For well over a decade Inna Semetsky has been at the forefront of an effort to introduce the thought of Gilles Deleuze into educational philosophy and theory. In her (2006) book, Deleuze, Education and Becoming, she set forth a sophisticated reading of Deleuze that drew enlightening parallels between his work and that of John Dewey and his Pragmatist predecessors. In Re-Symbolization of the Self (2011), she linked Deleuze to a very different tradition—that of Jungian psychology—and argued for the integration of Jungian archetypal analysis with the hermeneutic practice of reading Tarot cards. Additionally, through a series of editorial projects, she has brought together scholars from a wide range of disciplines in research initiatives that have significantly enriched both Deleuze studies and educational theory. Now, with The Edusemiotics of Images: Essays on the Art–Science of Tarot (2013), Semetsky extends her previous work in provocative ways, integrating a dazzling array of sources ..