The article presents the conditions for the self-deployment of a globalized world as a set of complex of social systems under conditions of instability. The globalized world as a self-deployment of complex of hierarchical systems under conditions of uncertainty, information stochasticity and "balancing on the brink of chaos" is an integral part of increasing the efficiency of the management system as a whole. The main purpose of the article is the conceptualization of the self-deployment of the globalized world as a set of complex social systems under conditions of stochasticity and "balancing on the verge of chaos”. The term "self-deployment" of complex social systems under conditions of uncertainty and instability reveals the transitions of quality from one state to another. Used methodology - systemic, structural-functional and synergetic methods and approaches that allow to analyze the conditions of instability and uncertainty. The synergetic-reflexive model of management as a complex social system consists of a set of nonlinear processes, in particular dynamic chaos as some of the most complex ordering. The research is based on the following objectives: to reveal the essence of self-deployment and its main stages; determine the role played by autopoiesis in the structuring of social systems as integral units. On the basis of the proposed methods, the conceptual-categorical apparatus necessary for the conceptualization of the self-deployment of the globalized world as a complex of complex social systems is clarified. the synergetic-reflexive model of control necessary for solving problems of stochastic, uncertainty and "balancing on the edge of chaos" is analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research in identifying the ways to overcome disorganization, instability, "balancing on the verge of chaos" and the transition to a stable stage in the development of the social system. This allows us to conclude that the basis of self-deployment of the globalized world as a set of complex social systems is autopoiesis, self-regulation and self-organization, which are aimed at solving problems of uncertainty, information stochasticity and "balancing on the verge of chaos"