Results for 'Sergey Petrov'

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  1.  25
    The relationship between religious beliefs and coping with the stress of COVID-19.Aleksandr Petrov, Andrey Poltarykhin, Natalia Alekhina, Sergey Nikiforov & Sarbinaz Gayazova - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    Recently, we have faced the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 in the world, which has attracted the attention of all people. Stress has become a word familiar to all people. The stressors of life are relatively clear and some of them cannot be eliminated by humans. One of the stressors in the life of humans is the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctors believe that the virus is controllable but its prevalence is quicker and deadlier than other viruses. In addition, the virus (...)
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    Toward a non-economistic understanding of higher education as a public and private good for the public good.John E. Petrovic - 2025 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 57 (2):138-151.
    This article defines a public good, arguing that higher education should be considered a public good. This requires moving away from an orthodox economistic understanding of public goods. It also requires understanding the relationship between higher education as both a private good and a public good to the extent that it promotes individual flourishing necessary to the public good.
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  3. Introduction.Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield - 2024 - In Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield (eds.), Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    The Open Past: Subjectivity and Remembering in the Talmud.Sergey Dolgopolski - 2012 - New York: FUP.
    The Open Past challenges a view of time that has dominated philosophical thought for the past two centuries. In that view, time originates from a relationship to the future, and the past can be only a fictitious beginning, the necessary phantom of a starting point, a chronological period of "before." This view of the past has permeated the study of the Talmud as well, resulting in the application of modern philosophical categories such as the "thinking subject," subjectivity, and temporality to (...)
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    Operational Restrictions in General Probabilistic Theories.Sergey N. Filippov, Stan Gudder, Teiko Heinosaari & Leevi Leppäjärvi - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (8):850-876.
    The formalism of general probabilistic theories provides a universal paradigm that is suitable for describing various physical systems including classical and quantum ones as particular cases. Contrary to the usual no-restriction hypothesis, the set of accessible meters within a given theory can be limited for different reasons, and this raises a question of what restrictions on meters are operationally relevant. We argue that all operational restrictions must be closed under simulation, where the simulation scheme involves mixing and classical post-processing of (...)
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    The Two Sorts of Hesychast Ethics.Sergey S. Horujy - 2019 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 57 (1):40-69.
    This article presents a systematic reconstruction of the original ethics created by the tradition of Orthodox hesychasm. Analysis reveals that the tradition has developed two very different kinds o...
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    Kant and Solovyov: Convergences and Divergences. Report of the International Conference А.Sergey V. Lugovoy - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (4):83-95.
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    Economic Security as a Scientific Category: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect of Research.Sergey Efimovich Metelev - 2015 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I 39 (2):81-91.
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    (1 other version)Basic theory of human origin based on Hegel’s philosophy.Sergey Peruanskiy - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):559-565.
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  10. Istoriko-filosofskie issledovanii︠a︡.M. K. Petrov - 1996 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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    Matematička fenomenologija.Mihailo Petrović & Dragan V. Trifunović - 1998 - Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. Edited by Dragan V. Trifunović.
  12. National Philosophies and European Philosophy.Ruzica Petrovic - 2004 - In Sonya Kaneva (ed.), Challenges Facing Philosophy in United Europe: Proceedings, 23rd Session, Varna International Philosophical School, June, 3rd-6th, 2004. Iphr-Bas. pp. 62.
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    Understanding Chinese Concept of “Face”: The Limits of F. Fukuyama’s Approach to the Problem of Identity.Sergey A. Prosekov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (12):107-121.
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  14. Iamblichus' response to Aristotle's and Pseudo-Archytas' theories of time.Sergey Trostyanskiy - 2018 - In Sotiris Mitralexis & Marcin Podbielski (eds.), Christian and Islamic philosophies of time. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
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    Enumerations in computable structure theory.Sergey Goncharov, Valentina Harizanov, Julia Knight, Charles McCoy, Russell Miller & Reed Solomon - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (3):219-246.
    We exploit properties of certain directed graphs, obtained from the families of sets with special effective enumeration properties, to generalize several results in computable model theory to higher levels of the hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Families of sets with such enumeration features were previously built by Selivanov, Goncharov, and Wehner. For a computable successor ordinal α, we transform a countable directed graph into a structure such that has a isomorphic copy if and only if has a computable isomorphic copy.A computable structure is (...)
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  16.  40
    A General Framework for $$ {FDE}$$ FDE -Based Modal Logics.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (6):1281-1306.
