Results for 'Roberto Ballanti'

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  1. Linguaggio e destinazione etico-religiosa. L'ermeneutica in Alberto Caracciolo.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 1993 - Giornale di Metafisica 15 (1):75-112.
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    Il dilemma di Eutifrone: l'uomo, Dio, la morale.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 2022 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Religione, storia, libertà: studi di filosofia della religione.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 2014 - Napoli: Liguori editore.
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    Erudizione e teodicea: saggio sulla concezione della storia di G.W. Leibniz.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 2004 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Fede filosofica e libertà religiosa: Karl Jaspers nel pensiero religioso liberale.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 1998 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Filosofia del dialogo interreligioso.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 2020 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Il muro del paradiso: dialoghi sulla religione per il terzo millennio.Roberto Celada Ballanti - 2017 - Firenze: Lorenzo de' Medici Press. Edited by Marco Vannini.
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    Critical Ethology and Post-Anthropocentric Ethics: Beyond the Separation Between Humanities and Life Sciences.Roberto Marchesini & Marco Celentano - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    The primary purpose of this book is to contribute to an overcoming of the traditional separation between humanties and life sciences which, according to the authors, is required today both by the developments of these disciplines and by the social problems they have to face. The volume discusses the theoretical, epistemological and ethical repercussions of the main acquisitions obtained in the last decades from the behavioral sciences. Both the authors are inspired by the concept of a “critical ethology”, oriented to (...)
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    Agostinho e a “Descoberta” da Vontade: Estudo Complementar.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2020 - Dissertatio 50:27-60.
    Resumo: No presente artigo, busca-se esclarecer os conceitos agostinianos de “vontade” e “livre-arbítrio”, em especial com base no Livro I da obra De libero arbitrio. Procura-se situar a abordagem agostiniana no contexto da história filosófica do conceito de vontade, bem como detalhar aspectos próprios e específicos da primeira fase de escritos de Agostinho sobre a vontade e a liberdade em comparação com períodos posteriores. Defende-se a ideia de que a estrutura da teoria da ação livre de Agostinho é fundamentalmente apresentada (...)
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    The Problem of Position. Ajdukiewicz and Leib˙niz on Intensional Expressions.Roberto Poli - 1995 - In Vito Sinisi & Jan Woleński (eds.), The heritage of Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz. Rodopi. pp. 40--249.
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  11. The paradoxical notion of human dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (2):151-168.
  12. La Dottrina della Conoscenza nei Moderni Precursori di Kant.Roberto Ardigo - 1905 - The Monist 15:480.
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  13. Zatrważające baśnie.Roberto Calasso - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (2):152-158.
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  14. Filosofía política o pensamiento sobre la política.Roberto Esposito - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero (eds.), Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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    Il bagaglio politico degli individui: la "dinamica consuetudinaria" nella riflessione politica di Spinoza.Roberto Evangelista - 2010 - Milano: Ghibli.
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    Le logiche del male: teoria critica e rinascita della società.Roberto Mancini - 2012 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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    Per un cristianesimo fedele: la gestazione del nuovo mondo.Roberto Mancini - 2011 - Assisi: Cittadella.
  18. Law and morality an analysis of their possible relations.Roberto J. Vernengo - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:59-69.
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  19. Rodolfo Kusch, hacia una razón poética geoculturalmente situada.Roberto H. Esposto - 2016 - In José Tasat, Juan Pablo Pérez & Rodolfo Kusch (eds.), Arte, estética, literatura y teatro en Rodolfo Kusch. Sáenz Peña, Provincia de Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero.
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  20. Standard Rationality versus Inclusive Rationality: A Critical Assessment.Roberto Fumagalli - forthcoming - Behavioural Public Policy.
    This paper critically assesses Rizzo and Whitman’s theory of inclusive rationality in light of the ongoing cross-disciplinary debate about rationality, welfare analyses and policy evaluation. The paper aims to provide three main contributions to this debate. First, it explicates the relation between the consistency conditions presupposed by standard axiomatic conceptions of rationality and the standards of rationality presupposed by Rizzo and Whitman’s theory of inclusive rationality. Second, it provides a qualified defence of the consistency conditions presupposed by standard axiomatic conceptions (...)
