In this article, we tried to unveil some ethical principles of Emmanuel Levinas and how they can be connected to the ethics of the environment. Addressing the concept of infinity and its relationship with the principle of responsibility; It was later and specifically about the expansion of the face and its restriction of the conatus essendi in environmental ethics. The infinite character of responsibility, understood as a response to an appeal, implicitly involves the other who transcends everything, space and time. The recognition that human beings are interconnected to the environment is crucial for life in its entirety and is fundamental to being aware of the consequences of our actions today. Responsibility for the other is understood at the same time as otherness imposes itself and is radicalized. Just as the face of the other, hic et nunc, makes an ethical call against egocentrism, nature must be conceived by proximate otherness and establish an ethical call to responsibility towards others whose face is not yet revealed to us and which should present itself to us commanding us an answer, integrating the infinite into its ethics.