    We develop a general theory of FDE-based modal logics. Our framework takes into account the four-valued nature of FDE by considering four partially defined modal operators corresponding to conditions for verifying and falsifying modal necessity and possibility operators. The theory comes with a uniform characterization for all obtained systems in terms of FDE-style formula-formula sequents. We also develop some correspondence theory and show how Hilbert-style axiom systems can be obtained in appropriate cases. Finally, we outline how different systems from the (...)
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  17.  38
    Tarskian consequence relations bilaterally: some familiar notions.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5213-5240.
    This paper is dedicated to developing a formalism that takes rejection seriously. Bilateral notation of signed formulas with force indicators is adopted to define signed consequences which can be viewed as the bilateral counterpart of Tarskian consequence relations. Its relation to some other bilateral approaches is discussed. It is shown how David Nelson’s logic N4 can be characterized bilaterally and the corresponding completeness result is proved. Further, bilateral variants of three familiar notions are considered and investigated: that of a fragment, (...)
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  18.  22
    Get Noticed to Get Ahead: The Impact of Personal Branding on Career Success.Sergey Gorbatov, Svetlana N. Khapova & Evgenia I. Lysova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Personal Branding: Interdisciplinary Systematic Review and Research Agenda.Sergey Gorbatov, Svetlana N. Khapova & Evgenia I. Lysova - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:410466.
    Personal branding has become an important concept in management literature in recent years. Yet, with more than 100 scholarly papers published on the concept to date, it has developed into a fragmented area of research with a diversity of definitions and conceptual boundaries. This paper posits that this heterogeneity of extant research impedes theoretical and empirical advancement. To strengthen the foundation for future work, we review the extant literature and offer an integrative model of personal branding. Through our systematic literature (...)
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  20.  38
    The Dynamics of Perceptual Learning: An Incremental Reweighting Model.Alexander A. Petrov, Barbara Anne Dosher & Zhong-Lin Lu - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):715-743.
  21.  50
    Unification in linear temporal logic LTL.Sergey Babenyshev & Vladimir Rybakov - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (12):991-1000.
    We prove that a propositional Linear Temporal Logic with Until and Next has unitary unification. Moreover, for every unifiable in LTL formula A there is a most general projective unifier, corresponding to some projective formula B, such that A is derivable from B in LTL. On the other hand, it can be shown that not every open and unifiable in LTL formula is projective. We also present an algorithm for constructing a most general unifier.
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    Ardaradatutʻyun: khghchi u banakanutʻyan andradardzner.Sergey Abrahamyan - 2007 - Erevan: Iravunkʻ.
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    Phase pseudowaves and interference on a resonator: to the question of the nature of light and quantum interference.Sergey A. Belozerov - 2012 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 19 (3):193.
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    The Tantalus’ Torments of Transcendentalism.Sergey Chernov - 2021 - Studies in Transcendental Philosophy 2 (2).
    Kant’s manuscripts of 1796–1803, which the Academic German edition of his works combined in 21–22 volumes of under the invented by H. Vaihinger name ‘Opus postumum’, still attract the attention of researchers. Was there really a significant theoretical “gap” in the system of Kant's “critical”, transcendental philosophy, which built by 1790, needed to be filled, namely, to undertake a conceptual "transition" from the already constructed a priori metaphysics of corporeal nature (metaphysical principles of natural science) to experimental mathematical physics, to (...)
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    Umwelt as life world of living being.Sergey V. Chebanov - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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    Disentangling Structural Connectives or Life Without Display Property.Sergey Drobyshevich - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (2):279-303.
    The work is concerned with the so called display property of display logic. The motivation behind it is discussed and challenged. It is shown using one display calculus for intuitionistic logic as an example that the display property can be abandoned without losing subformula, cut elimination and completeness properties in such a way that results in additional expressive power of the system. This is done by disentangling structural connectives so that they are no longer context-sensitive. A recipe for characterizing structural (...)
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  27.  48
    Современные проблемы физики. В поисках новых принципов (The Problems of Modern Physics. Searching For New Principles).Sergey G. Fedosin - 2007
    ISBN 978-5-86007-556-6. (in Russian). -/- In the book we can find the analysis of some closely related problems – of the origin and essence of life, the universal world process and the global evolution. Examination of fractal nature of carriers through the distribution of terrestrial and space objects on the steps of scale staircase, depending on the masses and sizes, shows an appropriate relationship with the masses and sizes of live organisms. One of the conclusions is the complementarity of living (...)
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  28.  12
    Філософський аналіз телеіндустрії: від дискурсу домінантних структур до домінування дискурсу.Sergey Gulevsky - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 5:66-79.
