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Introductions See Cruft et al 2015:The Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights: An Overview.

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  1. The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR).Deepa Kansra & Mallika Ramachandran - manuscript
    Human rights treaties are often attached and complemented with Optional Protocols. The Optional protocol instruments are adopted after careful deliberation between different stakeholders including member states to human rights treaties. -/- The present document on Introduction to the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights- Optional Protocol [OP-ICESCR] is an addition to the on-going work on the Human Rights Framework on ESC Rights. It covers basic information on the objectives of the OP and the key provisions dealing with the (...)
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  2. The Grounds of Human Rights.Brian Slattery - manuscript
    What is the rational foundation for the doctrine of universal human rights? Some philosophers, such as Alan Gewirth, argue that it may be discovered simply by reflection on certain essential features of the human constitution. However this approach has significant problems, achieving its ends by smuggling certain tacit premises into the argument. A better approach is one that appeals to the communal practices and traditions within which doctrines of human rights have evolved historically. It is here that Alasdair MacIntyre's work (...)
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  3. The Human in Human Rights.Suzy Killmister - forthcoming - In Jessica Gienow-Hecht, Sönke Kunkel & Sebastian Jobs, Visions of Humanity. Berghahn Books.
    This chapter interrogates the human in human rights. It first takes issue with the common assumption that to be human just is to be a member of the species homo sapiens, and that this suffices for possession of human rights. Such an assumption is problematic because it presupposes a unique ‘essence’ possessed by all and only human beings, which in turn functions to exclude certain individuals from the realm of the human, and presents a culturally-specific vision of humanity as if (...)
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  4. Internet and Communications.Merten Reglitz - forthcoming - In Jesse Tomalty & Kerri Woods, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Human Rights. Routledge.
    The Internet is humanity’s currently dominant technologically-enabled means of communication. It provides unprecedented options for exercising and frustrating human rights. To understand how human rights are promoted and threatened in our digital world, one thus needs to understand how the Internet affects them. Internet access has become so important for people that it has been argued it should itself be recognized as a human right. This chapter provides an overview of the Internet’s beneficial and detrimental effects on human rights as (...)
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  5. Addressing Violent Radicalisation and Extremism: A Restorative Justice and Psychosocial Approach.Theo Gavrielides - 2025 - New York: Springer.
    This groundbreaking book revisits the current model for preventing and controlling violent radicalisation and extremism. It proposes a new, evidence-based model, using restorative justice and positive psychology. Using data collected through six international projects and pilots in several countries from 2017 to 2023, it presents the results of these pilots and recommends best practices that adopt successful and positive models for the prevention and control of extremist and hate attitudes. This book speaks to researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and human rights campaigners (...)
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  6. Normative Agency and Cross-Cultural Human Rights in East Asia.Daniel P. Corrigan & Bradford Cokelet - 2024 - Comparative Political Theory 4 (2):248-269.
    According to James Griffin human rights should be grounded in an account of human dignity, based on “normative agency” – the human capacity to choose and pursue a conception of a worthwhile life. In this paper we take up Griffin’s insight that key legitimate human rights are designed to respect and protect this basic capacity, but reject his assumption that normative agency should always and everywhere be understood in a Western way. We argue that “normative agency” is an indeterminate concept (...)
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  7. Una evaluación de la fundamentación genérica de los derechos humanos digitales.Jorge Crego - 2024 - In Jorge Crego & Carolina Pereira-Sáez, Los nuevos derechos humanos. Teoría jurídica y praxis política. Granada: Comares. pp. 329-350.
    El discurso de los derechos humanos ha entrado de lleno en la discusión acerca del ciberespacio. Hay quien defiende que una adecuada protección de las personas en el ciberespacio requiere el reconocimiento de nuevos derechos digitales. Según estos, los derechos preexistentes no tendrían en cuenta nuevas necesidades y amenazas derivadas de características excepcionales del ciberespacio. Sin embargo, la necesidad de estos derechos digitales es discutible. Este trabajo defiende que los problemas señalados no se resuelven extendiendo el catálogo de derechos humanos. (...)
