Balogh, Roy Charles, 2007, BrainSMART Action Research Project, Nova Southeastern University, Fischler School of Education and Human Services.Increasing the Optimistic Thinking and Academic Success of Sixth Graders through the Implementation of Optimistic Thinking Skills, Self Reflection Journals, Teacher Modeling and Meditation. The Art of Optimism is one that has been utilized in eastern Asian cultures for centuries. This Action Research Project was, therefore implemented to increase the optimistic behaviors and thinking levels of students from a unique and diverse school. One goal of the project was to increase the positive thinking abilities of the learners through self-reflection. Another goal of the project was to increase test scores by using the practice of meditation before any given test. The goal for test scores during the course of this project was to have seventy-five percent of all students pass every test with a minimum test score of seventy-five percent. The research project, Improving Education through Optimism, was constructed using current brain based research. The students that participated in this research project practiced a wide variety of optimistic strategies and ideas over the course of the school year. The strategies and techniques developed and implemented by the author reflect the vast knowledge he has learned through research and the BrainSMART program. The skills presented by the author to the research participants were built upon the fundamental principle of Self-Reflection. The methods and highways used to achieve the goals of this research project were precise and direct. The author used the basis of all education, modeling, for his main vehicle to achieve optimistic behavior in his subjects. The author further used self-reflection and meditation to aid in the process. The art of self-reflection was used to achieve the goal of elevating the optimistic levels of the subjects through their ability to reflect and learn from experience. Meditation further aided in the increase of optimistic thinking by aiding in the relaxation stage prior to testing. The author's findings as posted in the scoring sheets posted in the classroom and grade book demonstrate the increase of optimistic thinking and positive mindset. Seventy-five percent or more of all sixth grade students scored a seventy-five percent or better on the majority of all tests taken thus far this school year. The results of the scoring last year were even better; with eighty percent to ninety percent of all sixth graders scoring seventy-five percent or better on their testing.Action Research Project: Optimism can it Increase Academic Success activities such as Reflection Journals, Meditation and Happy Chairs. The writer believes the program will be embraced by educators and administrators. The ability to reduce behavioral issues among the students is a strong point of positive thinking. Presenting the findings increased test scores, reduction in behavioral occurrences and positive sharing will be in the writer's opinion a great benefit to any educator. The use of this positive, optimistic program is currently being reviewed by the administration for adoption school wide during the 2008-2009 school year.