Language of the Qur'an as an Allegorical Language in Mulla Sadra's View
In this paper, the writers argue that, when speaking of God, otherworldly affairs, the Hereafter, and, in general, non-material issues, the Qur'an adopts an allegorical language. They also emphasize that allegorical language is the only means by which one can discuss these issues and understand the Qur'anic verses and metaphorical expressions. The perception of this language requires understanding the ontology of the world and attaining the knowledge of the spirit and reality of meaning and its allegory in different worlds. Through the spirit and truth of meaning, which is present in all of its manifestations and allegories, this language leads us towards a univocal language. Mulla Sadra calls it the language of true economy as opposed to Ash'arites' language of economy. When discussing the language of the Qur'an, Mulla Sadra also criticizes the "literal" language and the language of "code and allusion"