    Статтю присвячено розгляду телеіндустрії під філософським кутом зору. Зокрема, здійснено аналіз критичних теорій щодо економічних основ телеіндустрії, її функціонування як медіа та особливості означування у соціокультурному просторі. Розглянуто концепції масової культури Макса Горкгаймера і Теодора Адорно, дослідження інструментального характеру мас-медіа Гербертом Маркузе, суспільства спектаклю Гі Дебора, телематичного екрану Жана Бодріяра, неотрайбалізму Мішеля Маффесолі. Телеіндустрія постає як один з найбільш характерних проявів масової культури, а з іншого боку – як центральний елемент сучасної культурної індустрії. Розглянуто телесеріали як один з найбільш впливових (...)
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  29.  19
    The ethical catastrophe of contemporary Russia and its foresights in Russian thought.Sergey S. Horujy - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (4):221-234.
    This paper examines the changing ethical consciousness in Russia since the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and discusses how this change was reflected in Russian religious philosophy. This process can be characterized by a series of sudden and violent replacements of contradictory ethical models, which, by disorientating the public consciousness, led to the atrophy of the ethical instinct. The last two models in the series correspond to the “anti-ethics” of the 1990s and the “non-ethics” of the third Millennium. The latter model (...)
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  30.  9
    Das grüne Projekt: zwischen Ernüchterung und Hoffnung.Madeleine Petrovic - 1994 - Wien: Holzhausen.
  31.  2
    Ecological Sustainability and Ecological Certification of Organizations: Individual Benefit or Public Commitment of Economic Sector Managers.Simeon Petrov & Tatiana Tomova - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):95-131.
    The text presents the results of a survey among 58 owners or managers of commercial companies that have sustainably implemented an environmental management system through their ISO 14001 certification. The study of management representatives is based on the understanding that business organizations play the role of intermediaries in environmental policy and the potential change of their behavior multiplies the effects of the interventions on the behavior of others - business partners, employees, and consumers. The data can be used to explain (...)
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    Fixing Education.John E. Petrovic & Aaron M. Kuntz - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (1):65-80.
    In this article we consider the material dimensions of schooling as constitutive of the possibilities inherent in “fixing” education. We begin by mapping out the problem of “fixing education,” pointing to the necrophilic tendencies of contemporary education—a desire to kill what otherwise might be life-giving. In this sense, to “fix” education is to make otherwise fluid processes-of-living static. We next point to the material realities of this move to fix. After establishing the material consequences of perpetually fixing schools, we provide (...)
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    Kli︠u︡ch k sverkhsoznanii︠u︡: vselennai︠a︡ vnutri nas.Arkadiĭ Petrov - 1999 - Moskva: Kulʹtura.
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    Kič kao sudbina.Sreten Petrović - 1997 - Novi Sad: Matica srpska.
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  35. Logicheskai︠a︡ funkt︠s︡ii︠a︡ kategoriĭ dialektiki.I︠U︡riĭ Aleksandrovich Petrov - 1972
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    Prakticheskai︠a︡ metodologii︠a︡.I︠U︡. A. Petrov - 1999 - Moskva: Dialog-MGU. Edited by A. A. Zakharov.
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    Process Philosophy.Vesselin Petrov - 2010 - Chromatikon 6:243-244.
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    Social scientists as expert witnesses in The Hague Tribunal and elsewhere.Vladimir Petrovic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (3):103-116.
    Tema rada su vestacenja drustvenih naucnika u procesima vodjenim pred Haskim tribunalom, ciji se doprinos sagledava u svetlu dugog razvoja ove prakse. Sire diskusije o sudskoj upotrebi naucnog znanja ukazuju na niz problema u regulisanju vestacenja. Analiziraju se mehanizmi kojima se u razlicitim pravnim kontekstima obezbedjuje naucna pouzdanost i procesna relevantnost vestacenja, kao i primenljivost tih mehanizama na forenzicke doprinose razlicitih drustvenih nauka. Regulisanje vestacenja u Haskom tribunalu se posmatra kao osobeno resenje cije se posledice prate kroz ucesce vestaka u (...)
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  39.  6
    The european experience of regional policy.A. Petrov - 2017 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 36 (2):96-101.
    В статті показано, що федералізм не варто розглядати як невід’ємний принцип української політичної традиції. Навпаки, його поширення в суспільно-політичній думці було зумовлене рівнем та своєрідністю національної свідомості української інтелігенції, яка, розуміючи неспроможність українців відродити власну державу, намагалася розробити найбільш відповідні суспільно-політичним обставинам політичні програми та принципи. Поряд з вказаним виявлено, що незважаючи на наднаціональний характер лібералізму, принцип федералізму не можна вважати його невід’ємним елементом, оскільки він не передбачає градації цінностей внутрішньої і зовнішньої політики, у підсумку чого, свобода особистості водночас віщує (...)
