Results for 'ways to God'

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  1.  19
    Two Ways to God in Thomas Aquinas and Michel Henry.Steven Nemes - 2021 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 3 (2):164-187.
    One can discern passages in the writings of the Scholastic doctor Thomas Aquinas and the contemporary French phenomenologist Michel Henry which can be interpreted as putting forth very similar ways for grasping the existence of God. These “ways to God” can be fruitfully compared from the point of view of their philosophical starting points as well as of their consequences for theological epistemology. The purpose of the present essay is to pursue this comparative work and to see what (...)
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    Ways to God: Personal and Social at the Turn of the Millennia : the Iqbal Lecture, Lahore.George F. McLean - 1999 - CRVP.
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    The Way to God.Maxwell Silver - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (4):601-603.
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  4. Which way to God?Ronald E. Sleeth - 1968 - Nashville,: Abingdon Press.
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    (1 other version)Bonaventurian Ways to God through Reason.Thomas R. Mathias - 1976 - Franciscan Studies 36 (1):192-232.
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    The Way to God as Absolute Transcendence.George Kovacs - 1990 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 64:240-249.
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    Bonaventure's three-fold way to God.R. E. Houser - 1997 - Philosophy 6:30-1.
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    A Middle Way to God.Garth L. Hallett - 2000 - Karachi: Oxford University Press USA.
    Charting a "middle way" between the extremes represented by Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne, Garth Hallett explores the thesis that if belief in other minds is rational and true, so too is belief in God. He makes a strong case that when this parity claim is appropriately restricted to a single, sound other-minds belief, belief in God and belief in other minds do prove epistemically comparable. This result, and the distinctive path that leads to it, will interest students and scholars (...)
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    Four Medieval Ways to God.Anton C. Pegis - 1970 - The Monist 54 (3):317-358.
    I. The following essay aims to compare the proofs for the existence of God in four medieval theologians, namely, St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Bonaventure, St. Thomas Aquinas and Henry of Ghent, Being theologians, all four men believed in a divine revelation and their personal intellectual activity took place within the world of revelation. Fides quaerens intellectum, which was St. Anselm’s title for the Proslogion before he gave it a name, is a formula that can be applied to all these (...)
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    Many ways to God, many ways to salvation (A conversation on Isaiah 56:1–8 with Islamic tradition).Syafa'atun Almirzanah - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):10.
    Salvation is the objective of every religious tradition. Christian tradition claims Jesus as the particular redeemer, as he is viewed as the only one who reveals God, truly and fully. Thus, Jesus can be seen as the only way to Salvation. The question then arises, what about other people who do not follow Jesus, instead they follow prophet Muhammad or some other religious figures whom they believe that God has sent to save them? How then, the relationship between Christianity and (...)
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    Nédoncelle’s Personalist Way to God.Kevin Rafferty - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:22-50.
    A good deal of discussion about the existence of God among contemporary continental philosophers centres on the anthropological conditions that precede the affirmation or denial of such a being. The starting point is the person centred world of the existentialists, the phenomenologists and the personalists, and not the cosmological centred universe of the medieval world. It is one’s view of man and what one considers to be most profound in man, that leads some philosophers to affirm the existence of God (...)
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    The Bonaventurean Way to God.Anton C. Pegis - 1967 - Mediaeval Studies 29 (1):206-242.
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  13. The Third Way to God: A New Approach.John M. Quinn - 1978 - The Thomist 42 (1):50.
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  14. HALLETT, G.-A Middle Way to God.D. D. Crawford - 2003 - Philosophical Books 44 (1):89-90.
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  15. Human mind as a way to God-a comment on Crocker, William, H.L. Leahy - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (1):62-67.
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    Toward a new way to god: Henry of Ghent.Anton C. Pegis - 1968 - Mediaeval Studies 30 (1):226-247.
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    The Summa Contra Gentiles and Aquinas's Way to God.Gaven Kerr - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1273-1287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Summa Contra Gentiles and Aquinas's Way to GodGaven KerrThere is to be found in Aquinas's writings a way to God which is his own and most personal. This way to God is the way from existence (esse) and arrives at God as pure existence itself, the fount of all being, without which nothing would be. It is deployed in several contexts ranging from the De ente et essentia (...)
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    A Middle Way to God. [REVIEW]Charles Taliaferro - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (1):242-244.
    Garth Hallett’s way to the God of theism is charted in between the approaches commended by Richard Swinburne and Alvin Plantinga. Swinburne treats theism as a hypothesis which may be tested using confirmation theory. Swinburne stands in the tradition of natural theology which includes Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, and Butler who believe that unfettered and not already pre-disposed-totheism reason will show theism to be more reasonable than atheism or agnosticism. Plantinga has gone toe-to-toe with anti-theistic moves by Ayer, Flew, Solomon, Mackie, (...)
