[author unknown]
The Council for Philosophical Studies wishes to announce its formation as of May 21, 1965. The purpose of the Council is to contribute to the advancement of scholarship and teaching in philosophy in the United States. The first responsibility of the Council will be to conduct a series of summer institutes for teachers of philosophy. The Council will bring together a faculty of five or six outstanding scholars in an area of study and some fifty or so young teachers whose research and teaching could most profit from contact with such a faculty. The first Summer Institute will be held in 1966 and its topic will be Ethics and the Philosophy of Mind. In addition to the summer institutes, the Council will support working conferences for intensive study of various problems within the profession. We envisage conferences concerned with scholarly problems amenable to cooperative treatment, areas of interdisciplinary interest, the preparation of teachers of philosophy, the role of philosophy in the undergraduate curriculum and in the high school, and problems of contemporary international and national interest to which the resources of philosophy might be brought to bear. The Council does not contemplate grants for individual research at this time. The initial work of the Council is being supported by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, with Swarthmore College as the fiscal agent for the funds.