OAI Archive: Digitální repozitář NUŠL (National Repository of Grey Literature)

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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Digitální repozitář NUŠL (National Repository of Grey Literature)"

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  1. XXVIII Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. Communities of Debate. Collective Intellectual Practice in Medieval Philosophical Thought.Ota Pavlíček - unknown
    The publication is a book of abstracts and additional pieces of information linked to the conference which delved into the collaborative nature of intellectual endeavors during the Middle Ages, challenging the common portrayal of scholars as solitary figures. Instead, it seeked to uncover the intricate layers of collective work that underpinned their individual contributions, particularly within university settings across Latin Europe. Topics of discussion spanned various aspects, including the dynamics of debating communities, historical analyses of collective practices, and the sharing (...)
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  2. Povaha Emocí: Systematická analýza.Milan Zeman - unknown
    e aim of the present thesis is to work out, in a systematic manner and in as clear and accurate terms as possible, an answer to the question: what is emotion? Many answers to this question have already been proposed, but, as I endeavor to show, none of them are adequate. ey available theories either fail to recognize what sort of "thing" emotion is and therefore miss the mark completely, or they determine this accurately, albeit not explicitly, but then reduce (...)
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  3. Mezi Dao 道 a fa 法: intertextuální rozbor kosmologických textů z doby Válčících států.Kateřina Gajdošová - unknown
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  4. Přístupy k bolesti v klasické řecké filosofii a medicíně.Vojtěch Linka - unknown
    Linka, V. Dissertation: Approaches to Pain in Classical Greek Philosophy and Medicine In this dissertation, I undertake an exploration of the approaches to the problem of pain within classical Greek philosophy and medicine. The aim of my research is to investigate the role of pain by analysing the most prevalent Greek words denoting pain in three ancient text collections: the Corpus Hippocraticum, Corpus Platonicum, and Corpus Aristotelicum. As an omnipresent phenomenon inherent to both human and animal life, pain held significant (...)
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  5. Nestrannost Nejvyššího soudu: právní hodnoty v politické aréně.Jan Doskočil - unknown
    Impartiality is an important theoretical concept that determines the ability of judges to provide both parties of litigation with a fair trial. Despite this, judicial impartiality is relatively unexplored in academic writings. This thesis aims to correct this discrepancy by delving into varying interpretations of impartiality and the occurrence of impartiality debates in the context of the Supreme Court confirmation hearings. The thesis seeks to answer the question of whether impartiality plays an important role in the appointment of new justices (...)
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  6. Intersubjektivita v rané filosofii Emmanuela Lévinase.Jakub Marenčin - unknown
    Levinas orients his philosophy around a subject that is in constant struggle with its existence. Human existence, understood as a modality of Being, is belied by life's insecurities and sufferings. Being as such is not understood as perfect but as inherently flawed, and that is why a self-sufficient subject is not conceivable. On its own, it cannot ever transcend this condition. As a bearer of radical alterity, the Other offers the only possible way of transcending being. In this work, I (...)
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  7. Za hranice psychologie: Nietzsche a metafyzika jednání.Filip Váňa - unknown
    In this work I attempt a reconstruction of what I take to be the very foundations of Nietzsche's philosophical project - his account of what it means to be an agent (i.e. his "psychology"). Yet, my main purpose is far from mere exegesis. On the contrary, by actively thinking through what Nietzsche gives us, I aim to develop a coherent account of the fundamental "logic" of agency as such. That is, of what it could mean to be an agent, understood (...)
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  8. Neznalost jako riziko: sociální média a nejistota chápána prostřednictvím režimu agnotologie.Noé Louis André Annet Merlin Colomb - unknown
    Despite the ever-growing presence of social media platforms, few have studied their impact on security as a whole. While discussions on security issues that stem from social media often hold users responsible, this thesis argues that the platforms themselves and the way they are constructed create insecurity. This project aims, first and foremost, to establish the role of social media platforms in eroding ontological security and spreading agnotology. These two concepts play a central part in this project's explanation of the (...)
