The Campus de la Transition is a nonprofit organization created at the end of 2017, which aims to be an ecovillage, (The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) defines an ecovillage as “an intentional, traditional or urban community that is consciously designed through locally owned, participatory processes in all four areas of regeneration (social, culture, ecology and economy) to regenerate their social and natural environments” (Global Ecovillage Network. What is an ecovillage? Global Ecovillage Network, n.d.)) an eco-campus and a networked laboratory, bringing together training, action research, academic research and publication activities. In this chapter we firstly detail four key aspects of the method that has been progressively implemented in recent years: interdisciplinarity allowing students to ask the right questions and adopt a systemic approach, holistic head-body-heart pedagogy, transformative research as well as a territorial and social anchorage. In the second part, we present the first course built from the head-body-heart perspective and the six gates of the Great Transition Handbook: the Oikonomia summer school. This 3-week course with a special emphasis on political science, finance, law and accounting brings together students from ESSEC Business School and other institutions, as well as a few young professionals. After a general presentation recallling its genesis, we outline the pedagogical targets, the team, the dynamics, some tools, the assessment methods as well as the feedback of the summer school.