Kant y la instancia táctica de lo público. Cuestiones de gubernamentalidad
The purpose of this article is studying An Answer to the Question: ‘What is Enlightenment?’ by Immanuel Kant —a renowned text in the field of philosophy— assuming the dimension of the public as a central piece of analysis. In order to do that, the lectures of Michel Foucault on the same text are presented in the first place. Second, the diagram formed by the terms öffenlicht and Publikum is approached by pointing out their articulating elements and the tensions produced from their different uses. Finally, the uses and senses of what is public are reflected upon, while trying to characterize the current model of political rationality. This mutual operationalization between the uses of the public in the text is noticeable as a particularly relevant and pertinent instance to evaluate diverse processes and phenomena, all related to the problem of government in its political dimension