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  8. Los nuevos derechos humanos. Teoría jurídica y praxis política.Jorge Crego & Carolina Pereira-Sáez (eds.) - 2024 - Granada: Comares.
    El discurso sobre los nuevos derechos humanos se ha asentado como un elemento característico de la práctica política y jurídica contemporánea. Son muy diversos los colectivos que presentan sus reivindicaciones políticas con el lenguaje de los derechos humanos con la finalidad de incrementar el apoyo a dichas reivindicaciones y de dotar a dichas reivindicaciones de la protección privilegiada de los derechos humanos. Pese a ello, las constantes referencias a nuevos derechos no han venido acompañadas de una reflexión teórica adecuada. ¿Cómo (...)
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  9. Recognition and Registration Issues and Their Impacts on the Religious Rights of Indigenous Peoples.Monica Obeng Gyimah - 2024 - Journal of Astronist Studies 1 (1):163-202.
    Although the international legal framework protects the rights of all persons to adopt or manifest any religion or belief of choice without discrimination, indigenous spirituality is generally dismissed, marginalised or denied respect and recognition in many states. The dismissal and denial of recognition of indigenous spirituality has led to severe discrimination against many indigenous communities and human rights violations, including the dispossession and loss of sacred sites, the obstruction of spiritual practices and the violation of the right to religious freedom. (...)
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  10. Free Internet Access as a Human Right.Merten Reglitz - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    "Merten Reglitz makes a case for a new human right to free Internet access, arguing it is crucial for protecting and advancing fundamental moral interests. He examines the risks the Internet poses to our most important rights if it is not safeguarded by public institutions"--.
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  11. (1 other version)2023 Global Religious Recognition Report.[author unknown] - 2023 - Preston: The Religious Recognition Project. Edited by Summer Moyo-Hamilton.
    The Global Religious Recognition Report (GRR Report) returns for its second edition, this year including more detail on each country and territory's registration policies and on their practices of states extending privileges to some religions and beliefs and not others. Recognition and registration issues continue to impact conditions of freedom of religion or belief throughout the world and it is the purpose of the GRR Report to highlight the extent of these issues nation by nation as part of the report's (...)
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  12. Contesting Human Rights: How Religious Freedom Confront Gay Rights and Vice Versa. [REVIEW]Andi Alfian - 2023 - Journal of Humanity and Social Justice 5 (1):16-19.
    One of the issues that caught my attention in the discussion on Religion and Human Rights, which is also an issue that has recently started to be hotly discussed in Indonesia, is the issue of LGBTQ+ minority rights (gay rights). This issue becomes interesting, the issue of gay rights, especially when this issue deals with the Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB). As we saw in the discussion of human rights at International, tensions between gay rights and FoRB in several (...)
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  13. Morality, Modality, and Humans with Deep Cognitive Impairments.William Gildea - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (2):546-568.
    Philosophers struggle to explain why human beings with deep cognitive impairments have a higher moral status than certain non-human animals. Modal personism promises to solve this problem. It claims that humans who lack the capacities of “personhood” and the potential to develop them nonetheless could have been persons. I argue that modal personism has poor prospects because it's hard to see how we could offer a plausible account of modal personhood. I search for an adequate understanding of modal personhood by (...)
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  14. Einleitung.Johannes Haaf, Luise Müller, Esther Neuhann & Markus Wolf - 2023 - In Johannes Haaf, Luise Müller, Esther Neuhann & Markus Wolf, Die Grundlagen der Menschenrechte: Moralisch, politisch oder sozial? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. pp. 9-26.
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  15. Die Grundlagen der Menschenrechte: Moralisch, politisch oder sozial?Johannes Haaf, Luise Müller, Esther Neuhann & Markus Wolf (eds.) - 2023 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    The philosophical foundations of human rights are as complex as they are controversial. For some years, the debate has been dominated by the rather gridlocked opposition between moral and political conceptions of human rights. Moreover, a profound examination of the social and relational dimension of human rights has been lacking. Against this background, this volume brings together contributions which scrutinise the multi-faceted foundations of human rights. It is a valuable collection for philosophers, political scientists and legal scholars interested in fresh (...)
