In order to enhance music education courses, the study's primary goal is to evaluate students' academic performance in music at Visayas State University (VSU). It specifically sought to establish the respondents' age, gender, educational attainment, and demographic profile. It also aimed to determine the students’ academic success in music and provide suggestions to enhance the curriculum at the Visayas State University. In the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, the students dominate the younger generation wherein they belong to the age bracket of 16-20 years old. 75% of the participants were females, which reflected the majority of the population. Most of the students only got average grades. The weak background and foundation are due to less time given to music in MAPEH as a subject. Thus, they just encountered proper music education upon reaching the tertiary level hence, lacking the basic skills necessary for them to learn and appreciate the course then and obtain higher grades.