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    Sadhana: A Way to God. Christian Exercises in Eastern Form.Pieter De Jong & Anthony de Mello - 1983 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 3:172.
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    Aquinas's Way to God: The Proof in De Ente et Essentia. By Gaven Kerr, OP. Pp. xxi, 205, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, $74.00. [REVIEW]James E. Dolezal - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (3):607-609.
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    A Long Way to God's Mutability: A Response to Ebrahim Azadegan.Amirhossein Zadyousefi - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):166-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Long Way to God's Mutability:A Response to Ebrahim AzadeganAmirhossein Zadyousefi (bio)I. IntroductionIn his "On the Incompatibility of God's Knowledge of Particulars and the Doctrine of Divine Immutability: Towards a Reform in Islamic Theology" (2020, 2022) Ebrahim Azadegan tries to make room for what he calls a reform in Islamic theology. Affirming that God's knowledge of particulars is inconsistent with God's immutability, Azadegan puts forward a theory of God's (...)
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  22. A Middle Way To God, By Garth L. Hallett. [REVIEW]David Basinger - 2001 - Ars Disputandi 1.
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    Meister Eckhart and the Neoplatonic Heritage: The Thinker’s Way to God.Richard Woods - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):609-639.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:MEISTER ECKHART AND THE NEOPLATONIC HERITAGE: THE THINKER'S WAY TO GOD RICHARD Wooos, O.P. Loyola University of Ohioago Ohicago, Illinois IN BOTH HIS LIFE rand preaching, Meister Eokrhart's " way" was pre-eminently.a spirituality of the mind. The srpeoulat:ive inqui.rires.and p:roibings thaJt animate his iSChD'l-·arly woliks 1also f!:>iervrude his sermons ·and treatisies, while a pastoral, homiletic inrberrtion iieciproca:1ly permeates the scholarly.worrks, particularly in regard to.the Meister'1s fascination with rthe Woil1d. (...)
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    Dance your way to god: a darshan diary. Osho - 1978 - Poona: Rajneesh Foundation. Edited by Ma Prem Maneesha.
    Discourses by an Indian sectarian religious leader, July 28-August 20, 1976.
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    Aquinas’s Way to God: The Proof in De Entre et Essentia. By Gaven Kerr. Pp. 205, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, £62.00. [REVIEW]Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (6):1122-1123.
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    A Middle Way to God. [REVIEW]Charles T. Davis - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (1):136-136.
    Proofs for belief in God polarize between the extremes that no demonstration is required and arguments based upon a complex, inductive calculus. Since traditional questions are no longer fruitful, Hallett proposes a lateral shift in our thinking by undertaking an exploration of what “rationality and good evidence look like in areas where standard criteria do not apply”. The goal is to promote fresh vision through a shift in perspective.
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    Henry of Ghent and the new way to God (III).Anton C. Pegis - 1971 - Mediaeval Studies 33 (1):158-179.
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    «Diversa Theologiae naturalis systemata»: Christian Wolff's Ways to God.Gualtiero Lorini - 2021 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:760-781.
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    A New Way to God: Henry of Ghent (II).Anton C. Pegis - 1969 - Mediaeval Studies 31 (1):93-116.
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    Aquinas's way to God: the proof in De ente et essentia.Gaven Kerr - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Essence/esse distinction and composition -- The argumentation for real distinction in De ente, cap. 4 -- Essence -- Esse -- The proof of God -- The causal principle -- The Per aliud principle and infinite regress -- Esse tantum -- Creation.
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    A middle way to God.Garth Hallett - 2003 - Karachi: Oxford University Press.
    Charting a "middle way" between the extremes represented by Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne, Garth Hallett explores the thesis that if belief in other minds is rational and true (as it surely is), so too is belief in God. He makes a strong case that when this parity claim is appropriately restricted to a single, sound other-minds belief, belief in God and belief in other minds do prove epistemically comparable. This result, and the distinctive path that leads to it, will (...)
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    Aquinas's Way to God. The Proof in the De Ente et Essentia. [REVIEW]Vaccarezza Maria Silvia - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (268):657-659.
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    Aquinas's way to God: The proof in de ente et essentia by gaven Kerr op, oxford university press, new York, 2015, pp. XXI + 205, £47.99, hbk. [REVIEW]Robert Verrill - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1073):112-114.
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  34. A further note on Leahy human mind as a way to God.J. Donceel - 1984 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 7 (4):313-315.
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    The Road of Science and the Ways to God. Stanley L. Jaki.Gary Deason - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):315-316.
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    Cardinal Newman's grammar of assent on conscience as a way to God.Edward A. Sillem - 1964 - Heythrop Journal 5 (4):377–401.
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    (1 other version)A Middle Way To God. [REVIEW]Mark Wynn - 2001 - Religious Studies 37 (4):491-499.