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  21. The role and the impact of interdisciplinarity on the relational models of intervention in the doctor-patient communication.Roberto Greco - 2020 - In Jens S. Allwood, Olga Pombo, Clara Renna & Giovanni Scarafile (eds.), Controversies and interdisciplinarity: beyond disciplinary fragmentation for a new knowledge model. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  22. W. E. Johnson's determinable-determinate opposition and his theory of abstraction.Roberto Poli - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):163-196.
    A reconstruction of Johnson's main contributions to philosophy is provided. Johnson's theories are grounded on his distinction between "substantives" and "adjectives", which governs the oppositions between (1) particular and universal, (2) determinandum and determinans in thought, (3) acts of separation and discrimination, (4) subject and predicate, (5) thing and quality, (6) substance and determination, (7) proposition and fact, (8) external and internal relations, (9) extension and intension. While substantives divide between continuants and occurrents, adjectives are fundamentally distinguishable into determinables and (...)
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    A Relational Account of Moral Normativity: The Neo-Kantian Notion of We-Subject.Roberto Redaelli - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (3):303-320.
    The aim of the paper is to provide a relational explanation of the sources of moral normativity, within a Neo-Kantian framework. To this purpose, the key notions employed are those of we-society and stance-taking, developed by Neo-Kantian philosopher Heinrich Rickert. Specifically, by resorting to such notions, the paper attempts to overcome two limits ascribed to the theory of moral normativity of Ch. Korsgaard: namely W. Smith’s objection of solipsism and S. Crowell’s problem of non-deliberate action, whereby Ch. Korsgaard’s identification of (...)
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  24. El estar-en-el-mundo en general como constitución fundamental del "dasein".Roberto Gustavo Rubio - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Las Referencias a Homero en las obras de Tertuliano.Roberto López Montero - 2012 - Augustinianum 52 (1):135-153.
    This article collects quotes on Homer made by Tertullian throughout his works. The textual analysis aims to explain the reasons for these references and thus to disclose their theological value. Moreover, this study will offer an insight into Tertullian’s understanding of and access to Homer. The article therefore offers a new perspective that confirms Tertullian’s highly noteworthy theological, philosophical and literary background.
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  26. El cristianismo para hoy.Roberto Cecil Moore - 1937 - Santiago de Chile,: Imp. Siglo XX.
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    Enjeux de la question anthropologique.Roberto Nigro - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 88 (1):27-44.
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    Umbrales en el pensamiento.Roberto Ochoa - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    Desde una perspectiva que parte de las ideas de Iván Illich sobre la noción de proporcionalidad, el presente artículo hace referencia a la idea de límites o umbrales como un elemento necesario para la reconstrucción de un mundo multicultural. Pero, igualmente bajo la inspiración de Illich, se desmarca de las prácticas científico-profesionales que producen enunciados ajenos a las prácticas populares. Desde afuera y desde arriba no se puede reconstruir “un mundo en el que quepan muchos mundos”. Esto no implica que (...)
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    Filosofía de la naturaleza.Roberto Torretti - 1971 - [Santiago de Chile]: Editorial Universitaria.
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  30. Intuitive Topology.Roberto Casati - unknown
    Understanding of elementary topological equivalencies is impaired by preconceptions about the topological structure of ordinary objects, so that the equivalencies turn out to be counterintuitive. Here I will discuss some of these preconceptions, namely the dominance of gestalt properties of the visual display of the configuration, the neglect of holistic properties, the dominance of transformations the preserve metric properties over those that preserve topological properties only, the assumption that holes are objects of their own. These factors delineate an empirical research (...)
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    Rabinum istum, virum alias doctissimum Spinoza alle prese con il paradigma della tradizione aristotelico-averroistica del pensiero ebraico medievale . A partire da alcune ricerche recenti.Roberto Gatti - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (1):29-55.
