The Pied Pipers of Education. Antony Flew, Digby Anderson and others. Pp. 89. The Social Affairs Unit. £2.65.“I Ought to But…”: A Philosophical Approach to the Problem of Weakness of Will in Education. By Roger Straughan. Pp. 235. Windsor: NFER‐Nelson, 1982. £10.95.The Aims of Education Restated. By John White. Pp. ix, 177. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. £8.95.’Violence and Crime in the Schools’. By Keith Baker and Robert J. Rubel (Editors). Pp. 295. Lexington, Mass., U.S.A. Lexington Books, 1980; also Farnborough, Hants. £11.50.The Challenge for the Comprehensive School, Culture, Curriculum and Community. By David. H. Hargreaves. Pp. 241. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. £4.95.Education, State and Crisis. By Madan Sarup. Pp. xiii, 137. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1982. £8.95.The B.Ed. Degree and Its Future. By D. R. McNamara and A. M. Ross. Pp. vi, 193. Lancaster: School of Education, University of Lancaster. £7.00.Straight Talk about Mental Tests. By A. R. Jensen. Pp. xiv, 269. London: Methuen, 1981. £8.95.Children, School and Society in Nineteenth‐Century England. By Anne Digby and Peter Searby. Pp. 258. London: Macmillan, 1981. Paperback £8.95.God's Gift. A Living History of Dulwich College. By Sheila Hodges. Pp. xi, 310. Heinemann, 1981. £10.50. The University of Sheffield; an Illustrated History. By M. Boylan and G. Riley. Pp. 40. University of Sheffield, 1981. £3.00.