Humans possess a natural and profound curiosity. This curiosity subsequently is the driving force for the emergence of philosophy. From early on, individuals realized that the world and many of the things and concepts within the world were inconceivable, which created a desire or love for wisdom. While many were interested in philosophy, pre-Socratic philosophers were more interested in determining how the world worked and its origins/cosmology, as oppose to philosophers such as Plato And Socrates who focused more on ethics or morality. Plato’s conception of God and religion can be depicted in his literatures “Euthyphro” and “The Apology” which he expresses through his writings of Socrates in dialogue formation. While one may assume that…show more content…
If he did not believe in the gods he would not feel free to express or have the comfortability to say that in public. This inner voice can surely be one of the gods, possibly the god in which he claims to be in servitude to, speaking to him.