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  38. Review of "Aquinas’s Way to God: The Proof in De Ente et Essentia," Gaven Kerr. [REVIEW]Caleb Cohoe - 2015 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2015.
  39.  21
    An introduction to God’s omnipresence through the “four ways” of Francis of Meyronnes OFM (fl. 1320).Jeffrey C. Witt - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):33-47.
    This article offers an introduction to the question of God’s omnipresence as debated within the late medieval scholastic tradition as seen through the lens of Francis of Meyronnes. In Meyronnes’s commentary on distinction 37 of Peter Lombard’s Sentences, he attempts to categorize the various ways one might prove God’s existence in all things through a four-fold classification. In following his classifications, we are able to look back at some of the historical ways earlier scholastics have attempted to prove (...)
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  40. ILVER'S The Way to God. [REVIEW]Fox Fox - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11:601.
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    The Analytical Thomist and the Paradoxical Aquinas: Some Reflections on Kerr’s Aquinas’s Way to God.John F. X. Knasas - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (4):71-88.
    My article critically evaluates five key claims in Kerr’s interpretation of Aquinas’s De Ente et Essentia, ch. 4, proof for God. The claims are: the absolutely considered essence is a second intention, or cognitional being; à la John Wippel, the real distinction between essence and existence is known before the proof; contra David Twetten, Aristotelian form is not self-actuating and so requires actus essendi; the De Ente proof for God uses the Principle of Sufficient Reason; an infinite regress must be (...)
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    Ten ways to weave the world: matter, mind, and God.Ross Thompson - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    The idea of an ideological war between science and religion, Thompson argues, is founded on a mistake. But this does not mean that there is nothing at stake. For behind the ill-conceived conflict lie complex issues about the nature of mind, consciousness, experience, subjectivity, quality, value, and the like, all of which need to be disentangled and assessed in their own right. Outgrowing Materialism leads the reader through a sequence of five “Worlds,” each of which offers a distinct way of (...)
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    (1 other version)Approaches to God.Jacques Maritain - 1954 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Catholic philosopher's attempt to show the traditional ways by which the reality of God has been demonstrated.
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  44. Divine semiotics and the way to the triune God in Augustine's De Trinitatis.Khaled Anatolios - 2009 - In L. G. Patterson, Andrew Brian McGowan, Brian E. Daley & Timothy J. Gaden (eds.), God in early Christian thought: essays in memory of Lloyd G. Patterson. Boston: Brill.
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    A Middle Way to God. [REVIEW]Basil Smith - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (1):138-139.
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    For It Is God’s Way to Sweeten Bitter with Bitter.Martin Kavka - 2019 - Levinas Studies 13:43-67.
    In accounts of Emmanuel Levinas’s relationship to the Jewish theological tradition, scholars often analyze Levinas’s essays about Rabbi Hayyim of Volozhin, and specifically his 1824 book Soul of Life (Nefesh ha-Ḥayyim). This article treats two essays that Levinas wrote in the mid-1980s on that book, and shows that Levinas’s praise for that book involves coming close to endorsing its theology of suffering, a theology that strikes this article’s author as obscene. In Nefesh ha-Ḥayyim, those who suffer deserve their suffering, their (...)
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  47. Ways to Know God: The Symbolic Theology of Dionysius the Areopagite and Its Factual Presuppositions.Edith Stein - 1946 - The Thomist 9:379-420.
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    Was evolution the only possible way for God to make autonomous creatures? Examination of an argument in evolutionary theodicy.Mats Wahlberg - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (1):37-51.
    Evolutionary theodicies are attempts to explain how the enormous amounts of suffering, premature death and extinction inherent in the evolutionary process can be reconciled with belief in a loving and almighty God. A common strategy in this area is to argue that certain very valuable creaturely attributes could only be exemplified by creatures that are produced by a partly random and uncontrolled process of evolution. Evolution, in other words, was the only possible way for God to create these kinds of (...)
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    Anatheism: Returning to God After God.Richard Kearney - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Has the passing of the old God paved the way for a new kind of religious project, a more responsible way to seek, sound, and love the things we call divine? Has the suspension of dogmatic certainties and presumptions opened a space in which we can encounter religious wonder anew? Situated at the split between theism and atheism, we now have the opportunity to respond in deeper, freer ways to things we cannot fathom or prove. Distinguished philosopher Richard Kearney (...)
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    The mind's road to God.St Bonaventure - 1953 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
    Prologue 1. To begin with, the first principle from Whom all illumination descends as from the Father of Light, by Whom are given all the best and perfect gifts, the eternal Father do I call upon through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that by the intercession of the most holy Virgin Mary, mother of God Himself and of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and of the blessed Francis, our father and leader, He may enlighten the eyes of our mind to (...)
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