OAI Archive: Serveur académique lausannois
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100 entries most recently downloaded from the archive "Serveur académique lausannois"
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- Towards Computational Historiographical Modeling.Michael Piotrowski - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Presenting a Practical Way of Life Through Biographical Discourse: The Examples of Gregory of Nyssa and Marinus.Maël Goarzin - unknowndetails
- Networked lives.Mattia Vacchiano & Dario Spini - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Presenting a Practical Way of Life Through Biographical Discourse: The Examples of Gregory of Nyssa and Marinus.Maël Goarzin - 2013 - In Mihail Mitrea (ed.), Tradition and Transformation: Dissent and Consent in the Mediterranean. Third CEMS International Graduate Conference (Budapest, May 30 - June 1, 2013). Solivagus Verlag. pp. 115-129.details
- Using the ‘regime shift' concept in addressing social-ecological change : Social-ecological regime shifts.Christian A. Kull, Christoph Kueffer, David M. Richardson, Ana Sofia Vaz, Joana R. Vicente & João Pradinho Honrado - unknowndetails
- The neural basis of what? Discontents in defining "human nature".F. Panese - unknowndetails
- (1 other version)Spatial numerical associations in preschoolers.Catherine Thevenot, Michel Fayol & Pierre Barrouillet - unknowndetails
- Contesting the Radical Monopoly: a Critical View on the Motorized Culture from a Cyclonaut Perspective.Damien Delorme - unknowndetails
- World Soul and Individual Soul in Psychoanalysis.Alexandrine Schniewind - 2021 - In James Wilberding (ed.), World Soul: A history. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 284-289.details
- Uncertainty as Unavoidable Good.Piotrowski Michael - unknowndetails
- Some remarks on Baire's grand theorem.R. Camerlo & J. Duparc - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (3-4):195–201.details
- The Bayes' factor: the coherent measure for hypothesis confirmation.Franco Taroni, Paolo Garbolino, Silvia Bozza & Colin Aitken - 2021 - Law, Probability and Risk 20:15-36.details
- The First Conceptualization of Terrorism: Tallien, Roederer, and the “System of Terror” (August 1794).Ami-Jacques Rapin - 2021 - Journal of the History of Ideas 82 (3):405-426.details
- Coherently updating degrees of belief: Radical Probabilism, the generalization of Bayes' Theorem and its consequences on evidence evaluation.Franco Taroni, Paolo Garbolino & Silvia Bozza - 2021 - Law, Probability and Risk 19 (3-4):293-316.details
- A probabilistic account of the concept of cross-transfer and inferential interactions for trace materials.Franco Taroni, Patrick Juchli & Colin Aitken - 2021 - Law, Probability and Risk 19 (3-4):221-233.details
- Dharma and Abhidharma.Johannes Bronkhorst - 1985 - Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 48:305-320.details
- Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard phenotypes of endogenous psychoses: a review of their validity.J. R. Foucher, M. Gawlik, J. N. Roth, C. de Crespin de Billy, L. C. Jeanjean, A. Obrecht, O. Mainberger, J. M. E. Clauss, J. Elowe, S. Weibel, B. Schorr, M. Cetkovich, C. Morra, F. Rebok, T. A. Ban, B. Bollmann, M. M. Roser, M. S. Hanke, B. E. Jabs, E. J. Franzek, F. Berna & B. Pfuhlmann - 2020 - Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 22 (1):37-49.details
- Forensic intelligence and crime analysis.O. Ribaux - 2003 - Law, Probability and Risk 2 (1):47-60.details
- Contexts of religious tolerance: New perspectives from early modern Britain and beyond.Christian Maurer & Giovanni Gellera - 2020 - Global Intellectual History 5 (2):125-136.details
- Is the (traditional) Galilean science paradigm well suited to forensic science?Frank Crispino, Claude Roux, Olivier Delémont & Olivier Ribaux - 2019 - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Forensic Science 1 (6).details
- Categories of Ancient Christian Texts and Writing Materials “Taking once again a fresh starting point”.Claire Clivaz - 2016 - In Claire Clivaz, Paul Dilley & David Hamidović (eds.), Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture. Brill. pp. 35-58.details
- Covers and Corpus wanted! Some Digital Humanities Fragments.Claire Clivaz - 2016 - Digital Humanities Quarterly 10 (3):1-24.details
- Lost in translation? The odyssey of 'digital humanities' in French.Claire Clivaz - 2017 - Studia UBB Digitalia 62 (1):26-41.details
- Forensic science 2020 – the end of the crossroads?Claude Roux, Olivier Ribaux & Frank Crispino - 2018 - Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 50 (6):607-618.details
- How placebo shapes sensory data. From signs and memory to the embodiment of living beings.Françoise Schenk, Anne-Claude Berthoud, Alain Papaux, Nicolas Zaslawski & Gilles Merminod - 2018 - Archives of Psychology 2 (2):1-18.details
- Sensemaking and the End of the Traditional 'Business- Civil Society' Divide.Michael Gonin - unknowndetails
