After highlighting the importance of social mission in Humboldtian university idea, this article will inquire about the relation between this mission and human agency. To do this we employ a more deduction philosophical analysis method. Clarifying the meaning of the social mission of the university, which we use here, will be the first step. According to this criterion, in the second step, we will read out the social mission of this idea. The base for this part is more the Fichte and Humboldt's texts. Finding the main elements of human agency and its relation to this idea of the university will be the main step. In this case, results show, without considering the human agency, the expansion of cultivating in society and promoting the ethical culture of a nation, will be not possible. Furthermore, it seems the main phenomenon of the human agency should be considered in the social mission of this idea, as far as we could say they are too interdependent and linked to each other. Refer to some reasons why this idea is still alive and introduce some dimensions of our society, will be present in the last section.