An international consensus emerged in the years between 1900 and 1910 regarding the need to refocus antituberculosis efforts away from treating tuberculosis in adults and toward preventing active disease in children. This paper uses social history as a framework to explore pediatric health experiments in France (foster placement of city children with rural farm families), Germany (open‐air schools), and the United States (preventorium) for children considered ‘pretubercular’. The scientific, social, and political variables that reshaped prevailing ideas and practice with regard to TB prevention during those years are described. The creation of the first preventorium in the United States is explained and the way in which French and German pediatric prevention strategies were adapted to address a specific population considered at high risk in the United States, indigent immigrants, is detailed. For each of these three nations, nurses were central actors. Their efforts provide a unique vantage point to study the cultural dimensions of risk and prevention embedded in nursing care and the interplay between science, culture, nurses, and the state.