- Scientific Mindfulness.J. Dietz & K. Jonsen - 2014 - In Markus Vodosek & Deanne den Hartog (eds.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Wiley. pp. 344-346.details
- Religious Superdiversity and Gray Zones in Public Total Institutions.Irene Becci - 2018 - Journal of Religion in Europe 11 (2-3):123-137.details
- Evidence-based medicine ou patient-based medicine? Et si ces deux approches n'etaient finalement pas si eloignees l'une de l'autree...Ou quand le syndrome de Oin-Oin est revisite! [Evidence-based medicine or patient-based medicine? And what if these two approaches end up not that far from one another...Or when the Oin-Oin syndrome is revisited!].J. Cornuz - 2001 - Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 121 (4):259-264.details
- Ithaque, le retour aux valeurs essentielles en medecine generale... ou trois orientations pour la formation des generalistes de demain. [Ithaca, return to essential values in general medicine...or three orientations for the education of tomorrow's generalists].A. Pecoud - 2001 - Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 121 (1):3-7.details
- Encompassing stability and novelty in organization studies: an events-based approach.A. Hussenot & S. Missonier - 2016 - Organization Studies 37 (4):523-546.details
- "Out of nothing comes nothing" versus "Perpetual flux". Epicurus of Samos (341-270 BCE); Heraclitus of Ephesus (535-475 BCE). [REVIEW]L. K. von Segesser - 2003 - European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 24 (3):341-342.details
- Engineering 'Posthumans': To Be or Not to Be?M. Karamanou, T. G. Papaioannou, D. Soulis & D. Tousoulis - 2017 - Trends in Biotechnology 35 (8):677-679.details
- Pour une renaissance de la clinique. [Toward a renaissance of clinical medicine].M. Hurni - 1994 - Revue Médicale de la Suisse Romande 114 (4):381.details
- Dismissal of the illusion of uncertainty in the assessment of a likelihood ratio.Franco Taroni, Silvia Bozza, Alex Biedermann & Colin Aitken - unknowndetails
- Studies on Bhartrhari, 3: Bhartrhari on sphota and universals.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- God in Samkhya.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Patanjali and the Yoga sutras.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Sankara and Bhaskara on Vaisesika.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- God's arrival in the Vaisesika system.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Studies on Bhartrhari, 2: Bhartrhari and Mimamsa.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- The origin of Mimamsa as a school of thought: a hypothesis.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Abhidharma and Jainism.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Jainism's first heretic and the origin of anekanta-vada.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Water and ocean.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- The qualities of Samkhya.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- The self as agent: a review article.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Studies on Bhartrhari, 5: Bhartrhari and Vaisesika.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- The last reason for satkaryavada.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- The contradiction of Samkhya: On the number and the size of the different tattvas.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Mysticism and rationality in India: the case of Vaisesika.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Sanskrit and reality: the Buddhist contribution.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- The correspondence principle and its impact on Indian philosophy.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- On the method of interpreting philosophical Sanskrit texts: a review article.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Tantra and prasanga.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Nagarjuna's logic.Bronkhorst Johannes - unknowndetails
- Al-Bīrūnī's Kitāb Sānk and Kitāb Pātanğal:A Historical and Textual Study.N. Verdon - unknowndetails
- Epistemological tensions between linguistic description and ordinary speakers' intuitive knowledge: examples from French verb morphology.Surcouf Christian - unknowndetails
- Trying to define Free Will : a cognitive and fonctional model proposal.Y. Schrag, F. Schenk, C. Sachse & C. Mohr - unknowndetails
- Social Constructionism, Postmodernism and Deconstructionism.P. Baert, D. Weinberg, V. Mottier, I. C. Jarvie & J. Zamora-Bonilla - unknowndetails
- A Two-Dimensional Mapping of Socio-Economic Organizations.Gonin Michael & Gachet Nicolas - unknowndetails
- Creating Space for Social Businesses.Gonin Michael - unknowndetails
- A Frame for The Horror of the West.N. Lawtoo - unknowndetails
- Forensic science - A true science?F. Crispino, O. Ribaux, M. Houck & P. Margot - unknowndetails
- Interactive Epistemology and Reasoning: On the Foundations of Game Theory.C. W. Bach - unknowndetails
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