Many adolescents begin school with a thirst for Learning. They keenly and inquisitively hunt for new or challenging tasks. Therefore, it can be extrapolated that adolescents begin school intrinsically motivated. However, over time, this thirst for learning, and hunger for academic achievement wane drastically, owing to factors such as low intelligent quotient, Lack of mechanism to act purposefully, inability to think rationally, inadvertent handling of academic tasks, poor time managcm1'11t, poor study habit and negative peer influence among others. In the Light of rids perspecrive, this study investigated time management, peer influence, and srudy habits as correlates of academic achievement motivation among adolescents in private catholic secondary schools in lbadan archdiocese.' Using a descriptive survey, a sample of 400 students were randomly drawn from four private catholic secondary schools in lbadan archdiocese. Four validated instruments were used. Also three research questions were raised and three hypotheses generated. Test of stat/sties used to test the research- questions and hypotheses at 0.05 levels of significance were Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The results show that there is relationship between the variables · . Based on thejindin study recommended that school HoinJ: adolescents should be given nee support, attention and dlrt•crion by tilt• school authorities, parents a. society to stimulate their desire to attain actldemic success in school. Keywords: Time Management, Peer Influence, Study Habits, Ace Achievement Motivation, Adolescents, Private Catholic Secondary Students, lbadan Archdiocese