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  40.  24
    The rule of reality and the reality of the rule (on Soviet ideology and its “shift”).Petre Petrov - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 73 (4):435-457.
    The present article is a critical engagement with Aleksei Yurchak’s Everything Was Forever until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation. It contends that, as rich as Yurchak’s insights on the language culture of Brezhnev’s Stagnation have proven to be, his account ends up seriously misrepresenting the Stalinist episode in the life of Soviet ideology. This misrepresentation is due, in large part, to the problematic use of post-structuralist models, and particularly of Claude Lefort’s theorization of ideology in the modern (...)
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  41.  13
    The concept of cultural sovereignty in the structure of the Foundations of State Cultural Policy.Sergey Aleksandrovich Pilyak - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    Cultural heritage, which serves as a substratum of national identity, forms the right of the state to its own sovereignty. The substantiated proof of the possibility of independence from other cultures and nations has relatively recently entered the conceptual field of the philosophy of culture. In January 2023, significant changes made to the Foundations of the state Cultural Policy took into account the concept of cultural sovereignty and, to the necessary extent, justified its high importance for the development of the (...)
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    The applicability of the scientific method to the analysis of the philosophical and religious texts.Poroykov Sergey - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 2 (2):4-4.
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  43.  18
    Fitness Landscapes of Complex Systems: Insights and Implications On Managing a Conflict Environment of Organizations.Sergey Samoilenko - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (4).
  44.  28
    Hermeneutics of Translation and Understanding of Violence.Viktor P. Rimsky Sergey N. Borisov - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):165-176.
    The philosophical definition of violence today is “incomplete” and leaves a “gap” between the phenomenon and the concept. This is due to the fact that the concept of “violence” was/is strangely included in the general philosophical categorial line. In domestic and Western discourse, the problem field of violence contains, above all, political and ethical meanings. The problem is intuitively resolved in its appeal to the concept of “power”, which turns out to be philosophically lost in modern philosophy. Only exceptionally do (...)
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    Ideological Prolegomena of the Soviet-Russian Activity Theory.Sergey F. Sergeev - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (5):44-61.
    The article examines the system-methodological and conceptual foundations of the psychological activity theory that arose in the Soviet Union under the influence of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. The author demonstrates the process of incorporation of Marxism-Leninism dogmas into the canonical form of the activity theory as a scientific knowledge that does not need any scientific confirmation. The pseudoscientific discourse that arose at the same time served to strengthen the position of the ideologists of the bureaucratic system, who found “objective confirmations” (...)
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    Apophatic theological tradition and analytic theology: outlining conflicts and solutions.Sergey Eugenievich Sizov - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):171-178.
    The reason for writing the article was the book of the famous analytical theologian Thomas Morris "Our Idea of God", in which he writes Gregory Nazianzin in the camp of pessimistic theologians and criticizes apophatic theology. In our opinion, his criticism is devoid of solid foundations and apophaticism itself is understood one-sidedly, while with a closer examination, the conflict between rational and mystical reason can be at least noticeably reduced. The following text is devoted to the study of this problem (...)
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    Modeling linear logic with implicit functions.Sergey Slavnov - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (1):357-370.
    Just as intuitionistic proofs can be modeled by functions, linear logic proofs, being symmetric in the inputs and outputs, can be modeled by relations . However generic relations do not establish any functional dependence between the arguments, and therefore it is questionable whether they can be thought as reasonable generalizations of functions. On the other hand, in some situations one can speak in some precise sense about an implicit functional dependence defined by a relation. It turns out that it is (...)
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    Zbilja i kritika: posvećeno Gaji Petroviću.Asja Petrović, Branko Bošnjak & Gvozden Flego (eds.) - 2001 - Zagreb: Antibarbarus.
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    A text on biosemiotic themes.Sergey V. Chebanov & Anton Markoš - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (1/2):332-343.
    What follows is a two-part review of Günther Witzany’s two-part book, The Logos of the Bios. The first part of the review is written by Sergey Chebanov, and it approaches the text as a source of ideas on biosemiotics and biohermeneutics. The second part is written by Anton Markoš, and it estimates the biological pithiness of the book and the correctness of the reflection of the included data of modern biology.
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    Оптические метафоры и натурфилософские изыскания платона.Sergey Kulikov - 2015 - Schole 9 (1):81-92.
    The article defends the thesis that interpreting Plato’s natural philosophy it is useful to take the terms horatos and aoratos in two distinct meanings: “observable” and “unobservable”, and “visible” and “invisible”. This approach helps to perceive new sides of Plato’s ideas, implicitly present in the “Timaeus”, which allows interpreting it in both anthropomorphic and anti-anthropomorphic senses.
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