger has clarified the nature of quantitative laws such as Boyle's law about ideal gases. The qualitative analogue of the number-valued fluents, such as temperature, are fluents whose domains consist of physical objects while their values are T and F (true and false).
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  21. Defending truth values for indicative conditionals.Kelly Weirich - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (6):1635-1657.
    There is strong disagreement about whether indicative conditionals have truth values. In this paper, I present a new argument for the conclusion that indicative conditionals have truth values based on the claim that some true statements entail indicative conditionals. I then address four arguments that conclude that indicative conditionals lack truth values, showing them to be inadequate. Finally, I present further benefits to having a worldly view of conditionals, which supports the assignment of truth values to (...)
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  22.  45
    Truth-value semantics for a logic of existence.Hugues Leblanc - 1971 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12 (2):153-168.
  23.  11
    Plato on Truth-Value and Truth-Aptness.David Conan Wolfsdorf - 2014 - Méthexis 27 (1):139-158.
    "Plato on Truth-Value and Truth-Aptness" examines Plato’s conception of truth-value and truth-aptness. The examination focuses on Philebus 36c3-50e4 where Socrates argues that pleasures can be true and false and more precisely that there are various kinds of true and false pleasures. The Philebus passage is the only one in Plato’s corpus where various kinds of truth, falsity, and truth-aptness are examined in close proximity and in relation to one another. Hence it is (...)
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  24.  33
    Truth Value Talk Without Quotation.Manuel Bremer - 2011 - In Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer & Markus Steinbach (eds.), Understanding Quotation. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 7--47.
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    Probabilistic, truth-value, and standard semantics and the primacy of predicate logic.John A. Paulos - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (1):11-16.
  26.  31
    Generalized truth values.: A reply to Dubois.Heinrich Wansing & Nuel Belnap - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (6):921-935.
  27. Truth Values and Proof Theory.Greg Restall - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):241-264.
    I present an account of truth values for classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and the modal logic S5, in which truth values are not a fundamental category from which the logic is defined, but rather, an idealisation of more fundamental logical features in the proof theory for each system. The result is not a new set of semantic structures, but a new understanding of how the existing semantic structures may be understood in terms of a more fundamental notion of (...)
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  28. What is a truth-value gap?James R. Shaw - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (6):503-534.
    Truth-value gaps have received little attention from a foundational perspective, a fact which has rightfully opened up gap theories to charges of vacuousness. This paper develops an account of the foundations of gap-like behavior which has some hope of avoiding such charges. I begin by reviewing and sharpening a powerful argument of Dummett’s to constrain the options that gap theorists have to make sense of their views. I then show that within these strictures, we can give an account (...)
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  29.  52
    Truth, Value, and Truth Value. Frege's Theory of Judgement and its Historical Background.Gottfried Gabriel - 2013 - In Mark Textor (ed.), Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology. New York: Palgrave. pp. 36-51.
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  30.  30
    Truth value.A. W. Moore - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (16):429-436.
  31. What is a Truth Value And How Many Are There?Roy T. Cook - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):183-201.
    Truth values are, properly understood, merely proxies for the various relations that can hold between language and the world. Once truth values are understood in this way, consideration of the Liar paradox and the revenge problem shows that our language is indefinitely extensible, as is the class of truth values that statements of our language can take – in short, there is a proper class of such truth values. As a result, important and unexpected connections emerge (...)
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  32. Presuppositions, truth values, and expressing propositions.Michael Glanzberg - 2005 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Contextualism in philosophy: knowledge, meaning, and truth. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 349--396.
    Philosophers like to talk about propositions. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps the most common is that philosophers are sometimes more interested in the content of a thought or utterance than in the particular sentence or utterance that might express it on some occasion. Propositions are offered as these contents.
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  33.  11
    Truth-Value Constants in Multi-Valued Logics.Nissim Francez & Michael Kaminski - 2024 - In Thomas Piecha & Kai F. Wehmeier (eds.), Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Springer. pp. 391-397.
    In some presentations of classical and intuitionistic logics, the objectlanguage is assumed to contain (two) truth-value constants: ⊤ (verum) and ⊥ (falsum), that are, respectively, true and false under every bivalent valuation. We are interested to define and study analogical constants ‡, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, that in an arbitrary multi-valued logic over truth-values V = {v1,..., vn} have the truth-value vi under every (multi-valued) valuation. As is well known, the absence or presence of (...)
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  34.  23
    (1 other version)Supervaluations without Truth-Value Gaps.Hans G. Herzberger - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 6:15-27.
    For a very long time truth-value gaps were under a cloud of suspicion because they were considered logically unmanageable. So Frege declared that:“as regards concepts we have a requirement of sharp delimitation; if this were not satisfied it would be impossible to set forth logical laws about them”.Three-valued logic promised to dispel the cloud but in the eyes of many it had promised more than it could deliver. So in response to Reichenbach's plea for a three-valued quantum logic (...)
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  35. Presuppositions, truth values, and expressing propositions.Michael Glanzberg - 2005 - In Gerhard Preyer & Georg Peter (eds.), Contextualism in philosophy: knowledge, meaning, and truth. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 349--396.
    Philosophers like to talk about propositions. There are many reasons for this. Perhaps the most common is that philosophers are sometimes more interested in the content of a thought or utterance than in the particular sentence or utterance that might express it on some occasion. Propositions are offered as these contents.
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  36.  18
    Truth Values and the Value of Truth.Adams E. [1] - 2002 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83:207-222.
    This paper explores the ways in which truth is better than falsehood, and suggests that, among other things, it depends on the kinds of proposition to which these values are attached. Ordinary singular propositions like “It is raining” seem to fit best the bivalent “scheme” of classical logic, the general proposition “It is always raining” is more appropriately rated according to how often it rains, and a “practically vague” proposition like “The lecture will start at 1” is appropriately rated (...)