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    Autorinnen und Autoren.Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli - 2017 - In Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli (eds.), Vierzig Jahre »Überwachen Und Strafen«: Zur Aktualität der Foucault'schen Machtanalyse. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 229-232.
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  33. Los fundamentos agustinianos de la moral en la "Ciudad de Dios".Roberto Noriega Fernández - 2006 - Revista Agustiniana 47 (143):197-250.
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  34. Antropologia della dipendenza: la ragione comunitaria di Alasdair MacIntyre.Roberto Frega - 2003 - Discipline Filosofiche 13 (1).
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    Fenomenología del entrecruce del cuerpo y el mundo en Merleau-Ponty.Roberto Andrés González & Gabriel Jiménez Tavira - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (145):113-130.
    Este artículo se propone abordar el fenómeno de la alteridad humana a partir de la obra de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Cabe mencionar que el tema fue asignatura pendiente en la fenomenología de Husserl. Una de las estrategias que implementa Merleau-Ponty para establecer la ¿normalidad¿ en la interacción ..
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  36. Liberalismo, pluralismo y política. Notas para una política del pluralismo.Roberto Rodríguez Guerra - 2002 - Laguna 10:167-190.
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  37. Mach nel dibattito sull'atomismo tra ottocento e novecento.Roberto Maiocchi - 1990 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 8 (1):55-64.
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  38. Università, società e politica a Napoli nell'età moderna.Roberto Mazzola - 1998 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 28:227-238.
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  39. Filosofie dell' acqua: Dal mondo fluttuante al postumano.Roberto Terrosi - 2003 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 6.
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  40. Las investigaciones "de Wittgenstein y la posibilidad de la filosofía".Roberto Torretti - 1968 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 5 (10):35.
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  41. Der Rückgang der genetischen Phänomenologie und die Naturseite der Subjektivität.Roberto J. Walton - 1998 - Recherches Husserliennes 10:51-80.
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    La métaphysique du composé humain dans la pensée scolastique préthomiste.Roberto Zavalloni - 1950 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 48 (17):5-36.
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  43. (1 other version)Coordination.Roberto Zamparelli - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 2.
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    Nietzsche and the Drama of Historiobiography.Roberto Alejandro - 2011 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    In this extraordinary contribution to Nietzsche studies, Robert Alejandro offers an original interpretation of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy viewed as a complete whole. Alejandro painstakingly traces the different ways in which Nietzsche reconfigured and shifted his analyses of morality and of the human condition, until he was content with the final result: nothing was dispensable; everything was necessary. This is a philosophy of reconciliation--hardly nihilism--and it is a perspective that is not adequately addressed elsewhere in the literature on Nietzsche. Alejandro traces (...)
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    Realtà e simulazione nel cinema degli anni '80: alla ricerca del linguaggio perduto.Roberto Alemanno - 1990 - Roma: Edizioni Associate.
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  46. Le forme ascendenti della realtà come cosa e come azione e i diritti veri dello spirito.Roberto ArdigÒ - 1912 - Rivista di Filosofia 4 (5):555.
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    O que significa infinitude formal? Uma consideração das virtuosidades da concepção de música em Schopenhauer.Roberto De Almeida Pereira de Barros - 2015 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 6 (2):16.
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  48. Cinco claves para la lectura de la filosofía de Gabriel Marcel.Roberto Jaramillo Bernal - 1987 - Universitas Philosophica 8:43-54.
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    Sui fondamenti dell'amore: studio fenomenognomico.Roberto Bertoldo - 2006 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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    La dignidad humana como principio biojurídico y como estándar moral de la relación médico-paciente.Roberto Andorno - 2019 - Arbor 195 (792):501.
    El artículo destaca la importancia de distinguir entre dos roles diversos que la noción de dignidad humana juega en bioética: uno, como principio de orden jurídico-político, y otro, como estándar moral del trato debido al paciente. Cuando la dignidad es entendida en el primer sentido, nos encontramos con un concepto muy general, que cumple un rol fundacional y de orientación de las normas relacionadas con las prácticas biomédicas. En cambio, cuando es utilizada en el segundo sentido, intenta captar la exigencia (...)
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