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  1. Revisiting Bakunin: Reflections about the Pandemic.Dominik Kulcsár - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (9):719-731.
    Jon Stewart’s revisitation of Bakunin in Hegel’s Century offers an opportunity to reflect on contemporary libertarian expressions of individual freedom. The most alarming support of such freedom found its expression in revolts against COVID-19 public health measures. The goal of this paper is to reflect on Bakunin’s concept of freedom and revolt, in order to answer the question whether this form of rebellion is a rational expression of human freedom. I proceed by explaining Bakunin’s theory of freedom in community and (...)
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  2. Immanuel Kant - Racist and Colonialist?Vadim Chaly - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (2):94-98.
    A murder of an Afro-American detainee by a policeman at the end of May 2020 caused a public outrage in the United States, which led to a campaign against the monuments to historical figures whose reputation, according to the protesters, was marred by racism. Some German publicists, impressed by the campaign, initiated an analogous search for racists among the national thinkers and politicians of the past. Suddenly Kant emerged as a ‘scapegoat’. This statement is an attempt to assess such reactions (...)
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  3. Sovereign Nothingness: Pyotr Chaadaev's Political Theology.Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet - 2019 - Theory and Event 22 (2):243-266.
    This paper speculatively reconstructs the unique intervention that Pyotr Chaadaev, the early nineteenth-century Russian thinker, made into the political-theological debate. Instead of positioning sovereignty and exception against each other, Chaadaev seeks to think the (Russian) exception immanently, affirming its nonrelation to, and even nullity or nothingness vis-à-vis, the (European, Christian-modern) world-historical regime—and to theorize the logic of sovereignty that could arise from within this nullity. As a result, we argue, nothingness itself becomes, in Chaadaev, operative through and as the sovereign (...)
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  4. Russia’s Atopic Nothingness: Ungrounding the World-Historical Whole with Pyotr Chaadaev.Kirill Chepurin & Alex Dubilet - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (6):135-151.
    Russian philosopher Pyotr Chaadaev (1794–1856) declared Russia to be a non-place in both space and time, a singular nothingness without history, topos, or footing, without relation or attachment to the world-historical tradition culminating in Christian-European modernity. This paper recovers Chaadaev’s conception of nothingness as that which, unbound by tradition, constitutes a total, even revolutionary ungrounding of the world-whole. Working with and through Chaadaev’s key writings, we trace his articulation of immanent nothingness or the void of the Real as completely emptying (...)
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  5. Специфіка російського софіологічного міфу.Ruslana Demchuk - 2019 - Наукові Записки НАУКМА: Andquot;ІСТОРІЯ І ТЕОРІЯ КУЛЬТУРИ" 2 (3):21-28.
    У статті здійснено аналіз провідних концепцій російської софіології – трансформації «теорії всеєдності» В. Соловйова. Російський спосіб філософствування постає як несвідоме міфологізування, де в підсумку Софія виступає як персоніфікація Космосу – опозиція вселенському Хаосу, що є загальним місцем усіх зазначених концепцій. Проте опозиційні категорії космосу – хаосу є характерним маркером «священного» міфу. Отже, російська інтелектуальна думка, занурившись у Софію, створила інваріант софіології як топос міфопоетики, що розроблялася у формі авторського (вторинного)міфу. Специфічна російська софіологія постала як реакція на політичні події усвідомленого «есхатологічного» (...)
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  6. Fedyukin, Igor. The Enterprisers. The Politics of Schools in Early Modern Russia (Oxford: Oxford Univercity Press, 2019), 318 р.Volodymyr Masliychuk - 2019 - Kyivan Academy 16 (7):205-211.
    Book review: Fedyukin, Igor. The Enterprisers. The Politics of Schools in Early Modern Russia (Oxford: Oxford Univercity Press, 2019), 318 р.
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  7. Kantianism and Anti-Kantianism in Russian Revolutionary Thought.Vadim Chaly - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 8:218-241.
    This paper restates and subjects to analysis the polemics in Russian pre-revolutionary Populist and Marxist thought that concerned Kant’s practical philosophy. In these polemics Kantian ideas influence and reinforce the Populist personalism and idealism, as well as Marxist revisionist reformism and moral universalism. Plekhanov, Lenin, and other Russian “orthodox Marxists” heavily criticize both trends. In addition, they generally view Kantianism as a “spiritual weapon” of the reactionary bourgeois thought. This results in a starkly anti-Kantian position of Soviet Marxism. In view (...)