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  16. The socio-economic argument for the human right to internet access.Merten Reglitz - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (4): 441-469.
    This paper argues that Internet access should be recognised as a human right because it has become practically indispensable for having adequate opportunities to realise our socio-economic human rights. This argument is significant for a philosophically informed public understanding of the Internet and because it provides the basis for creating new duties. For instance, accepting a human right to Internet access minimally requires guaranteeing access for everyone and protecting Internet access and use from certain objectionable interferences (e.g. surveillance, censorship, online (...)
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  17. International Religious Rights and Standards.Brandon Reece Taylorian - 2023 - Preston: The Religious Recognition Project.
    The principal finding of the doctoral research of Cometan (a.k.a. Brandon Reece Taylorian) was that the ways governments, both authoritarian and democratic, use their powers to recognise religions and beliefs and register religious or belief organisations is negatively impacting conditions of freedom of religion or belief. Cometan explored the range of recognition and registration issues plaguing religious freedom and other human rights and discovered that there lacks a definitive set of international standards to address some of the granular topics that (...)
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  18. Allgemeines Selbstbewusstsein: Eine hegelianische Alternative zu ‚orthodoxen‘ und ‚politischen‘ Konzeptionen der Menschenrechte.Markus Wolf - 2023 - In Johannes Haaf, Luise Müller, Esther Neuhann & Markus Wolf, Die Grundlagen der Menschenrechte: Moralisch, politisch oder sozial? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. pp. 69-94.
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  19. Political Confucianism and Human Rights.Daniel P. Corrigan - 2022 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 37:91-116.
    This article examines the theory of human rights developed by Tongdong Bai in his Confucian-inspired political philosophy. Partly influenced by Rawls’s “political liberalism,” Bai seeks to offer a “political conception” of Confucianism. However, Bai’s methodological approach also deviates from Rawls’s approach in certain key respects, and this has significant implications for his theory of human rights. The article begins with a comparison of Rawls’s and Bai’s methodological approaches. It then discusses how these competing methodologies are used by each philosopher to (...)
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  20. Proportionality in Self-Defense: With an Application to Covid Vaccination-Mandates.Stephen Kershnar - 2022 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (1):67-82.
    Proportionality matters. Intuitively, proportionality sets the ceiling on the amount of defensive violence that is permissible. A plausible view is that what justifies proportionality also justifies other defensive-violence requirements—for example, discrimination and necessity—and shows why other purported requirements are mistaken—for example, imminence. I argue that if defensive-violence proportionality is a part of moral reality, then there is a systematic justification of it. If there is a systematic justification of proportionality, then there is an adequate equation for it. There is no (...)
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  21. An Evidence-driven Research to the Transgressions of Geneva Conventions by the Communist Party of China Led Autocratic Regime.Yang Immanuel Pachankis - 2022 - International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 13 (10):249-266.
    The "second-generation indigenization" hypothesis of Huntington's phenomenological observations on totalitarianism in Cold War regime collapse subtly portrayed the realpolitik interest groups' political influences with autocracy disbandment processes. The research puts democratization as the premise and globalization as purpose for the analysis, with the cultural anthropological psychopathology & criminological elements of genocide and crime against humanity explained, underlying some of the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s organizational behaviors. With the regionalism purposes & approaches to multilateralism by People's Republic of China (PRC), (...)
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  22. Godność jako cecha podmiotów zbiorowych lub cecha ugruntowana instytucjonalnie. Typy godności – propozycja systematyzacji (część 2) [Dignity as an Attribute of Collective Entities and Dignity as an Institutionally Grounded Attribute: Types of Dignity – a Proposed Systematisation (Part 2)].Marek Piechowiak - 2022 - Przegląd Konstytucyjny 2022 (4):73-93.
