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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "University of Oulu Repository - Jultika"

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  1. Ecosocial autonomy as an educational ideal.Jani Pulkki & Sami Keto - 2022 - Relations. Beyond Anthropocentrism 10 (2).
    Autonomy — or rational self-control — is not only fashionable as an educational ideal, but also in present-day economics, ethics, and society in general. However, the concept of traditional autonomy is problematic because it privileges humans and treats the rest of nature primarily as resources fit only for human exploitation. This anthropocentrism has led human beings to see themselves as superior to nature and separate. Ecosocial autonomy is an attempt to redress the balance, by contextualising autonomy so it incorporates the (...)
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  2. Body as a response of a place:postqualitative inquiry into outdoor education.Anna Vladimirova - 2023 - Dissertation, University of Oulu
    In the age of over-consumption, extreme pollution, discrimination, climate disasters and extinctions, education remains a powerful custodian of learning for sustainable futures. Outdoor education is one of the orientations of environmental education that aims to bring young generations of people closer to nature and to a local place. For the very same reason, outdoor learning has been greatly romanticized and might be on a path of serving the ambitions of anthropocentrism. The current study represents a postqualitative inquiry into outdoor education (...)
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  3. Reason to believe:the prospects and limitations of critical thinking as an educational ideal.Henri Pettersson - unknown
    The notion of critical thinking means the intellectual skills and propensities required to actively carry out reflective and evidence-based belief-formation, decision-making and judgment. This doctoral dissertation comprises of three studies with their self-contained lines of argumentation. Article I, The Conflicting Ideals of Democracy and Critical Thinking in Citizenship Education, assesses the dormant tensions between the two educational goals of critical thinking and democracy, arguing that we should prioritize the former in the cases where they pull in opposite directions. Article II, (...)
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  4. What’s forgotten about The Structure of Scientific Revolutions?Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 15 (3).
    Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is a classic, and it is certainly not forgotten. However, an essential aspect about it has been neglected. That is, Kuhn’s Structure is a book in philosophy of history in the sense that Structure attempts gives an account of historical events, focuses on the whole of the history of science and stipulates a structure of the history of science to explain historical events. Kuhn’s book and its contribution to the debates about the progress (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Education and intelligence:reconstructing John Dewey’s theory of intelligence from an educational perspective.Veli-Mikko Kauppi - 2022 - Oulun yliopisto.
    This dissertation presents a philosophical inquiry into the concept of intelligence by reconstructing John Dewey’s theory of intelligence and investigating its educational implications. It presents three critiques of educational practices and theories that, from a Deweyan point of view, are built on misconceptions or oversimplifications of intelligence. While his theory of intelligence is primarily expressed in implicit terms, it offers a nuanced analysis of the sociality and contextuality of intelligence, questioning some of its traditional or mainstream conceptions. The reconstructed theory (...)
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  6. Caring in-between:events of engagement of preschool children and forests.A. Vladimirova - 2021 - Journal of Childhood Studies 46 (1).
    This paper draws on process philosophy to imagine “care” as a collective practice of children and the forest in the context of Finnish early childhood education. By locating care in movement rather than an individual, the author challenges the notion of caring subjectivity and employs postqualitative inquiry to conceptually focus on an impersonal production of care. The author shows how care emerges in the between of children and forest in an outdoor learning environment and highlights what it continually produces. She (...)
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  7. De-idealising the educational ideal of critical thinking.H. Pettersson - 2020 - Helix 8 (1).
    It is widely recognised among educational theorists, educators and policy makers alike, that critical thinking should claim a superordinate place in our system of educational objectives. In the philosophical literature on this topic, critical thinking is often conceptualised as the educational cognate of rationality, which in turn is analysed as being comprised of the relevant skills and abilities to assess reasons and evidence, together with the intellectual dispositions to actively use these proficiencies in practice. The resulting picture is in many (...)
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  8. Reconstructing personal stories in virtual reality as a mechanism to recover the self.Iva Georgieva & Georgi V. Georgiev - 2020 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (1).
    Advances in virtual reality present opportunities to relive experiences in an immersive medium that can change the way we perceive our life stories, potentially shaping our realities for the better. This paper studies the role of virtual reality as a tool for the creation of stories with the concept of the self as a narrator and the life of the self as a storyline. The basis of the study is the philosophical notion of the self-narrative as an explanatory story of (...)