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  9. Existencionalismus a jeho implementace v edukaci.Annamária Krivdová - unknown
    This thesis aims to outline the most influential ideas of existentialism and relate them to our everyday life. The first part focuses on five existential writers and their most profound contributions. It addresses the works of Dostoyevsky, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Camus. The second part consists of twelve subchapters, tackling the questions of freedom, determinism, anxiety, suffering, authenticity, responsibility, and the search for meaning in life. This part seeks to put issues of existential philosophy into practical use and highlight its (...)
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  10. Teorie deskripcí: Cesta Bertranda Russella k ontologické úspornosti.Milan Soutor - 2020 - Dissertation, Charles University, Prague
    Applying Occam's razor in order to minimize ontological commitments is among the central methods of Bertrand Russell's philosophy after 1905 and onwards. The year 1905 was specially significant for Russell in that respect, as he published in this year the groundbreaking paper titled 'On Denoting'. In this paper, he introduced, for the first time, the today widely acknowledged semantical theory, Theory of Descriptions. According to the canonical interpretation of Russell, which is represented, for the most part, by W. V. O. (...)
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  11. Normalita a normativita.Martin Haloun - unknown
    Martin Haloun Normality and Normativity Annotation: The thesis Normality and Normativity is concerned with the problems of the relation of normal and abnormal. The analysis of the expression 'normal' is the introduction of the topic followed by the demonstration that there are multiple meanings of the normal that do not always coincide. During the description of the aspects of norm and normal the fundamental relations between facts and prescriptions will have to be taken into account. The full meaning of the (...)
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  12. Problém Hmotného Světa: Virginie Woolfová Jako Nedualistická a Procesuální Myslitelka.Veronika Krajíčková - 2021 - Dissertation, Charles University, Prague
    1 Abstract This doctoral thesis focuses on the analogies between Virginia Woolf's "personal philosophy" and Alfred North Whitehead's process philosophy, or in his own words "philosophy of organism." The thesis does not claim that Whitehead's thought directly influenced Woolf's fiction, rather, it makes use of a zeitgeist model. The two contemporaries shared the rejection of long-established dualisms, particularly the Cartesian mind-body dualism, the binaries of subject and object, animate and inanimate matter, the human and the nonhuman, and last but not (...)
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  13. Modely a modelování v biomedicíně.Martin Zach - 2021 - Dissertation, Charles University, Prague
    Many scientific disciplines rely on the construction and use of models: biomedical sciences are no exception. This PhD thesis addresses several aspects of the practice of scientific modeling. First, I discuss the nature of modeling as such, proposing a novel, complementary account of scientific modeling which I term the experimentation-driven modeling account and which drives the construction of mechanistic models in many fields of biological and biomedical research, such as cancer immunology. Second, I scrutinize an objection to the mechanistic account (...)
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  14. Lidový dualismus a dvě konceptuální říše.Michaela Jirout Košová - 2021 - Dissertation, Charles University, Prague
    The thesis focuses on the irreducibility of the concept of a person to scientific view of the world. The main inspiration for thematising this specific aspect of folk dualism comes from Donald Davidson (two realms) and Wilfrid Sellars (two images). The theoretical sections are complemented by reflexion on results of empirical studies provided mostly by experimental philosophy in order to demonstrate how this approach benefits attempts to reach complex view of philosophical questions that have close connection to moral dimension of (...)
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  15. Shelleyho vyjednávání metafyziky.Tomáš Balvín - unknown
    This thesis aims to understand Percy Bysshe Shelley's attitude towards the role of the poet in society as an usher of progressive change. To do this, it examines his metaphysics, chiefly his contact with the doctrines of idealism, which crystallised at the dawn of his life through his intimate relationship with the works of Plato, the early engagement with French materialists, English philosophers like Priestley and Hume & a later one with Lucretian materialism, and his deep entanglement with the first (...)
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  16. Násilí jako filozofický problém.Erin Garrett - unknown
    Liberal democracies sit on a foundation of popular sovereignty and the values of equality, liberty, and fairness. While some coercion by the state is necessary in order to maintain state sovereignty and provide a stable government, and excessive use of state coercion violates the liberty of its citizens. The harm and offense principles provide the boundaries of acceptable state coercion, but if these laws are unfairly enforced by police as the domestic arm of state authority, then the equality of liberty (...)