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  8. Les Sophistes Allemands Et Les Nihilistes Russes.Theophile Funck-Brentano - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  9. Thomas Nemeth, Kant in Imperial Russia Cham: Springer, 2017 Pp. ix+389 ISBN 9783319529134 £92.00. [REVIEW]Frederic Tremblay - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (3):510-513.
    This is a review of Thomas Nemeth's Kant in Imperial Russia, Cham: Springer, 2017. It gives a rundown of the contents of the book, which may be considered the definitive, comprehensive, and authoritative overview of the Kantrezeption in pre-Soviet Russia in the English language. The book proceeds chronologically, starting from Kant's days up to the Bolshevik Revolution, examining well-known and lesser-known Russian philosophers and thinkers as well as figures of other nationalities who contributed to the dissemination of Kant's ideas in (...)
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  10. Mrówczyński Van Allen A., Obolevitch, T., Rokek, P. Beyond Modernity. Russian Religious Philosophy and Post-Secularism. [REVIEW]Andrey Pukhaev - 2017 - Folia Petropolitana 6:118-119.
  11. George M. Young, The Russian Cosmists. [REVIEW]Frederic Tremblay - 2016 - Slavonic and East European Review 94 (1):155-158.
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  12. The Terrorist Tendency in Russia.Vera Zasulich - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (4):126-147.
  13. Dostoevsky's Political Thought.Ethan Alexander-Davey, Steven D. Ealy, Khalil M. Habib, Michael Kochin, John P. Moran, Ellis Sandoz, Ron Srigley, David Walsh & Jingcai Ying (eds.) - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores Dostoevsky as a political thinker from his religious and philosophical foundation to nineteenth-century European politics and how themes that he had examined are still relevant for us today.
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  14. (1 other version)About ambiguous influence of orthodoxy on Russian mentality.V. I. Tsurikov - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 2 (5):411.
  15. Russian Atlantis.Andrei Teslya - 2012 - Russian Sociological Review 11 (2):25-26.
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  16. The only voice that government gives ear to.Andrei Teslya & Evgeny Emelyanov - 2012 - Russian Sociological Review 11 (3):45-59.
    This paper analyzes the context of Y. F. Samarin’s letter to A. I. Herzen from May 9, 1858, examines relationship between Herzen and a coterie of Slavophiles, highlights the intellectual proximity of Herzen to Slavophiles in the 1850s, and examines Samarin’s reaction to Herzen’s memoir characterization of the Slavophiles of 1840s which he gave in «My past and thoughts».
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  17. Herzen's Russian Socialism and the Slavophiles' Chiristian Communal Socialism.Elena Grevtsova - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1).
    The philosophy of culture and the philosophy of history were the popular topics of the developing Russian history of philosophy in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In the following article, A. I. Herzen’s socio-cultural project is examined and compared with the Slavophiles’Christian communal socialism. Herzen’s type of socialism appears to be a specific variant of the Russian national culture as the Slavophiles depicted.
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  18. Alexander Herzen and the Role of the Intellectual Revolutionary.Edward Acton - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Alexander Herzen was the most outstanding figure in the early period of the Russian revolutionary movement. Lenin claimed him as a forerunner of the Bolsheviks, and Soviet scholars have sought to establish his latent sympathy with Marxism. In the west on the other hand, he has been seen as a precursor of Solzhenitsyn, the personification of protest against all forms of oppression. Dr Acton provides a compelling intellectual biography. The focus is on the years between 1847 and 1863. Herzen's ideas (...)
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  19. Alexander Radischev – Dialectics of Enlightenment and the Origin of Russian Thought.Sławomir Mazurek - 2009 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 54.
    The article constitutes an attempt at reconstructing the views of Aleksander Radishchev, the 18th and 19th century Russian writer and thinker. In considering his most famous work, the novel A Journey from Petersburg to Moscow, the author questions the validity of the decade-long held opinion of Radishchev as the precursor of Russian intellectual consciousness. In analysing various motifs within his thought – his political programme, historiosophy, and moral philosophy he shows that Radishchev was at the same time an advocate of (...)
