Principles of Interpretation and Quranic Hermeneutics According To Mulla Sadra
An analysis of the different styles of the Qur'anic interpretation would of course be imperfect without alluding to the great commentator of the Holy Qur'an, namely Mulla Sadra. In feet, his method in the commentary is one of the best interpretive methods of the Holy Qur'an. Mulla Sadra 's commentary is, basically, a gnostic one; but since he was expert in all the scientific disciplines of his time, sometimes he has paid attention to some subjects that other commentators have investigated; and since he was well-versed in Arabic literature, sometimes he has discussed literary points.Mulla Sadra believes that, as the world that has three physical, otherworldly and supra-otherworldly levels, the Holy Qur'an, too, has the same spiritual and conceptual levels and degrees, since it is the " manifestation" of all these three worlds. Its first degree is of the verbal category, and all those who are familiar with Arabic, understand it. But the other degrees are spiritual, hidden or "esoteric" and understanding them is possible in a realm other than the realm of words. The knowledge, obtained by the commentator of the Holy Qur'an, is, in fact, seeing these levels through the interior senses, and in the other words, it is a sort of union with the world of being. Perhaps, according to gnostics and Mulla Sadra each person can finds a something from the Holy Qur'an, apart from those found by others. And every person finds something in the holy Qur'an, according to his/her capacity.According to Mulla Sadra, Ta'wil, in his intended meaning, is a necessity for interpretation. It has connections with the world of existence, beyond the verbal and exterior of the Holy Qur'an. There are many secrets, mysteries and meanings, which cannot be understood or explained by verbal commentary. Therefore, a true commentator has to interpret those words, i.e. to plunge into the depth of their meanings and " interiors". Ta'wil of the Holy Qur'an is not opposite to its exterior, rather it is its supplement, and the meanings of the Holy Qur'an are like the core of the seed; and its exoteric meanings and words are like the shell of seed. Ta'wil according to the Holy Qur'an, is of two kinds: the correct Ta'wil and the false one.The false Ta'wil not only keeps the commentator far from the true meaning of the Text, but also it may lead to some evils in the society. As it is written in the Holy Qur'an, those in hearts is doubt pursue, forsooth, that which is allegorical seeking dissension by seeking to interpret it hermeneutically..Ta'wil, in the correct sense of the term, u-> approaching the Holy Qur'an and plunging into its depth and different layers, and the innermost of its meanings.Mulla Sadra says that there are pre-conditions for interpreting and perceiving the depth of the meaning of the Holy Qur'an and not all people are equal to the task. The main conditions are, turning away from the material world and its enjoyments, spiritual discipline and exercises, and an intrinsic -preparedness.