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  37.  68
    The truth value of mystical experience.H. Hunt - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (12):5-43.
    Can mystics intuit something of what modern physicists calculate? And if so, how? The question of the relation between the classical mysticisms and modern science is approached in Part I in terms of the multiple forms and definitions of 'truth value'. Intuition/epiphany, pragmatism, coherence, and correspondence are considered as forms of truth that have also been proposed for unitive mystical experience. Since 'correspondence' or 'representation' has been the definition at the core of modern science, it in particular (...)
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  38.  44
    Truth-values and metaphors.Stephen Davies - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 42 (3):291-302.
  39. Truth-Value Gaps, Ontological Commitments, and Incommensurability (doctoral dissertation).Xinli Wang - 1998 - Dissertation, The University of Connecticut
    According to the accepted translation-failure interpretation, the problem of incommensurability involves the nature of the meaning-referential relation between scientific languages. The incommensurability thesis is that some competing scientific languages are mutually untranslatable due to the radical variance of meaning or/and reference of the terms they employ. I argue that this interpretation faces many difficulties and cannot give us a tenable, coherent, and integrated notion of incommensurability. It has to be rejected. ;On the basis of two case studies, I find that (...)
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  40. On Identifying Reference with Truth-Value.Gautam Sengupta - 1983 - Analysis 43 (2):72 - 74.
    The purpose of the paper is to refute the fregean assumption that declarative sentences refer to truth-Values. A consequence of the assumption is that the truth-Value of a declarative sentence containing another as part remains unchanged when the part is replaced by another sentence having the same truth-Value, Provided that the part as part has only customary reference and expresses a complete thought. The refutation proceeds by demonstrating this consequence to be false.
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    Quantification, sentences, and truth-values/Quantificação, sentenças e valores de verdade.Thomas Ricketts - 2007 - Manuscrito 30 (2):459-491.
    The paper maintains that Frege's quantification of sentence positions motivates his identification of sentences as proper names of truth-values; that this identification is fully compatible with the Context Principle; that the relation of a thought to its truth-value is the primary case of the relation of sense to meaning. The paper offers a reconstruction of Frege's defense of in pp. 33-5 of “On Sense and Meaning”O artigo sustenta que a quantificação Fregeana sobre posições de sentença motiva sua (...)
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  42.  48
    Probabilities as truth-value estimates.Hugues Leblanc - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (4):414-417.
    The author recently claimed that Pr(P, Q), where Pr is a probability function and P and Q are two sentences of a formalized language L, qualifies as an estimate--made in the light of Q--of the truth-value of P in L. To substantiate his claim, the author establishes here that the two strategies lying at the opposite extremes of the spectrum of truth-value estimating strategies meet the first five of the six requirements (R1-R6) currently placed upon probability (...)
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  43. Truth-Value Gaps.John McDowell - 1982 - In Laurence Jonathan Cohen (ed.), Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VI: proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Hannover, 1979. New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
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  44.  68
    Truth values and the value of truth.Ernest Adams - 2002 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83 (3):207–222.
    This paper explores the ways in which truth is better than falsehood, and suggests that, among other things, it depends on the kinds of proposition to which these values are attached. Ordinary singular propositions like “It is raining” seem to fit best the bivalent “scheme” of classical logic, the general proposition “It is always raining” is more appropriately rated according to how often it rains, and a “practically vague” proposition like “The lecture will start at 1” is appropriately rated (...)
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  45.  70
    Truth values.Yaroslav Shramko - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  46.  62
    Modal logics with Belnapian truth values.Serge P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):279-304.
    Various four- and three-valued modal propositional logics are studied. The basic systems are modal extensions BK and BS4 of Belnap and Dunn's four-valued logic of firstdegree entailment. Three-valued extensions of BK and BS4 are considered as well. These logics are introduced semantically by means of relational models with two distinct evaluation relations, one for verification and the other for falsification. Axiom systems are defined and shown to be sound and complete with respect to the relational semantics and with respect to (...)
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    Truth, value, and consolation.Damian Cox - 2002 - Journal of Value Inquiry 36 (4):413-424.
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  48. Minimalism and Truth-Value Gaps.Richard Holton - 2000 - Philosophical Studies 97 (2):137-168.
    The question is asked whether one can consistently both be a minimalist about truth, and hold that some meaningful assertoric sentences fail to be either true or false. It is shown that one can, but the issues are delicate, and the price is high: one must either refrain from saying that the sentences lack truth values, or else one must invoke a novel non-contraposing three-valued conditional. Finally it is shown that this does not help in reconciling minimalism with (...)
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  49. Anti-realism, truth-value links and tensed truth predicates.Bernhard Weiss - 1996 - Mind 105 (420):577-602.
    Antirealism about the past is apparently in conflict with our acceptance of a set of systematic linkages between the truth-values of differently tensed sentences made at different times. Arguments based on acceptance of these so-called truth-value links seem to show that fully accounting for our use of the past and future tenses will involve use of a notion of truth which is not epistemically constrained and is thus antirealistically unacceptable. I elaborate these difficulties through an examination (...)
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  50. A generalized referential theory of truth-values.Fabien Schang - 2015 - In Elena Dragalina Chernaya (ed.), Rationality in Action: Intentions, Interpretations and Interactions. pp. 157-178.
    Misunderstanding occurs between speakers when they disagree about the meaning of words in use. In the case of truth-values, Frege took these to be referents of sentences which consist of classes of accepted (i.e. “true”) or rejected (i.e. “false”) sentences. From this usual depiction of truth and falsity, a general algebraic framework is proposed to systematize the use of truth-values from a dialogical point of view of logic. A special attention will be paid to two radically opposed (...)
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