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  20. Portraits of Early Russian Liberals: A Study of the Thought of T. N. Granovsky, V. P. Botkin, P. V. Annenkov, A. V. Druzhinin, and K. D. Kavelin.Derek Offord - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book studies the work of five Russian liberal thinkers who were active in the period 1840-60 against the general background of Russian history, literature and thought in that period. All five thinkers (to each of whom a separate chapter is devoted) played an important part in the flowering of Russian letters in the 1840s, and were involved in the attempt of the intelligentsia, the conscience of the nation, to bring more humane and enlightened values to their backward and semi-feudal (...)
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  21. “russian Spiritual Forces! Where Are They?” Nikolai Strakhov’s Fateful Question.Nikołaj Iljin - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 3 (4):35-54.
    This paper is an examination of the ideas of the Russian philosopher and literary critic N. Strakhov’s , expressed in his article The Fateful Question . In this paper he contended that the conflict between Poland and the Russian Empire has not been just a „Polish mutiny” but a „conflict of civilizations”. Strakhov also pointed out that the conflicts of civilizations are being provoked by the idea of „cultural mission” or by the desire of some European nations to impose their (...)
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  22. The Sociopolitical Views and Intellectual Evolution of K. N. Leont'ev in the 1860s and the Early 1870s.S. V. Khatuntsev - 2008 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 46 (4):19-31.
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  23. Crisis of the Tradition.O. K. Shimanskaya - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:105-111.
    Theorists of the Russian conservatism have made a considerable contribution to the development of axiology, the philosophy of history and comparativistics. In their studies of the local civilisations existing at different times and at different places they have focused on the dynamics of their origin, development, collapse or transformation into new civilisational forms. The best known slavophiles such as A. Khomyakov, K. Axakov, I. Kireyevskiy saw the mission of the Russian civilisation in synthesising Europe and Russia which has preserved the (...)
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  24. Henryk Kamieński’s Question about Russia: between Philosophy of History and Social Philosophy.Krzysztof Wołodźko - 2007 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 52.
    The aim of this article is to present the thought of Henry Kamieński , the author of „Russia and Europe. Poland. The Introduction to the Research into Russia and Russians”; the work is regarded as the most important and original analysis of Russian Empire, that was written in the 19th century by a Pole. Kamieński, the philosopher, the sociologist and economist tried to inform compatriots and international opinion about the complexity of Polish-Russian relationship, described in the wide social, economic and (...)
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  25. The Paradoxes Of The ,,free Theocracy'' - V. Solovyov.Jan Krasicki - 2006 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 2 (1):37-53.
    The study addresses the dilemmas inherent in the concept of ,,free theocracy'' as put forward by Vladimir Solovyov. Solovyov's theocratic ideas with ,,God-man'' are confronted with Fyodor Dostoevsky's conceptions. The author of the study argues that although Solovyov's ideal was an ambitious attempt to preserve crucial premises of the Christian world, it achieved the aim at the price of grave illusions concerning human freedom and ways of fulfilling the ideal, and therefore it was charged with a totalitarian potential. The author (...)
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  26. History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment of Vladimir Solov'ëv's Views on History and His Social Commitment.Manon de Courten - 2004 - Peter Lang.
    Pp. 351-399, "The Jewish Question", deal with Solovyov's position vis-a-vis problems related to the presence of Jews in Russia, in particular his attitudes toward Judaism, the discussion on the rights of Jews in the Empire, and antisemitism. As a person who knew Hebrew and read the Jewish Scriptures and Talmud, thus being a specialist in Judaism unique in Russia at the time, Solovyov struggled against reductionist and pejorative views on Jews and Judaism, and defended the Talmud against slander by Rohling (...)
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  27. The Russian Idea: In Search of a New Identity.Wendy E. Helleman - 2004 - Slavica.
  28. N.A. Setntskii.E. N. Berkovskaia & A. G. Gacheva - 2003
  29. Slavianofil Stvo.V. N. Zhukov - 2003 - Sotsial No-Tekhnologicheskii Institut.
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  30. Inteligencja, Tradycja I Nowe Czasy = Intelligentsiia, Traditsiia I Novoe Vremia.Hanna Kowalska & Uniwersytet Jagiello Nski - 2001
  31. Crime, Cultural Conflict, and Justice in Rural Russia, 1856-1914. By Stephen P. Frank.F. S. Zuckerman - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (5):703-704.