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  17. Krása jako unitas multiplex u Plótína.Ota Gál - 2019 - Dissertation, Charles University
    The thesis investigates Plotinus' concept of beauty. Chapter 1 focuses on two methodological issues: development in Plotinus' thought and topics of the concerned Enneads. Since Plotinus wrote two Enneads directly devoted to this topic which were numbered and named by Porphyry I.6 On beauty and V.8 On intellectual beauty, these two treatises are addressed first in the context of other relevant Enneads. The outcome of these chapters is that beauty is primarily to be found in Intellect and that it is (...)
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  18. Violence as a Philosophical Problem.Erin Garrett - unknown
    Liberal democracies sit on a foundation of popular sovereignty and the values of equality, liberty, and fairness. While some coercion by the state is necessary in order to maintain state sovereignty and provide a stable government, and excessive use of state coercion violates the liberty of its citizens. The harm and offense principles provide the boundaries of acceptable state coercion, but if these laws are unfairly enforced by police as the domestic arm of state authority, then the equality of liberty (...)
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  19. Logický pluralismus v historické perspektivě.Pavel Arazim - 2018 - Dissertation, Charles University
    Logical pluralism from historical perspective -The plurality of logics is understood as a challenge to seek a deeper understanding of the na- ture and import of logic. Two basic approaches to demarcation of logic are considered, the model-theoretic and the proof-theoretic one. Investigation of the history which led to these two appraoches identifies the postion of logic in Kant's epistemology as crucial for the devel- opment. An analogical development from Kant's conception of geometry to the plurality of geometric theories leads (...)
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  20. Naturalizace jednoty vědomí: mohou neurovědy vysvětlit zásadní rys subjektivity?Martin Vraný - 2018 - Dissertation, Charles University Faculties
    Naturalizing the Unity of Consciousness: can neuroscience explain a fundamental feature of subjectivity? Martin VranýThe aim of the dissertation is to analyze the concept of the unity of conscious- ness as an explanandum for natural sciences and assess how good an explanation do leading neuroscientific theories of consciousness provide. The motivation be- hind this project is the idea that it is the unity which poses the greatest challenge for the scientific quest for consciousness. I argue in the Introduction that the (...)
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  21. Setkání ve Wat Dhammakittiwongu (MA thesis).Milan Kroulík - 2017 - Dissertation, Charles University
    This paper is based on field-work performed in a Thai Buddhist Temple in Prague in the year 2016. The aim is to describe and in describing analyze rituals organized in and through the temple from a materialist phenomenological point of view, as well as based on an ideal-type Theravāda cosmology. In drawing on post-colonial philosophy, part of the focus lies also on the process of becoming other. This is achieved in situating practice and mimesis at the center of methodological inquiry. (...)
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  22. "All this little affair with 'being' is over:" Metaphysical Crisis in Virginia Woolf's The Waves.Vít Opravil - unknown
    ThesisThe present thesis sets out to follow three different problems in the metaphysics of Virginia Woolf's late novel The Waves and contrast them with the theories of three thinkers - Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Jacques Derrida. First chapter discusses Woolf's approach to subjectivity. It is shown that Deleuze's and Guattari's method establishing subjectivity as a by- product of a machinic assemblage is particularly fruitful in reading the characters in the first four chapters where their bodies and their "subjectivities" form (...)
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  23. Deconstructing the Fantastic World of Wes Anderson - The Philosophy Behind the Artificial Surface of a Contemporary Director.Lucia Szemetová - unknown
    1The subject of this thesis is Wes Anderson's cinematic world. The analysis draws an auteur study of this contemporary director in order to discover what sensibility his cinema demonstrates. Anderson's sentiment causes a reinterpretation of lost values and generates specific thinking, which allow it to be considered as a mediation of his own filmic "philosophy." The backbone theory consists of philosophy, in general, and of postmodernism and metamodernism, specifically. The three postmodern elements to be discussed are the meta-cinematic techniques, pastiche (...)
