Contemporary Pragmatism

ISSNs: 1572-3429, 1875-8185

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  1.  5
    Is Dewey’s Aesthetics Critical? A Reflection on the Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Art from a Deweyan Perspective.Andrea Fiore - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (4):381-398.
    This paper addresses the issue of the relationship between technology and art in human existence from a Deweyan perspective. The central idea is that Dewey’s aesthetics is a useful instrument for critically reflecting on that issue. Starting from the tenets of Dewey’s aesthetics, the discourse focuses on “imaginative recovery” and “inhabiting,” two key notions for interpreting and managing technology from an aesthetic perspective. The article seeks an answer to the question of whether new technology (particularly ai) is a useful tool (...)
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  2. Rorty and Bernstein in Conversation: Where do Things Stand?Joshua Fischel - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (4):341-356.
    This essay seeks to clarify where things stand between Richard Bernstein and Richard Rorty, given the fact that both drew their philosophical inspiration in part from the work of John Dewey. Is Bernstein right that the disagreements over Dewey’s legacy are significant enough to matter? Is Rorty’s restrained and infrequent responses to Bernstein’s criticism’s an indication that any disagreements between them, from Rorty’s vantage point at least, make no difference that makes a difference? Or Is it the case, ultimately, that (...)
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  3.  2
    John Dewey’s Educational Philosophy and Experience for Current Vietnamese Education.Kien Thi Pham - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (4):399-415.
    The 4.0 industrial revolution, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence, demands that people innovate their thinking, acquire new experiences, and adapt to emerging professions. Consequently, countries are actively reforming their education systems to cultivate creative capacities and foster adaptability to innovation. Educational programs must provide learners with new professional experiences and ensure equal access to education. John Dewey articulated these principles in his educational philosophy. Today, Dewey’s philosophy and pragmatism continue to influence global education profoundly. However, the international context requires (...)
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    Indirect Verification and Historical Inquiry as a Parasitic Epistemic Practice.Jong–pil Yoon - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (4):357-380.
    This paper explores indirect verification in pragmatism and its impact on historical inquiry. Indirect verification, as articulated by William James and John Dewey, addresses the challenge of historical knowledge within pragmatism by confirming ideas about past events based on the consistency among their present effects, the ideas themselves, and anticipated future consequences. The paper identifies and discusses key challenges related to indirect verification, such as the ‘coherence verification fallacy,’ the ‘dilemma of interpreting historical consequences,’ and the issue of ‘methodological indirect (...)
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    Karl Llewellyn as Pragmatist.Brian E. Butler - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):324-339.
    In this article my aim is to see Karl Llewellyn as a member of the central pragmatist canon. Further, I see Llewellyn not only as a “Legal Pragmatist,” but also as developing a full pragmatist philosophy of law. Reading Llewellyn as a pragmatist would greatly add to an extended understanding of early pragmatism. This would show a strong influence of pragmatic thought within the legal academy.. Second, adding Llewellyn to the pragmatist canon would help show pragmatism in action in the (...)
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  6.  8
    A Pragmatic Account of Cultural Theory.Pablo Garcés-Velástegui - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):257-286.
    Sociocultural diversity is notoriously challenging to study. Sociocultural viability theory has proven influential in research and practice positing that 1) consists of four primary ways of perceiving, organizing and justifying social relations; and, 2) complex problems are likely to be solved by harnessing all ways of life, whereas attempts based on fewer are doomed to fail. However, the theory lacks elaboration of its philosophical underpinnings, leading to misunderstandings and confusion. This paper offers a pragmatic account of the theory. Based on (...)
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  7.  17
    From Knowability to Conjecturability, and Back Again.Jan Heylen & Kristine Grigoryan - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):287-298.
    Chiffi and Pietarinen (2020) argue that the knowability paradox disappears if we adopt the concept of conjecturability instead of knowability within the framework of Peirce’s theory of science. They make two main claims: first, conjecturability plays an all-important role in scientific inquiry and it explains better scientific progress than knowability; second, conjecturability does not produce aparadox akin to the knowability paradox. However, based on our reading of Peirce, we contend that knowability plays an important role in scientific inquiry and progress. (...)
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  8. On the Legitimate Means for Political Action: John Dewey and the Spectator’s View on Politics.Coen Schuckink Kool - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):299-323.
    As public concern over governmental inaction on climate change grows, it becomes vital to answer the Question of Legitimate Means: what actions can political actors legitimately take to pursue their goals? This paper argues that a particular understanding of the political realm, which I will call the spectator’s view on politics, prevents theorists from confronting this question. Using the philosophy of Noortje Marres, I will demonstrate that the spectator’s view posits a transcendental goal to politics, subordinating any means to the (...)
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  9.  9
    Resonant Experience: An Exploration of the Relational Nature of Meaning and Value.Nathaniel F. Barrett - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):236-256.
    This paper examines the common notion of “resonant experience”—an experience marked by extraordinarily rich, powerful, or deep meaning—as a manifestation of the relational nature of meaning and value. I propose to define resonance as an enhanced feeling of the relational context in which experience is determined, and I then proceed to show how this concept of resonance can be used to understand the experience of enriched meaning and value in art. This exploration of resonance is inspired by William James’s claim (...)
