This article deals with the areas open to improvement in Turkish translations of Qur'an based on the critique of the study titled Qur'an Translation published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs. The work named Qur'an Translation has been examined in terms of expression disorder. In order to eliminate these problems, it is necessary to establish the sentences correctly in terms of grammar, being understandable, missing words or unnecessary words in the sentence, should be noted. The topics covered are compared with different translations prepared by experts who are academicians in the faculties of theology, and the difficulties that may be encountered in translating the Qur'an into Turkish, the methods by which they can be overcome, are examined, and choices they embark on in the translations and techniques. It is a necessity to translate our supreme book, whose language is Arabic, into Turkish in order to understand the divine will. However, most of the translations are insufficient and some problems are encountered especially in terms of incoherency in expression. In the article, the translation of the Kur’ân Yolu Meâli has been examined in terms of these problems, and it has also been compared with the translations prepared by academicians in theology faculties. We have some preferences among the data obtained, and accordingly, it is deemed appropriate to first determine the addressee audience and choose the method to be used in translation in accordance with the expectations of this audience. For those who do not have an Arabic background, systems such as parentheses or footnotes utilized to provide sufficient explanation about the verse, are not efficient either. Instead of these, it would be a good practice to deal with the surahs on a topic-based basis instead of verse by verse, and to elaborate on the subject with explanatory sentences in the text, not with footnotes.