Dialogo 8 (1):169-175 (
In the 21st-century pandemic world faces, the challenge of global climate change in the form of temperature increase resulting in global warming, extremely crucial for small Iceland states. States from the South Pacific region are the biggest emitters of GHG. Rules of International Environmental Law are being called upon to address the protection and preservation of each environmental media including atmospheric air as substantial media for livelihood on the planet earth. Covid 19 disease strikes human’s breathing system and it is possible, that somehow this is reasoned from changes in the climate system. Thus, the rights of humans proclaimed and established on an international scale under ECHR and 1966 Covenants on separate rights of Humans are correlated with rules of environmental law, likewise, sedentary rocks on the sea bed are connected with the deep seabed, for the sustainability of their lifecycle. If the rights to life, to private and family life are protected and respected for the enjoyment by human beings, the Rules of International Environmental law on climate change mitigation are respected and implemented simultaneously because UNFCC, Paris Agreement, and Kyoto Protocol aim to protect the global atmosphere from GHG emissions ultimately to keep life on the earth, which includes Human’s opportunity to live in a healthy environment under rights to life, private life, and family living standards. The present article tries, briefly to describe how rules of IEL on Climate Change (Hard Laws) and Human Rights Norms interrelate with each other.