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  10.  13
    Democracy as Communication: Towards a Normative Framework for Evaluating Digital Technologies.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):217-235.
    Are current digital technologies supporting democracy? Answering that question depends, among other things, on what is meant by democracy. This article mobilizes a communicative conception of democracy. While it is generally accepted that communication is important for democracy, there are directions in democracy theory that understand communication as not merely instrumental but as central to what democracy is and should be. Inspired by Dewey, Habermas, and Young, this paper articulates a conception of democracy as communication. It is then argued that (...)
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  11.  10
    Pragmatism as a Compatible Theoretical Lens for Mixed Methods Research in Prehospital Care.Kate Emond, Melanie Bish & George Mnatzaganian - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):177-189.
    This study extends on work investigating the increased application of mixed methods research in prehospital care. The complexity and diversity of the prehospital environment warrants flexibility and applicability to guide the research process, yet little attention has focused on the theoretical lens used in prehospital research when using mixed methods research. Pragmatism’s characteristics of human inquiry, problem solving, and action align with a clinical reasoning approach, supporting the prehospital researchers epistemological understanding of the world. Through further exploration of this alignment, (...)
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  12.  22
    Jane Addams and the Limits of Sympathy. Failures, Corrections, and Lessons to be Learned.Livio Mattarollo & Matteo Santarelli - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):155-176.
    Jane Addams takes sympathetic knowledge as a key concept for her moral and political philosophy. However, regarding the classical objections to sympathy as a foundation for morality and democracy, some theoretical remarks are still needed. In this article we aim at showing that the main problem is not due to the absence but to the qualitative import of sympathy in democratic societies. To achieve this goal, we firstly consider Addams’ idea of sympathetic knowledge in light of the influence of social (...)
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  13.  17
    Postpragmatism: Quine, Rorty, and a thoroughgoing Atheoreticism.Albert Piacente - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (2):190-216.
    This paper develops the pragmatic “atheoreticism” of Quine and Rorty. A position I dub “postpragmatism”—paralleling the post phases of modernism and humanism—my purpose here is to bring to a culmination what Quine and Rorty started decades before. By doing so, I argue, it becomes possible for Quine, and more so Rorty, to avoid the most common critiques of their atheoretic form of pragmatism. Chief among them, that it is mired in self-contradiction. Rather than rely upon theory to justify atheoreticism—the very (...)
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  14.  42
    Dewey and Bentley’s Knowing and the Known.Laurence Heglar - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):53-76.
    The book that Dewey co-authored with Arthur Bentley, Knowing and the Known, has long resisted coherent interpretation in relation to his previous work. This article suggests that we look at his work from a methodological rather than a metaphysical point of view. This requires looking first at what he was doing with his concepts and only secondly to their content. The whole purpose of his philosophy was to construct an account which, when used, would draw our attention to observable phenomena (...)
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  15.  17
    Between Doing and Saying ‘We’ – On Analytic Pragmatism and the Progressive Development of Plural Self-Expression.Patrizio U. E. Lo Presti - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):120-153.
    What do we do when we say ‘We’? This paper pursues a response from analytic pragmatism. The guiding idea of analytic pragmatism is to look to what one must implicitly know how do to be able to use expressions to say something, including how to make that implicit know-how explicit. Accordingly, the question we are tasked to answer is what one must know how to do to say ‘We’ – that is, what practical know-how saying ‘We’ requires and can be (...)
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  16.  33
    Contingency without Rorty. Dewey and Addams on Art as Resistant Reconstruction.Nicola Ramazzotto - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):100-119.
    The purpose of this paper is to address Rorty’s critique of Dewey’s notion of experience and to reaffirm a view in which the call to experience is indispensable for a genuinely contingent philosophy. In the first part, I analyze Rorty’s critique of Dewey and show its inconsistency. In the second part, I draw a comparison between their aesthetic views and argue that a true aesthetic experience must consist in the cultivation and creative transfiguration of situational resistances. In the third part, (...)
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  17.  26
    A Deweyan Defense of Truth and Fallibilism.Frank X. Ryan - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):5-52.
    Scott Aiken and Thomas Dabay contend that a satisfactory account of truth is both infallibilist and antiskeptical. Externalist correspondence theories, they say, preserve the infallibility of the truth-relation yet invite skeptical qualms. In tying truth to experience, pragmatist theories resist skeptical challenges, but embrace a fallibilism that renders their account of truth inconsistent and even incoherent. While agreeing with Aiken and Dabay that externalist accounts are vulnerable to skepticism, I dispute each of the four arguments they offer against pragmatist fallibilism. (...)
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  18.  51
    Dewey, Adorno, and Pragmatist Aesthetics.Ulf Schulenberg - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):77-99.
    Pragmatist aesthetics has not yet reached its full potential. This is primarily due to the legacy of John Dewey’s aesthetics. In order to confront the shortcomings and insufficiencies of his aesthetics, pragmatist aestheticians ought to establish a dialogue with continental aesthetics. The attempt to clarify what pragmatist aesthetics can learn from Theodor W. Adorno’s materialist aesthetics is still a desideratum. This essay focuses on two aspects. First, it shows that pragmatist aestheticians can use Adorno’s modern aesthetics in order to gain (...)
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  19.  9
    (1 other version)Editorial Note.John Shook - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (1):1-4.
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