    This study aims to identify various meanings of the expression (name) “dignity”, with particular emphasis on the meanings of this expression as it appears in the text of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The meaning of the name “dignity” is the concept of dignity; in turn, the different concepts of dignity encompass dignity of particular types. Twelve different meanings of the expression “dignity” are indicated – twelve different concepts of dignity, and thus twelve types of dignity. Half of (...)
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  23. Wyrażenie „godność” – pojęcie godności – godność. O niektórych teoretycznych aspektach ujęcia godności w Konstytucji RP [The Term “Dignity” – the Concept of Dignity – Dignity: On Some Theoretical Aspects of Recognizing Dignity in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland].Marek Piechowiak - 2022 - Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego 6:17-34.
    The study aims at making explicit the three spheres or planes, essential from the point of view of semiotics, on which the discourse regarding dignity takes place, and at clarifying the relations between these planes. The analysis uses the conception of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. There are three principal areas in which the discourse on dignity is conducted – the plane of linguistic expressions on which the name “dignity” is used; the plane of meanings on which the notion of dignity is placed; (...)
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  24. Godność jako właściwość osoby. Typy godności – propozycja systematyzacji (część 1) [Dignity as a Quality of Person: Types of Dignity – a Proposed Systematisation (Part 1)].Marek Piechowiak - 2022 - Przegląd Konstytucyjny 2022 (2):7-30.
    "Dignity as a Quality of Person: Types of Dignity – a Proposed Systematisation" This study aims to identify various meanings of the expression (name) “dignity”, with particular emphasis on the meanings of the expression as it appears in the text of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The meaning of the name “dignity” is the concept of dignity; in turn, the concept of dignity encompasses dignity of particular types. Twelve different meanings of the expression “dignity” are indicated – twelve (...)
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  25. Defending the “claimability objection” from non-conventional arguments.Cristian Rettig - 2022 - Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):173-192.
    According to the well-known “claimability objection” posed by O’Neill, it is unjustified to hold that each individual has a human right to socioeconomic goods because the duty-bearers are not sufficiently determined. Even though this objection has been defended in the literature from many counter-arguments, attacks against the claimability objection based on non-conventional conceptions of human rights remain unexplored. In this paper, I aim to fill this significant gap in the philosophical literature. I defend the claimability objection from arguments that aim (...)
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  26. Menschenwürde als Residualkategorie. Versuch einer Annäherung.Gosepath Stefan - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Menschenrechte 2022 (2):222-232.
  27. The Institutional Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief.[author unknown] - 2021 - Preston, UK: Astral Publishing.
    This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief is published by the Astronist Institution through its imprint press Astral Publishing and will stand as the third entry in the Institutional Reference Works series. This Dictionary of Freedom of Religion or Belief provides a vast selection of terms covering all areas of religious liberty advocacy, the history of freedom of religion, human rights violations effecting religious freedom, current affairs and the mechanisms that the United Nations and other key organisations have put (...)
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  28. Neuro rights, the new human rights.Deepa Kansra - 2021 - Rights Compass.
    The human mind has been a subject matter of study in psychology, law, science, philosophy and other disciplines. By definition, its potential is power, abilities and capacities including perception, knowledge, sensation, memory, belief, imagination, emotion, mood, appetite, intention, and action (Pardo, Patterson). In terms of role, it creates and shapes societal morality, culture, peace and democracy. Today, a rapidly advancing science–technology–artificial intelligence (AI) landscape is able to reach into the inner realms of the human mind. Technology, particularly neurotechnology enables access (...)
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  29. Understanding the right to health in the context of collective rights to self‐determination.Éliot Litalien - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):725-733.
    The obligations set by the individual right to health are likely to conflict, at least if states are its addressee, with the obligations set by the collective rights to self‐determination that certain sub‐state communities have (or should be recognized). In this paper, I argue that conceiving of the right to health and of collective rights to self‐determination as both aiming at the promotion of individual agency might help us alleviate this particular problem. To do so, I first explain how we (...)
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  30. Plato's Conception of Justice and the Question of Human Dignity: Second Edition, Revised and Extended.Marek Piechowiak - 2021 - Berlin: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.
