This submission constitutes six (core) pages in literary prose expounding the philosophy of Parmenides of Elea outside the reductionist framework based in formal logic that has become de rigeur in philosophy departments of the English language world — at least prior to Dr. Papa-Grimaldi’s research.
To this end, my paper, in chronological order, by way of introduction simulates Plato’s Parmenides; in the main body reconstructs Taran’s argument in “Much Ado About ‘Nothing,’” in Apeiron, Vol. XXXV, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 87-104; and in the final section which will be presented at the conference, breaks away into an original hermeneutics in dialogical format featuring Socrates as a guest dramatis personae charged with the task of reconstructing in a new key, on behalf of the author, Parmenides’s philosophy.