Griot 25 (1):100-109 (
The objective of this article is to develop the reasons presented by Thomas Aquinas for the concept of logic to be divided in the most scientific way possible. In fact, it is for these reasons that the parts of logic distinguished as judiciative-resolutional, dialectical-inventive and sophistic are reached. They are the three parts through which all the fieri of human understanding can manifest itself in the execution of its act of knowing. Because this act of knowing is threefold, it admits and requires the division of science and art that considers it as threefold, as much as. The judicial-resolutory logic thematizes the foundation of scientific judgment; the dialectical-inventive logic considers the process of discovery of scientific judgment; and the sophistic logic approaches, in a scientific way, the production of appearances close to, more or less, truth. Therefore, this consideration and this request have led to the division of the logic into three distinct parts, explained and explained in this article.