    Contents 1 Introduction / 2 The Timaeus on dignity: the Demiurge’s speech / 3 Justice as a virtue / 4 The content of just actions / 5 Justice of the law and justice of the state / 6 Equality / 7 Some key issues in Plato’s conception of justice / 7.1 What is more excellent—justice of the soul or justice of action? / 7.2 Which activity is best and what is its best object? / 7.2. Just actions over contemplation / (...)
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  31. Is there a Human Right to Subsistence Goods?Cristián Rettig - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Research 46:243-260.
    The much-discussed “claimability objection” holds that it is unjustified to believe that all individuals have a human right to subsistence because the bearers of the correlative duties are not sufficiently determined. This argument is based on the so-called “claimability-condition”: S has a right to P if and only if the duty-bearer is sufficiently determined. Practice-based theorists defend the human right to subsistence by arguing that if we take the existing human rights practice seriously, there is no indeterminacy about the allocation (...)
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  32. Minimalism, Determinacy, and Human Rights.Robert Mark Simpson - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 34 (1):149-169.
    Many theorists understand human rights as only aiming to secure a minimally decent existence, rather than a positively good or flourishing life. Some of the theoretical considerations that support this minimalist view have been mapped out in the philosophical literature. The aim of this paper is to explain how a relatively neglected theoretical desideratum – namely, determinacy – can be invoked in arguing for human rights minimalism. Most of us want a theory of human rights whose demands can be realized, (...)
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  33. From concept to conceptions: Can the Broad View overcome the debate between orthodox and political theories of human rights?Daniel P. Corrigan - 2020 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (3):417-425.
    In Humanity Without Dignity, Sangiovanni offers an interesting new approach to human rights theory called the “Broad View” of human rights. The BV involves an innovative attempt to overcome th...
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  34. El consentimiento informado del paciente como derecho fundamental y como derecho subjetivo.Noelia Martínez Doallo - 2020 - Dissertation, Facultad de Derecho, Universidade da Coruña
    El consentimiento informado del paciente se inserta en el ámbito de su autonomía decisoria. Aunque presenta un sustrato corporal, este aparece combinado con elementos de índole moral que presuponen una noción concreta de persona como libre y autónoma. Tanto de las definiciones doctrinales como del material normativo se desprende que se trata de una posición jurídica subjetiva del paciente, alternativamente calificada como una “pretensión” o “derecho subjetivo en sentido estricto”, en términos hohfeldianos; un “derecho negativo de defensa”, o una “inmunidad”. (...)
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  35. Carens’s Cantilever Argument: Global Freedom of Movement, Logical Necessity and the Burden of Proof.Düring Jeremias & Luft Constantin - 2020 - In Matthias Hoesch & Nadine Mooren, Joseph Carens: Between Aliens and Citizens. Springer. pp. 161-179.
    In this article we discuss the so-called cantilever argument, used by Joseph Carens to establish a human right to global freedom of movement. First of all, we criticise Carens’s classification of the argument as both an “analogy” and a “logical extension”. Comparing the cantilever argument with Carens’s popular feudalism analogy suggests understanding it solely as an extension, but certainly not as a “logical” one. Finally, we sketch out whether, by means of the cantilever, he succeeds in shifting the burden of (...)
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  36. Anat Biletzki: Philosophy of Human Rights. A Systematic Introduction: New York/london: Routledge, 2020. Paperback (ISBN: 978-1-138-78735-3) € 145 / Hardback (ISBN: 978-1-138-78734-6) € 39. 260+xxiv pp. [REVIEW]Matthias Katzer - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (3):691-693.
  37. Actualizing Human Rights: Global Inequality, Future People, and Motivation.Jos Philips - 2020 - London: Routledge.
    This book argues that ultimately human rights can be actualized, in two senses. By answering important challenges to them, the real-world relevance of human rights can be brought out; and people worldwide can be motivated as needed for realizing human rights. Taking a perspective from moral and political philosophy, the book focuses on two challenges to human rights that have until now received little attention, but that need to be addressed if human rights are to remain plausible as a global (...)
