The religion of historicism: A way to start the debate
In this contribution the author conducts a critical reflection on Fulvio Tessitore’s book La religione dello storicismo , highlighting the marked “weberism” of the latest Tessitore’s theoretical and historical perspective. According to the author, this “weberism” comes especially from the relevance which Weber’s analyses of secularization, and of its outcomes in the acutest stage of the crisis of post-capitalist modernity, still can have. Furthermore, the author raises the question of the possible connection between the religion of historicism and the “civil religion” which – giving up the idea of a transcendent entity or the codified corpus of a revealed religion – defines itself as a place of mediation between the common feeling of a community and the “public space” in which it is possible to build a citizenship which recognizes itself into the political and legal institutions of the State