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  24. Ekologie společenstev z hlediska klasické a bayesovské statistiky.Adam Klimeš - unknown
    Community ecology from the perspective of classic and Bayesian statistics Ekologie společenstev z hlediska klasické a Bayesovské statistiky Řešitel: Adam Klimeš Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Petr Keil, Ph.D.Quantitative evaluation of evidence through statistics is a central part of present-day science. Bayesian approach represents an emerging but rapidly developing enrichment of statistical analysis. The approach differs in its foundations from the classic methods. These differences, such as the different interpretation of probability, are often seen as obstacles for acceptance of Bayesian approach. In (...)
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  25. Filosofická perspektiva v díle Johna Fowlese The Collector.Barbora Dlasková - unknown
    The present bachelor thesis deals with the book The Collector written by John Fowles. The thesis considers the novel from the philosophical perspective, especially from the Existentialist point of view. The theoretical part provides an overview of the philosophical themes which are subsequently applied in the practical part. The practical part focuses on the two main characters, Miranda Grey and Ferdinand Clegg, and their opposite life attitudes. Miranda is perceived as an Existential-heroine ready for an authentic life whereas Ferdinand represents (...)
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  26. Fyzický a psychický prostor v anglické modernistické literatuře.Martin Štefl - unknown
    The thesis discusses affinities between physical and psychical spaces in selected works of D. H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf and Wyndham Lewis in connection with the main philosophical and aesthetic problems posed by the changes in modernist representation of character with respect to space and place. In doing so, the argument assesses the "in-human humanism" of D. H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf which manifests itself in the interrelation between states of mind and material universe, the way in which the consciousness accommodates (...)
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  27. Parataktický agregát - Feyerabendova pluralistická filosofie.Luděk Brouček - unknown
    My dissertation project investigates Paul Feyerabend's later work, focusing on his epistemological and ontological positions. This thesis analyzes Feyerabend's later pluralistic philosophy and his view of historicity of knowledge from examples of the interpretation of the transition from archaic pre-rational epistemological framework to Greek and Western rationalism. The first part outlines Feyerabend's philosophical development along with his continuously changing philosophical views and offers an account of Feyerabend's critical reception among the philosophical community. The second part focuses on Feyerabend's interpretation of (...)
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  28. Narativní struktury v krátké próze Virginie Woolf.Elizabet Kovačeva - unknown
    ThesisOne of the basic principles of modernism was to evaluate existing traditions and cultural norms, to innovate them, and to get rid of them if necessary. The need and urge to innovate proved to be immensely productive in the short story genre. The short story is now perceived as independent of other prose forms precisely thanks to the modernists. Virginia Woolf was one of the most enthusiastic innovators of the form, her work in the genre is nevertheless often overlooked in (...)
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  29. Emersonův vliv na ženy v pracích Nathaniela Hawthorna.Tereza Teršová - unknown
    Due to its emphasis on the concepts of self-reliance, inner guidance and the aboriginal Self, Ralph Waldo Emerson's philosophy elaborates theses that favor the individual over community, such as the superiority and sanctity of self-definition, as opposed to definitions constructed by society and imposed on the individual. It is possible, then, to perceive his philosophy as important for the formation of the Women's Rights Movement and for the emerging feminism. In his four romances, Nathaniel Hawthorne creates female protagonists who advocate (...)
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  30. Estetika v krátké próze D. H. Lawrence.Martin Štefl - unknown
    The thesis presents an analysis of the selected themes of D. H. Lawrence's aesthetics and philosophy in relation to his short stories. The main focus of the presented argument is the notion of language, knowledge and the Self. These chapters form and constitute a coherent thematic unity of the Lawrentian "triptych". The above mentioned phenomena are demonstrated to form the foundation of Lawrence's aesthetical and philosophical thought as it is put into practice in his short fiction. The argument aims to (...)