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  38. Suicidio per democrazia – un necrologio per l'America e il mondo (2019).Michael Richard Starks - 2020 - In Benvenuti all'inferno sulla Terra: Bambini, Cambiamenti climatici, Bitcoin, Cartelli, Cina, Democrazia, Diversità, Disgenetica, Uguaglianza, Pirati Informatici, Diritti umani, Islam, Liberalismo, Prosperità, Web, Caos, Fame, Malattia, Violenza, Intellige. Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press. pp. 282-324.
    L'America e il mondo sono in procinto di collassare a causa dell'eccessiva crescita demografica, la maggior parte per il secolo scorso, e ora tutto questo, a causa della gente del terzo mondo. Il consumo di risorse e l'aggiunta di altri 4 miliardi di ca. 2100 crolleranno la civiltà industriale e porterà alla fame, alle malattie, alla violenza e alla guerra su scala impressionante. La terra perde almeno l'1% del suo suolo superiore ogni anno, così come si avvicina a 2100, la (...)
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  39. The Link between Subsistence and Human Rights.Jesse Tomalty - 2020 - In Thom Brooks, The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 183-198.
    This paper constitutes an exploration and evaluation of the so-called ‘linkage argument' in support of the inclusion of a right to subsistence among human rights. While it is uncontroversial that avoiding poverty is hugely important for all humans, the human right to subsistence and other socio-economic human rights are often regarded as social goals rather than genuine rights. The linkage argument aims to show that a commitment to the existence of any human rights at all entails a commitment to the (...)
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  40. Problém založení a legitimizace lidských práv.Miroslav Vacura - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (7):513-526.
    Lidská práva jsou v současné době předmětem řady komplexních otázek, které jsou politické, sociální či právní povahy. Abychom na otázky mohli smysluplně odpovídat, musíme brát ohled i na obecnější filosofické souvislosti a mít jasnější představu o tom, co lidská práva jsou a na jakých základech stojí. V předkládaném textu si klademe otázku, zdali máme v současné době k dispozici plně filosoficky fundovanou koncepci založení a legitimizace lidských práv. Předkládáme postupně různé současné přístupy, které jsou kandidáty na řešení tohoto problému a (...)
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  41. Economic Rights as Human Rights: Commodification and Moral Parochialism.Daniel Attas - 2019 - In Jahel Queralt & Bas van der Vossen, Economic Liberties and Human Rights. New York, USA: Routledge Press.
    Human rights are a construct of international law. Their legitimacy depends on them being informed by the deep-seated fact of global cultural pluralism and the concern of establishing a system that recognizes this pluralism, transcends a narrow parochial perspective and thus avoids the accusation of cultural or moral colonialism. There are two broad strategies to do this: by invoking an individualist-moral conception of HR designed to promote well-being and by invoking a social-political conception of HR aimed at preserving world peace (...)
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  42. Are International Human Rights Universal? – East-West Philosophical Debates on Human Rights to Liberty and Health.Benedict S. B. Chan - 2019 - In Elisa Grimi & Luca Di Donato, Metaphysics of Human Rights. 1948-2018. On the Occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the UDHR. Vernon Press. pp. 135-152.
    In philosophical debates on human rights between the East and the West, scholars argue whether rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other international documents (in short, “international human rights”) are universal or culturally relative. Some scholars who emphasize the importance of East Asian cultures (such as the Confucian tradition) have different attitudes toward civil and political rights (CP rights) than toward economic, social, and cultural rights (ESC Rights). They argue that at least some international human rights (...)
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  43. Review of Rowan Cruft, S. Matthew Liao, and Massimo Renzo (Eds.), Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. [REVIEW]Robert Mark Simpson - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (4):517-520.
    This is a review of a long, comprehensive, and mostly very good collection of philosophical essays on human rights. I briefly summarise the main ideas put forward in some of the essays that I most admired in the collection. While the collection includes essays from proponents of a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, I suggest in my review that the collection's overall function is to serve as a kind of demonstrative rejoinder to those philosophers, like Raz, who argue (...)
