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  1. (1 other version)Love and infidelity.Noël Carroll - 2024 - In Christopher Grau & Aaron Smuts, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love. NYC: Oxford University Press.
  2. The other side of the coin: A narrative inquiry into the positive consequences of infidelity among young adults.Lucia Hargašová, Nikola Kallová & Denisa Hnatkovičová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):282-295.
    There is certainly no shortage of studies describing the unwanted effects of infidelity in the relevant literature. By contrast, this paper examines the previously unexplored face of infidelity – namely, the subjectively perceived positive effects. One hundred and four participants from Slovakia in emerging and/or young adulthood shared their relationship history through semi-structured interviews (transcribed verbatim). Sixty-nine of these were self-moderated in written form. The same topics were covered in the two types of interview. Using a categorical-content analysis method, four (...)
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  3. Sexual Jealousy and Sexual Infidelity.Natasha McKeever & Luke Brunning - 2022 - In David Boonin, The Palgrave Handbook of Sexual Ethics. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 93-110.
    In this chapter, Natasha McKeever and Luke Brunning consider (sexual) jealousy in romantic life. They argue that jealousy is best understood as an emotional response to the threatened loss of love or attention, to which one feels deserving, because of a rival. Furthermore, the general value of jealousy can be questioned, and jealousy’s instrumental value needs to be balanced against a range of potential harms. They assess two potential ways of managing jealousy (which are not mutually exclusive)—firstly by adopting a (...)
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  4. Women’s Reaction to Opposite- and Same-Sex Infidelity in Three Cultures.Scott W. Semenyna, Francisco R. Gómez Jiménez & Paul L. Vasey - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):450-469.
    Previous research indicates that Euro-American women are more upset by imagining their male partners committing homosexual infidelities than heterosexual ones. The present studies sought to replicate these findings and extend them to two non-Western cultures wherein masculine men frequently engage in sexual interactions with feminine third-gender males. Across six studies in three cultural locales, women were asked to rate their degree of upset when imagining that their partner committed infidelity that was heterosexual in nature, as well as infidelity that was (...)
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  5. Why, and to what extent, is sexual infidelity wrong?Natasha McKeever - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (3):515-537.
    Sexual infidelity is widespread, but it is also widely condemned, yet relatively little philosophical work has been done on what makes it wrong and how wrong it is. In this paper, I argue that sexual infidelity is wrong if it involves breaking a commitment to be sexually exclusive, which has special significance in the relationship. However, it is not necessarily worse than other kinds of infidelity, and the context in which it takes place ought to be considered. I finish the (...)
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  6. Adultery, Open Marriage, and Autonomy.Mark Piper - 2016 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (2):219-229.
    It is often claimed that adultery can be morally permissible in cases where those engaged in adulterous behavior are part of an open marriage. Yet this only follows if the institution of open marriage itself can be justified. This problem has been generally overlooked, but it deserves attention, as it is far from evident that open marriage has sterling moral credentials. I argue that the most promising general justification of the institution of open marriage is not based on consequentialist or (...)
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  7. Faithful to his master's voice? : questions of fidelity and infidelity in music recording.Francis Rumsey - 2008 - In Mine Doğantan, Recorded music: philosophical and critical reflections. London: Middlesex University Press.
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  8. Positioning Heaven: The Infidelity of a Faithful Aristotelian.Jon McGinnis - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (2):140-161.
    Aristotle's account of place in terms of an innermost limit of a containing body was to generate serious discussion and controvery among Aristotle's later commentators, especially when it was applied to the cosmos as a whole. The problem was that since there is nothing outside of the cosmos that could contain it, the cosmos apparently could not have a place according to Aristotle's definition; however, if the cosmos does not have a place, then it is not clear that it could (...)
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  9. Book Review: Heroic Virtue, Comic Infidelity: Reassessing Marguerite de Navarre's Heptameron. [REVIEW]G. Masters - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):150-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Heroic Virtue, Comic Infidelity: Reassessing Marguerite de Navarre’s HeptaméronG. Mallary MastersHeroic Virtue, Comic Infidelity: Reassessing Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron, by Dora E. Polachek; 170 pp. Amherst: Hestia Press, 1993, $19.00.The volume of essays edited by Professor Polachek represents one of the most attractive collections of symposium papers I have seen in recent years. Attractive to see and to read, it contains a variety of approaches dealing with a (...)
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  10. Geometry No Friend to Infidelity [London, 1734.].James Jurin - 1989 - In David Berman, George Berkeley: eighteenth-century responses. New York: Garland.
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  11. On Poetry and Philosophy: Healing an Ancient Quarrel.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    In the tenth book of the Republic, Plato famously writes: "There is an ancient quarrel between poetry and philosophy." In this essay I reflect upon this "quarrel" through an analysis of a passage from Dante's Inferno. I conclude by suggesting that, when employed well, poetry and philosophy complement each other in helping us reflect upon the deep issues of life. (This paper was originally presented at the 19th Annual Conference of Association for Core Texts and Courses) .
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  12. Metaphysics over Methodology--Or, Why Infidelity Provides No Grounds To Divorce Causes from Probabilities.David Papineau - unknown
    A reduction of causation to probabilities would be a great achievement, if it were possible.  In this paper I want to defend this reductionist ambition against some recent criticisms from Gurol Irzik (1996) and Dan Hausman (1998). In particular, I want to show that the reductionist programme can be absolved of a vice which is widely thought to disable it--the vice of infidelity.
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