  32. Milan Subotić: The interpretators of the Russian idea.Radomir Đorđević - 2001 - Theoria 44 (1-4):111-114.
  33. Russian Identity and Russian Nationalism: Prolegomena.Nicholas V. Riasanovsky - 1999 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 44:51-61.
  34. Spor o spravedlivosti.Vladimir Solovʹev - 1999 - Kharʹkov: Folio.
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  35. Social Functions of Literature: Alexander Pushkin and Russian Culture. By Paul Debreczeny.N. Cornwell - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:126-126.
  36. Wokólslwianofilstwa.Janusz Dobieszewski & Uniwersytet Warszawski - 1998
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  37. On Spiritual Unity: A Slavophile Reader.A. S. Khomiakov, Ivan Vasil Evich Kireevskii, Boris Jakim & Robert Bird - 1998 - SteinerBooks.
    This volume brings together the religious and philosophical writings of the founders of Russian religious philosophy, Aleksei Khomiakov and Ivan Kireevsky. Both began their intellectual careers in the literary world of the 1820s. The texts collected here make the philosophical concepts of Sobornost (community, universality, wholeness, ecumenicity) and integral knowledge, available to western readers. Based on the primacy of the heart, the spiritual wholeness of the human being and the cognitive will, integral knowing moves beyond rationality to union with the (...)
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  38. Russian Society and the Greek Revolution. By Theophilus C. Prousis.T. R. Weeks - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:167-167.
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  39. Russkaia Ideia Osnovnye Problemy Russkoi Mysli Xix Veka I Nachala Xx Veka ; Sud Ba Rossii.Nikolai Berdiaev - 1997
  40. Herzen and His Memoirs.IsaiahHG Berlin - 1997 - In Isaiah Berlin, Against the current: essays in the history of ideas. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 236-266.
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  41. The Catholic Empire of Russia. The Origin and Meaning of Solovyev's Theocratic Utopia.Andrzej Walicki - 1997 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 42.
  42. Moskva i Ierusalim: russkie mysliteli XIX-nachala XX vv. o "evreĭskom voprose".Valentin Babinëtìsev - 1996 - Belgorod: Izd-vo "Vezelit︠s︡a".
  43. I.V. Kireevskii Literaturnye I Filosofsko-Esteticheskie Iskaniia, 1820-1830 : Monografiia.A. E. Eremeev & L. N. Maliarenko - 1996
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  44. Russian Religious Thought.Judith Deutsch Kornblatt & Richard F. Gustafson (eds.) - 1996 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    This book explores central issues of modern Russian religious thought by focusing on the work of Soloviev and three religious philosophers who further developed his ideas in the early twentieth century: P. A. Florensky, Sergei Bulgakov, and ...
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  45. Aksiomy filosofii.Lev Mikhaĭlovich Lopatin - 1996 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
  46. The French Revolution in Russian Intellectual Life: 1865-1905.Dmitry Shlapentokh - 1996 - Praeger.
    The interest of Russian intellectuals in the French Revolution demonstrates that some Russian thinkers of the 19th century had begun to question the concept of Russia's uniqueness. Yet most of them came to believe that the French Revolution (which they tended to equate with the Western experience) was irrelevant not only to Russia but to the rest of the world as well. They saw, perhaps correctly, that the Western experience, with the French Revolution as its symbol, was foreign to Russian (...)
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  47. Chaadaev on the place and role of Russia in world history.Milan M. Subotić - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):351-376.
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  48. K. Leontiev and the Russian idea.Milan M. Subotić - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (8):131-167.
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  49. Under the Badge of Moderation: The Liberal Conservatism of P.B. Struve.Piama Pavlovna Gaidenko & P. B. Struve - 1994 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 33 (2):27-45.
  50. Aleksandr Bogdanov: Proletkult and Conservation.Arran Gare - 1994 - Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology 5 (2):65-94.
    The most important figure among Russia's radical Marxists was A.A. Bogdanov (the pseudonym of Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Malinovskii). Not only was he the prime exponent of a proletarian cultural revolution; it was Bogdanov's ideas which provided justification for concern for the environment. And his ideas are not only important to environmentalists because they were associated with this conservation movement; more significantly they are of continuing relevance because they confront the root causes of environmental destruction in the present, and offer what is (...)
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