In this article, we will discuss, practically pari passu, an important text of Immanuel Kant with an undeniable political dimension, from an actualized perspective: Was ist Aufkärung? We will do so without erudite preoccupations and exhaustiveness, in confrontation and inspiration from diversified and possibly heterodox sources. By limiting ourselves to questioning what today’s honnête homme can learn or learn to problematize with the philosopher of the Critique of Pure Reason from this small text that, however, has justly held the attention of several observers, such as in our time Michel Foucault. It is the present time, with its novelties and reminiscences of past epochs that we will examine, provided with the interpretive key and the spirit of a non-ethereal and hands-free Kant, as Péguy would say, but, on the contrary, a philosopher attentive to his world and explorer of the possible alternatives.