Against the dynamic background that distinguishes modern social reality, the formation of specific social entities is clearly visible. The basis for their emergence are certain ideas. Such tendency in itself is not historically unusual. And yet it is worth paying attention to the fact that in the age of information technologies, the “ideas” factor in terms of importance has increased significantly. Such a trend should lead to the growth in the influence, social status of those strata, groups, individuals who are related to the social functioning of ideas. However, the peculiarity of the current context is that information technologies affect not only and not so much those who work with an ideal component, but society in all its diversity. Information technologies contribute to democracy and transparency in the social circulation of ideas at the stages of production, distribution and consumption. In the age of the Internet, ideas are under the additional public and individual control of doubt, criticism. Thanks to this, they manage to unite very different people, and at the same time support them in striving for personal independence.