The between as unknown
A way of approaching post existential practice is illustrated through the idea that relationships occur in the between, which is largely unknown, except as suggested by Laing, through our experience. A difficulty occurs, however, when we are not able to be grounded in our experience which could be seen as a form of ontological insecurity brought about by intolerance of unknowing. It is argued here that this intolerance can lead us to replace the possibility of our own experience with some one else’s story of their experience which is presented to us as theory, which could then be seen as an obstruction of the between. Post existentialism does not, however, discard theory but requires the ability to: firstly engage with our experience through the between, deferring the need to reach for theories; secondly question whether the ideas that do occur to us are simply a return to theory as a familiar place needed in the face of our own anxiety or dread and; thirdly remain open to where the return to such formulations becomes a way of reconstituting more of the same rather than permitting difference. Such aspects are firstly explored in terms of the relational as between and as transitional space . Secondly this is followed by a return to some existential phenomenological ideas which illustrate something of the dread of possibility as well as offering an approach which may help us to sustain attention to experience in relationship . Thirdly the postmodern is then seen to raise questions about the way knowing and language can create a binding that closes down whereas the idea of the semiotic illustrates how something threatens rupture and moves us elsewhere than intentionality. In turn too much rupture can lead to chaos thus some form of structure is seen as necessary. Here the post existential with its post phenomenology provides an intersection between existential phenomenology, psychoanalytic and postmodern thought where a between is permitted through a willingness to continually question in order to hold open rather than assimilate