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  44. (3 other versions)Suicide by Democracy - an Obituary for America and the World 3rd Edition.Michael Starks - 2019 - Las Vegas, NV USA: Reality Press.
    America and the world are in the process of collapse from excessive population growth, most of it for the last century, and now all of it, due to 3rd world people. Consumption of resources and the addition of 4 billion more ca. 2100 will collapse industrial civilization and bring about starvation, disease, violence and war on a staggering scale. The earth loses at least 1% of its topsoil every year, so as it nears 2100, most of its food growing capacity (...)
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  45. Praxis und Idee im Widerstreit. Naturalismus, Konstruktivismus und Dekonstruktivismus in der Philosophie der Menschenrechte.Markus Wolf - 2019 - In Peter Wiersbinski, Martin Weichold, Jan Marschelke, Falk Hamann, Matthias Kopp & Dennis-Kenji Kipker, Der normative Druck des Faktischen (Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (ARSP): Beihefte; Neue Folge, 156). pp. S. 229 - 245.
    Sind die Menschenrechte primär Ausdruck einer politischen Praxis und die Idee der Menschenrechte eine Art „Überbau“, den die Praxis epiphänomenal hervorbringt? Oder ist die Praxis der Menschenrechte das Ergebnis der Verwirklichung einer normativen Idee, die unabhängig von ihr existiert? Ist die Idee der Menschenrechte die Bedingung dafür, dass es die Praxis der Menschenrechte geben kann? Oder gibt es einen Vorrang der Praxis vor der Idee? In meinem Aufsatz argumentiere ich für zwei These: 1. These: Menschenrechte sind prinzipiell unabhängig von jeder (...)
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  46. Human Rights and Restorative Justice.Theo Gavrielides Et Al Theo Gavrielides (ed.) - 2018 - London: RJ4All Publications.
    Human rights and restorative justice are rarely brought under the same spotlight despite their normative similarities. In fact, this gap becomes even more apparent when put in the context of policy and practice internationally. Firstly, there is a developing gap between public perception and evidence-based depiction of crime. Secondly, scholarly debates are rarely reflected in criminal justice policy and legislation. This failure has an impact on recidivism, the spiralling costs of penal interventions, but most importantly on how we view our (...)
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  47. Human Dignity and Human Rights.Pablo Gilabert - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Human dignity: social movements invoke it, several national constitutions enshrine it, and it features prominently in international human rights documents. But what is human dignity, why is it important, and what is its relationship to human rights? -/- This book offers a sophisticated and comprehensive defence of the view that human dignity is the moral heart of human rights. First, it clarifies the network of concepts associated with dignity. Paramount within this network is a core notion of human dignity as (...)
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  48. Humanism and Cruelty in Williams.Lorenzo Greco - 2018 - In Sophie Grace Chappell & Marcel van Ackeren, Ethics Beyond the Limits: New Essays on Bernard Williams' Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 84-103.
  49. Total Collapse: The Case Against Responsibility and Morality.Stephen Kershnar - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Moral responsibility and morality lie at the heart of how we view the world. In our daily life, we feel responsibility-related emotions: gratitude, pride, love, forgiveness, resentment, indignation, and shame. We love those who freely and reciprocally love us. Also, we feel that people act rightly or wrongly, make the world better or worse, and are virtuous or vicious. These policies are central to our justifying how we see the world and treat others. In this book, I argue that our (...)
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  50. Why it is Disrespectful to Violate Rights: Contractualism and the Kind-Desire Theory.Janis David Schaab - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (1):97-116.
    The most prominent theories of rights, the Will Theory and the Interest Theory, notoriously fail to accommodate all and only rights-attributions that make sense to ordinary speakers. The Kind-Desire Theory, Leif Wenar’s recent contribution to the field, appears to fare better in this respect than any of its predecessors. The theory states that we attribute a right to an individual if she has a kind-based desire that a certain enforceable duty be fulfilled. A kind-based desire is a reason to want (...)
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