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  31. Light Navigation Around the Republic of Kalmikia, RUSSIA.Anna Maltseva, Kermen Bainkharaeva, Aleksandra Pinaeva & Michal Vik - unknown
    Kalmykia is a unique region in the Russian Federation as its identity dramatically different from other regions of the European part of Russia. It is an intercultural westernmost part of Russia, which professes Buddhism; its traditions are tightly connected with its religion creating a nonrecurring environment. "Navigation system of Kalmykia, Russia", tries to solve an existing problem of promoting the cultural heritage of the Republic both within Russia and abroad. One of the goals of this project is to attract people (...)
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  32. Modeling Events on the Semantic Web.Tomáš Hanzal - unknown
    There are many ontologies and datasets on the semantic web that mention events. Events are important in our perception of the world and in our descriptions of it, therefore also on the semantic web. There is however not one best way to model them. This is connected to the fact that even the question what events are can be approached in different ways. Our aim is to better understand how events are represented on the semantic web and how it could (...)
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  33. Soaresova kritika Arriagova pojetí nekonečna.Milan Mráz - unknown
    The famous Spanish theologian and philosopher Rodrigo de Arriaga, who lived and worked for a long time in Prague in the 17th century, was one of the leading proponents of the conception of the possibility of topical infinity in the sphere of creation. He explained his concept of this topic or problem in some places of his work Cursus Philosophicus. His explanation underwent criticism by Arriaga's contemporary, the important Portugal theologian and philosopher Franciscus Soares, working in Coimbra and in Evora. (...)
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  34. Filosofická východiska trvale udržitelného rozvoje.Jakub Tesař - unknown
    The bachelor thesis is in it’s first part about sources of relation between human and nonhuman nature. Second part is seeking for roots of increasing personal consumption. The thesis is describing the problem from several different angles, most of all as alienation of the human not just from nature, but also from himself. The defined range is analyzed through the work of lead authors in the field of sustainable development. The final evaluation consists from (1) brief comparison of mentioned authors' (...)
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  35. Analýza firemní kultury zvolené společnosti.Jiří Zvolský - unknown
    In theoretical part of this diploma thesis called „Analysis of company culture within chosen organization“ there is to be found a description of characteristics and issues of company culture with further stress on establishment of typology. Summary of these characteristics and issues is followed by introduction of chosen company Holmes Place Energy Černý Most. This company is researched in terms of company culture in following departments: membership offers, personal training and reception. Data gained through document analyses, observation and questionnaire survey (...)
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  36. Ekologická krize jako filosofický problém.Tomáš Pilař - unknown
    This thesis deals with the ecological crisis in a broader context. It is based on the premise that this crisis is a crisis of values and can be considered as a result of gradual alienation of humans from the nature. The current ecological crisis is the result of this process. Consequently if the existence of mankind on the planet is supposed to be sustainable, it is necessary to completely rethink the human relationship to the outside world, especially the nature. Its (...)
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  37. The Logica Yearbook 2001.Timothy Childers - unknown
    The volume comprises most of the papers presented at the international symposium LOGICA 2001. Reflecting the tradition of the LOGICA symposia, the papers deal with the broad range of problems in logic relevant to philosophy. Contributors include Ladislav Kohout, Veikko Rantala and Göran Sundholm.
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  38. The University of Paris and the Foundations of the Bohemian Reformation.Vilém Herold - unknown
    The influence of the University of Paris on the Predecessors of M.Jan Hus and on Bohemia.
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  39. Horwich's Conception of Meanings: How to Change his "Deflationary View" into a Non-Trivial Conception.Pavel Materna - unknown
    A critical comment to Horwich's deflationary theory of meaning: the deflationary view ignores the fact that the way the subexpressions of an expression are combined is language dependent unlike meaning, which is in a sense 'international'; the link between the grammatical structure and the respective construction is not as direct and simple as it would follow from Horwich's conception.
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  40. Global Probability for Possible Worlds.Ondrej Majer - unknown
    In the majority of papers on probability in the framework of possible worlds the existence of a global probability distribution is taken for granted. The aim of the article is to discuss the epistemic aspect of this assumption in the connection to the status assigned to possible worlds. Two questions are discussed in particular: the justification of the global probability distribution and compatibility of the global probability assumption with the structure of the universe of the possible worlds.
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