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  9. The Philosophical Classroom:balancing educational purposes.R. Välitalo - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Oulu
    The practice of teaching links long-standing philosophical questions about the building blocks of a good life to daily judgments in the classroom; in the journey to becoming a person who teaches, we must seek different ways of understanding what “good” means in the context of different social practices and communities. This doctoral thesis examines the educational innovation known as Philosophy for Children as a platform for teachers and students to address such questions within a community of philosophical inquiry. Advocates of (...)
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  10. Considering subject positions with Biesta.R. Välitalo - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
    People who attended the ICPIC conference last summer were given a opportunity to consider some perspectives offered by the acknowledged scholar and educational thinker, Gert Biesta. His presentation in Madrid focused on exploring the educational significance of doing philosophy with children from a particular viewpoint. Biesta addressed the question of whether Philosophy for Children movement can offer something more than a clear head, that is, a critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinker. To get the message through, he analysed some wider (...)
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  11. Internal goods of teaching in philosophy for children: The role of the teacher and the nature of teaching in pfc.Riku Välitalo - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (27):271-290.
    Philosophy for Children promotes a pedagogy that builds on a collective process of truth-seeking and meaning-making. In contrast to seeing teachers as sources of knowledge, they are often described as facilitators in this communal process. PFC is part of the larger movement in education that has aimed to put the child at the center of the teaching and learning process. Yet, PFC, similar to other child-centered pedagogies, brings new challenges to understanding the role of the teacher. This article traces the (...)
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  12. A call to write the Nordic information systems research field history:viewing the Scandinavian way through a career retrospectives lens.Arto Lanamäki, Jaana Porra & Rudy Hirschheim - unknown
    This special issue on Scandinavian Researcher Career Retrospectives (RCR) includes five articles from within the Nordic information systems (IS) research community. Two of the papers are from Finland (Iivari and Nurminen), two from Sweden (Flensburg and Lundeberg), and one from Denmark (Bjørn-Andersen with Clemmensen). Each of these articles illuminates the history of Scandinavian IS research, and its connections to wider contexts from their particular vantage point. Each paper describes a unique career trajectory, and reflects on its authors’ values, aspirations, struggles, (...)
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  13. About and on behalf of scriptum est:the literary, bibliographic, and educational rationality sui generis of the library and librarianship on the top of what literature has produced.V. Suominen - unknown
    The thematic dealt with in the treatise is the possible of the library and librarianship. The rationality appears in a philosophical perspective as a normative notion. The treatise particularly investigates the possible intelligibility of a literary rationality of the library and librarianship with a foundation in what literature has produced, which divides into the bibliographic rationality of the library about scriptum est and the educational rationality or the library on behalf of scriptum est. The point of departure is that how (...)
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  14. Discontinuity as theoretical foundation to pedagogy:existential phenomenology in Otto Friedrich Bollnow’s philosophy of education.Jani Koskela - unknown
    This study examines German educational philosopher Otto Friedrich Bollnow’s (1903–1991) existential-hermeneutic theory of discontinuous forms of education, unstetige formen der Erziehung. At the core of this theory is a view of human being subjected to education that appears disruptive and critical, influencing the development of disclosing the true powers of a person and unfolding of truths about oneself that could not be uncovered otherwise. Typically, this theory has been interpreted on the continuum of hermeneutic philosophy, as hermeneutic pedagogy with an (...)
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  15. The social construction of learning and teaching in a classroom community of inquiry.Minna Kovalainen - unknown
    This thesis concentrates on investigating the social construction of learning and teaching in a classroom that was encultured into working and acting as a community of inquiry across the curriculum. The theoretical and methodological premises of the study draw on sociocultural and sociolinguistic views on learning and instruction. Through this framework, the study aims at investigating the development, implementation and evaluation of the processes and conditions for communal inquiry across different pedagogical situations and across the curriculum in the case study (...)
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  16. Child, philosophy and education:discussing the intellectual sources of Philosophy for Children.Hannu Juuso - unknown
    The study analyzes the theoretical basis of the Philosophy for Children (P4C) program elaborated by Matthew Lipman. The aim is, firstly, to identify the main philosophical and pedagogical principles of P4C based on American pragmatism, and to locate their pedagogization and possible problems in Lipman’s thinking. Here the discussion is especially targeted to the thinking of John Dewey and George H. Mead as well as Lev Vygotsky, whom Lipman himself names as the most pivotal sources for his own thinking. On (...)
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